Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 241 Hack the Master of Qiye Mountain to death!

The weather is calm and sunny.

Green Maple and Red Maple, whose wings were a bit stiffer, also imitated Mo Lan. As soon as the Ruler Throne entered the range of Xianglan Mountain, they couldn't wait to kick their legs into the air and flew out with fluttering wings.

The high-altitude governing throne suddenly accelerated, tilted, and fell rapidly, overtaking the green maple and red maple, crossing the mountains, and falling into the forest below.


Long Bai controlled the throne to float low in the sky, immersed himself in observation, and swept through it with his mental power, roughly getting a number.

Most of the force plants of the natural gods and elemental systems have high yields, and the Cui Hua Han Orchid seems to be no exception.

The mother plant has grown to a height of nearly two meters, and there are as many as 12 branches for the first time, and the branches have all grown to a height of just over one meter.

The second division has begun, with the same three-fold rate as the God-given Fruit Seed, but with a higher base number. The second division is 36 trees.

It can be estimated that the number of the third division is 108.

This also means that when Mo Lan is in the advanced warrior stage, the total number of branches of Cui Hua Han Lan will be as many as 156.

Mo Lan was not very satisfied, The ramification base is quite high, but it's a pity that it's three times the rate. It would have been five or seven times the rate.

It can't be such a good thing. Long Bai dealt with it casually, waving his tentacles to drive away the ants below, and controlled the throne to fall to the ground.

Mo Lan: What about green maple and red maple?

Mo Lan asked knowingly.

The green maple and red maple, which were not good at flying, glided and landed on the mountain. They were discovered by the soldier ants guarding the mountain and were chasing them. They were running away in this direction in a panic.

Long Bai straightened his tentacles and waved them vigorously to issue instructions. The chasing soldier ants turned around in anger.


——Here we come!

Qing Ma and Hong Ma calmly greeted each other, looking at the dense crowd of soldier ants surrounding the ruling throne, their hearts were frightened, and they cautiously moved closer to Mo Lan.

——Is this the god-given seed of Cuihua Hanlan?

--Wow! So many ramets!

--oh! Will it bloom this year?

——How many seeds can each plant produce?

——How many years is the flowering and fruiting cycle?

——It’s probably two years, right?


They are all very critical issues, and I don’t understand any of them.

Mo Lan turned her head and asked Long Bai: How is the seed given by Yexiang God? Is it not dangerous?

Not yet. The height of the tree has exceeded 50 meters.

Long Bai waved his tentacles to drive away the gathering ants, and said: We have to hurry up and finish our work on Fanglan Mountain, go over immediately to help, and transport all the remains of the seeds given by the Night Fragrance God as soon as possible.

Yes. I'm very busy this year~

Mo Lan turned around again, looked at Qing Ma and Hong Ma, and said: You two, stop being so nagging, quickly go to Shannan Restaurant with Long Bai, have a good rest, and prepare to evolve...

Green Maple and Red Maple used the Dominion Throne to complete a sleep evolution.

The flowers are in full bloom and the flame spiders are trading.

Cui Bai stayed behind to guard the house.

Mo Lan guards the green flower and cold orchid, the god-given seed.

Juniper and giant cypress command the army of soldier ants, escorting the worker ants and blue ants, and set off in a mighty manner.

The Throne of Ruler flew at low altitude in front of the team.

Green maple, red maple, please remember these three things.

Longbai Ant King, please give your orders.

The first thing is that we can inform the caravan in detail about the god-given seed of Cuihua Hanlan. You can tell us as much as you know. There is no need to hide it.


But don't reveal any information about the God-given seeds of green and red kiwi fruit and the God-given seeds of night fragrance.

we will not!

The second thing is that I need to purchase a batch of soul-strengthening Liudaozi from the Seven-leaf Mountain Master. This thing is very expensive. It is produced in the territory of the high-level, mountain master-level, and lord-level Cloud Ant Ant King, and the single price is 2 pieces respectively. Rough stones, 3 rough stones, and 4 rough stones.”

I plan to purchase 20,000 yuan of rough stones, which is a big deal. You can watch the bargaining, and what you cut down is the reward for doing things for me. It all depends on your ability to earn more or less.




Behead the Lord of Qiye Mountain to death!

Green maple and red maple cheer.

Long Bai raised his paw to signal for silence, and then said: The third thing is to purchase high-quality force food worth 10,000 raw stones from the Lord of Qiye Mountain. Remember the category carefully: Snake Blood Apricot produced in the territory of the Mountain Lord-level warrior. There are 300 cores, and the price should be 200 rough stones; the price of 200 golden cherry seeds produced in the territory of the Mountain Lord-level warrior should be 150 rough stones...

Long Bai reported the names of 55 kinds of force food in one go, along with the selling price.

Repeated it.

Remember both the green maple and the red maple.

In the middle of the morning, the team arrived at Hongnan Mountain.

Junipers and giant cypresses organize soldier ant defense.

Cedar organizes worker ants and blue ants into the nest to familiarize themselves with the environment, rest and wait for work.

The goods sold to Qiye this year include 200 God-given azure seeds and 235 God-given Gorgon seeds, packed in two small spider silk bags.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma each carried a bag and set off along the starship channel.

Qingmae is hidden behind the starship passage.

Red maples pop up on the hills, shaking their tentacles.

The Lord of Qiye Mountain noticed it immediately, called Xia Zhu, and hurried up the mountain.

Master Qiye Mountain!

Xia Zhu, you are a high-level flame spider warrior!



During the greeting, Qing Ma and Hong Ma handed over the spider silk bags first.

Qing Ma: Master Qiye Mountain, this is the God-given force food we are selling this year.

Hongmae: Check it.

Qing Ma: Mo Lan successfully evolved into a 5th instar advanced mantis warrior at the end of winter.

Red maple: At the first moment of spring, the seeds of green flowers given by the gods are sown.

Qiye manipulated two spider silks and twisted the small bag to check the number. He was happy when he heard this, put away the things, and asked: What's the specific situation?

Green maple: The first division was as many as 12 trees.

Red maple: Three times the rate of division.

Green maple: “It hasn’t bloomed yet.”

Hongmae: “The specific output remains to be seen.”

Green maple: Ordinary green flowers and cold orchids bloom in early spring. I am not sure whether this god-given seed will come in time this year.

You two guys have a spiritual connection~

Qiye: Very good! I understand.

Qiye quoted: God gave Zhanlanzi 3,000 rough stones, God gave Gorgonzi 5,170 rough stones, a total of 8,170 rough stones. What do I need to purchase?

Hong Ma: Longbai Ant King plans to speed up its evolution and advance to the Mountain Lord level as soon as possible. It needs to reserve more rough stones.

Qingmae: Get more raw stones in stock.

Red maple: 3170 rough stones.

Qing Ma: We also need to purchase Force food in large quantities.

When Qiye heard that there were more than 3,000 rough stones in stock, Qiye was not very happy at first, but after listening to Qingmai's words, he did not refuse immediately.

Qiye: What kind of force food is needed?

Hong Ma: Liudaozi!

Qingmae: The output of the territory of the high-level, mountain lord, and lord-level cloud ants and ants kings is acceptable.

Hong Ma: “If the price is right, we will buy more.”

Qiye asked suspiciously: Do you have the right to make the decision?

Qingmae: Yes.

Red Maple: Longbai Ant King said things are expensive, so let us watch and buy them.

Qingmae: “If the price is right, buy more.”

Hong Ma: “Let’s take a look at the goods first.”

Rough stones are not a problem!

Green Maple and Red Maple said in unison, the little warrior took charge of the family for the first time, looking young and wealthy.

Qiye immediately realized that this deal was profitable.

In the past two years, I have heard a lot of rumors that Bai Wei made a lot of raw stones from selling raw honey.

Long Bai, who collaborated with Bai Wei, must also have made a lot of money.

Okay. Let's take a look at the goods first.

Qiye untied the spider silk rope and went down to pick up the goods.

Qingmae: Longbai Ant King has set a limit for us. We can only purchase goods worth 30,000 rough stones at most.

Hong Ma: Don't ever think of bribing us with high-quality Force food.

Qingmae: We are honest bugs.

Hongmae: “We don’t take kickbacks.”

Qiye: ...

Xia Zhu asked: Longbai Ant King plans to purchase 30,000 rough stones?

Qingmai explained: High-quality force food with 10,000 raw stones has been designated. Liu Daozi will buy it.

Xia Zhu: !!!

Xia Zhu's mind changed rapidly. She calculated her income from this transaction and felt happy.

These two little things are not honest either~ Qiye speeded up to move the goods from the upper layer down, rummaged through a large spider silk bag on the bottom floor, took out a small spider silk bag, opened it, and said:

Tiger Thorn Mountain, God has given Tiger Thorn seeds, and the Dragon Cypress Ant King is reluctant to buy the good things to eat. Come, you each take 10 to taste.

Qingmae: 10?

Red maple: Too many.

Qingmae: We can't take it.

Hong Ma: We are insects who have seen the vast world. No matter how great the temptation is, we will not be shaken.

Qiye: ...

Qiye asked in a bad temper: Did Mo Lan teach you this set of words? Or was it King Long Bai Ant?

Qingmae: Master Qiye Mountain, what are you talking about?

Hong Ma: We are not that kind of insect. We are still young and don't understand anything.

These two little warriors have always seemed quite honest~

Qiye said angrily: Okay. You each take 20 pills and eat them until you two die.

Qiye: If you take advantage of me, you have to buy me 30,000 yuan worth of rough stones!

Long Bai stood alone at the exit.


Xia Zhu arrived carrying large and small bags of goods, and Qing Ma and Hong Ma followed at a trot on both sides.

Xia Zhu, a high-level flame spider warrior. Long Bai greeted.

“Last winter there was just a dormant breakthrough.”

Xia Zhu responded, untying the spider silk ropes binding the goods on his back, and first unloaded three heavy bags of rough stones.

Longbai Ant King, the Lord of Qiye Mountain said that you and Mo Lan are going to accelerate their evolution to the Mountain Lord level, and they must stock up on rough stones, so they shipped some more this year, 3170. Let's count them.


Long Bai looked at the spider silk bag containing Force food.

Qingmae: Longbai Ant King, we have selected the goods you specified, no problem.

Hong Ma: Liudaozi has also bought the 20,000 rough stones, but the master of Qiye Mountain said that he can't negotiate the price.

Xia Zhu hurriedly explained: The price of Liudaozi is stipulated by Liufeng Mountain, and the price cannot be reduced at will.

??? Long Bai glanced at the green maple and the red maple, and felt puzzled. He opened the spider silk bag, took out a stack of spider king silk rolls, and asked:

Xia Zhu, do I need to pay you 25,000 rough stones?

Xia Zhu: Yes.

Long Bai happily counted out 25 spider king silk scrolls and handed them to Xia Zhu.

Delivery of goods.

The transaction was successfully completed.

Xia Zhu said goodbye and left.

Long Bai pulled over the spider silk bag containing Liu Daozi to check, and then looked at the green maple and red maple with empty claws.

Aren't you two usually very smart? You can't even bargain. If I give you a chance, don't mess with me in the future.

Green maple and red maple stand upright on their hind legs, their middle legs slap their abdomens, and their antennae fly in the air, triumphantly.

Qingmae: Longbai Ant King, you can't think of it, right?

Hongmae: We have thought of a better way.

Qingmae: All the benefits are eaten in the stomach.

Red Maple: God-given force food that enhances speed!

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