Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 286 Original Ancestral Land

The Zeqi caravan walked slowly into the square.

The Zeqi Spider King chose a position, spit out his life seed, and took root on the ground. He watched with cold eyes as Bai Wei unloaded the goods on his back.

This little spider, call it stupid...

It has too many things that can't be carried on its back and is unloaded next to itself. No one dared to steal in front of a Spider King.

Call it clever...

If you need help, just say no?

The Zeqi Spider King hates spiders that think they are smart.

And that little spider called Grass Dragon...

The grass dragon quickly chose a location, spit out the life seed, took root on the ground, and rushed towards the hill, but was stopped by the Grass Crow Spider King next door.

Bai Wei, who was about to leave, was also frozen in place and unable to move.

Zeqi, I have something to tell you. These two little guys from your caravan should also listen.

The Grass Crow Spider King led Qiye over.

Bai Wei and Cao Long were shocked.

The Zeqi Spider King, who was just about to take a good rest, stood up and asked, What happened?


Caowu Spider King: That Dragon Cypress Ant King, it discovered the primitive flame spider community in Yunji Continent, and there was also a primitive spider warrior...

starship channel,

The grass dragon arrived with heavy steps.

Where are the green maples and red maples?

They have a lot of opinions about you.

Is this the original spider warrior? Xuan Lang?

Hello, Caolong.

He greeted Xuan Lang who was beside Long Bai.

The grass dragon's front feet hit the ground, making a high-frequency sound: How old are you?

Xuanlang then tapped the ground with his front feet and responded: three years old

The communication methods are the same, they are really the same ancestors!

Caolong sighed.

Long Bai corrected: The original flame spider is the ancestor of all traveling merchant flame spiders.

Caolong reluctantly said: ...This statement is correct.

Long Bai: Is there any other explanation?

Caolong: No.

Long Bai: The Lord of Qiye Mountain asked Huan Lang about the 'ancestral land'. What does this mean?

Cao Long: I just heard it from King Caowu Spider. The general meaning is that all the flame spiders in our Ten Thousand Clans Continent migrated from other continents. Legend has it that a long time ago, the flame spider tribe originated from a man named There is a sacred stone named 'Huan' in the place called 'Shangwei', which is a sacred object given by the true god of nature. It can protect the Flame Spider tribe from being lost in the reincarnation of the Force.

Gifted by the true God of nature?


Long Bai didn't believe it.

Long Bai himself once claimed that the throne of domination was given by the true god of nature.

Only Ghost Fan, Mountain Persimmon, and White Willow firmly believe in it.

Bai Fan and Red Fox, who are slightly smarter, don't believe it.

The Citizen Cedar and Spruce Tree didn't believe it at all. They knew in their hearts that they were treasures picked up from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Long Bai asked: Is 'Phytolacca' the name of a place? Or is it a continent?

Caolong: I don't know.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Then how did your legend get passed down?

Caolong: I don't know. When the Caowu Spider King talks, a little spider like me can only listen and don't dare to ask questions.

Caolong looked at Juanglang and said: The intention of the Caowu Spider King is to report the discovery of the primitive flame spider to the 'ancestral land' of the Ten Thousand Tribes Continent, and summon the spider kings of the five major tribes to discuss it together. If everyone agrees, we will welcome a batch of spider kings. The original flame spider went to the flame spider kingdom of the continent of all races to survive.

Xuan Lang looked at Long Bai.

Welcoming a group of primitive flame spiders to the Continent of Ten Thousand Races? What else can we say?

Long Bai didn't quite understand.

Caolong: King Caowu Spider said that the Flame Spider Kingdom is complete only with the original spider.

whole? Nonsense.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and expressed that he still couldn't understand. He thought for a moment and said, The primitive flame spider community is still very small now.

Caolong: With the protection of the original spider warriors and careful care, the community will soon develop and grow.

Long Bai: Don't tell me this.

Caolong looked at Xuanlang.

Xuanlang hesitated and said: ...I have feelings for my fellow tribesmen...I can't bear to part with them...I don't want any benefits...

Caolong: ...

Caolong: I am only responsible for passing on a message. Don't worry, the decision made by the spider kings will definitely bring benefits.


Long Bai readily agreed and asked, How much force honey do you want this year?

It's still 100,000 rough stones. My back armor can only transport so much.

Caolong untied the spider silk rope on his back, began to unload the goods, and sighed:

Last year, the 11 metal boxes used to store seeds were confiscated by the Zeqi Spider King.


Keep it for me for the time being. The Zeqi Spider King said to avoid unnecessary complications and return it to me after you evolve to the Mountain Lord level.


Long Bai, have you and Mo Lan dug up the heart of the tree that was given by the gods in the last period of the Force? It's a divine product, right? King Zeqi Spider has already guessed it.

……guessed wrong.

The Zeqi Spider King may have guessed wrong, but I will never be wrong. I know you very well, and I am 100% sure that it must be a divine seed!

You don't know me. I'm not familiar with you.

Long Bai was very surprised and asked seriously: What's wrong with you? You look menacing.

Cao Long: Hidden Wing Mountain, do you know? The largest clan in the southeast of the Wanzu Continent.

Long Bai: Stone Kingdom? I happened to have heard of it.

Caolong: Yes! Stone Pattern Kingdom. There is a wild Hidden Wing Tree, a seed given by the gods, a king-level one. When the fruit is ripe, it is not harvested, and is allowed to fly in the wind.

Cao Long: Last autumn, Bai Wei took Lu Dou and I and successfully sneaked in. We also met a stone-patterned mantis warrior who was in charge of Hidden Wing Mountain, named Lord Heart Wing. He ordered a large batch from Bai Wei. Force honey.”

Caolong: Are you interested in exchanging divine fruits?

Long Bai: !!!

Cao Long: Bai Wei can work around it.

Long Bai: Bai Wei?

Cao Long: It's okay, there's still me. You don't have to worry about Bai Wei, you can always trust me, right?

Long Bai: I just don't trust you!

Long Bai was a little moved and asked: What type of divine seed is Hidden Wing Mountain's divine gift?

Caolong: I asked about it. But I only heard that it is the life system.

Long Bai: Extend life?

Caolong: I don't know. However, for this autumn's transaction, Lord Baiwei can ask Lord Xinyi. If there is an exchange of divine items...

Long Bai understood what Cao Long meant.

The Zeqi Spider King must have a share of the divine white barberry fruit, and the Master of Qiye Mountain must also have a share. I also want to get two copies of the divine Liudaozi, and I plan to entrust Qiye to help bid for another Yizhao fruit. .

The flowering and fruiting cycle of the god-given Baibarberry seed lasts for 16 years. Only 6 fruits are produced at the mountain master level, and only 9 fruits are produced at the lord level...

However, he also controls the more valuable trading rights of the Quandong Sacred Tree Soul-Calming Fruit in Citi Mountain.

Moreover, there is also a night-scented god-given seed that is considered a divine product. There are always some unbelievers in this world who are willing to spend some rough stones to try it.

Long Bai thought briefly and said slowly: There is indeed a divine tree...which happens to be of the life system...specifically for longevity, named Baibarberry, and the flower and fruit cycle...

Extended life?!

Caolong was ecstatic and vowed: Okay! The matter is ninety-nine percent settled. Just wait for my good news!

Long Bai warned: You warn Bai Wei, don't show it everywhere stupidly.

Cao Long: No! Don't worry, we know what's going on. When we negotiate with Hidden Wing Mountain, we will tell you that it is a god-given seed from a queen bee in the Youlian Kingdom, and it won't cause you any trouble.

Caolong: Is your growth and evolution stable?

Long Bai: It's very stable, it will be 8 years old soon...

Quinoa is not coming this year.

The transaction with Caolong was completed in half a day.

Long Bai arranged for Qing Ma, Hong Ma, and Xuan Lang to follow Cao Long, and together they went to visit Master Bai Wei and get to know Hong Tao.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma immediately evolved into advanced warriors and could no longer pass through the starship rift. They said goodbye to Bai Wei.

Reluctant to leave.

The three little guys, Green Maple, Red Maple, and Xuanlang, followed Hong Tao and ran back and forth, transporting mountains of Force food.

Then he connected the spider silk ropes into bundles of force honey and transported them there.

This year, Bai Wei also sent 50,000 rough stones in stock, and it took six busy days to move them all.

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