"Not only that, I will also help you take the position of the chief executive. From now on, the Longdu Lin family will be yours. Power, status, whatever you want!"

"You will be above ten thousand people and only below me, how about that?"

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Lin Qingman's beautiful eyes flashed with extreme entanglement. She is a proud and arrogant person, never willing to be subordinate to others, let alone become someone else's puppet.

But does she still have a choice?

?If the VP loses this competition. Then she will be suppressed by Mi Qingying.

When Lin Qingying assumes the position of president of the Lin family in Longdu, her fate will be even worse, and she will likely be under ten thousand people.

If it really gets to that point. She would rather be Chen Yang's puppet L

Thinking of this, Lin Qingman suddenly gritted his teeth

"Okay! I promise you!" I read you right! \"Chen Yang laughed and raised his hand to support Lin Qingman. The wisest choice in his life."

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will not treat you badly!"

Lin Qingman took a deep breath and calmed down. "I hope you can keep your word."

"That's natural. I'm the most honest." The corner of Chen Yang's mouth - Yang. "But I'm a little worried about you. What if you go back after you gain power? I have nowhere to cry."

"What do you want?" Lin Qingman looked straight at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang grinned and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Let's say there is no evidence. Let's leave some evidence." Quan Lin Qingman, "Come and swear, just say you think my master. Always obey my orders."

"Meng: The matter of transforming Lanyang District

, also into it, we have to add cause and effect into it. Only in this way can people be convincing. Right. "

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Lin Zeman clenched his teeth, and his beautiful eyes shone with cold light.

"It's alright." Chen Yang smiled lightly.

."How? Record or not?".

"Do I still have a choice of golden land?" Lin Qingman clenched his silver teeth tightly, and his face was flushed, "But can the u-word be changed and recognize you as the master? ".

"Words can't be changed, that's the only way to be effective," Chen Yang said with a smirk, "Don't bargain. I'm here to help you.

"I thank you!" Lin Qingman glared fiercely at Chen Yang.

"You're welcome." Chen Yang shrugged and adjusted his perspective, "Let's get started."

Lin Qingman took a deep breath and said to the video, "I, Lin Qingman, recognized Chen Yang as the master. I must obey his orders and be willing to help Chen Yang annex the Lin family of Longdu."

In two minutes, the declaration of acknowledgment of the Lord was finished. Chen Yang nodded with satisfaction, "Well, not bad.

"With this evidence - you will have no way out. If you dare to go back on it in the future. I will send this video. When the time comes, you will be regarded as Long Dulin.

The president of the family will also be impeached. "

"Furthermore, the end will be tragic - ten thousand times. Longdu's Lin family will not spare you, nor will I let you go. By then, although the world is big, there will be no place for you.

Lin Qingman glared at Chen Yang fiercely. Don't worry, I, Lin Qingman, do what I say! You'd better keep your promise, otherwise_.."

"Otherwise, how would you go?" Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Sylvia Lin with a smile.

"I...I...I..." Lin Zeman "I" for a long time. There is no reason for "I", she has nothing to do with Chen Yang, all the initiative

In Chen Yang's hands.

Looking at the depressed Lin Qingman. Chen Yang said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will keep my promise. After all, finding a suitable puppet is not an easy task."

"Can you stop talking about puppets... it sounds ugly." Lin Qingman said depressedly.

"Okay, let's not talk about puppets. 2 Let's talk about maids

"You'd better talk about puppets." Lin Qingman sighed helplessly.

"Haha, I prefer to be called a maid, it sounds better than a puppet." Chen Yang laughed and sat on the sofa. Raise Erlang's legs. That gesture, like an ancient prince-like


Come, maid, pour me a glass of wine. I'm going to celebrate one:next. "Chen Yang smiled.

Lin Qianman is so angry in her heart." Thinking of her dignified existence, the daughter of the Lin family, who was admired by thousands of people, she has now become a maid. This kind of gap really drives her crazy

No, I have to take revenge on him! Even if it's not in business, I want to take revenge in other places. It's so irritating.

Da Da Da L's rapid footsteps, the next second, the door was violently pushed open, and a group of people poured into the room.

Headed by two peerless beauties, and behind them are all big-headed people in Donghai City.

Chen Yang looked at

The group of people who rushed in was stunned for a moment. "Miss, second sister, why are you here? You brought so many people with you?"

Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu took a look at the environment at the scene. Seeing that Chen Yang was unscathed, he was relieved.

"Yangyang, are you alright?" Lin Siyun asked Guan Xiao.

Chen Yang shrugged and said with a smile, "What can I do?" 0.1_,

Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile, Mrs. L, I will say that Yang Yang can't hurt anyone, look at him. To eat and eat, to drink and to drink, is more comfortable than a rich man. \'Can you use a good metaphor?" Chen Yang smiled helplessly.

"Hmph. It made us worry so much. I still want something nice." Lin Siyu hummed.

"Siyu." At this time, Lin Siyun stopped Lin Siyu. She looked at Lin Qingman and said, "Lin Qingman, you have gone too far."

"You want to play. I'll play with you. What's the matter with detaining my brother?"

Hearing Lin Siyun's words, Lin Qingman had the heart to cry, I call it detaining your brother? Is it your brother who detained me?"

Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Qingman didn't show it on the surface. She rolled her eyes and thought of a good strategy.


The corner of his mouth twitched. With a seductive smile, he twisted his waist, walked to Chen Yang's side, sat directly on Chen Yang's legs, and wrapped his arms around Chen Yang's neck.

This scene shocked everyone, including Chen Yang.

What kind of plane is this girl going to fly?_


Chapter 162: Lin Qingman's beauty plan is defeated! (Please subscribe!)

Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu came to the private room of 6608__ with the prominent figures in Donghai City.

Originally, Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu came to find Lin Qingman to ask for his guilt. But no one thought of it. Lin Qingman actually sat in Chen Yang's arms. His movements were extremely ambiguous.

All of a sudden, everyone was stupid. Those well-heeled people, you look at me and I look at you, all have their faces confused.

Aren't we here to save people? Is it still worth saving in this situation? This young master Lin won't blame us for his good deeds. stop looking. Let's see if there is an accident!

Several wealthy businessmen looked at each other. All bowed their heads,

She also covered her face with her hands, which was embarrassing.

Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu were also embarrassed. while being embarrassed. There is also anger, of course, this anger is not towards Chen Yang, but towards Sylvia Lin

"Lin Qingman. What are you trying to do? Lin Siyun glared at her beautifully and scolded coldly.

Lin Qingman put his arms around Chen Yang's neck and smiled seductively, "Cousin, didn't you see it all?".

"Hey, I didn't expect that Chen Yang would treat me so well and would give me the right to reform Lanyang District. I can't repay it. I can only promise."

"Cousin. You should be happy that I am with Chen Yang. We are here.

It's like kissing and kissing. "

When Lin Siyun heard this, her eyebrows stood up. Who wants to kiss and kiss you" I can't wait to pull you down

Of course, these 12 words, Lin Siyun just thought about it in his heart. won't say it. in front of so many wealthy businessmen. 2 She has to maintain her identity.

Lin Siyu raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Lin Qingman, do you think you can deceive us by this means?"

"I advise you not to waste your time. My eldest sister and I came here with a wealthy businessman from the East China Sea, just to give you an ultimatum!"

"What ultimatum 9?

\" Lin Qingman asked with a light smile.

"The ultimatum to start the war with your Dragon City Lin family." Lin Siyu's eyes narrowed, and she waved, "Bring it here."

The voice came to the ground, and a dozen big men pressed the earth and eight middle-aged men into the private room. Lin Siyu nodded. More than a dozen Tai Han pushed eight middle-aged men directly in front of Lin Qingman.

"These people, you know them." Lin Siyu said coldly.

Lin Qingman glanced at the person in front of him, her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly. How could she not know, these people are the eyeliners of the Long Dulin family in the East China Sea. ,

On the surface, these people are one

The boss of a company. .But in fact, they all provided information to the Lin family of Longdu.

these people were caught

Chapter 163: Lin Qingman is tempted! (Please subscribe!)

When Chen Yang came out of the room, only Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu were left in the corridor, and the other wealthy businessmen had already left.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyun, Lin Siyu, scratched his head, and smiled. "Big sister, second sister_Why are you making such a big noise?"

"Is this too moving?" Lin Siyun rolled his eyes, _ "According to what your second sister said. All the leaders of the Lin Group will come. If they all come, I can't stand in this corridor."

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I'll be too famous." Chen Yang said with a wry smile.

Lin Siyu said angrily, "Who

I know that you and Sylvia Lin can play such a hand. How about 3 taste good. "

"Second sister, can we not mention this? You know, I didn't do it voluntarily." Chen Yang looked at Lin Siyu's pouting expression, his face full of embarrassment.

"I know you didn't do it voluntarily, but I just feel uncomfortable." Lin Siyu pouted.

"Okay, let's put a person like Lin Qingman on the stand. Yang Yang is too embarrassed." Lin Siyun gave Chen Yang a roundabout, and then asked, "How is Lin Qingman?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm still crying. Madam, you can find a set of clothes for her to put on later. Come on.

. Stop being so hostile to her, she's ours now. "

"Change clothes? Our people?" Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu were both stunned, "Yangyang. What's going on?"

Chen Yang briefly explained what happened before, and took out his own mobile phone, shaking Kun in front of Lin Siyun and Lin Siyu.

"I have all her handles in my phone. No matter how high her status in the Long Dulin family is in the future, she will be controlled by us."

Lin Siyun looked surprised. "In such a short period of time, you turned Lin Qingman against Yangyang. You are really amazing."

"Haha, I'm still thinking about how to make Lin Zheman not jump over the wall. Now it seems that I'm overthinking it. Your method is better than the one I thought." Lin Siyu smiled wryly.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "This is also a helpless move. The Lin family of Longdu is too powerful in Longdu. If there is no internal response, we can't annex the Lin family of Longdu."

"Don't talk about annexation. If the Lin family of Longdu finds out, we will take over the transformation right of Lanyang District. We can't even do normal construction."

"Only by supporting a puppet can we break into the Lin family of Longdu Lin and break the monopoly of the Lin family of Longdu. Lin Qingman is me.

The chosen puppet. "Lin Zeman has a strong sense of power. It is indeed easier to control. In addition to the handle of the Yangyang caterpillar, she dare not betray us~ Ming.".

"Yangyang, this is a good job.

Lin Siyu looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile, Yang Yang. I didn't expect you to be so good at attacking the mind. "

- "Second sister, don't laugh at me." Chen Yang said with a smile, "It's about tactics. I can't compare to you. You're the little Zhuge of the Lin family. It's not for nothing."

"Hey, I'm afraid it won't be long. I'm about to abdicate to become a virtuous person." Lin Siyu sighed. . "Take today as an example. I am

I didn't help at all, I just watched the fun. "

"Second sister. If you praise me like that, I'll be floating." Chen Yang said with a wry smile.

L "Don't drift off for now. Although you handled Lin Qingman's matter well, Xuansuga was too troublesome. My eldest sister and I can't help you with this matter, so you can only go by yourself. "

Lin Siyu smiled helplessly, "Xuanxuan is on the Bund, go see her. Persuade her well. Although Rongxuan is sometimes arrogant, she is not an unreasonable person."

Chen Yang nodded, "Second sister, don't worry. I will persuade the fourth sister. Eldest sister, I will leave the matter here to you.


Lin Siyun nodded, "Go ahead. I can handle Lin Qingman."

"Okay. Then I'll go to the fourth sister." Chen Yang and Lin Siyun, Lin Siyu said goodbye and rushed to the Bund.

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