Chen Yang walked into the noodle shop with curiosity. Anyway, he's also going to eat something _ just eat here.

Sitting in a position ten meters away from that person. Chen Yang raised his eyes and glanced over, "System. Help me detect the identity of this talented person. Innate ability."

_[Scanning: Once the scan is complete s

[Low-level talent: Xia Zhiyan.

Identity, entertainment star e

Talent, good

Aura of luck. As the name suggests, this gifted person is blessed with good luck and can save himself from danger in the face of danger.

Because the talent is too low, it will only be turned on when it is dangerous or important moments in life

"Who is this person?" Chen Yang was stunned when he heard the system prompt.

He couldn't see a person's appearance clearly when he looked at the talent reconnaissance technique, so L didn't find Xia Zhiyan when he came in.

Now that he heard the system prompt, he knew who this person was.

The name and occupation are all right. It can't be wrong."

"Isn't she in the East China Sea? Why did she come to Longdu Mountain?

Are you causing trouble for me?" Chen Yang muttered in a depressed voice.

As soon as his spirit moved, Chen Yang removed the Talented Person's reconnaissance technique, his line of sight was emptied, and then he returned to his normal line of sight.

Chen Yang fixed his eyes and looked, ten meters away from him, there was a tall, tall woman wearing a cap and a mask. She was very tight in her sunglasses bag.

If it wasn't Xia Zhiyan, who else could it be?

Although Xia Zhiyan was very tightly wrapped, Chen Yang could still recognize it at a glance. If he didn't recognize others, he recognized that chest well. He had seen it with his own eyes.

"It's really her, my God, what are you doing here? Wait for her.

Didn't you come to arrest me? Second sister didn't let her come, she got pissed. She came here secretly? "I can't let her find me." Thinking of this, Chen Yang stood up directly. Just about to go out. Suddenly another thing came to mind.

"Yes, I've changed my face now. If she doesn't recognize my L like this::..." Chen Yang's mouth curved into a wicked smile.

"Hey, then I'm going to tease her, it's better to drive her away!" Chen Yang made up his mind and walked over.

"Sister, how long has Yangyang been gone?

In the restaurant, the mother and daughter of the Lin family who stayed behind were having dinner, without Chen Yang and Lin Siyu.

. The atmosphere of this meal is very depressing.

Especially Lin Sixuan, she has no interest in eating at all these days. I scribbled a few mouthfuls every day, most of which I asked about Lin Siyun and Chen Yang at the dining table.

Lin Siyun heard Lin Sixuan's inquiry. She couldn't help but sighed. She looked up at Lin Yuyan and then at Lin Sihan, both of whom were also in low spirits.

"Mom, eat more. You haven't eaten much these days. You are recovering now. Second, you must eat well." Lin Siyun looked at Lin Yuyan, and Guan Xiao advised. Don't worry about me, I just don't have any appetite

"You eat more

Bar. . I see that you are not feeling well these days. "

Lin Siyun smiled helplessly, "Mom, let's not do this, okay? If Yang Yang knew (Zhao Nuo), he would definitely be worried. You don't want Chen Yang to come back and go to the hospital to see you?"

Hearing Lin Siyun's words, Lin Yuyan forcibly cheered up. She looked at Lin Sihan and Lin Sixuan and said, "Eat well. If Yangyang comes back and sees that we are all thin, it won't hurt!"

"Starting today. Everyone must eat well, otherwise. I'll ask Siyun to send her on a business trip. Not for ten days and a half. She won't be able to come back!"

"Don't be so ruthless." Lin Sixuan said with a smile: "Okay, I'll eat."

Lin Sihan nodded obediently, "Mom. I eat it too, you eat it too."

"Come on, eat more meat, and eldest sister. You also eat some meat." Lin Sihan gave Lin Yuyan and Lin Siyun a piece of meat.

Lin Yuyan smiled slightly and ate the meat directly, but Lin Siyun picked up the meat and didn't eat it for a long time.

It's not that she doesn't want to eat it. It's that she is a little disgusting to play.

In order to prevent Lin Yuyan from discovering something strange, Lin Siyun. She resisted the nausea, stuffed it into her mouth, but bit it twice. She couldn't help it.

"Mom, you eat first. I... vomit"

Before the words were finished, Lin Siyun covered his mouth and ran away.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuyan's heart trembled. Mei's eyes widened. After being stunned for a few seconds, Lin Yuyan quickly chased after him.


Chapter 194: Lin Siyun decides to go to the gynecological hospital! (Please subscribe!)

Lin Yuyan followed in Lin Siyun's footsteps. As soon as she reached the bathroom door, she wanted to knock on the door to go in, but she raised her hand and hesitated for a while, then put it down again.

Listening to the movement inside, Lin Yuyan frowned and thought. Lin Yuyan felt that something was wrong with Lin Siyun these days. Lin Siyun's face was always pale. Eat very little.

Sometimes she suddenly left the table, and she didn't come back until she was almost finished eating. Lin Wangyan didn't think much about it, thinking that Lin Siyun also missed Chen Yang. Lost appetite.

But today, she saw Lin Siyun's retching with her own eyes, and her nerves suddenly collapsed. She is someone who has come here.

, the woman retches when she sees the food. It's obviously an early pregnancy reaction.

Lin Yuzang's eyes flashed with light. Excited and apprehensive in my heart, could it be that Siyun and Yangyang have already divorced their wives 2 Siyun is pregnant 2

Kind of impossible. How long has it been since Yangyang came home? Even if they have had **** between husband and wife, they can't have early pregnancy symptoms so early?

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Yuyan was also a little puzzled. Of course, she would not doubt that Lin Siyun had something to do with others. If there is, it must be Chen Yang.

Her daughter, Lin Yuyan, still knows very well that the man in the world, that is, Chen Yang, can be like Lin Siyun's eyes.

What the **** is going on? Lin Yuyan frowned. Is it just physical discomfort?

While Lin Yuyan was thinking about it, the bathroom door was pushed open. Lin Siyun saw Lin Yuyan at the door. Somewhat surprised.,But the name changed was nervous.

"Mom, why are you at the bathroom door?" Lin Siyun tried to relax as much as possible, smiled, and asked lightly.

Lin Yuyan picked up her hands to support Lin Siyun's arm. Guan Xiao asked, "Siyun, are you alright, don't scare mother 210_."

"Mom, what can I do? I just have a bad appetite recently. Don't worry about it." Lin Si

Yun smiled.

"I don't have a good appetite?" Lin Yuyan raised her eyebrows. "Have you gone to the doctor? What did the doctor say, why don't your mother accompany you to see it?"

"Mom, I'm really fine, you don't have to worry." Lin Siyun raised his hand and touched Lin Yuyan's shoulder, "Compared to me. You should pay attention to your body."

"Yangyin has managed to cure your disease with great difficulty. If you have a relapse of the old disease because of the problem of diet and rest, wouldn't that make Yangyang's efforts all in vain?

"I'm fine. I know my own body. I did lose my appetite a bit these past two days, but,

I will adjust it soon." Lin Yuyan smiled, "Don't worry about me. "

"Well, take good care of your body. That's the most important thing." Lin Siyun said with a smile, let's go, let's go back to eat."

"Okay:: Wait." Lin Yuyan suddenly turned around. Staring at Lin Siyun with squinted eyes, good guy. He was almost fooled by the little girl.

She tried so hard to hide it. Is there really something wrong?. No. I can't be so confused about the past. To smell clearly.

Making up her mind, Lin Yuyan grabbed Lin Siyun's hand. . asked directly, "Siyun, you are an obedient child, you and your mother

To be honest, don't you..." Lin Yuyan pointed at Lin Siyun's lower abdomen.

Lin Siyun's heart suddenly trembled. What she was most worried about was that Lin Yuyan suspected that she was pregnant, so she had been hiding for the past few days, but she did not expect to be suspected.

No, I can't let my mother tell me about this, I have to keep it a secret. Fortunately, I made some preparations in front of me.

Lin Siyun's beautiful eyes stared at 4, pretending to be surprised. "Mom. What are you thinking: I can get pregnant when Duke Jiao die. Do you want to be a grandma too much?"

"Don't carry it with me haha. Mom is here. R3: You can't lie to me." Lin Yuyan's eyes narrowed.

” exudes a wise light

"Tell your mother to tell the truth, have you and Yangyang ever had... divorced your wife? If you have, you are likely to be pregnant. This is not a trivial matter. Don't take it too seriously."

"Mom:" Lin Siyun smiled bitterly. "The more you talk, the more outrageous you are. Yangyang and I have nothing to do. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant, I just have a cold stomach."

"Also, I've already gone to the hospital for a check-up. No, look." After speaking, Lin Siyun rummaged through his pocket and took out a bottle of medicine.

Lin Yuyan took the medicine bottle and looked at it, and it really was a medicine for treating stomach cold, and it also contained possible adverse effects after taking the medicine.

reaction. Nausea and retching, loss of appetite.

After reading it, Lin Yuyan was a little disappointed

It's just a cold stomach. Hey, I thought you and Yangyang really had a child.

"Mom, see what you said, even if I have something to do with Yangyang, it won't be that fast!" Lin Siyun said with a smile.

"I don't want you to have good things!" Lin Yuyan sighed, "Since it's not... then forget it, Siyun, stomach cold is not a trivial matter. You have to pay attention to know?"

"The adverse reactions of this drug are all named. If it doesn't work, don't take it. Change to another drug, or try traditional Chinese medicine.

. "Lin Yuyan said with concern.

"Okay. I understand." Lin Siyun pressed Lin Yuyan's shoulder, "Okay, you can go eat. Take care of your body. I'll let Xiao Liu cook the porridge, you can drink some porridge to warm your stomach."

"Well, I'll go back in a while."

Lin Yuyan nodded. Turned around and left. Lin Siyun watched her mother leave and was really relieved. Fortunately, she was prepared. Went to the pharmacy to buy a bottle of medicine. Otherwise, this matter will not be over. When coming down, Lin Yuyan turned around and came back. Lin Siyun's nerves immediately tense.

"Mom, is there anything else?" Lin Siyun's face

Embarrassed smile appeared. Why do I feel like you're a little nervous?"

"Why am I nervous? You scared me." Lin Siyun said helplessly. "Mom. Is there anything else?"

"Oh, I suddenly remembered an important matter, before Yang Yang left. I mentioned it to him for ten days. I think I have to tell you, after all, you are the party involved."

"What's the matter?" Lin Siyun was suspicious.

Lin Yuyan smiled and said, "I told Yangyang that when the matter of the Lin family in Longdu is almost resolved, I will marry you and Yangyang. Hurry up and settle the matter."


I have an explanation for the Lin family and Yangyang's parents. Siyun, you don't object, do you?"

When Lin Siyun heard this, her beautiful eyes widened.

"Mom. Why did you make this decision suddenly?"

"It's not suddenly. I've been thinking about it for a long time. If it wasn't for the occurrence of the Lin family in Longdu, I would have booked it for you. Hey, Yangyang's career is too strong. I can't do anything to postpone it. Lin Yuyan sighed, I still think it's too late.

"No, Mom, you: I..." Lin Siyun didn't know what to say. It was too sudden for her

"You want to say

What.. Forget it. Lin Yuyan waved her hand, "Anyway, Yangyang is determined, you just have to cooperate. Mom knows that you have feelings for Yangyang.. But there are things that you can't let go.. If you don't force you, you won't give in. of."

"That's all set. When Yangyang and Siyu come back. I'll find a suitable opportunity to announce it at home, okay, that's it_" Finished speaking. Lin Yuyan turned around and left.

"No. Mom, I." Lin Siyun wanted to say something, but Lin Yuyan didn't listen and left.

Lin Siyun waited with a face full of bitterness. Is this even a deal? It's too hasty. I, Li Yangyang, are engaged, thinking about it.

rain. Hanhan. What should Xuan Xuan do? ,

Yangyang also agreed 2 true and false 3 Has he already thought of how to deal with these things? Oh, how did things become like this?

Lin Siyun scratched his head in distress, then touched his belly Yang Yang, come back soon. I don't know what to do if I don't come back

No, if this matter is really messed up, then I have to order this matter too.

Thinking about it, Lin Siyun took out his mobile phone and called Secretary Mu. _ "Secretary Shen will make an appointment with a gynecologist tomorrow, and I'm going to check it out."

Lin Siyun decided to do it

checked. At this time, Chen Yang, who didn't know the truth, was still teasing Xia Zhiyan.

Chen Yang ordered a meal, deliberately sat opposite Xia Zhiyan, and then looked straight at Xia Zhiyan.

Xia Zhiyan was probably afraid that others would recognize her, so she pulled the mask up and covered her nose, leaving only a small mouth to eat the noodles.

Looking at Xia Zhiyan's funny look. Chen Yang couldn't help but want to laugh, he deliberately leaned in front of Xia Zhiyan. He whispered, "Eating a face and covering it so tightly, you wouldn't be a star, would you?

cough cough |

Chen Yang's words choked Xia Zhiyan, she coughed violently, and then

Wipe your eyes with a damp tissue.

"You.1: You're wrong. I'm not a star, I just... catch a cold."

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