Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 233 Xiaoyang Mountain, Gate

The southern end of the giant mountain range is a mountainous area. Chuisi Lake is located in the mountains. It is easy to identify. The 'Blue River' named after Long Bai rushes and roars into Chuisi Lake. It turns here and flows from the rapid southeast to the calm south. .

In addition, there are more than ten rivers, large and small, flowing into Chuisi Lake, forming fertile plain forests around it.

There are only a few small mountains around the lake, a few mountain tops, and only one larger mountain peak, which can be accurately dug.

Searching the cliff facing the lake, I found the entrance with a little effort.

Parallel passages lead to the living caves, all of which are empty.

The main channel that spirals downward has branch roads at regular intervals, leading to a cave.

All empty.

Long Bai and Mo Lan trotted down the main passage, scanning their mental energy and reaching the end quickly.

There is no legacy of God-given seeds.

There is no rough stone.

There are no creations from extraterrestrial civilizations.

No heart of the tree survived.

Found nothing, wasted seventeen days.

Long Bai, where are you going? Back to Bailian Lake?

According to my observation, the seed given by the God of Night Fragrance will not wake up in a short period of time.

It's late autumn. You can consider traveling to the north for trading. Going to Citi Mountain? After we left last time, I don't know what Huang Ya did to cause violent fluctuations in the Force. Aren't you curious?

I'm not curious. I won't be led away by curiosity.


Mo Lan: ...Neither can I.

Mo Lan was a little annoyed and said: Then go to Xiaoyang Mountain? Dig up the ruins of Xiaoyang Mountain first and take a look?

Long Bai: Listen to you.

listen to me? It's obvious that you decided to go there.

Mo Lan tilted her head and squinted coldly.

The Throne of Ruler takes off, heading north.

Precipitous mountains.

Evergreen trees, cotinus red leaves, yellow and fallen leaves.

The three colors of green, red and yellow are clustered into bands with distinct layers.

Eagles soar in the blue sky, and sheep and deer flock in the forest.

Between the two mountains, there is a long and narrow lake, with golden forests of poplar trees on both sides.

The ruling throne was slowly descending to dock at the lakeside. Mo Lan's sharp eyes suddenly made a discovery. She raised her paw and pointed, Long Bai! Over there!

Long Bai looked intently and saw a disharmonious white color among the grass and vines under the cliff.

Can you see this?

Long Bai was speechless, controlling the direction of the throne, accelerating, and moving laterally closer.

Submerged in weeds and vines, the sliding door from the starship wreckage was half buried in the dirt.

Door painted white.

Long Bai raised his paw and knocked it, and immediately determined that it was the kind of light raw energy metal commonly used by extraterrestrial civilizations.

The black frame should be a metal king-level Zerg warrior, made with metal abilities, and also solidified with abilities, making it immortal for thousands of years.

This was once the territory of the Blue Bug tribe with metal element talents. It is recorded in the Citizen Hill Knowledge Hall that they once mastered the technology of dismantling the doors of the starship, dismantled all the removable doors in the starship, and transported them back to Xiaoyang Mountain.


Mo Lan rushed down from the throne, stepped forward to check, and then shouted in surprise:

Long Bai! There is no lock!

Long Bai controlled the throne to land smoothly, and then stepped forward to check. It was indeed not locked. It was not that it was not locked, but that the door lock had been removed. The insect king-level blue bug warrior used his metal ability to install two handles that are easy to push, pull and close.

It can be opened! Clean the dirt in front of the door!


Long Bai and Mo Lan began to dig into the soil.

The entrance gate of the cave is about four meters wide and three meters high.

Over the years, a layer of soft soil more than one meter thick has accumulated at the door. It is easy to clean and can be dug up quickly.

The claw tip clasps the handle, pull it left and right, it will loosen with a little force, and it can be easily pulled away.

Entering the door is a spacious living room.

It is not empty. There is a blue bug warrior sculpture made of bright black metal and nearly four meters long standing above it.

On the left and right sides, there are two metal doors.

Wow! Mo Lan cheered and ran to the left.

Long Bai followed.

The single door originally had a lock, but it was removed and replaced with a handle.

Pulled apart easily.

Behind the door is a wide passage going horizontally.

Walking forward about ten meters, there is a single door on the left. Open it, and there is a cave directly behind it, which should be used for the residence of Zerg warriors.

The entrance is the living room, and there are two small caves inside, which should be bedrooms and storage rooms.


About ten meters further, there is another single door on the right. The same door leads to a spacious living room with two small caves.

Continue forward, about ten meters, and another single door appears on the left...

If you look carefully, there is a character number carved on the top of each door.

The most powerful thing is that there is a round hole in each room, with metal pipes removed from the starship inside.

These pipes have air flow through them, in and out.

The exquisite ventilation design still plays a role today!

I see!

Mo Lan suddenly woke up and said: Long Bai, they are imitating the room layout inside the starship!

Long Bai: ...Yes. Imitation.

Mo Lan looked at the deep passage and said: This is the area where the blue bug warriors live together! It is located in the middle and upper layers of the mountain range, heading north along the mountain range.

Mo Lan: The treasure should be on the other side, in the south!

Smart! Long Bai turned around and returned to the entrance hall.

Mo Lan opened the door on the right side of the hall first and rushed in.

It is also a cave passage moving forward horizontally.

There is a door every four or five meters.

When he opened it and looked at it, he saw that it was a separate cave in which were neatly stacked the remains of the God-given seeds that had been cut into pieces.

As expected, this is the treasure house area.

After careful inspection, it turned out to be the remains of some kind of poplar tree gifted by the gods.

I checked every room, and they were all filled with this stuff.

Walking forward, there are hundreds of rooms filled with the remains of at least three wild god-given seeds. There are too many to use up, and they are no longer rare.

Going further, the rooms are all empty.

The Blue Bug tribe was once very wealthy and powerful.

There is a thousand-meter straight horizontal passage that turns downward at the end. There is also a wide and straight horizontal passage below, and the treasure house rooms are neatly distributed.

Unfortunately, they are all empty.

There was no original stone left that Long Bai and Mo Lan were looking forward to, and they did not find the heart of the tree or other creations of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Long Bai, can you open the door? Mo Lan turned her eyes to the door.

I won't- Long Bai was extremely disappointed.

According to the map of Citizen Hill, Xiaoyang Mountain was once home to about 5,000 warriors of the Blue Bug tribe, who controlled five large and small quarries. There were also warriors of the same clan scattered on other hills. The total population of the tribe was more than 20,000, making it one of the largest tribes in Yunji Continent. A distinguished family.

As a result, all that was left were some god-given debris and metal doors.

The doors were all removed from starships by the ancestors of the blue bug tribe. They were probably worried that their doors would be torn down by other bugs, so they reinforced them during installation.

The door frame made with metal ability is firmly embedded in the stone wall and is unbreakable. The door is firmly installed on the door frame and is cleverly fixed so that it does not affect opening and closing and cannot be removed.

Seeing Mo Lan's tentacles drooping in frustration, Long Bai consoled him: The ghost fan awakens the metal ability. In the future, the ghost fan will evolve to the king level. Bring it over and dismantle it! Dismantle it all.

Mo Lan: You are already the King of Insects, do you still care about these broken doors?

Long Bai: If it is well preserved and sent to Wanzu Continent, one fan can be sold for tens of thousands of raw stones.

Oh! Mo Lan twitched his tentacles, silently calculated, cheered up, and echoed: Bring the ghost fan over here! Take it all apart!

Long Bai waved his claws and said: Go back to the throne to rest first!

The ruling throne stopped at the lakeside. After eating and drinking, and resting for a long time, Long Bai and Mo Lan entered the ruins again.

After careful inspection of the blue bug sculpture in the hall, nothing was found.

Entering the living area again, go forward along the passage. Long Bai checks the left side, Mo Lan checks the right side, and opens the rooms one by one.



Still empty...


At the end of the passage, Mo Lan, who was running in front, called out, with a touch of sadness in her thoughts.

Long Bai's mental power was fully deployed and swept away.

The sliding door is carved into a spacious circular hall with a diameter of about 20 meters. The metal walls are engraved with patterns and symbols.

In the center, there is the corpse of a Zerg warrior, with only an empty shell left. It has been dead for too long, and its six legs and antennae have fallen off.

Mo Lan raised her claws and touched it, trying to lift the carapace. With a clicking sound, the remaining carapace cracked.

Molan Lightning retracted her claws and watched in a panic as the carapace collapsed in front of her and turned into fragments.

Long Bai—— Mo Lan called subconsciously.

It's okay. Carry it back in a spider silk bag, take it out, and send this senior to his grave. Long Bai comforted him and ran in faster.

Mo Lan suddenly became emotional. She raised her paw and pointed at the debris on the ground, shouting fiercely: Long Bai! There is something!

Something? Long Bai's mental power swept through it again and he made a discovery.

A large green-blue bird egg with a metallic luster.

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