Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 271 We won’t cheat you

The transaction with the Lord of Qiye Mountain actually resulted in two rare, power-enhancing god-given force foods, Jupan and Feng Huaizi.

The quality is great and the quantity is not too small.

A harvest beyond expectations.

Long Bai was extremely satisfied and reluctant to replace the green maple and red maple.

Quinoa is coming this year.

The Lord of Luojun Mountain also has a lot of good things.

The morning light shines obliquely, and the divine power barrier reflects a brilliant halo.

Bai Wei and Zeqi Spider King walked side by side at the front of the caravan and walked into the dirt square.

The Zeqi Spider King stopped.

Bai Wei behaved herself, stopped, and chose a spot next to her.

The Zeqi Spider King spits out his life seed...

Bai Wei spit out the life seed, took root on the ground, and grew rapidly.

The spider silk ropes that bound the goods on Bai Wei's back were untied one after another, and stacked into bags of spider silk three to four meters high. Bags were unloaded one by one, and they were piled into a small mountain. Finally, they were covered with an oversized spider silk cloth. .

Hongtao picked up four stones and pressed them against the four corners of the spider silk cloth.

Zeqi Spider King, I'm going to trade.

Bai Wei seemed to have changed her mind, and honestly said hello to the Zeqi Spider King before leaving.

The Zeqi Spider King looked indifferently.

Bai Wei stood on tiptoes, raised her body and looked around, locking eyes on the Cangzhu Spider King's trading circle, leading Hong Tao and running towards it...

Also looking at Bai Wei coldly were Luo Li and Cao Long.

Luo Li was very angry and confused.

Caolong, follow me and see what Bai Wei is doing?

What else can be done?

you know?

As far as I know, it cooperates with Longbai Ant King, and the basic condition is to help transport 10,000 rough stones every year. Look carefully, Bai Wei did not transport any rough stones this year.

Did it find other spiders to help transport it?

if not?

Who is so stupid?

Maybe the Cangzhu Spider King is confused.

Luo Li was angry and scolded: You talk to me like a spider!

Caolong said depressedly: In the past two years, I could still get one or two bottles of royal jelly from the Atractylodes Spider King. But last year, I was suddenly told that the item was gone, and there will be none in the future. There is no need to look for it again.

Could it be that……

Luo Li looked at the goods that Bai Wei had unloaded, and then looked at Cao Long. The goods on his back were stacked exaggeratedly over two meters high, and he became even more angry.

Are you going to do it with Bai Wei?

Bai Wei and I are at odds with each other.

I'm talking to you seriously! The business of Bai Wei's force honey is restricted by many factors. The upper limit of development is so high and there is no future.

Luzu and I think so too. Luzu will follow you.

You two are bastards.

Luo Li moved his chelicerae impatiently and greeted:

Let's go! Let's go up the mountain to trade first.

——I bet on a mountain cherry tree given by God.

——What to bet on?

——How much goods can Master Baiwei bring this year?

——How much do you bet?

——The value does not exceed 1 million rough stones.

——Don’t gamble.

--800 000?

——Although I don’t know what good way Hongtao thought of to transport goods. However, royal jelly and pre-sales strictly limit the quantity of goods.

——In that case, I bet the force food delivered by Master Bai Wei this year is worth more than 600,000.

--shameless. Last year it was more than 500,000.

——Forget it if you don’t gamble.

——700,000, I’ll bet you.

At the entrance of the starship passage, Qing Ma and Hong Ma were arguing. The sound of metal cans came from outside. When they looked around, they were both stunned.

Grass dragon?

Lord of Mount Luojun?

Why did you go up the mountain first?

Where's Master Bai Wei?

When Caolong heard this, he was immediately unhappy and asked: Why, you don't welcome us?

What are you two betting on? I'll make a bet too. Luo Li found these two little guys quite interesting. He sensed the small spider silk bag in the green maple's claws and joked:

God-given force food. Did you two guys take advantage of the master of Qiye Mountain?

Qingmae: Yes.

Hong Ma: Qiye Mountain is magnificent.

Luo Li: ...

Luo Li: Cao Long, tell Long Bai about this later.

Qingmae: No need.

Hong Ma: This is what Longbai Ant King taught us.

Qing Ma: The ant king of Longbai said that the master of Luojun Mountain is very clever.

Hong Ma: “So I won’t cheat you.”

Luo Li: ...

The clever Lord of Luojun Mountain was not very happy.

Green Maple and Red Maple looked at each other, thinking rapidly.

Longbai Ant King's plan is to first trade with Bai Wei, earn the original stone, get the Spider King's silk scroll, and then trade with Luo Ji to purchase in bulk...

Qingmae: Master Luojun Mountain, you are here early.

Red Maple: The more than one hundred spider king's silk rolls hoarded by Longbai Ant King have just been spent.

Qing Ma: We have to wait until the transaction with Master Bai Wei is completed this year.

Hong Ma: If you trade first, you will only owe a few days first...

Wait! Caolong raised his claws to interrupt.

More than a hundred scrolls of Spider King's Silk? All spent? Luo Li asked.

The green maple and red maple twitched their tentacles in unison.

Hong Ma: “I didn’t spend all of it.”

Qingmae: More than eighty bills were spent.

Luo Li: What did Long Bai buy?

Qingmae: God gives food with force.

Hongmae: Strength system strengthened.

Qing Ma: Black Emperor Peach, huge plate, Feng Huaizi.

Hong Ma: Master Luojiu Mountain, you can also sell some to us, and you can buy as much as you want.

Qing Ma: I heard from the Dragon Cypress Ant King that you have received dragon cypress seeds, hemlock seeds and black emperor peach cores from God.

Hong Ma: “The price is negotiable.”

Qingmae: We...

Stop! Caolong stood up.

Luo Li asked politely: What is that guy Long Bai doing again?

Hong Ma: Nothing. The comprehensive strengthening of Longbai Ant King is in place.

Qingmae: Before evolving into the Mountain Lord, do a concentration strengthening of the power system.

Hong Ma: Strive to understand the power system ability as soon as possible after evolving to the Mountain Lord level.

Qing Ma: Just use up the scrolls of Spider King's silk collected over the years.

Hong Ma: Grass Dragon, don't be mean.

Qingmae: You owe King Longbai Ant 10,000 rough stones.

Hong Ma: Return it now.

Qingmae; Pay back the money!

Caolong: ...

Caolong, who originally wanted to say something, was speechless.

Luo Li was silent, thought for a while, untied the spider silk rope on his back, and muttered:

That guy Long Bai has been coveting my god-given Black Emperor Peach.

Luo Li asked: How many Qi Ye sold to Long Bai?

Qingmae: 100.

Red maple: The unit price is 40 rough stones/piece.

Luo Li: ...

Luo Li: This business can't be done. I won't sell it anymore. You can buy it from Qiye.

Hongmae: Uh...

Qingmae: Hongmae, did you remember the price wrong?

Hong Ma: It seems so. Lord Luojun Mountain, please make an offer.

Luo Li said solemnly: 50 rough stones per stone, I can only sell you 100.

Luo Ji: There are no God-given hemlock seeds or dragon cypress seeds... Didn't Longbai want the God-given snake-blood apricot last time? I saved some for it, do you want more?


Green Maple and Red Maple said in unison.

Luo Ji: There are only 200 stones in total, and the unit price is 60 rough stones per stone.

Qingmae: Okay! We won't bargain.

Hong Ma: “I won’t take any kickbacks either.”

Qingmae: Master Luojun Mountain, do you still have God-given force food?

Hongmae: “As long as they are willing to sell it, we want it!”

Luo Li: No more.

Luo Li: You can buy more high-quality ordinary force food.

Qingmae: Okay——

Hong Ma: “Let’s take a look first.”

Qingmae: There is one more little thing.

Red Maple: Longbai Ant King said that when he was young, he sold you a kettle made of ice and fire with a defective appearance at a very low price?

Qingmae: Longbai Ant King wants to buy it back.

Hongmae: Or you can buy one elsewhere.

Qingmae: There is no limit on quality.

Caolong couldn't help but ask: Didn't he ask Bai Wei for help to buy one? It's in perfect condition.

Green Maple raised its paw and pointed at Red Maple.

Red Maple raised its paw and pointed at Green Maple.

The two beetle warriors shook their tentacles, triumphantly.

Bought for you?

Caolong sighed: Longbai treats you two really well.

Luo Li said seriously: The kettle made of ice and fire was sold long ago. I'll help you find out.

I recommend a book called The Rise of the Insect Star, written by a Star Boundary book friend, which follows the background and setting of the Star Boundary. This book friend must be writing a novel for the first time. The first few chapters are a bit uninteresting, but then it gets better and better. The plot is more similar to the one in Star Bound. The pig's feet are replaced by a mantis, which should be more acceptable to everyone.

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