"Unless she's from out of town, give her a hundred courage. She doesn't dare to act rashly.

Move!" Xue Miao said drunkenly.

As the so-called - a typical awake dreamer heard Xue Miao's words. Lin Sixuan took a shock and stood up directly.

"I remember who she is!" Lin Siying said in shock, "How could she come to the East China Sea?

"No, this is going to be bad! If you let her know Yangyang's identity, Yangyang will be in danger!" Lin Sixuan was about to go out. "4.0_I have to go to Yangyang."

Jiang Yaoyao and Xue Miao saw that Lin Sixuan was going to leave

Quickly stop her. "Xuanxuan, what's wrong with you 1 Who is that woman?"

"Oh, don't dig me, Yangyang is in danger. That woman is the enemy of our Lin family," Lin Sixuan said anxiously.

"If you have an enemy, can your Lin family still have an enemy?" Jiang Yaoyao - dared to be an enemy of the Lin family, how daring you would be. Xue Miao also woke up at this time. "Besides, you can't deal with her alone. Do you know how many people she has?"

"If you want to save Yangyang...you have to call your eldest sister."

When Lin Sixuan heard this, "Yes! I have to call my wife!"

When she came back to her senses, Lin Sixuan hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone to Lin Siyun.

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Sixuan couldn't wait to say, "Eldest sister. The big thing is bad. Someone from the Lin family has come from Longdu. Take Yangyang away with L."


Lin Siyun, who was taking a bath, heard Lin Siying's words. .stand up straight 1_


Chapter 157: The big sister and the second sister join forces, and the East China Sea shakes! (Please subscribe!)

After Lin Siyun returned home, he put a tub of hot water in the bathroom, ready to take a bath and relax, and wanted to take this opportunity. Think about her and Chen Yang.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the bathtub, he received a call from Lin Sixuan. Hearing that Lin Sixuan said that Chen Yang was taken away by the people of the Longdu Lin family, Lin Siyun stood up in shock.

"Ying Xuan. You made it clear. What's going on, who took Yangyang's 3" Although Lin Siyun is very anxious now, Ru's mind is still relatively clear.

Lin Sixuan replied anxiously, "I can't remember who that woman is, anyway, I've seen her, oh. Yes.

. It was when my grandfather died. The woman who was beaten by you in the mourning hall!"

"Lin Qingman!" Lin Siyun's beautiful eyes condensed. A cold light burst forth, "I didn't expect her to come so quickly. I thought she would have to wait two days to come."

- "Eldest sister, what did you say? Did you know she was coming?" Lin Sixuan asked suspiciously.

"Well, I already knew she would come. It's just that I won't talk about it sooner than I expected. Where are you and Yangyang?"

"We were in room 6606 of the prosperous wealthy family, and Yangyang was taken away by that Shi Mo Qingman. Sister, come over quickly. I'm afraid Yangyang is in danger."

"Prosperous and wealthy? What are you doing there? Ying Xuan, just stay in room 09 as you tell me, so don't go there."

"Don't go to Yangyang. Yangyang won't be in any danger now. Do you know?" Lin Siyun was afraid that Lin Sixuan's involvement would be dangerous, so she hurriedly warned.

"But I'm worried about Yangyang!"

"I know you're worried about Yangyang. But it's useless for you to go, listen to me! Lin Siyun scolded. Suddenly. She felt that Lin Sixuan's voice was a bit wrong, "Xuanxuan, have you been drinking? "


Lin Sixuan replied in a low voice, and then said anxiously, "Eldest sister. You want to scold me. Can you scold me when you find Yangyang?"

"That imperial woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Yangyang was taken away by her. There must be dangers.

"I'm not worried about Yangyang now, I'm worried about you!" Lin Siyun patted his forehead helplessly, Chen Yang was very smart. Even in the face of Sylvia Lin, he will not suffer any loss,

Take ten thousand steps back. Even if Lin Qingman is aggressive, Chen Yang can use the right to reform Lanyang District to protect himself. for the right to reform. Lin Zeman didn't dare to hurt Chen Yang either.

But Lin Sixuan was different. Originally, Lin Sixuan was impulsive when she did things.

In addition to drinking, if she finds Chen Yang. Not sure what happened.

If the contradiction is intensified.. The two sides moved their hands, causing Lin Sixuan to be injured. Then Lin Siyun couldn't help but die of pain.

"Suga Xuan, listen to me, don't worry about this matter, eldest sister rush over immediately!" Lin Siyun told Lin Sixuan again, but she was still worried.

"Xuanxuan, who is with you? Is it Yaoyao and Miaomiao?_" Lin Siyun asked

"Yes, eldest sister, why are you asking this!" Lin Sixuan said anxiously, "The most important thing now is Yangyang's safety." They, hurry up, or I'll be angry!

"," Lin Siyun deliberately raised her voice, doing this, Lin Sixuan would not be obedient.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Siyun's high drink, Lin Sixuan was unwilling, and reluctantly handed the phone to Jiang Yaoyao, "My eldest sister is looking for you."

Jiang Yaoyao heard Lin Siyun's voice before and hurriedly took over the phone.

"Sister. I'm Yao Rui, you said.

"Yaoyao, I would like to trouble you with one thing. You and Miaomiao will watch over Xuanxuan. Wait for me to go there. Don't let Xuanxuan leave the room until I arrive",

"Xuanxuan loves to be impulsive, and you all know that if she finds Yangyang, things will be big. I

Worrying about her injury, understand?" Lin Siyun urged urgently.

"Sister, don't worry, I will stop Xuanxuan." Jiang Yaoyao assured

"Okay. Then I'll rush over now." Lin Siyun hung up the phone and walked out.

She changed her clothes and tidied up casually, then walked out of the room, and she happened to meet Lin Siyu, who was surprised. "Siyu, why are you here?"

Lin Siyu smiled bitterly, "I just wanted to chat with you, but I haven't even entered the door. I heard you telling Xuanxuan's best friend."

"What's the matter, 3 Xuanxuan is in trouble again, isn't there Yangyang by her side?

? "

Lin Siyun shook his head, "It's not Xuanxuan who is in trouble, it's Yangyang who is in trouble."

"Is Yangyang in trouble?" Lin Siyu was a little anxious to hear it. _"what happened?"

"Talk while walking._" Lin Siyun waved his hand. Go downstairs with Lin Siyu. When going downstairs, Lin Siyun took Chen Yang to the Lanyang District transformation right. I've said it again about hitting Lin Jinhao and the prosperous giants

"Lin Qingman went to Yangyang for the right to reform, but with Yangyang's character, L would never hand over the right to reform."

"If the two of them stiffen up, I'm afraid that Yangyang will suffer.


.You also know that Lin Qingman is not a fuel-efficient lamp⊥_" Lin Siyun said solemnly

After listening to understand the ins and outs of the matter. Lin Siyu frowned. . Her mind was spinning fast.

After a while, Lin Siyu spoke up.

"Miss. What are you going to do with this matter?"

"What else can we do? Drive her back to Long Duming." Lin Siyun raised the corner of his mouth. In a cold voice, "It's impossible for her to want the right to transform Lanyang District." Our Lin Group must win this project. We all have roots in the dragon. "

"With this root

Ji.L, we don't have to worry about the plots of the Long Dulin family. It can even be used as a springboard. Complete the annexation of the Longdulin family. "

Lin Siyu nodded. _ "The transformation right of Lanyang District this time is indeed a big opportunity for our Lin Group. But the Lin family of Longdu will never let us complete it so smoothly."

"Lin Qingman is just: a small trouble, the real trouble lies in the entire Longdu Lin family"

"Eldest sister. You must handle this matter well. Otherwise, if Lin Qingman jumps over the wall and stabs this matter out. We will face the entire Lin family's difficulties."

Hearing Lin Siyu's words, Lin Siyun was stunned for a moment, "I didn't expect this. With Lin Qingman's character. If you push too hard, she can really do it."

"Right now, I haven't started to deploy the reconstruction of Lanyang District. If the Rongdu Lin family attacks us now, it's really hard to deal with!"

"Siyu, what are your thoughts?"

Lin Siyu frowned, "I don't have a good solution yet. You allow me to think about it. Well, I'll go with you, and we'll discuss it on the way."

"Okay." Lin Siyun did not refuse. With Lin Siyu as a military advisor, this matter will be handled

The more thoughtful e

"Sister, make a few phone calls on the way. Call a few prominent figures in the East China Sea. They're all on our site. The pomp can't be too small." Lin Siyu smiled lightly.

"That's what I mean." Lin Siyun said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Liqian and Lin Qingman are just a small fight. This time I will give her a big one, so that she can really understand the power of our Donghai Lin family. !"

"Hehe, I made a mistake, and 910 took this opportunity to put the Lin family of Longdu in the East China Sea, and one eye was cleared. Otherwise, the Lin family of Longdu really thought we were blind!" Lin Si's eyes narrowed again. burst out

fierce light

"Just do it like this." Lin Siyun nodded and looked at Lin Siyu. He stretched out his right hand, "Siyu, this time our two sisters will really join forces."

Lin Siyu raised her hand and shook it with Lin Siyun. Zhai said, _ "I've been waiting for this day to start an entertainment company every day, it's really boring.

"Only an opponent like the Lin family of Longdu can arouse my fighting spirit!"

"Haha, I knew that you are a restless master, and yes, Zhetian gave my second sister such a good mind. It can't be wasted."

"This time, we will officially fight against the Lin family of Longdu. Take a look at our sister.

Can the two sisters defeat this powerful dragon! "Lin Siyun said with a smile.

"Wrong, it's not our sisters." Lin Siyu mouth fish-Yiyang, "And our brother!"

Lin Siyun raised her beautiful eyes, "Yes. Our younger brother is no worse than us!"

"That's right, let's go, eldest sister, let's bring our younger brother back first and let him stay with the little fox Lin Qingman for too long. I'm not at ease, go."

"Haha, me too."

The two sisters looked at each other with a smile and walked out of the villa.


At this time, in room 6608, Chen Yang was sitting leisurely on the sofa, eating oranges.

Lin Qingman on the side looked at him on the ground in shock. There are still three strong men who are seriously injured and comatose.

The two were bodyguards brought by Lin Qingman

This is the big guy who tipped her off

Chen Yang directly stuffed a small orange into his mouth, and then smiled, "I said, you will regret bringing me in, so why don't you listen."_


Chapter 158: Chen Yang's plan to train spy Lin Qingman! (Please subscribe!)

In the private room of 6608, Chen Yang leaned on the sofa, leaning on Ichiro's legs leisurely. Lin Qingman, who was not far away from him, looked at him in shock.

Lin Zeman couldn't believe it, Chen Yang was so powerful, his two bodyguards and one of his subordinates were defeated by him within a few rounds of his hands.

Not even her subordinates. Her bodyguards have retired from the special forces. Normally, when the two of them join forces, twenty or thirty people can't get into them.

But facing Chen Yang today, it was solved by dividing three and five by two. This is for Yulin Qingman. It's just so shocking

Now Lim Ching Man

They all began to doubt Chen Yang's identity. Is he the adopted son of the Donghai Lin family or the bodyguard of the Lin family?

Naturally, Lin Zeman could not have known that Chen Yang's force was rewarded by the system, and Chen Yang had been bad before. There is nothing to reward him with any kind of force, there are still people in Donghai City who dare to fight with him.

Unexpectedly, I actually used it today. To be honest, Chen Yang himself felt shocked when he showed his great strength.

These are two veterans! They were killed by him. with his current strength. It is estimated that they are all first-class masters in the bodyguard world.

Chen Yang looked shocked

Shocked Lin Qingman. The corner of his mouth twitched. Open hanging human cow. It's cool L

"Hey, come back to your senses!" Chen Yang shouted. "I told you long ago that you will regret bringing me in, now you know?_

"You asked people to touch me just now, and now your people are all down. How should I get revenge on you?"

Speaking, Chen Yang stood up, his eyes narrowed. He slowly walked towards Lin Zheman's

Lin Qingman came back to his senses and looked at: Chen Yang, who was walking step by step, Mei Mei flashed a bit of horror. She was forced by Chen Yang to retreat again and again, and said nervously, "What do you want? Don't mess around, come on" Look at you like this

You are scared, weren't you crazy just now? You forced me to surrender the right to reform. Otherwise, you want me to look good a"

"I've been in for a long time, but you made me look good, why haven't you moved? 3

Lin Qingman gritted his teeth. He thought to himself. Didn't all my movements kill you: huh? Who knew you could fight like this, if you knew it earlier. I just brought a few bodyguards here. "

It's useless to think about this now. Lin Qingman took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She looked at Chen Yang and said solemnly, "Okay, I admit that I underestimated you."

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