
Hearing Ji Hong's words, Chen Yang didn't react, but Lin Siyun was extremely shocked! She is Yang Yang's aunt's cousin. That means, Yang Yang really has relatives to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!

Chapter 242: If you are well, it will be sunny

Originally, I wanted to find Chen Yang's whereabouts through the relationship of the Lin family, but now it seems that it is simply unintentional, and the whole thing seems more like a coincidence that has been arranged in advance.

"Grandpa Ji, the woman just now is really the cousin of Aunt Yangyang's family."

In order to confirm that there was no mistake, Lin Siyun couldn't help but ask again.

If it's really like what Hong Ji said, didn't he just provoked cousin Yang Yang and made her jealous, it's a bit ridiculous to think about it now

"Hahaha, I don't think this guy is in such a hurry, but you girl was in a hurry first.

Sure enough, my husband didn't bark in vain."

Ji Hong didn't answer right away, but said jokingly.

Lin Siyun is like this, he has always regarded Chen Yang's affairs as more important than everything else.

Ji Hong laughed and said, then nodded his head to confirm, "But Grandpa, I'm not so confused that I can make mistakes like this, that woman is indeed this young man's relative."

After confirming that it was correct, Chen Siyun's expression on his face couldn't help but look surprised. He turned to look at Chen Yang, "Then let's catch up with Chen Yang, she might know a lot of your life experience."

I saw that Chen Yang was not as eager as he imagined, he smiled and watched Lin Siyun get nervous for his own affairs, "No need for big sister, we will meet with her."

"However, this opportunity is rare, if"

Lin Siyun almost vomited blood when she saw Chen Yang's calm and unhurried appearance, and it was not easy to get a chance.

But before Lin Siyun finished speaking, Chen Yang immediately took Lin Siyun into his arms and interrupted, "Is there any chance that it will be rarer than holding my eldest sister in my arms now, as the saying goes, if you are safe, it will be sunny"

Although it was a tenth-level love story, Lin Siyun couldn't help but feel shy after hearing it.

As Chen Yang said

Ye Han, like Ji Hong, has the innate ability of an unpredictable prophet, even if Ye Han's ability may not be as good as Ji Hong's.

But no matter how bad it is, it is still her ability. That is to say, if Ye Han really wants to find Chen Yang, it will not be difficult for her, unless she does not want to have too much contact with Chen Yang now.

Seeing Chen Yang's appearance, Lin Siyun naturally understood what Chen Yang was thinking, and at the same time he also understood what Ye Han meant when he said "see you in two days" before he left. Two days later will be the time for Chen Yang's parents to worship.

"Hey, you said it's a good question to ask, what is it that the two suddenly hugged each other?

It seems that my old man is old and doesn't understand the world of your young people."

Ji Hong shrugged and joked.

Hearing what Ji Hong said, Lin Siyun was embarrassed to break free from Chen Yang's arms. The blush on his face made Chen Yang seem even more adorable.

Looking at Lin Siyun's appearance, if it wasn't for Ji Hong in front of him, Chen Yang might have done something "bad" to Lin Siyun at this time.

Chen Yang looked at Ji Hong and smiled. The Ye family became interested, "Thank you, Grandpa Ji, you really helped me a lot now."

Ji Hong nodded, "It's your kid that made me look good. If you want to ask me a question, I'm too lazy to answer him. I'm tired of asking all kinds of questions every day.

It's not too early, you pack up your things and go back."

Chen Yang naturally understood what Ji Hong meant, and even if he was asking Ji Hong about the Ye family, he would definitely not respond because of his old man's character.

"Alright then, thank you Grandpa Ji, we'll come back when we have time"

Chen Yang thanked Hongji, then took Lin Siyun's hand and walked towards Lamborghini.

Ji Hong bent down to clean up the coins on the stall, raised his head and looked in the direction of the vehicle, and said softly, "Don't refuse because of fate, and don't ask for fate.

I hope you can remember this sentence"

When Chen Yang returned to the villa, the sky had just dimmed. The three sisters of the Lin family had not returned, and Lin Yuyan was watching TV in the hall.

"You two are back, how did you buy this thing?"

Lin Yuyan said with a smile

Chen Yang and Lin Siyun had discussed it as early as when they came back. Don't tell other people what Ji Hong said today and what she met Ye Han today.

First of all, I was afraid that they would think too much. After all, Chen Yang's parents have been dead for so long, and they have never heard of any relatives. When they went out to buy Boming coins, they ran into them.

Second, this matter has not yet been truly conclusive. If it is just a farce, I don't want to involve more people.

"Well, I bought everything, and I'm sweating."

Lin Siyun said

Lin Yuyan then smiled and said, "But you really just went shopping and came back. I think it's still early, why didn't you shop around and stay outside for a while?"

The implication of this sentence is even more obvious. Lin Siyun naturally understood what Lin Yuyan meant, and said embarrassedly, "Okay mom, we're all back, I'll go back to my room and take a shower."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked back to the room

"I didn't say a few words, so I left in a hurry."

Lin Yuyan laughed angrily.

Chen Yang replied with a smile, "Godmother, why don't I still have me? I went out to choose something for a day, and she's tired too, eldest sister."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang hugged Lin Yuyan, but as soon as he touched Lin Yuyan's neck, he heard a soft snort.

"What's the matter, godmother"

"My neck seems to be twisted when I take a nap after breakfast today"

Lin Yuyan responded

This made Chen Yang feel distressed for a while, and his right hand kissed Lin Yuyan's neck, "Then godmother, come to my room and I'll press it for you."

"You just came back and haven't rested yet, it's too troublesome"

Lin Yuyan responded

"Godmother, don't refuse, this is not what a son should do."

Lin Yuyan knew Chen Yang's character, so she did not continue to refuse. After saying that, Chen Yang took Lin Yuyan and walked to the room. The gift package that just needed to be unlocked recently took a lot of time. Before leaving the villa to go to the hometown, save more time for the gift package. It's not a bad thing either

More importantly, Chen Yang also wanted to see what suitable talents could be given to Lin Yuyan.

Because of the previous experience of acupuncture and moxibustion massage

After entering Chen Yang's room, Lin Yuyan proficiently lay on her side on the bed, and this time it was only a cervical spine problem, so Lin Yuyan didn't need to show her back.

The pain in her neck made Lin Yuyan unable to stretch her neck well even if she was lying on her side.

Although she doesn't need to take off her clothes, Lin Yuyan still changes into a set of light clothes before the massage is better for massage

"Look at whether the godmother is old, take a nap at noon and sleep with her neck crooked"

Lin Yuyan said jokingly

Feilu reminds you of three things about reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter 243: The more you think about it, the more angry Lin Sixuan is

"Godmother, if your physical condition can be called old, then a thirty-year-old woman on the street will be called a mummified corpse."

Chen Yang responded with a smile

Chen Yang's words are true. Although Lin Yuyan is getting older, she can see her skin condition and figure through her clothes, but she is not inferior to a 30-year-old woman at all.

"Just what you would say"

Lin Yuyan laughed happily after being amused by Chen Yang

Chen Yang's hands lightly touched Lin Yuyan's neck, and an invisible warm current flowed from his fingertips to Lin Yuyan's spine, and the cervical spine that felt pain even when he moved, suddenly improved a lot.

Coupled with Chen Yang's massage techniques, Lin Yuyan felt a burst of relief.

"What's the matter, mother, is the soreness in this neck all of a sudden much better?"

Chen Yang said with a smile

Lin Yuyan shook her neck gently, "Yeah, it's really a blessing for our Lin family to meet you when Yang Yang met you. Just now I would feel pain even with a slight twist, but now I feel much better."

"Then godmother, rest well, I'll give you a good press today"

Chen Yang increased the strength of his fingers and said

The warm currents from the cervical spine made Lin Yuyan feel relaxed and at ease, and this feeling can only be felt every time Chen Yang massaged her.

With gentle fingering, Lin Yuyan slowly fell into sleep

The last time I massaged the third sister, I used the system to test the talents suitable for the third sister as elemental talents. Chen Yang just wanted to take this opportunity to see what kind of talents Lin Yuyan was suitable for for her self-defense.

"System, what kind of talent is more suitable to develop in this situation?"

[Back to the host, because of her position and environment, Lin Yuyan is more likely to encounter danger than the other young ladies, so it is better to develop passive talents

】Chen Yang said "passive talent"

After a few days of understanding, Chen Yang realized that he really knew very little about talent.

Talents are not only strictly different in level, but also in different types.

[Passive talent can be activated without the host's awareness, and can protect the host's own safety very well

] "That sounds pretty good."

This is exactly what Chen Yang meant. As long as he can protect Lin Yuyan's safety as soon as possible, he can play the role of Chen Yang's gift of talent.

[However, the skill points required to develop passive talents will be higher than ordinary talents

】 "How tall is a little taller?"

Chen Yang seems to have become accustomed to the system's "extortion"

speak with a smile

[Point, still] I saw that the system had not finished speaking, and the system had already been shut down

Ordinary elemental talents are activated with 500 points, which means that passive talents have 800 skills.

Ma might as well go grab it

But to put it this way, if 800 skill points can be exchanged for Lin Wei, Chen Yang will still be obliged, but for Chen Yang, he is really 800 points! Time passes by, the pure white moonlight Shining on the sheets through the window, Lin Yuyan also woke up from her sleep

[Ding, Lin Yuyan's cervical vertebra has been sprained, and the flexibility of the cervical vertebra has been increased

】 "Yangyang, how long have I slept?"

Lin Yuyan rubbed her words, only to realize that the sky had completely dimmed.

"I've slept for four hours, my godmother's neck isn't much better."

Chen Yang said with a smile

I saw Lin Yuyan slowly sitting on the bed, swaying her neck, making a few clicks, and said in surprise, "The neck is gone, and it seems to be much more flexible than before."

Chen Yang responded, "Godmother is fine. If you feel uncomfortable in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible."

I saw Lin Yuyan hugging Chen Yang, "Yang Yang, it must be the greatest blessing in my life that my godmother accepted you before."

"This is what I also want to say to my godmother. Without you, I wouldn't know where I would be wandering right now."

Chen Yang said with a smile

"What are you talking about, silly child, it's getting late now, rest early

Tomorrow should be the day to go back to your hometown to prepare for worship, you have to keep your spirits up."

Lin Yuyan also noticed that it was twelve o'clock, so she got off Chen Yang's bed and said.

Chen Yang walked to the door to say goodbye to Lin Yuyan and said, "Then godmother, let's go back and rest early."

It wasn't until Lin Yuyan left the room that Chen Yang walked to the window and looked at the moon outside the window. He couldn't help thinking of the woman he saw during the day, Ye Han.

Will she really be her own relatives like Mr. Ji Hong said? Chen Yang has no concept of blood relatives since his parents died.

After all, for Chen Yang, where she lives now, Lin Yuyan and her four sisters are her closest relatives.

In the hall of the villa, there was someone who had the same doubts as Chen Yang, and saw Lin Sixuan pouting at Chen Yang's door.

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