It finally paid off.

"Sister Siyun. Congratulations. You don't have to be so stressed in the future. This time you almost made an oolong because you were too stressed_" Secretary Shen patted Lin Siyun's back and comforted him.

Lin Siyun hugged Secretary Bian, _time Huan. I can finally be with Yangyang justifiably. "

Shen Huan said with a smile, "Yeah. You can finally relax. However, it's the cheap bad guy."

When she thought of Chen Yang threatening her, Shen Huanhuan's teeth itch with anger, but when she saw Lin Siyun being so high, her anger was much less.

"Sister Siyun, do you want to tell him the good news?" Shen Huanhuan asked.

Lin Siyun thought about it for a while, then smiled and said, "I don't want it yet. I'm going to give her a surprise!".

After finishing speaking, Lin Siyun couldn't hold back his inner excitement again, "Huanhuan, you book me a ticket to Longdu tomorrow night, I'll finish the group's affairs in the morning, and go to the capital in the evening!"

Shen Huanhuan heard the words and laughed. _"Okay.


Chapter 203: One in a billion, Lin Qingying's spiritual talent! (Please subscribe!)

In the hotel room, Lin Qingling was sitting beside the bed. His expression was dull. Jiang Mu has no expression, she is in jade hypnosis now

Chen Yang looked at Lin Qingling, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "This hypnotism is really powerful, it can hypnotize people to such a degree. If this is done with hypnotism to do something bad, it will be really unknowing."

"Tsk tsk, you and my fourth sister really look alike. It's just that your personality is too individual. It's not my type, or... hehe."

"Forget it, let's ask something serious." Chen Yang changed his mood and looked at Lin Qingling. Shen said, "I want to ask you a few questions next.

Question..You must answer truthfully_You know?"

"Okay." Lin Qingling nodded dully.

"Very good." Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Do you know what secrets your third sister Lin Qingying has? If you know it, say it."

Lin Qingling was silent for a moment, then replied, "My third sister is very powerful and capable. Grandpa said that the third sister is the strongest person in our generation. We must support the third sister as a successor."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, "I didn't ask you to flatter your third sister, I asked you to tell Lin Qingying's secret. Do you know what a secret is?"

"Secret." Lin Qingling was stunned.

After a while, _ "I don't know what secret the third sister has - I only know that the third sister prefers to exercise, she is sometimes very weak. She needs to exercise to strengthen her physique."

"Sometimes very weak?" Chen Yang frowned. _"What does it mean?"

Weakness is weakness, and strength is strength. Why is she still weak at times? What does this weakness have to do with her exercise? Chen Yang is somewhat incomprehensible.

"Apart from this, what else is special about Lin Qingying?" Chen Yang continued to ask

"What's special. 1. My third sister is very smart. She seems to be able to see through people's hearts, right?" Lin Qingling

said stupidly

"Can you see through people's hearts?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. "Could it be that Lin Qingying's talent has something to do with this? What kind of ability would that be? System. Can you guess it?"

[Return to the host. The gift of seeing the heart of man does not exist. However, it is ok to be able to read some information in people's minds.. 1

.[According to the previous clues, if Lin Qingying is a talented person, it is likely to be at the spiritual level. ]

When Chen Yang heard this, bitterness appeared on his face. "No. Didn't you say that spiritually gifted people are extremely rare, only one in a billion people? I won't recite L like that.

Just met."

_[Maybe, Su City has its own protagonist halo, which itself has the characteristics of attracting talented people. It is not impossible to meet Spiritual Talent I. ]

"Damn, how can I listen to you? It's a good thing for me to meet a spiritually gifted person~ Sheng?" Chen Yang rolled his eyes helplessly

Ignore the system. Chen Yang looked at Lin Qingling and continued to ask, "When does your third sister usually exercise?"

"From two to four in the afternoon, from eight to ten in the evening, if there is no special reason, she will play at the tennis club." Lin Qingling replied.

Chen Yang

After pondering for a few seconds, "Can you bring me into the club?"

"Yes, I will not be blocked from entering the club." Lin Qingling replied.

"Okay." Chen Yang smiled slightly. Then tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock, we will go to your third sister. "


Chen Yang saw that it was almost time. He snapped his fingers and let Lin Qingling sleep.

Lin Qingling was also obedient. After Chen Yang snapped his fingers, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing Lin Qingling falling asleep so quickly, Chen Yang smiled and said, "If this hypnotism is used in the treatment of insomnia, it will also have a good effect.


"Hehe, okay. Go to sleep slowly, we'll see you tomorrow." With that said, Chen Yang stood up, turned around and left the room.

Chen Yang didn't do anything to Lin Qingling. Although Lin Qingling is good-looking and tall... But Chen Yang disdains Yu to do such a dangerous thing.

He's not the kind of hooligan who's got the upper hand, of course. The most important thing is that there is no conflict between him and Lin Qingling. There is no need to do such a thing.

Go back to your room. Chen Yang simply took a shower and then went to sleep.

I was speechless all night, and it was after twelve noon the next day. Chen Yang and Lin Qingling came out

The hotel went to the nearby fast food restaurant to eat something casually.

Now Lin Qingling has woken up from deep hypnosis, except that she thinks Chen Yang is her boyfriend, everything else is like a normal person

As for what happened yesterday. Lin Qingling couldn't remember, Chen Yang just told her. She drank too much.

After eating, Lin Qingling held Chen Yang's hand and said sweetly, "Where are we going, my dear?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly._"Didn't you agree yesterday? Let's go to play tennis and meet your third sister, did you forget?\"

"Really?" Lin Qingling thought for a while. "It seems that

I don't remember exactly what, are we really going?"

"Hehe, what's the matter 2, you don't want to see your third sister?" Chen Yang asked slightly.

"It's not that I don't want to, my third sister is too strict with me. I'm afraid she will see me and teach me a lesson." Lin Zuiling pouted and said straight.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Qingling and stopped. Do not worry. I really saw Lin Qingling. She doesn't have time to teach you a lesson.

"Don't say that. Your third sister is Guan Shan. Besides, you disappeared overnight. Your third sister is very worried about you." Chen Yang smiled.

Lin Qingling thought for a while, "Okay.

Since you want to go, let's go. Just in time, I will also formally introduce you to the third sister - next.

"Okay." Chen Yang nodded, "Then let's go."

The two stopped a taxi and went straight to the tennis club, which was not too far away. It took about an hour for the two to arrive at the club

After getting off the car, Chen Yang looked at his watch. It was almost 2.2 soil, according to what Lin Qingling said. Lin Qingying should already be in Dan club now.

"Dear. Let's go." Lin Qingling held Chen Yang's hand. Step into the club

In the lobby, the receptionist saw Lin Qingling coming, so she hurried up to meet him,

"Miss Eight"

Lin Qingling nodded. "Is my third sister here?"

"Here." The receptionist said respectfully

"At the -z tennis hall. Miss Cong, do you want to go there?"

"Yes." Lin Qingling nodded. Then he smiled at Chen Yang. "Honey. Let's go in.".

The receptionist was stunned for a moment. "Miss Third

bit is..."

"It's my boyfriend. I'm here to meet the third sister today. Are there any questions?" Lin Qingling said coldly.

""No, no, Miss Eighth, please. "The receptionist saw that Lin Qingling's expression changed.

Yue quickly stepped aside.

"Hmph." Lin Qingling snorted and walked in with Chen Yang in his arms.

When the receptionist saw Lin Qingling leaving, he hurriedly called, "Hello, is this Secretary Wang?"

"That's it, Miss Eight is here. She also brought a:.:boyfriend!"

Tennis Court No. 1. Lin Qingying was practicing with four professional tennis players when Secretary Wang came over.

"Mr. Lin. There is a situation."

Lin Qingying held the racket with both hands. 2 She played a tennis ball with all her might, but none of the four professional players caught it. Lin Qingying scored a

"You guys go down first." Lin Qingying waved her hands, the four professional players bowed slightly and stepped back respectfully.

After the professional players left, Lin Qingying asked, "What's going on?"

Secretary Wang responded, "The Eighth Miss is here, and she also brought a boyfriend. What do you think?"

Eh?. Lin Qingying was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Haha, I didn't expect him to really dare to come."

"Okay, I want to see who he is, you go to receive them, I will be there.

"Okay: ..President Lin, look." Secretary Wang just responded when he saw a handsome man holding a

The tennis racket went to the court.

Lin Qingying's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she stared at the man closely, with bursts of light flashing in her eyes. (Good Zhao's"

Chen Yang looked at Lin Qingying, smiled lightly, raised the racket in his hand, and pointed at Lin Qingying, "You're playing tennis well! I'll accompany you to practice?"

Lin Qingying stared at Chen Yang. After pondering for a few seconds, the corner of his mouth raised, "Okay! I'm just looking for an opponent."

"However, I remind you. I have a lot of strength, so be careful. Don't hurt you.

"Haha. That's exactly what I want to say." Chen Yang chuckled lightly, his eyes slowly tightening.

Activate Talent Scouting!

[Ding, the reconnaissance technique is activated. Scanning. 1

Chen Yang's vision changed. Lin Qingying's outline became illusory. Then, a powerful red light burst out on her outline.

Sure enough, he is a gifted person, and looking at the light, he is a high-level gifted person!

[Applause, the scan was successful. ]

[High-level talent, Lin Qingyingchen.

Identity, the Longdu Lin Group is sensible, the third daughter of the third generation of the Longdu Lin family

Innate ability, spiritual talent. This talent can affect the human spirit. ]

Hearing the system prompt, 2 Chen Yang's eyes narrowed, I really won the lottery!

The odds of one in a billion... let me encounter it.

However, this is interesting!_


Chapter 204: Lin Qingying's spiritual talent attack! (Please subscribe!)

On the tennis court, Lin Qingying and Chen Yang face each other across the net. Both of their eyes are shining. The entire stadium has already formed a situation of competition

At this time, Lin Zheling changed into his sportswear and came to the court. She saw Lin Qingying and Chen Yang confrontation on the tennis court. A was stunned for a moment

"Third sister. What are you doing, my dears?"

"Miss Er." Secretary Wang came up. Pulling Lin Qingling aside, "Miss Eighth, Mr. Lin and that A are going to play tennis. Don't go there, so as not to hurt you."

"Playing tennis?" Lin Qingling frowned, "Why did the third sister carry it with Lin Yang?

Tennis, no, Sanjie's tennis skills are too good, Lin Yang is not an opponent, I'm going to stop them. "

- "Miss Eighth. Don't go, otherwise President Lin should be angry." Secretary Yu persuaded Zhizhi.


"Lingling. Stay well and I'll find you later!" Lin Qingling said something. But Lin Qingying scolded him.

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