"Smooth tongue." Lin Siyun gave Chen Yang a blank look, then stood up and walked to the bathroom, "I'll wash up, you wait for me

"Eh?" Chen Yang was stunned for a moment. said quickly.. "Sister, you can't be joking. There are still children." L is fine now, I will go back tomorrow. Today I want you to accompany me. "

Finished. Lin Siyun stepped into the bath

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun's background and became excited. "Since the doctor said it's fine, then I'll--" You're welcome. "

Mouthfish - Yang, Chen Yang chased directly into the bathroom.

"Yeah, how did you come in?


"I'm here to help."

"Did I say use you to help? Bad guy."

"I'm a man, so naturally I have to take the initiative. Come on, sis, where can I help?


One night is romantic, and the next morning is earth-shattering. Lin Siyun and Chen Yang got up.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, a little reluctant

'Miss. You go back so early.

Lin Siyun Yanran smiled and said, "I can't do it. There are too many things in the group, and I also provide you with logistical support. These things can be handled by Huanhuan.

No. "

"Alright then." Chen Yang sighed. Standing up, _ "I will go back as soon as possible, ma'am."


Packed up. Chen Yang rented a Mercedes-Benz at the hotel and drove Lin Siyun to the airport

The two reluctantly separated at the airport_Chen Yangqi sent Lin Siyun on the plane.

After Lin Siyun left, Chen Yang received a call from Lin Siyu.

"Yangyang, wait for me when I arrive at Longdu at ten o'clock."

Chen Yang smiled, "Okay."


The second white chapter eleven: Confess with the second sister! (Please subscribe!)

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang received Lin Siyu. But only Lin Siyu was alone. There was no sign of Lin Qingman.

"Yangyang. Have you missed me these two days?" Lin Siyu took Chen Yang's hand. asked with a smile.

"Of course." Chen Yang smiled slightly

"Without the second sister by my side, I'm very bored."

"Hmph, then you left me." Lin Siyu pouted.

Chen Yang scratched his head with a wry smile, "Do you women like to ask for debts? I left with your consent. How can I leave you?"

"I agree to agree

. "I'm not happy, but I'm not happy, it's two different things." Lin Siyu glanced at Chen Yang, "What? You still want to blame me?"

"How dare I." Chen Yang grabbed Lin Siyu's hand and smiled, "Then are you happy now?"

"It's okay." Lin Siyu raised her head, "However, it depends on your performance.

"Where is the performance?_" Chen Yang approached Lin Siyu, _ "I performed very well in the hotel, do you want to try it?"

"You rascal thought about such a thing as soon as you met." Lin Siyu glared at Chen Yang angrily.

Chen Yang wondered, "I am

Said that a sumptuous lunch was arranged at the hotel. Why is it bad 2 Oh 2:: Second sister, you don't think about that, I think you are the bad one. "

"You... begging for a beating." Lin Siyu's face was flushed red by Chen Yang's teasing, and he raised his hand to be hit.

Chen Yang grabbed Lin Siyu's hand and said with a smile, "When you get back to the hotel, just let Er fight."

The two went to the parking lot to pick up the car, then went straight to the hotel, on the way. Chen Yang asked, "Second sister, what about Lin Qingman's? 2 Didn't come back with you?"

"She sat down on a flight.. You know, as we are. It's not good to appear together. Longdu has a lot of eyes on him.

What about us. "Lin Siyu replied.

"Well, yes." Chen Yang nodded and smiled, "Actually, you don't have to be so careful. Even if Lin Qingying finds out your whereabouts... nothing can be done.

"Oh?" Lin Siyu raised an eyebrow. _ 'Have you met her?"

"It's not just a meeting. I have played against her." Chen Yang gave a brief account of what happened with Lin Qingying.

After hearing this, Lin Siyu was a little surprised. Can a game of tennis knock people out? You are good enough, but even if Lin Qingying falls, our crisis still exists.

"Yangyang, you have to know that the difficulties we face are not just Lin Qingying-person L but the entire Lin family of Longdu. Their power is our biggest obstacle."

"I know this point." Chen Yang nodded and said, "But it's good for us to have one less enemy. Lin Qingying is a leader. She has fallen. Her power is no longer a leader." "

"That's true." Lin Siyu smiled and said, "You have done it beautifully."

"That's natural. I'm not pretty when I do things."

"Narcissism." Lin Siyu rolled her eyes at Chen Yang and continued, "Jin Haina

I have arranged all the resources on the side. They can come to Longdu at any time as long as they are ordered. "

"Now we should arrange how to run the two projects of Linyang Lake and Lanyang District. Yangyang, do you have any plans?"

Chen Yang replied, "I have some thoughts. I plan to run Linyang Lake and Lanyang District at the same time. In this way, the time can be shortened and the Longdu Lin family will not have time to respond."

"For the most serious case, if the two projects run together, the Longdu Lin family will also be incapable of doing anything. It's good for us. As long as the project is involved in the project, it will be difficult to stop the Longdu Lin family.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Lin

Siyu's eyes were tightly wrinkled. She pondered for a moment and said, "With the resources we have now, it's still too hard to complete one project, so we can run two at the same time." It's impossible. "

"I have already thought about it." Chen Yang explained, "The project in Lanyang District was handed over to Lin Qingman and Jinhai's company to do the project of s Linyang Lake, and our Lin Group did it in person.

"Do it yourself?" Lin Siyu was stunned for a moment, "How to do it? You mean to create a company? I'm afraid this is not easy to do.

"Let's not say that the Lin family in Longdu will not let our Lin Group set up a flag in Longdu. Even if they do, we will not be able to complete the construction in a short time.

A company with such a big project in Linyang Lake

Chen Yangzui raised his eyebrows._"Why do you have to build it? We can buy it!"

"Acquisition?" Lin Siyu blinked her beautiful eyes, "This method is not bad, but do you have any goals? If you want to make the project of Linyang Lake, it is not an acquisition-: two companies will do."

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this. I have a solution." Chen Yang smiled slightly, his eyes full of confidence.

Now Chen Yang has plenty of gift packs. Although he used a four-earth bundle for one hour before and consumed two twenty-four 1-hour packs, his background is still very rich.

With these gifts, Bao enough resources can be allocated to complete the Linyang Lake project. Now for Chen Yang. The most difficult thing is not the matter of resources but the obstruction of the Lin family of Longdu.

Chen Yang has already made a plan. In the past two days, he has handed over the reconstruction project of Lanyang District to Lin Qingman, and then he will go to Lin Qing

Whether or not the Lin family of Longdu can be stopped from taking a shot has to be taken from Lin Qingying's body. As for the method, 1 Chen Yang also has some plans.

"Okay. Since you've made up your mind. Then I don't have to worry about it." Lin Siyu stretched out his arms. Waist._"Ah. I can finally relax."

Chen Yang sees

Looking at Lin Siyu, he smiled bitterly: "Second sister, are you a stall? You are my military advisor. You can't be so slack.

"Isn't my military advisor replaced by you?" Lin Siyu blinked her beautiful eyes. Now the marshal and the military advisor are you alone and I have let go. "

"I." Chen Yang smiled helplessly. "Then what do you take care of?"

"Play, go shopping, travel with two brigade. It's rare to come to Longdu once, so you have to have a good time." Lin Siyu said with a sigh.

"Second sister, there is no such thing as you. You said that you are here for work, how come you have become a tourist." Chen Yang glared at Lin Siyu angrily.

"No, I can't let you be too idle, I'll give you a task."

"Er? What task?\" Lin Siyu turned to look at Chen Yang.

"You don't know yet, L, your good best friend Xia Zhijiao has sneaked to Longdu. Your mission is to drive her back."

"What?_" Lin Siyu was startled. "That girl dared to come to Longdu without permission. I really turned against her, let's see how I deal with her!"

"Wait?" Lin Siyu's eyes narrowed

"Yanyan came to Longdu, how did you know? Have you met her?"


reached. But she didn't see me. "Chen Yang said with a smile, "I gave her a makeover, and she didn't even recognize it in front of her. "

"How did you do it?" Lin Siyu asked in surprise.

"Yi Rong." Chen Yang's mouth twitched, "I can't think of it. I still have this kind of ability."

"Haha. Really unexpected." Lin Siyu smiled. Then he reached out and touched Chen Yang.'s face.

Chen Yang was taken aback._ "Second sister, what are you doing, I'm driving."

"I'll see if you've changed your mind now


More than 40 minutes later, Chen Yang and Lin Siyu came to the hotel room.

After opening the door, Lin Siyu looked at the room. Then he looked at Chen Yang. Jiang's eyes slowly tightened. . "How about a sumptuous meal?

"Hehe." Chen Yang gave a wicked smile. Directly gave Lin Siyu a wall. _"I'm just a big meal, no surprise?"

Lin Siyu blushed. He shyly hammered Chen Yang's chest, "I knew you were a bad guy. You don't want good things every day.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu's shy expression and felt a little sad in his heart. He originally thought that he would talk to Lin Siyu about Lin Siyun when he came to the hotel.

It can be seen that Lin Siyu, he can't say it anymore, although Lin Siyu is the most supportive of him. It is also the one who understands him best, but Lin Siyu is also a woman, she will be sad about this kind of thing.

Moreover, it was because Lin Siyu understood Chen Yang too much, so he didn't want to hurt Lin Siyu.

"Yangyang, what's wrong with you?" Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang's expression a little bit wrong, and her beautiful eyes flashed with doubts.

"Oh, nothing." Chen Yang said with a smile, _ "I really gave you a big meal. _ The hotel will deliver it to you. Second sister, you should wash it off first. Relax. I will accompany you later. You eat."

"Don't get off the topic." Lin Siyu's beautiful eyes shrank, and her wise light flashed. Do you want to hide anything from me? Tell me if it's a family affair."

Lin Siyu knows Chen Yang very well. She knows that there is nothing in this world that can make Chen Yang worry about her family.

Hearing Lin Siyu's words, Chen Yang laughed bitterly, "Second sister, why do you have to be so smart? Sometimes I really don't want you to be so smart. If you were a little stupid, you would be much happier."

"Fool." Lin Siyu raised her hand and nodded - down Chen Yang's forehead. "If I'm stupid - ask someone to help you, okay, let's talk. Second sister can do anything.

bear. "

"Is it related to the eldest sister?"

Chen Yang sighed, and then said, "Eldest sister came yesterday..."

Eh? Lin Siyu was stunned for a moment, and a few seconds later, her mind was imprisoned. Seems to be thinking of something. _


Chapter 212: Untie the knot and warm up the feelings! (Please subscribe!)

There was a sumptuous lunch on the dining table in the room. Chen Yang and Lin Siyu looked at each other, sat up, smelled the aroma of the food, and laughed. "Yangyang, you have a heart. I love to eat. You don't know that I haven't eaten well in the past two days. I must have a full meal today."

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu, who was smiling all over his face, and said with a smile, "As long as the first sister likes it."

"I like it, of course I like it. What you prepared for me, can you not like it?" A bright smile appeared on Lin Siyu's face.

"Yangyang, I'm going to start." After speaking, Lin Siyu picked up the steak on the table and cut it open with a knife and fork. eat with relish

"Well. It's really fragrant." Lin Siyu smiled and said, "The cook here must have a three-star level."

"This lobster is also good. I'll try it too:."

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu, who was eating too much, and the acid reflux burst in his heart. . He knew that Lin Siyu was deliberately pretending to show himself that her heart must be uncomfortable.

"It's delicious. Yangyang, why don't you eat it? I'll eat all these things in a while." Lin Siyu blinked her beautiful eyes. Food is in the mouth.

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