I saw that the shovel had just been lifted and had not fallen yet

Suddenly a stone flew towards the worker's shovel and knocked the shovel down to the ground. Everyone couldn't help but stare at the source of the sound.

I saw that not far from the tombstone, Chen Yang was walking towards him, his eyes swept forward coldly.

"Brother Xiong, what's going on, what are this guy and those girls doing?"

A worker asked Brother Xiong

Brother Xiong narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Yang, "What's the matter with him, just keep digging, just hand over the boy and a few girls to me, and the boss ordered this place to be leveled today."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked in the direction of Chen Yang and stood in front of him, "Hey, don't you have your **** eyesight, didn't you see the construction going on here?"

I saw that Chen Yang ignored Brother Xiong standing in front of him, but walked towards the tombstone, with Lin Siyun and the others following closely behind him.

Chen Yang walked in front of the tombstone, crouched down and observed that there was no damage to the tombstone or nearby, and he was relieved.

"Fuck you, when what I just said was a fart, I told you not to come here!"

Brother Xiong saw that he was directly ignored by Chen Yang, he couldn't hold his face for a while, turned his face and stared at Chen Yang angrily and yelled.

Chen Yang slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes staring at Brother Xiong coldly.

At this sight, Brother Xiong suddenly felt a chill, but he quickly recovered, "What are you looking at, kid?"

Chen Yang walked slowly to Brother Xiong's face, and suddenly a ray of light in his eyes shot straight into Brother Xiong's eyes, "Who are you and what are you doing here at 700?"

I saw Brother Xiong stunned for a while, "My name is Xiong Dawei. The Oasis Group's east area project is mainly to develop this place as a real estate project, and I am the project leader here."

"I usually like pink, especially pink panties. When I get off work, I go to the women's bathroom to steal it."

It was as if a kindergartener reported himself to his home, Xiong Dawei said with a bewildered expression, and even his own private information was fully disclosed.

When did the management authority to develop this mountain tomb as a real estate was given to the Oasis Group, there are also dozens of tombs on this mountain.

Selling graves by land means buying land before going to the grave

If it is really developed into real estate, Chen Yang should also receive the news as soon as possible.

Chen Yang doesn't even have to think about it, this is definitely a tactic used by developers, forcibly demolishing and occupying, and finally giving some money to send the common people.

"It's not just pink, I usually like over fifty years old"

Xiong Dawei was still talking non-stop, but before he finished speaking, Chen Yang slapped him firmly on the face.

Seeing his eldest being beaten to the ground, more than a dozen men violently surrounded Chen Yang and the others with weapons in their hands.

"What are you doing? It's quite lively."

Suddenly, a cry came from a distance

Chapter 246: No tears without seeing the coffin

The eyes of the workers follow the trend and look at the past

I saw a woman in a black suit with a pair of black sunglasses on the bridge of her nose walking towards Chen Yang and others.

And behind the woman in black, there is a tall woman who also wears sunglasses on her eyes, but it is not difficult to observe her beauty through the sunglasses.

While Chen Yang knocked down Xiong Dawei, he also canceled his hypnosis.

Because Chen Yang didn't want to hear such a disgusting self-introduction

"It's not just 50-year-old panties, but it's not bad if there are 60-year-old panties. How could I fall to the ground!"

After the hypnosis ended, Xiong Dawei climbed up from the ground with a blank face, and he felt a burst of hotness on his face.

He stretched out his hand, and there was a burning sensation on his face, and there seemed to be something in his mouth.

I saw that two big teeth fell out of Xiong Dawei's mouth, and they were even covered with blood.

It seems that Chen Yang's slap is enough. If Chen Yang doesn't stop the hypnotic effect, he will be able to continue talking until he dies.

This scene made the four sisters of the Lin family laugh. They looked fierce just now, but now they look like tigers with their teeth pulled out.

"Yangyang, it's too hard to slap this slap."

Lin Siyu covered her mouth and smiled.

Lin Sixuan also responded, "Yeah, don't really break people's heads later."

Hearing the ridicule of the two women made the anger in Xiong Dawei's heart burn even more thoroughly.

"Brother Bear, are you alright!"

A worker walked over with a blank face and supported Xiong Dawei.

Xiong Dawei covered his bruised face, pushed the worker away, and then stared at the two big teeth in his palm, "What the **** is going on?"

The worker responded suspiciously, "Brother Xiong, you were slapped by that kid just now."

I couldn't help but think about whether Xiong Dawei was really fooled by Chen Yang's slap.

"Okay, did this kid sneak up on me just now?

Regardless of

What happened, now take this kid for Lao Tzu!"

Xiong Dawei's eyes almost burst into flames, staring at Chen Yang and shouting.

The workers who received the message clenched the tools in their hands again, and Chen Yang was ready to do it, but unexpectedly, the woman with black sunglasses suddenly shouted again, "If you dare to do something in this field, I will let you all. All crawling and rolling back"

This wave of unresolved waves rose again and again, and I saw Xiong Dawei's face turn green instantly. What wrong did he do today? The group of people in front of him hadn't solved it yet, and another group came behind him, and his face was inexplicably swollen.

These two women also caught the attention of Chen Yang and the others. Lin Siyun's eyes flashed and he whispered in Chen Yang's ear, "It's her! Yangyang is the girl we met at Grandpa Ji's before."

Chen Yang nodded, the one who came to him was Ye Han, could the woman beside Ye Han be his aunt, "Why are you here again, it's so hard for me to dig, why are you fuckin' again? Yes, do you want to die too!"

Xiong Dawei glared at Ye Han impatiently.

"I'll tell you again, get out of here, or else I'll let you go around without food."

Ye Han followed behind the woman with black sunglasses and said

Good guy, although facing a dozen or so armed with weapons, these two women in black were not at all afraid.

Xiong Dawei spit out a mouthful of phlegm, "Hey, today is really interesting. One or two of them are here to die. Who the **** are you?"

"You don't care who I am, I don't want to make things worse today, if you don't leave, I'll call Director Wang to deal with it"

The woman with black sunglasses walked in front of Xiong Dawei, took off her sunglasses and said

Although the eyes under the sunglasses are full of crow's feet, they are extraordinarily murderous.

I saw that Xiong Dawei, who was still full of air just now, was stunned when he heard the three words of Director Wang. Although his heart was full of anger, he quickly stabilized his emotions and pretended to be calm, "You still know Director Wang, who are you? who are you

Director Wang is very familiar with us, don't make trouble here."

The woman in sunglasses did not respond, but slowly walked towards Xiong Dawei. She raised her right hand and slammed it on Xiong Dawei's right face. There was no sign.

Just now, Xiong Dawei was slapped on the face by Chen Yang. The fiery energy on this face has not even faded away. This time, he was slapped heavily, and the pained Xiong Dawei's eyes were bursting with tears.

But the woman with sunglasses had no intention of closing her hand at all. The slap in her hand was so vivid, and it was several slaps against Xiong Dawei's face.

Slap! Slap! Slap—the sound echoed in the empty hills, every slap was sonorous and powerful, the fan Xiong Dawei hummed his head for a while, and was beaten by a woman without any strength to fight back.


This woman is too cruel, who is it?"

Lin Sixuan squinted her eyes and looked forward, her whole body was stunned, ordinary people really can't learn this posture, and she could feel a burning burning sensation on her face when she looked at it.

Because of this, Xiong Dawei's subordinates were all stunned, and they were stunned in place for a while, so they thought of going forward to stop them.

But before the workers stepped forward, the woman in sunglasses lifted the heel of her right high-heeled shoe and kicked it heavily on Xiong Dawei's crotch.

This time Xiong Dawei fell down completely, and his face changed from yellow to white to green, and the rainbow was not so bright.

Covering his crotch in pain, he kept rolling on the ground. If this kick hits a little, I'm afraid others will call him Sister Xiong in the future.

With a blushing face, Xiong Dawei tore his throat, "Give me a **** chop!"

The workers under him roared at the woman in sunglasses and rushed up

"Who of you dares to touch a hair of my hair today, I will let you one or two go home after this incident, Zhao!"

The woman with sunglasses snorted and swept her eyes forward

The workers were frightened by the woman's actions for a while, as if the woman's language had magical powers that made people dare not move.

"It seems that you can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. You have to have Director Wang come over to deal with it when the time comes... a few slaps will do the trick."

The woman with sunglasses looked coldly, and then took out her mobile phone from her pocket

When Xiong Dawei saw something was wrong, although he didn't know who the woman in front of him was, he couldn't help but know Director Wang, who was in charge of the jurisdiction of the nearby mountainous area.

And their project plan is completely in the first place, and if they really call Director Wang here, it will be a big deal.

After all, she is a businessman. Although she was humiliated just now, the pros and cons were calculated very quickly. Besides, the woman in front of her really couldn't figure it out.

From the momentum and the action just now, it doesn't seem like he is bluffing. Do you really know Director Wang Feilu to remind you to read three things to collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 247: Do what you need to do first

Xiong Dawei's face changed faster than a Peking Opera. Xiong Dawei, who was fierce in the last second, slowly climbed up from the ground and endured the pain in his crotch.

With a hippie smile on her face, "Hey, what are you doing? There's no need to alarm Director Wang about this.

What happened just now is that we were wrong, we apologize to you first."

After speaking, he gave a wink to the workers under him, signaling them to stop work.

The workers under him were also shocked. Xiong Dawei has always been stingy and vengeful, but he didn't expect that he would even take the initiative to apologize when he was beaten today. It seems that the woman in front of him is really not easy to mess with.

The woman in sunglasses, put down the phone in her hand and said, "Why don't you hurry up and take your teeth with you?"

Although Xiong Dawei was full of fire in his stomach, he couldn't confirm the woman's real identity for a while, so he could only accompany him with a smile and said, "Okay, but before I leave, I dare to ask, who are you?"

But I saw the woman with sunglasses and ignored her. Instead, she passed by Xiong Dawei and walked in the direction of the tombstone.

Xiong Dawei is really angry and helpless. No matter what, he is also the person in charge of this project at 700, and his hundreds of people follow his instructions. Today, he was ignored again and again, and his teeth fell out. almost gone

Seeing that he was arrogant, he waved his hand, signaling the workers to support him and leave down the mountain.

However, before leaving, Xiong Dawei turned his head to pay attention to the woman with sunglasses, and then whispered to himself, "Wait for my mother."

And all this Chen Yang and others have been watching, this middle-aged woman wearing sunglasses is not even inferior to Lin Yuyan in terms of courage and driving.

Ye Han followed behind the woman with black sunglasses, lowered her head and whispered in the woman's ear, while pointing in the direction of Chen Yang.

The woman with black sunglasses, her eyes suddenly turned towards Chen Yang, and she moved to Chen Yang's face, her eyes fixed on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also looking at the woman with black sunglasses, her outfit is very rigorous and delicate from beginning to end

On the other hand, Lin Yuyan and the others couldn't help but look puzzled. At the same time, because they saw that the clothes on the two strange women in front of them were actually black, they were all guessing something.

"Who are you?"

Lin Sixuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, looked at the woman with sunglasses, and asked

The woman with black sunglasses, stared at Chen Yang, with a gleam in her eyes, "I am Chen Yang's aunt, Chen Yang's relative"

I saw a slight trembling on Chen Yang's face. This was the first time after so many years that his parents had passed away, that he had heard someone call him a relative.

Although I had predicted it in Master Ji, but when I really saw this standing in front of me, I had an indescribable feeling.

Chen Yang's aunt! After everyone heard it, they couldn't help but

Lin Sixuan looked up and down with her big eyes wide open... The woman said, "When did Yang's little aunt, Yangyang, appear?"

Lin Siyu was also confused, "Yeah, Yangyang never told us before."

"Yangyang, what she said is true"

Lin Sihan asked

Chen Yang didn't know how to express his position for a while, this was a sudden shock for him.

Lin Yuyan was even more startled, and then quickly recovered, looking at the woman in front of her with vigilance up and down. Unlike the four sisters of the Lin family, Lin Yuyan's identity has always been Chen Yang's godmother.

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