"Haha, Xuan Kan also

Can speak nice words. This glass of wine must be drunk. "Lin Yuyan smiled and held up the wine glass, clinking glasses with everyone again. It was very happy and happy, and before I knew it, I drank a little too much.

First, Lin Sixuan was drunk, then Lin Yuyan, and even the calm Lin Siyu drank a little too much. Although Chen Yang drank a lot, he was not very drunk.

The most sober among them was Lin Siyun. Because of her pregnancy, Lin Siyun didn't drink alcohol and kept her sober all the time.

When everyone was almost drinking, Lin Siyun greeted the nanny Liu Jie and sent Lin Sixuan and Lin Yuyan back one by one.

After a few people left

, Lin Siyu stood up with a bit of drunkenness and said, "Yangyang, I'm going upstairs to rest, please accompany Hanhan."

When speaking, Lin Siyu winked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't understand for a while. Second sister, what does this mean? It doesn't mean that I want to tell the third sister:.

This is at home, right?_


Chapter 233: Lin Sihan's sensitive point is in his ears? (Please subscribe!)

After Lin Siyu left, only Chen Yang and Lin Sihan were left in the restaurant. Because of the alcohol, Lin Sihan's blushing L Meimei was also a little confused. Chen Yang, the corner of his mouth raised a charming smile, Chen Yang was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Lin Sihan, and he scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Third sister. Why are you always looking at me? I have flowers on my face." Chen Yang teased Dun with a smile.

"Well, there are flowers. It's still a pretty flower." Lin ~Sihan smiled sweetly.

"Hehe, third sister, I'm a man, how can a man have flowers on his face, but..." Chen Yang raised his eyebrows 1-"You are very much like a flower.

. "

"Oh?" Lin Sihan smiled and leaned in front of Chen Yang, "Then what kind of flower do I look like.

"Daffodils." Chen Yang said with a smile. In my heart, the third sister is like a narcissus_innocent_pure and lovely. When you smile, the whole world warms up v Third Sister, you must be happy, always happy, right?"

Hearing Chen Yang's compliment, Lin Sihan's pretty face showed a shy ruddy look. She touched her face and shyly said, "I am so good?"

"Of course there is." Chen Yang affirmed. "It's a hundred times better than what I said, one time. One or five times. Third sister. Be confident, be confident.

will make you prettier. "

Lin Sihan heard the words. First I was happy, then sad again. "You're lying to me." I'm telling the truth, how can I lie to you?" He pouted. "If only I were so good. Why don't you just ignore me, think about how you treat your eldest sister. What do you do to the second sister, and what do you do to Kan Xuan? Just to me. Nothing L,"

Eh? Chen Yang waited helplessly, "What is this. What is that, Sister Kui, are you talking about tongue twisters? I've been confused by you, and I treat you all the same.

"No." Lin Sihan widened her beautiful eyes and stared at Chen Yang. "Think about it for yourself

How long have you been alone with my eldest sister? There have been several times when you both spent time outside. "

"Not to mention you and the second sister. This time we went out for a full week. Besides, Xuanying, you and her still have a romance by the sea. But what do I have?"

"I don't have anything 2." Lin Sihan's eyes gradually turned rosy as he spoke.

Hearing Lin Sihan's words... Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little guilty in his heart. Indeed, he ignored Lin Sihan.

- Chen Yang was very interested in Lin Sihan at first, but since Lin Sihan was persuaded by Lin Siyu, he cared less about Lin Sihan.

If nothing else, take the binding system as an example, the four sisters of the Lin family except Lin Sihan have already bound the system.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang's guilt deepened. He stepped forward and grabbed Lin Sihan's jade hand and said softly, "I'm sorry, third sister. It's my fault. I ignored you."

"Don't be sad. I'll do my best to make it up for you in the future. I'm true. In my heart, you are the same as the first, second, and fourth sisters, and there is no deviation."

When Lin Sihan heard this, her nose became sour. Tears flowed down her face, and she threw herself directly into Chen Yang's arms. Choked, "Yangyang, don't you dislike me."

"I know I'm a bit stupid, and I don't have any ability. It's not as stable as the eldest sister, nor as wise as the second sister. It's not as straightforward as Xuanxuan."

"But I will study hard, and I will change for you, Yangyang, don't dislike me, wumingming::"

Hearing Lin Sihan's true feelings revealed, Chen Yang's heart suddenly trembled. He finally realized now that Lin Sihan felt less wronged in his heart. More reassurance.

Chen Yang opened his arms and hugged Lin Sihan tightly. Soft voice. "Third sister. I don't want you to see Ren Bao's change. You are unique now. If you change, it's not you anymore."

Sister 2, it was my fault. I shouldn't ignore you. If you let go, I will make up for you. Don't be sad, okay? You are so sad, I really feel bad. "

Lin Sihan lay on Chen Yang's chest and sobbed, tears already soaking Chen Yang's clothes

Yang Yang. you really won't leave me?

"Of course not, I swear." Chen Yang said sternly, "I will always guard the third sister.".

"I...: I believe in you." Lin Sihan slowly raised his head and looked at Chen Yang with tears on his face, "Then you said to compensate me. Is that true?"

Chen Yang raised his hand.

Wiped Lin Sihan's tears. . "Of course it's true. Third sister. Whatever compensation you want, I will definitely satisfy you."

"Meng: Second!" Lin Sihan bit her red lips and pondered for a few seconds. Then said. _ "Then you help me pick my ears first, this is what you promised me.

"Haha, okay." Chen Yang nodded with a smile, "Then let's go back to the room, we can't listen in the dining room."

"Well, then go to your room?"

"No, let's go to your room. One" Chen Yang smiled slightly. It was a little unsafe to go to his room. Maybe - someone will go. No one bothers you when you go to Lin Sihan's room


Of course, before going, Chen Yang has one more thing to do.

"System. Help me bind the third sister Lin Sihan."

[Ding. The binding is successful. z Whether to notify the binding person 2]

"No need." Chen Yang didn't plan to give Lin Sihan ten tasks, and now he felt that he owed Lin Sihan. I don't want to use this method.

Of course, Lin Sihan's feelings for him now do not need the assistance of tasks. If Chen Yang really wants to do something, Lin Sihan will not refuse.

"Then let's go." Lin Sihan broke her brother's smile, with a happy smile on her face, she pulled Chen up

Yang's walk, hurried back to his room.

Lin Sihan's room. Chen Yang has also been here a few times, but he has not carefully observed it. Today, he deliberately looked at it and found that Lin Sihan's room is the most girly.

The style of the room is mainly pink, and the decorations of various girls are very cute and warm. For example, there are several star patterns in the room. And that rainbow drawing. It can reflect Lin Sihan's pure heart.

"Yangyang. You give the tools." Lin Sihan took out a small box from the cabinet and handed it to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took the small box and opened it, and it was full of ear-picking tools of various models and types.

There are all kinds of styles.

"Third sister. Your tools are comprehensive enough. You are in college. Are you studying ear picking?" Chen Yang laughed and joked.

"How can there be a major in ear picking in college? You're talking nonsense." Lin Sihan rolled his eyes. I prefer ear picking, usually my mother and second sister help me pick them. ".

"Oh?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. He smiled and said, "Third sister, your preference is really special."

"You don't know, picking ears is really comfortable." Lin Sihan leaned in front of Chen Yang and said with a smile, "How about I pick it up for you later?"

. "I? Hehe. Forget it.

Let me pick it up for you first. "Chen Yangli asked. "Third sister." 1 Where do you pick? \"

Lin Sihan blushed. He pointed to the bed, "You sit by the bed. I'm lying on your lap.

"Okay." Chen Yang walked to the bed and sat down, then patted his strong thigh. "Third sister. Come on. This place is all yours"

"I'm too tired." Lin Sihan gave Chen Yang a blank look, then walked over to Chen Yang's side with a blushing face, and lay sideways on his lap.

Chen Yang looked down at Lin Sihan with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Third sister, then I'll start."

"-.." Lin Sihan

She replied softly, then closed her eyes shyly

Looking at Lin Sihan's cute appearance. Chen Yang's heart is very warm_Such a lovely third sister. He couldn't ignore it.

"Okay. Start work." Chen Yang moved his wrist, took out the ear-picking tool from the small box, and lightly touched Lin Sihan's ear by the light on the tool. look inside

"Third sister, your ears are very clean." Chen Yang wondered.

"Of course I know that my ears are very clean. It's ear picking, not ear picking." Lin Sihan replied, "Ear picking is a kind of massage, don't you know?


"I don't know?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, "Is there anything in this world that I don't know? Don't underestimate me, I'll show you my skills today."

With that said, Chen Yang contacted the system, "Departure charge. Give me an ear-picking skill."

-[Ding, the specified skills of the six-hour gift pack can be activated. ]

"Open!\" Chen Yang pouted _. In order to make up for the third sister, a six-hour gift is nothing.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the professional ear picking skills. ]

0KL, _

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched._"Third sister. I'm starting."


Chen Yang was holding a tool. Slowly put it into Lin Sihan's ear canal. Then a gentle wave

Lin Sihan's face immediately showed a refreshing expression, and gradually her face became rosy.

With the deep A. of the ears, Lin Sihan's body was full of water. The state is very excited.

Suddenly, Lin Sihanyi let out a groan. "what..."

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard the sound. Looking at Lin Sihan's state again, Chen Yang was stunned.

No. Sanjie's ears are actually her sensitive ones?_


Chapter 234: Warmth with Lin Sihan! (Please subscribe!)

In the room, ambiguity breeds, and Chen Yang looks at lying on his lap. Lin Sihan had a particularly rosy face and sweat dripping from his forehead. The mouth fish is full of bitter smiles

He never imagined that Lin Sihan's sensitive point would be on his ear, and looking like this, it was still in his ear canal. If it goes on, I'm afraid something will happen. No wonder Lin Sihan likes to pick ears, so that's the reason.

However, Lin Sihan probably didn't know the reason for this. She thought ear picking was very comfortable, indeed. Ear picking was comfortable, but it wasn't too much.

"Yangyang. Why did you stop?" Lin Sihan opened her beautiful eyes and looked at

Chen Yang. At this moment, her beautiful eyes seemed to be rippling with two springs of water

"Um-sanjie, I don't think my skills are very good. Or let's forget it." Chen Yang didn't know what to say, so he could only make an excuse.

"How could it be?" Lin Sihan picked her beautiful eyes and smiled, "You are better than mother and second sister. I have never been to a professional "Nine Zero Three" place. However, I guess your level - sure It's better than a professional, hee hee..."

"Third sister, don't go to a professional place." Chen Yang said quickly. He was very nervous. good guy. , If this goes to a professional place, it will be discovered. That

Don't get bored and crooked to death!

Eh? Looking at Chen Yang's nervous appearance, Lin Sihan was a little puzzled, "Yang Yang. What's wrong with you? Why is it so abnormal all of a sudden?

"Is there? Hehe, no. _Chen Yang smiled awkwardly_" Sanjie 1, you are obedient, don't go to other places to listen to you know? If you like it. Just find me or my mother and second sister. "

"Giggle, look at you like this." Lin Sihan smiled tenderly. _ "How could I go to other places, those people are all in contact with me, I don't want them to touch me. "

Phew... Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "Hehe, that's good. Then

Okay. Lin Sihan sat up, "Why do I think something is wrong with you?" \"

"What's wrong." Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, "Third sister, don't think about it, I'm not straight about anything. Cai Er will be here today, we will do other things."

"Do something else?" Lin Sihan was stunned for a moment, then blushed. She lowered her head shyly, "Yangyang, it's not good, if you want to be seen. Then-.

"Being seen?" Chen Yang blinked, "What's wrong with being seen? I'll treat the scar on your leg. What's there to worry about?"


Lin Sihan was startled, "You're talking about treating scars."

"Otherwise?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and saw the embarrassed look on Lin Sihan's face. Immediately woke up. . "Oh: Third Sister, you actually think about that, huh, you're not pure.

"Too tired of it." Lin Sihan slapped Chen Yang angrily - laughing._ "Don't wait for me, it's because you didn't make it clear, I misunderstood!"

Chen Yang spread out his hands helplessly, "I'll just say do something else. If you didn't say that kind of thing because your thinking is not pure, why would you blame me?"

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