Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 243 5th Instar Advanced Ant King

Long Bai took the prepared force honey and waited for a long time in the crack of the starship.

The grass dragon arrived carrying large and small bags of Force food.

That stingy Luo Jun, you can tell me that he is only willing to sell you 100 god-given red torreya seeds. But the price is quite reasonable, 80 rough stones/piece. It also comes with 10 ordinary red torreya seeds for you to use as destiny seeds. .”

Long Bai: ...

The strengthening effects of red torreya seeds and green torreya seeds are similar, both are to strengthen muscle strength. Red torreya is more inclined to the stretch elasticity of muscles, which is beneficial to the evolution and growth of advanced stages.

Luo Li holds the fixed trading rights for a lord-level wild red torreya seed given by the gods. This guy is really stingy, the quantity of 100 is not much, and the price given is not authentic.

Caolong, did you get the price difference from this? I should really send Qingmao and Red Maple to follow. Long Bai asked half-jokingly.

Am I that kind of spider? I'm not. Cao Long didn't feel guilty at all.

Long Bai didn't lie. Because he trusted Cao Long, he didn't arrange for Qing Ma and Hong Ma to follow him.

As for Xia Zhu and Hong Tao, Long Bai arranged for them to keep an eye on them to prevent them from taking advantage of the price difference, or having too much goods to keep privately.

Judging from their interactions, Xia Zhu and Hong Tao are both honest.

On the contrary, this guy Cao Long has been dishonest since he was young.

Long Bai said harshly: Next time we trade, I will arrange for Qing Ma and Hong Ma to keep an eye on you.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Boss, please count the goods first.

Cao Long didn't care. He untied the spider silk rope on his back armor, unloaded the goods bag by bag, passed them to Long Bai through the cracks in the starship.

Long Bai opened and checked in turn.

Talking about things while working.

Caolong: It was hard for Luo Li to understand what happened with Yi Zhao Guo. He cursed you as a prodigal ant and said that you could give it away if you couldn't finish the original stone. However, Luo Li still communicated with King Zeqi Spider. For a moment. Zeqi Spider King felt that your arrangement was very reasonable, so he agreed directly, and basically agreed to the loan plan you proposed. Zeqi Spider King only had one very small condition.

Long Bai: What conditions?

Caolong: The one about repaying the principal in advance cannot repay the principal within 10 years. In other words, you must pay interest for at least 10 years.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai was silent.

The Zeqi Spider King definitely doesn't know what he is going to do. But it realized some of its own ideas.

Long Bai's idea is that after evolving to the Mountain Lord level and getting the Yi Zhao Fruit, he should immediately confess to the Zeqi Spider King about the 'Baibo God-given Seed', and then discuss it and waive the interest. 3.6 million is considered a deposit...

The Zeqi Spider King guessed it, but not completely right.

I don't have the ability to repay in advance. Long Bai readily agreed, Okay, just follow the terms of King Zeqi Spider.


Cao Long said: Then this year, the Zeqi Spider King will arrange for you to be eligible for the auction. Five years later, when the fruit matures, Luo Li will participate in the bidding on your behalf. If the price is less than 3.6 million, the difference in price will be Luo Li's reward. .”

Long Bai: Okay! Help remind Luo Li that I need the things urgently. Don't be too evil.

Hmm - Cao Long became more suspicious and did not continue to struggle. He changed the topic and asked:

Mo Lan has evolved into a 5-year-old advanced mantis warrior? By the way, I have never seen it once.

Long Bai: Molan is guarding the god-given seed of Green Flower and Cold Orchid. I will bring it over next year to get to know you.

Long Cypress: The first branch of the God-given Cui Hua Han Orchid is 12 trees, triple the rate...

During the chat, all the force food was inspected and confirmed to be correct.

Long Bai counted 38 spider silk rolls and handed them to Cao Long, and then handed over jars of force honey.

This year's transactions were all completed and we returned home with a full load.

Long Bai immediately sent Green Maple and Red Maple back to Kiwi Mountain, and took Juniper back to Xianglan Mountain.

Count the treasure trove of wealth.

After spending a lot of money, there are still 37 spider king silk scrolls left, with a total amount of 37,000 rough stones.

There are 28,000 rough stones in stock.

The amount of force food has skyrocketed, with a total value of 162,000 rough stones.

According to statistics this year, the total wealth reached 227,000 rough stones.

As agreed, the reward for the six command ants was increased to 2,000 rough stones.

The most precious 100 red torreya seeds, Longbai and Molan each ate 50. For the next time, Longbai retreated to the royal nest to meditate, eating a lot of Liudaozi to strengthen his soul.

Xiangbai and Cuibai used the control throne to evolve into 9-year-old intermediate levels. This year, they can consider evolving into senior kings.

Juniper, juniper, and giant cypress are also beginning to evolve into the second stage of advanced stages.

Long Bai spent more than ten days eating Liudaozi worth 20,000 rough stones and fell into a deep sleep.

wake up.

Shed off the old shell.

The body expands and the new shell hardens quickly.

In the 4th age, the food that is eaten the most is the food that strengthens the mental power and soul. The size of this evolution does not increase much, and is fixed at about 1.6 meters.

The mental power unfolds and extends along the passage.

——About 70 meters!

——It only takes about three days to drive the Throne of Control and make a round trip to Bailian Lake and Yexiang Mountain, with plenty of time to rest in between.

——However, the current mental strength is approaching the limit of a high-level ant king. If it continues to be strengthened, the price will be relatively high.

——However, the ghost fan evolved into Mountain Lord this year, and there will be no god-given ghost fans to eat in the next few years.

——The mountain master-level ghost fan has enhanced its effect by one level. This is what I need most right now!

——In the future, I can get a God-given Six Paths Fruit!

Long Bai thought silently and was in a good mood.

He took the metal box that had been prepared aside, opened it with the force of force, spit out the blue seeds that had been conceived, and twisted a red torreya seed into his life bag.

He took a metal jar filled with ant honey and opened it. Just as he was about to eat, Mo Lan, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, got in.

Long Bai, are you awake?

Just woke up. How many days have I been asleep?

Four days and a half. It's morning.

Mo Lan was very happy, took out his beloved kettle made of ice and fire, and said: Drink a glass of water first! Hot water or ice water?

Long Bai: Hot water?

Mo Lan: Don't you have the ability to 'boil'?

Long Bai: ... Then have a glass of ice water. Thank you.


Mo Lan jumped up on the throne, poured force into the ice and fire kettle in a familiar manner, made water, opened the lid, and poured in some ant honey.

Close the lid and gently press the snowflake-patterned button with the tentacles to inject a little force.

Opening the lid again, a pot of half-frozen ice water was produced and placed in front of Long Bai.

Drink quickly!


Long Bai began to regret buying Mo Lan a kettle made of ice and fire.

Azure Reservoir.

Long Bai fluttered its wings and landed on the shore.


Long Bai, have you evolved?

The 5th instar advanced ant king.

Long Bai opened the metal box and showed it, saying: The blue seed has just been conceived and planted in the reservoir. Please help take care of it.

Zhan Lan happily agreed: Okay!

Long Bai raised his paw and pointed at the five ordinary blue trees that were sown the year before, and asked: Zhanlan, are they going to bloom this year?

Zhanlan: ...probably.

Long Bai: Grow the tree for two years first, then bear fruit the year after.

Zhan Lan: Understood!

Long Bai directed the worker ants and blue soldiers to build a circle of protection around the shallow water area in the southwest corner of the reservoir with stones and clay, sow the blue life seeds and guard the side.

Idle is idle, and I let juniper, juniper, giant cypress, fragrant cypress, and emerald cypress take turns to wander in the mountain forest. When they encounter plants they don't recognize, they bring them back. The cypress teaches them how to recognize them, and at the same time, it also teaches Zhan Lan know.

After recognizing the plants, they were arranged to catch various animals and bring them back, mainly to teach Zhanlan how to recognize them.

Time flies, and it’s late spring.

The newly sown seeds took root and sprouted, quickly growing to a height of 20 centimeters.

The God-given Cui Hua Han Orchid has completed its third division. Unfortunately, it missed the flowering season. The yield of each plant will not be known until next year.

Juniper, juniper, and giant cypress have successively evolved through slumber with the help of the ruling throne.

Various matters in Xianglan Mountain have been dealt with.

Long Bai sent Juniper back to South Jujube Mountain and took Heiti there along the way to continue the reclamation work. On the way, I went to Ghost Fan Mountain and delivered high-quality force food worth 10,000 rough stones and 2,000 rough stones in stock.

After finishing his work, he hurried to Bailian Lake and continued to help Yexiang God-given Seed transport its remains.

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