Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 246 Southeast Region

Another year of late summer and early autumn traveling trade season.

Ghost Fan Mountain.

All the living plants of the Ghost Fan are in the state of flowering and fruiting. There is nothing to do in the Ghost Fan's territory. They just lie leisurely on the river bank.

The raspberries themselves are busy in the maple groves, digging holes under the trees and applying fertilizer in the fall.

Ghost fan. Raspberry.

Mo Lan greeted, carrying its spider silk bag, arriving first, landing, opening it with a squeaking sound, and took out the ice and fire kettle...

The throne of control fell rapidly from high altitude, slowed down, flew sideways and approached, then landed and stopped.

Long Bai also carried a spider silk bag and jumped to the ground.

Meet and greet.

Long Bai asked: Ghost Fan, how is its condition?

Ghost Fan: Very good.

Long Bai: Is there enough Force food?

Ghost Fan: It seems to be a little worse.

Long Bai: Then I'll lend you another 5,000 raw stones of high-quality force food.

Long Bai asked again: Where is the seed given by the ghost fan?

Ghost Fan: It's full of energy, it can't wait any longer, and keeps urging me to sleep and evolve quickly.

Long Bai: That's good!

Mo Lan: Great!

Mo Lan: Ghost Fan, we also obtained an artifact from an extraterrestrial civilization that can help the God-Given Seed break through and evolve. It's called 'Shuojin', which can be lent to the Ghost Fan God-Given Seed for use...

Mo Lan explained the function and use of things to Ghost Fan and Raspberry in detail.

Long Bai opened the spider silk bag, took out the 'Shining Gold' and showed it to Ghost Fan.

——There is such a treasure from an extraterrestrial civilization?

——The civilization outside that day is too powerful, right?

Ghost Fan and Raspberry are shocking and surprising.

Ghost Fan even forgot to say thank you.

Wanberry became a little calmer and asked: Mo Lan, according to what you said, with this 'Shining Gold', the ghost fan's god-given seed does not need the original stone to evolve?

Mo Lan: It depends on the situation, right? Not sure. Time is tight this time, so we definitely need to prepare enough rough stones.

Mo Lan: Long Bai and I transported 4 large bags of god-given debris and 4,000 rough stones.

Long Bai handed the things to Gui Fan and said, Let's go. Let's try the seed given by Gui Fan first.

Mo Lan: The method of using Shuo Jin is very simple. When the spiritual power of the god-given seed is touched, the consciousness can be manipulated and integrated into the trunk. After the fusion, excess nutrients, energy, and force are stored in Shuo Jin. Just put it inside the gold...

The group came to the center of the mountain col.

After more than ten years of growth, the God-given Ghost Fan seeds have grown from the early 30 meters when Long Cypress and Mo Lan were first seen, to a tree height of nearly 40 meters. Especially this year, when flowers and fruits are gone, they are used extensively. The god-given wreckage suddenly jumped up nearly two meters.

Guifan held Shuojin in his hands and stepped forward to communicate.

Long Bai, Mo Lan, and Wan Berry stood forty meters away and watched.

After waiting for a while, I saw Shuo Jin flying away from Gui Fan's claws and touching the trunk of Gui Fan's god-given seed. The ice cubes seemed to melt and seep into the trunk.

After waiting for a while, Gui Fan turned around and ran over quickly.


Ghost Fan says yes!

It has so much strength now that it can't be used up, so it can be saved.

Long Bai: ...that's good.

Mo Lan: ...Great.

When they first met, Mo Lan mentioned the issue of names. The name of the ghost fan was Gui Fan, and the seed of the ghost fan that was given by the god was also called the ghost fan.

Many times, communication can be awkward.

However, the problem is not big. As expected, this winter, the title of Ghost Fan will be changed to Master of Ghost Fan Mountain.

Long Bai: There are also 4 bags of sloughs of some kind of poplar tree's god-given seeds on the throne. Move them down and use them for the ghost fan's god-given seeds.

Mo Lan: There are also rough stones, Raspberry, you can help move them too! Let's store them in the cave first.

The second stop for trading, Feiguang Mountain.

It came a little late this year, and several of the mulberry trees had already ripened, and the fruits fell to the ground, so a lot was wasted.

Small problem, small loss.

A team of worker ants and blue ants are left behind to guard the picking.

Continue to the third trading stop, Baifanshan.

After a summer of growth, the tree's height has exceeded 40 meters, and its growth trend shows no sign of weakening.

Long Bai and Mo Lan stayed for two days to observe.

Go back to Feiguang Mountain, recover the worker ants and blue ants, control the throne to assist, and help the mulberry evolve to the 5th instar.

Sang's injuries have healed, and its overall physique has been strengthened enough. Next, it will evolve steadily at the rate of one age every two years. The evolution of its younger age no longer relies on the assistance of the ruling throne.

Through a series of measures such as sparing flowers and fruits, irrigating gods-given remains, and increasing investment in raw stones, the crimson god-given seeds will grow vigorously and accumulate momentum. It can take as short as two or three years or as long as ten years to break through the evolutionary lord class.

The crimson god-given seeds are wild and conscious, but have not derived spiritual power, cannot use sparkling gold, and cannot communicate.

Long Bai needs to make preparations as soon as possible and hoard a batch of rough stones for him.

Saying goodbye to Sang, the ruling throne climbed straight into the sky, until it was above the clouds and then flew horizontally.

Mo Lan keenly realized that he was heading south.

Long Bai? Where to go?


Then what?

Follow the coastline to the east.

Going to the southeast coast? Looking for rough stone mines?

Let's go over first and take a look at what's going on. Thousands of years have passed, and we don't know if the geographical environment has changed.

Yes. The endless sea is as far as the eye can see. It's full of water. How can the coastal area be a desert?

Mo Lan never understood.

Long Bai also couldn't understand.

The map of the Citizen Hall of Knowledge records this, and it cannot be questioned.

You won’t know until you see it with your own eyes.

Long Bai and Mo Lan had walked along the coastal route in the early years and did not plan to walk entirely along the coastline.

Deep into the ocean, flying high above the ocean, heading east in a straight line.

It should be early autumn at this time. There are no obvious four seasons in the southern tropics, and the sun is scorching overhead.

After two days of flying, Long Bai and Mo Lan encountered a grand scene.

Dark clouds rolled and thundered below.

Heavy rain, strong winds, and waves twenty to thirty meters high.

There are also tornadoes that directly roll up the sea water into the sky, spinning rapidly towards the coast.

——We are so small.

Long Bai and Mo Lan sighed and felt timid.

After the storm passed, the ruling throne turned around and headed north, returned to the mainland, and flew over the land in an orderly manner, heading east.

Through the montane forest lie plain woodlands and grasslands.

Continuing to the east, there are semi-desert mountains, red peaks and rocks.

Further east, there are undulating mountains and rugged rocks. There are no plants anymore. The scorching sun is scorching the earth, and there is no trace of moisture in the dry air.

It is indeed a restricted area for life, with no plants, no animals, and no water sources.

Mo Lan controlled the carapace to change into pure white with metallic luster. Mo Lan was not afraid of the scorching sun.

The same cannot be said for Long Bai. The black carapace absorbs heat and makes the whole body hot. It is already medium-rare.

This made Mo Lan very happy.

The kettle made of ice and fire finally works!

Mo Lan chopped the mangoes picked from Sang's orchard and mixed them with fresh water and ant honey to make delicious ice cubes.

Long Bai! Eat ice cubes.


Long Bai took it and ate it.

At noon, when the heat kills insects, I can chew on such a piece from time to time, and my whole body feels indescribably comfortable.

Long Bai swung his tentacles and pointed at the ant nest below.

Mo Lan understood, blended ordinary ant honey, made six ice cubes in a row, and threw them into the ant nest to cool down the accompanying worker ants and blue ants, and also to humidify the ant nest.

Long Bai, when are you going to look for mineral deposits? Mo Lan asked.

No rush. ​​Long Bai finished eating quickly, took the ice and fire kettle, made a pot of fresh water, and then made it into ice cubes. He held it and applied it on his forehead to cool down his brain that was not working properly.

How to find rough stone mines?

don't know.

Then where are we going?

Go east. Take a look first.

Long Bai felt much better. He stood on the edge of the stump ant nest and looked up.

There are red and black mountains all around. The tops of the mountains are randomly scattered and do not form a mountain range. I don’t know where to start.

Long Bai: Mo Lan, please pay attention to some fluctuations in the force. Let's first find a place to stay and look around in the place of the force.

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