Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 255 Lidou

Pandan Mountain.

The ruling throne slowly sailed towards Nanqian Reservoir.

Having learned the lesson from last year when they were almost overtaken and bitten by soldier ants, Qing Ma and Red Ma did not dare to make mistakes again. They stood on the throne and followed closely around Long Bai.


The throne of rulership is close to the mother plant of Southern Gorgon, hovering over the water.

Feeling that the two Zerg warriors Qing Ma and Hong Ma had invaded his territory, Nan Qian burst out with intense emotions of anger and intimidation.

Long Bai! What are you doing with these two stupid beetles?

Long Bai: Bring back the mountain tender meat to die and eat.

Nan Qian: ...

Long Bai: Nan Qian, how much force have you stored in Shuo Jin?

Nan Qian: A little bit.

Long Bai: Give it back to me first. I want to do a small test.

Nan Qian: Give it back to you? Why should I give my things back to you?

Long Bai said calmly: There is also a huge difference between God-given seeds and God-given seeds. The force, energy and nutrients stored in Shuojin by one God-given seed cannot be given to another God-given seed. However, there is an exception for you and Bei Qian. You are twins with the same background and are highly consistent, so you may be able to communicate with each other.

Long Bai: Nanqian, I am growing and evolving at the fastest speed. I will evolve into the Mountain Lord in 4 years. Considering that you do not have enough growth years, I plan to let Beiqian evolve one year or two before the evolution. Help you accumulate energy and help you break through.”

Nan Qian: !!!

Nan Qian: But when Bei Qian evolves to the Mountain Lord level, I won't help it.

Long Bai: Don't help it. Give me the stuff and try it.

Blue metallic fluid precipitated from the woody rhizome of Nango Gorgon, condensed into an oval ball, surfaced, and flew towards Long Bai's head.

Long Bai raised his paw to catch it and weighed it. Shuo Jin, who was originally as light as nothing, gained a little weight.

Without further ado, I took off on the throne of control and returned to the mountain to find Mo Lan.

From behind, Nan Qian said leisurely: Something seems to have happened on the mountain.

??? Long Bai conveyed the mental power of a questioning emotion.

Nanqian: Southwest. A few days ago, many ants ran past me and went there. The stupid ant named Yinbai also passed by. I was waiting for it to fertilize, but it never came back. If you see it, remember to give it a good lesson...

Okay! I'll kill it! Long Bai controlled the throne to fly straight into the air and left in a hurry.

To the southwest of Nanqian Reservoir are hills and the land is relatively barren. The cedars have been opened up to plant various fragrant plants. Everyone holds banquets to celebrate and cook together, and most of the spices added to the pot are produced here.

The King's Throne climbed over the hill and saw the opposite orchard from a distance. Led by ink orchid, juniper, cedar, and silver cypress, a large number of soldier ants, blue soldiers, and worker ants gathered together.

Seeing this posture, Long Bai's tentacles trembled and he guessed what was going on.

——What are they doing?

——Have you discovered the god-given seed?

--No way?

——I think it looks like.

——Have a look!

Green maple and red maple raised their antennae, looked at each other, kicked off their legs, spread their wings and glided down to the opposite orchard.

Throne of Dominance accelerates.

Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

Juniper shook its tentacles desperately, jumping up and down to claim credit, I discovered it! God-given seed! I discovered it! I discovered it!

Long Bai waved his tentacles to drive away the soldier ants gathered below, and controlled the throne to fall to the ground.

Looking up.

This is a chestnut tree that is not growing very well. The tree is only five or six meters tall. On a branch at the top, a small orange-yellow flower stands proudly and independently, carrying subtle fluctuations in the force.

God-given seed is right!

The chestnut tree is a tropical plant that can grow to a large tree twenty meters high.

In the early years, Long Bai and Mo Lan were picking golden fruits in Feiguang Mountain. They found that the fruit shell of this tree had a special fragrance. They picked some seeds back and threw them to Xiang Bai so that he could try to plant them.

The planting is successful, but if the planting is not good, you will suffer from frostbite every winter when the temperature drops.

Fifty trees were originally planted on this land, but only a dozen or so survived. Later, magnolia trees were replanted.

Your Majesty! I found it.

Juniper jumped onto the throne of control, squeezed Juniper, and carefully reminded: Your Majesty, the reward——

Long Bai withdrew his gaze, flapped his antennae, and asked, What are you doing here?

Juniper: Patrol!


Long Bai thought about it carefully and couldn't find a reason to smoke it for the time being.


Long Bai solemnly announced: Juniper discovered the god-given seed that was blooming in time, and will be rewarded with an additional 2,000 rough stones.

Long Bai: Xiang Bai, take note of the account.

Okay. Your Majesty. Xiangbai agreed.

Oh! Juniper cheered, jumped off the throne, came up to incense, shook his tentacles, and said proudly, No need to keep accounts! I want the Force Ant Honey! Mix it with mellow flavors, incense, remember to add more meat.

Xiangbai turned his head and didn't want to pay attention to it.

Long Bai: This god-given seed is quite precious. Juniper, giant cypress, fragrant cypress, green cypress, and silver cypress. Each of you five will receive a 1,000 rough stone reward. Juniper and green cypress are not here, please remember them. On account.

Got it. Your Majesty! Xiangbai and Yinbai cheered.

Mo Lan carefully raised her paw, pointed at the sky, and reminded: Long Bai, has this chestnut tree mutated?

The jubilant Xiangbai waved his tentacles almost simultaneously and asked doubtfully:

Your Majesty, the chestnut tree is a tropical plant in the south. It was transplanted to our Pandan Mountain... Does this exactly fit in with your previous suggestion that the environment stimulates mutation and triggers a divine gift?

The juniper shouted: The king is wise!

Yinbai quickly followed up: Your Majesty!

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Is it possible?

Long Bai shook his tentacles and gave the order: Xiang Bai, go and prepare for the dinner celebration. Juniper, go and inform Ju Bai that you can go into the jungle to hunt some fresh meat and come back.

Long Bai: Yin Bai, you were just watching the fun and forgot to fertilize Nanqian! Hurry over.

Cypress, ink orchid, green maple, and red maple stayed under the chestnut tree, looking up carefully.

The growth condition is very poor.

However, since it has survived the winter, it will definitely not die within this year, as long as this god-given seed can be successfully conceived.

Long Bai, if it mutates, will the strengthening effect change?

Mo Lan asked worriedly.


Long Bai shook his tentacles.

Qingmae: Will it mutate into a divine seed?

Hong Ma: It's possible!

Qingmae: Then King Longbai Ant will have at least two divine-grade and divine-given seeds in the future?

Red maple: At least two!

The sycophancy of these two guys is pervasive.

Long Bai and Mo Lan ignored it.

Long Bai fell into deep thought.

The strengthening effect of chestnut tree is to enhance the smell sensitivity of the tentacles, which can be used by almost all Zerg warriors.

The ant tribe is one of the races with the strongest sense of smell. Nowadays, Longbai can detect the location of prey through its sense of smell from a distance of two or three kilometers. It can determine the type of prey and even distinguish between male and female, old and young.

This can also be regarded as an innate ability of the ant tribe. This ability can be used for hunting, warfare, and the vigilance and defense of the territory.

The sense of smell of black maple, green maple, and red maple is relatively average. If you eat the god-given chestnut fruit, you can hope to reach the level of the ant tribe, which is equivalent to one more highly practical ability.

The chestnut tree is a large tree with a high yield and is quite an excellent plant.

If it mutates...

Mutation is not necessarily a good thing. The easiest thing to change is the type of reinforcement, but it may become unsatisfactory.

As for divine items, the probability is too low, so don’t dream about it.

Faced with reality, there are three questions:

The first question is, if you conceived this God-given chestnut bean seed as your destiny seed and sow it, it would take more than ten years for it to grow and develop before you can evolve to the Mountain Lord level.

Long Bai is now in a hurry to evolve into the Mountain Lord.

The same goes for Mo Lan.

The second question is that Xianglan Mountain can only accommodate 10 God-given seeds to take root.

At present, there are five fruit orchids, Zhanlan, Nanqiang, Beixiang, and Cuihua Hanlan. Counting this one, there are six.

The dragon cypress is bound to get the seeds given by the god of the white barberry, and here are seven of them.

There are not enough places for God-given seeds in Xianglan Mountain.

The third question is, chestnut tree is a tropical tree. Where to plant it? Still planting Pandan Mountain?

Although the original plant has strong vitality and stronger environmental adaptability, if sown in an unsuitable environment, its growth and development will be affected to some extent.

Long Bai buried his head, thinking rapidly, and quickly came up with a plan.

After this god-given chestnut tree seed was born, it was first stored in an oversized metal box and used later in the evolution of the mountain master.

There shouldn't be much problem if sown in Nanzijuo Mountain.

Mo Lan, let's go to Beiqian Reservoir.

Long Bai raised his paw and pointed at Shuo Jin on the throne.

Mo Lan, Qing Ma, and Hong Ma jumped up.

The King's Throne crossed the mountains and came to Beiqian Reservoir.

Mo Lan held Shuo Jin and approached the mother plant of Bei Gorgon God-given to communicate.

Shuo Jin took off his claws and submerged into the water.

After waiting for a while, Mo Lan returned to the shore and said happily: Beiqian said it can be used!

That's good, put the things here in Beiqian first. If you have spare time on weekdays, save some for use in Nanqian's evolution in the future.

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