At this moment, the flight attendant took out a pen and paper. After writing a line of words, he shyly shoved it to Chen Yang. Then he pushed the car and left.

Chen Yang opened the note and read it, it said. "Sir, this is my WeChat ID::"

"A little bit, I said 387 is right." Lin Siyu looked at Chen smugly.

"Send it to you." Chen Yang raised his hand and threw the note to Lin Siyu.

"Wow, such a good flight attendant. You have the heart to refuse." Lin Siyu teased.


Sister: .." Chen Yang stared at Lin Siyu angrily.

"Okay, I won't make trouble." Lin Siyu put away the laugh. Seriously, _ "Yangyang, you don't have to worry too much. As long as you can persuade the eldest sister and let her persuade mother with you, this is a drama."

"Big sister?" Chen Yang's eyes flashed and he looked at Lin Siyu.

Lin Siyu smiled without saying a word. He gave Chen Yang a "you know" look, and then put on a blindfold, "I'm tired, rest-

Chen Yang didn't bother Lin Siyu, he narrowed his eyes. After thinking about it, using the eldest sister? En 1. This is a good way.


An hour later, the plane landed. Chen Yang and Lin Siyu got off the plane. They took a taxi and went home directly.

They didn't inform the family that they wanted to surprise the family, so no one picked him up].

There was nothing to say all the way, and soon the two of them arrived home.

Lin Siyu took out the key and opened the door. Then he walked into the living room with Chen Yang.

Lin Yuyan is bored watching TV series in the living room. See Chen Yang and Lin Siyu come back. First - stunned. Then stood up excitedly

"Yangyang, Siyu 1 you are back"

Lin Siyu opened her arms and shouted excitedly. "

mother. We are back!

"That's great!" Lin Yuyan ran over excitedly and rushed directly to the two of them.

However, she was not holding Lin Siyu, but Chen Yang.

Lin Siyu's two arms were still raised in a daze. Seeing Lin Yuyan hugging Chen Yang, she said depressedly, "I'll just say it, I'm superfluous."

Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, "Haha, second sister. You are so smart."


Chapter 221: Do acupuncture and moxibustion! (Please subscribe!)

Lin Yuyan hugged Chen Yang first, and Lin Siyu was so sour, beside her - humming all the time, looking at the unhappy look in front of her. Lin Yuyan shook her head with a wry smile.

"Okay, Siyu. You still eat Yangyang's. I've been hugging you for more than 20 years in the past. It's only been a while since Yangyang entered the house, God 1. Really. How can you be shy when you go out? already."

Chen Yang was also booing aside, "That's right. How long have you been at home before I've been here for a few days? I'm jealous too. The older I get, the more ignorant I get."

When Lin Siyu heard this, her beautiful eyes widened.

"Okay, did you two join forces to bully me?

Okay, Yangyang, you are out of position. Don't blame me for being unrighteous. "

said. Lin Siyu turned her head to look at Lin Yuyan, _ "Mom, I'm telling you. You are amazing for your son. We come back as first class, and there is a super beautiful flight attendant:  …

"Second sister," Chen Yang rushed up with a vigorous step. Covering Lin Siyu's mouth, hey, second sister, didn't you say take a bath first when you come back? I am with my godmother. "

"Come on, humming, humming" Lin Siyu struggled, but she couldn't speak, she could only make a humming sound. Naturally, Chen Yang wouldn't give her a chance, even pushing and pulling to get her up 4.

Seeing how the two were fighting. Lin Yuyan smiled and shook her head. At the same time, he sighed in his heart. "This is home. How good it is to fight and make trouble, if L has been deserted all the time, there will be no sense of life."

"It's still an old saying that living your life to the end is extraordinary. Only with people can you be warm. Sweet and beautiful s

Lin Yuyan looked at Chen Yang with a happy smile on her face, her beautiful eyes flickering, and now she felt more and more that bringing Chen Yang back was the right choice.

Since Chen Yang came into existence, this home has a lot more flavor than before. It also made the home more complete. myself and my four children

have a support. ,

Yangyang, it's nice to have you here 1

Huh, Chen Yang spent a lot of effort to get Lin Siyu upstairs, he shook his head with a wry smile, the second sister is really becoming a little girl.

But that's fine. It's better than the poetic and picturesque every day, putting on the appearance of not eating fireworks.

"Mother Yu, the second sister went to take a bath. I'll chat with you." Chen Yang smiled at Lin Yuyan. Then he walked over.

Lin Yuyan patted the seat next to her, "Come to Yangyang. Let godmother take a good look at you."

"Yes." Chen

Yang nodded. Sitting beside Lin Yuyan. Lin Yuyan raised her hands and touched Chen Yang's shoulders.

"I've lost weight, so I haven't eaten in the past few days. However, it seems that it's better to go out to practice if I'm stronger than before." Lin Yuyan said with a gentle smile.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Yuyan's expression. His heart trembled slightly, his nose became sour, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Yangyang, what's wrong with you? Why are you still crying?" Lin Yuyan's face changed, and she raised her hand to wipe away Chen Yang's tears.

"Did you suffer some grievances in Longdu? Tell your mother.. I'll call the shots for you!" Lin Yuyan

He said coldly, "Dare to bully my son, do they really think I'm dead?"

Seeing Lin Yuyan's angry look. Chen Yang hurriedly said, "Godmother. No one bullies me, hehe, who am I, can I be bullied?"

"Then why did you cry so well?" Lin Wangyan asked with concern. , in the beautiful eyes to make a few essential colors.

"It's fine." Chen Yang rubbed his eyes. He smiled and said, "It's what you just did that touched me. 9 I went to boarding school in the city since high school, and I went home for two weeks."

"When I got home, my mother always dragged me to ask about things. It's almost the same as what you said. I just

It's just that I think of my mother. ' Said. Chen Yang's eye circles turned red again.

Lin Yuyan looked at Chen Yang's sad look, and felt very distressed. She pulled Chen Yang away. He hugged tightly, "Good boy, don't be sad, you still have a godmother, L and your four older sisters."

"We will love and care for you like family members."

Chen Yang felt the warmth of Lin Yuyan. He felt very comfortable, "Mum Yu, I'm fine, you are right. I still have you guys, I'm very happy now." Her beautiful eyes were also moist. In fact, she also misses Chen Yang's parents very much. She also regards Chen Yang's parents as the

It is a relative.

Suddenly Lin Yuyan thought of something. She slowly let go of Chen Yang, and asked softly

"Yangyang. It's almost your parents' memorial day."

"Yes." Chen Yang nodded, "There are four days left before my parents' memorial day. I plan to leave for my hometown in these two days."

"Okay." Lin Yuyan nodded, _I will arrange for you to bring your four sisters back together. They also need to pay homage to your parents. "

Actually, Chen Yang wanted to go back alone with Lin Siyun and tell his parents the good news of having a child. If Lin Yuyan and her four sisters all went back,

Then this matter is not easy to talk about.

However, he couldn't refuse this kind of thing. With Lin Yuyan's feelings for his parents, he couldn't stop him even if he wanted to. If you have to stop, I am afraid that Lin Yuyan will be mistaken.

alright. After I go back, my eldest sister and I will stay for one more day, and then we will go there again. "Godmother, then it's hard for you."

"Why are you being polite with me?" Lin Yuyan sighed. "I'm not for you either. I really miss my brother and sister-in-law. If it weren't for them, hey. They really treat me as their own sister."

"It's a pity. They left too early and I haven't kissed them enough yet.

"Speaking. Lin Yuyan's tears flowed down again.

Lin Yuyan is a very emotional person, especially for her benefactor. She always felt that she couldn't repay anything. But Chen Yang's parents died too early. She can only give all her love to Chen Yang.

"Mother Yu, let's stop talking about these things. My second sister and I are back. It's a happy thing." Chen Yang said with a smile. "Would I give you a look at what happened in Longdu?"

Lin Yuyan wiped her tears. He smiled, "I want to hear more about what happened to you and that flight attendant?"

Eh? Chen Yang was stunned for a moment. Then he scratched his head in embarrassment,"

Wang Ma, why do you say this? I have nothing to do with the flight attendant. Don't listen to the first sister. "

"Slightly, silly Yangyang, the godmother is teasing you." Lin Yuyan smiled and said, "Actually, you don't need to tell me too much about the Long Dulin family, you are a child who knows your senses, I I believe you will handle it

Chen Yang nodded moved, "Godmother_Thank you for your trust."

"You are my son. How can I not believe you." Lin Wangyanhong touched Chen Yang's behavior drowningly.

Chen Yang enjoys this kind of pampering very much. It is the happiest thing to have a mother who hurts.

"Wang Ma, how has your health been recently? This week. Are you feeling any discomfort?" Chen Yangguan asked.

Lin Yuyan smiled slightly, "I'm fine _ this A. day's mental state is pretty good.

"Well, that's fine." Chen Yang looked at the time, it was 4:30 in the afternoon. There was still some time before Gao Lin Siyun and the others got off work.

"Godmother, there is still time for me to do another acupuncture for you?" Chen Yang suggested.

Lin Yuyan blushed, "Now?

Every time I do acupuncture, Lin Yuyan thinks of the previous two times (of Zhao Zhao)

It's really embarrassing, but.- Gen Chen Yang is his own son. The shyness is much better.

"Yes, let's do it now, ma'am. It's inconvenient for them to come back."

"Well. Okay, let's go to your room. 3" Lin Yuyan asked softly.

"It's all right." Now that the system has been upgraded and the Yue system has been bound to Lin Yuyan, there is no need for Chen Yang to be confined to the room.

Lin Yuyan thought about it for a while, _ "Then let's go to your room, I'll go and prepare first. "

Lin Yuyan stood up and walked upstairs. Chen Yang also followed back to his room.

As soon as I went up to the third floor, I happened to meet Lin Siyu.

"Yangyang, did you hear it when you went back to your room? Where's your mother?" Lin Siyu asked.

"Wang Ma went to change her clothes. I gave her a thorium moxibustion."

When Lin Siyu heard this, he walked over

"Yangyang, take this opportunity to infiltrate your mother."

"Infiltration?" Chen Yang was taken aback. "You mean..."

"Yeah." Lin Siyu nodded, you can try to find out what your mother said. "

When Chen Yang heard the words, he pondered for a moment. - Well, okay. "_


Chapter 222: Lin Yuyan's new underwear! (Please subscribe!)

Back in the room, Chen Yang took a shower after Wen Dan, and then lay on the bed and waited for Lin Yuyan. When he was bored, Chen Yang opened WeChat.

During the time he went to Longdu, Chen Yang's WeChat was almost blocked. Didn't log in at all, now - as soon as I opened it, man. Hundreds of messages.

There is Xiao Feifei. Su Hailan's, Muya's, and He Jiangxue's, among them, Su Hailan's most. Followed by Xiao Feifei

The mother and daughter seem to have negotiated -F, except for some greetings, there are a lot of underwear photos. Chen Yang was dazzled when he saw it.

"It's really sick."

Chen Yang frowned and directly deleted the dialogue window. Then Su Hailan was blocked again.

For Gan Su Hailan. Chen Yang has no other thoughts than disgust. Adding her to Wechat before was just a message to Lin Yuyan.

Now that Su Hailan's face is almost smashed by him, it is useless to keep her contact information. After blocking Su Hailan, Chen Yang is going to block Xiao Feifei again.

However, he hesitated for a while. In fact, Xiao Feifei and Su Hailan are still too different. Xiao Feifei is relatively simple. Now Chen Yang has led them to post these photos.

After thinking about it, I thought that Chen Yang had left Xiao Feifei behind, "Forget it. I'll find it later.

Let me explain to her sometime, I hope she won't be ruined by Su Hailan. "

Xiao Feifei's dialog was deleted, and Chen Yang looked at the messages of Mu Ya and He Jiangxue again.

Mu Ya's words were all about thinking of Chen Yang. Seeing this information, L Chen Yang smiled slightly. In fact, Chen Yang still has feelings for Mu Ya in his heart. After all, he went to university for four years since -z.

The hazy _ love of 617 during the Taixue period, and now Chen Yang can't let it go. It's just that he doesn't know how to face Mu Ya L. After all, he still has a lawsuit in his forehead. He just came back, thinking about cleaning up, if now Tell Muya that she is back. Na Muya

-It will definitely come.

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