Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 262 Migration

In the tree stump ant nest, specialized blue ants, large worker ants, medium worker ants and medium soldier ants have been cultivated for the past three months.

Long Bai's original plan was to personally command this group of ants to explore in the third rough stone mine where the rough stones were most likely to be found.

Heiti completed the exploration of the first rough stone mine and arranged to go to the second rough stone mine.

Things change, so make some adjustments.

Long Bai sent Heiti to the third quarry, found a shady valley location, and directed the ant colony to dig together to open a temporary ant nest, and all the accompanying ant colonies were moved in.

Tree stump ant nest cleared.

The Throne of Dominance will temporarily stop producing ant eggs.

Set off without a load and head straight to Feiguang Mountain.

The cave where Sang lives is located on the south side of the mountain range. In front of it is a slope, and beyond that is a natural tropical virgin forest, with a small river meandering through it.

Sang drove away and killed all predators in the forest that threatened the survival of ordinary nine-star cockroaches, and protected millions of his kind.

Common nine-star cockroaches feed on fresh fruits and rotten branches and leaves, and can also eat meat.

There is no need for extra care on weekdays. Occasionally, you can pick some fruits and throw them at the entrance of the cave. Or if you encounter large animals, hunt them and bring them back to the territory. You can chop up the uneaten ones and throw them to them.


Sang picked up ripe mangoes that had fallen naturally from the orchard on the mountain, carried them back to the cave in a spider silk bag, chopped them one by one, and threw them at the entrance of the cave.

In front of the cave, nine-star cockroaches that look like ladybugs crawled all over the ground, chirping and eating like crazy.


Sang's antennae were upright, sensing carefully.

The familiar wave of the Force was approaching quickly.

The Longbai Ant King is here?

Didn’t it say that this autumn is very busy and travel business transactions are suspended?

San stood up.

The ordinary nine-star cockroaches around them dispersed in a hurry.

Sang tiptoed a few steps forward, looked up at the eastern sky, and waited for a while before a blue dot appeared in his field of vision.

He waved his tentacles.

The gathered nine-star cockroaches retreated like a tide.

The ruling throne quickly approached and stopped.


Long Bai and Mo Lan greeted.

Long Bai. Mo Lan. Aren't you digging for rough stone? Sang asked.

...Yes. Exploration.

Long Bai explained: Mo Lan and I discovered a place of force. Near the southern coast, with a tropical rainforest climate, there are a large number of native species of flame spiders, and we found a 3rd-year-old junior flame spider warrior.

Mo Lan continued: The name is 'Juanlang', and there are only two saplings of the jujube tree at present. It lives there alone, which is quite lonely and dangerous. Long Bai and I are considering moving to Feiguang Mountain. To keep you company.

Long Bai: A very smart little guy.

Mo Lan: The food for evolution and growth is from Long Bai and I.

Native flame spider——

Sang searched hard for the inherited memory and asked in surprise: The original spider tribe that spawned the flame spider merchants?

Mo Lan: Yes.

Sang: A very powerful tribe!

Sang: Are there many common spiders? Will they eat all my fellow spiders?

Mo Lan: No. The original species of flame spiders are blessed by the wisdom of the God of Nature. Ordinary original spiders are also very smart. If you tell them not to prey on nine-star cockroaches, they will not prey on them.

Long Bai: It can also help you clean up other insects that compete with the nine-star cockroach for survival.

Sang: That's good. I have no objection.

Sang: Where will you live after you move here?

Mo Lan raised her paw, pointed to the east of the hill, and said, Live on the top of the hill over there.

Long Bai: Feiguang Mountain can accommodate three warriors. In the future, if you or Zhuanglang train little warriors, they can take root on the west side of the hill. If you think about going further, if Feiguang Mountain cannot accommodate you, you can also send them to the Zhuanglang Rain Forest. .”

Mo Lan: The name of the newly discovered place of force is Xuanlang Rain Forest.

Sang: Okay!

Sang became eager and asked, Is it far from Feiguang Mountain? When will we move here?

Long Bai: It's a little far, only four days' journey. Don't be in a hurry.

Mo Lan: Let's first choose a settlement location for the sugarcane and clear an open space for the seeds to take root.

Long Bai: I'll go to Zikui Mountain and transport a batch of mulberry tree god-given seeds to plant seeds for you and Xuan Lang. I can also use some of the crimson god-given seeds to test the effects. …”

Long Bai also discovered that there were a large number of predators in the Feiguang Mountain jungle that threatened the survival of common nine-star cockroaches and flame spiders. Simply go back to Xianglan Mountain, mobilize 500 soldier ants, and personally command them to conduct a large-scale sweep of the entire land of force.

Flame spiders sleep during the day and are active at night for hunting.

Sugarcane rainforest.

The Throne of Dominance docks and lands.

Long Bai's mental power was swept away.

Xuan Lang was lying on his back in the cave, sleeping soundly.

Mo Lan carried the bag of spider silk, jumped to the ground, walked to the entrance of the cave, and tapped the ground with her front feet, Sugar? Wake up!

Xuanlang woke up with a start.

Mo Lan: Okay. It's settled. Sang is looking forward to you going to Feiguang Mountain to keep him company.

Mo Lan opened the spider silk bag, took out the metal jar, unscrewed the lid, and said: Force ant honey to strengthen your comprehensive physique. This jar is enough for you to complete two stages of evolution.

Thank you~

Xuan Lang quickly woke up from his stupor and asked, Are we going to relocate now?

Long Bai asked: Have you finished the statistics? How many ordinary flame spiders are willing to follow you?

Xuanlang: All——

Long Bai put down the board and said: I emptied the ant nest. Tell them to come over and I can take them all away in one trip.

Mo Lan put away the Force Ant Honey and said: Let's set off late at night. We will travel at night and rest during the day. This jar is for you, and you can eat it slowly on the way.

Xuan Lang: “Okay——”

Xuan Lang got into the jungle and started to make announcements from door to door.

The information was passed on layer by layer, and before long, groups of flame spiders, dragging their families with them, came to the throne of the ruler, climbed up the throne along the wooden plank, and entered the tree stump ant nest.

Long Bai and Mo Lan moved their claws and carefully dug out the two palm trees along with the soil, wrapped them in spider silk bags, and tied them away.

Rest for half a day and set off after dark.

Xuan Lang's personality is completely opposite to that of Qing Ma and Hong Ma.

Green maple and red maple are lively and talk nonsense.

Xuanlang has a calm personality and has developed the habit of observing and thinking. He speaks very little.

Long Bai preferred insects like sugarcane. On the way, he patiently told it in detail the current situation of Yunji Continent, as well as the general situation of Wanguo Continent and Wanzu Continent, and taught it some rules and interesting stories about traveling merchant trade.

Mo Lan also enthusiastically explained to Shuanglang various cultivation techniques of tropical plants that were not inherited and remembered.

After four days of flying, we arrived at our destination, Feiguang Mountain.

Zhuang Lang looked at the crimson god-given seed that was as huge as a mountain, and was shocked for a while.

Mo Lan introduced enthusiastically, and after Sang and Sugarcane got to know each other, everyone helped together and immediately planted two sugarcane trees to settle the migrating flame spider community.

Long Bai and Mo Lan stayed and waited for four or five days, arranging everything properly and confirming that everything was correct before leaving with peace of mind.

It's late autumn.

He went north to Zikui Mountain, transported 15 bags of mulberry tree seed sloughs given by the gods, and then returned to Xianglan Mountain.

In the orchard to the west of Nanqian Reservoir, green cypress, incense cypress, and juniper lead a large number of soldier ants, worker ants, and blue soldiers to wait under the chestnut tree.

The god-given chestnut seed has entered the final stage of maturity. Judging from the force breath, the strengthening effect is still the sense of smell of the tentacles. It seems that everyone has mistaken it and no mutation has occurred.

Long Cypress and Mo Lan stayed behind, rested and waited for a few days, completed the harvest, dried them in the sun, stored them in an oversized metal box, and dug a special treasure house deep in the ant nest.

The winter traveling trade in the north cannot be suspended.

Pack your bags and go.

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