Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 230 Treatment Completed

Dark red wood.

After cutting it open, there was a long oval-shaped dark red tree heart with a length of about 30 centimeters and a diameter of about 15 or 16 centimeters. It was covered with black Force veins.

Being in the vacuum of the Force for too long, his life is in danger, his Force veins are dim, and he is on the verge of collapse.

Long Bai?!

Mo Lan took out the thing, held it and checked it, and asked: Didn't Huang Yao say that the laws of Yunji Continent changed and all the king-level wild god-given seeds were taken away?

Long Bai: Omitted?

When these words came out, Long Bai himself didn't believe it at first: What kind of insect could leak the god-given seed?

Long Bai's mind was spinning rapidly. He thought about it three times and couldn't figure it out. Huang Zhan has no reason and no need to deceive us. The God-given tree heart will definitely be taken away by the Insect King.

Ignore it for now! Mo Lan said nothing and ran away holding the heart of the tree.

Long Bai followed closely behind.

Mo Lan sprinted out of the cave and jumped onto the throne of control.

Long Bai jumped up.

The force power in Long Bai and Mo Lan's bodies was almost exhausted.

The ruling throne immediately sensed it, and three strands of force were released, covering Long Bai, Mo Lan and the heart of the tree respectively.

Suddenly, a message appeared in Long Bai's consciousness:

[It was discovered that the heart of the natural god’s life is in extremely critical condition. Should he be treated? 】

Long Bai: Eh?!

Long Bai subconsciously was about to choose [Yes]

My thoughts turned quickly, I was so frightened that I trembled, and I quickly chose [No].

Referring to the situation when the ruler of the throne rescued the azure god-given seed, the force was released quickly and could not be interrupted in the middle until the force was exhausted.

In this place of force vacuum, the force reserves of the ruling throne are exhausted, so how can I and Mo Lan leave? Don't you want to die trapped here?

Long Bai? What's wrong? Mo Lan noticed something strange and asked doubtfully.

It's nothing... Long Bai was so shocked that his soul was swaying unsteadily, and it took him a long time to regain his composure.

Something big almost happened!

Mo Lan, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!

Huh? Where to go?


Long Bai controlled the throne to rise slowly into the sky, his brain was running rapidly, calculating, and his eyes sensed the sunlight to determine the direction.

The Throne of Control can heal this tree heart! But it requires a huge amount of force! Let's go to White Lotus Lake!

A marshland dotted with lakes and lakes.

The midsummer morning was shrouded in a light mist.

High on the mountain, there are thick white clouds flowing with the breeze like water towards the forest below.

The chirping of early birds is melodious and graceful.

From time to time, the beasts lurking in the forest roar angrily, ushering in a brief moment of tranquility in the swamp forest.

The throne of control fell rapidly from high altitude, decelerated evenly, and finally drifted, landing smoothly on the shore of Bailian Lake.

Long Bai held the heart of the tree and jumped to the ground.

The ruling throne slowly shrank, calling Mo Lan to help remove the tree stump ant nest.

The ruling throne is approximately 1 meter in diameter.

Long Bai carefully picked up the heart of the tree and placed the throne cushion.

[It was discovered that the heart of the natural god’s life is in extremely critical condition. Should he be treated? 】

This time, Long Bai decisively chose [rescue]

The next moment, the throne of control automatically enlarged until it was about 4 meters in diameter, and the blue energy exploded, covering the heart of the tree, converging, and forming a cocoon of blue light.

Long Bai, can you save me?

Not sure, probably!

Wow! Yeah!

Mo Lan cheered, and then asked Xiji: Could Longcypress be a divine seed?

Mo Lan thought about getting rich overnight all day long.

Long Bai: ...I hope so.

Mo Lan: Can you 'reset to zero' like Zhan Lan?

Long Bai: Theoretically speaking, it's possible, right?

If so, if you can, you will really make a fortune.

Mo Lan jumped around Long Bai, cheering with joy.

First, after several days of digging, and then two consecutive days and nights of flying, Long Bai was exhausted. He took a jar of Force Ant Honey, opened it, and resumed eating.

Mo Lan also took a can, opened it, and ate it happily.

They also caught fish from the lake and hunted a buffalo in the swamp, making soup and cooking it.

Just after eating and preparing to take a nap to recuperate, the throne of control suddenly changed. After a violent fluctuation of original energy, the blue light cocoon gradually dimmed, and the original force covering the heart of the tree quickly dissipated.

Long Bai received a message: [Treatment Completed]

Treatment completed?

Then what?

No more content?

That's not right~

The blue sky was not like this back then~

Long Bai communicated with the throne and tried to activate the 'return to zero' function.

However, the ruling throne did not respond.

Seeing Long Bai anxiously surrounding the throne, Mo Lan knew something was wrong. She also saw Shu Xin lying quietly on the throne cushion without any further changes, and immediately guessed what was going on.

Long Bai?

We may be disappointed~

Can't you reset to zero and be reborn?

seems like it.


I can't understand either~

Did Shuxin survive?

...Treatment completed.

Long Bai repeatedly communicated with the ruling throne to no avail, so he jumped up and stared into the heart of the tree.

The originally dull black force veins became clear and shiny, the dark red wood was as new as it was washed, and the brown texture was clear and clear.

He resumed his breathing and breathed in the natural force slowly and longly.

Sensing with spiritual power, the breath of life is still weak.

There are fluctuations in mental power, the consciousness has awakened from a deep sleep, and the soul is weak and in danger.

At least he was saved! Long Bai breathed a sigh of relief.


Mo Lan cheered, jumped up on the throne, and came forward to take a closer look. She felt unwilling to do so and asked, Can't you return to zero and be reborn like Zhan Lan?

Long Bai: I've tried many times, but I can't trigger this function of the throne at all...

Long Bai thought about it and said: Probably because this tree heart belongs to the natural god system, not the creator's civilization.


Mo Lan: Longbai has a strange fragrance, which seems to be emanating from the veins of the Force.

Long Bai: ???

Ants have an even more acute sense of smell.

Long Bai put his tentacles on the heart of the tree and felt carefully.

It really has a faint strange fragrance!

But something wasn't right.

It is not the aroma of a conventional substance, and it is not perceived by the sense of smell.

Ants are 10,000 times more capable of smelling than mantises. Why did Mo Lan sense it first?


This is a kind of original force that directly acts on the soul, confusing the soul's consciousness and giving rise to the illusion of a 'strange fragrance' in the consciousness.

It's not a real physical scent.

Could it be——

Long Bai and Mo Lan thought at the same time.

The seed of the night scented tree given by the gods?

That's it!

Divine product?

The most useless god-given seed in Yunji Continent?

Does the night scented tree itself possess this kind of 'scent' ability? This ability seems to be completely useless.

Long Bai's thoughts turned quickly and he said: It's not completely useless, right? This kind of 'scent' implanted in the soul is quite good. It gives the insects a pleasant feeling and makes them relax. Can it be integrated into the Force Ant Honey? ?If you can, that’s useful.”

Mo Lan: What's the use of that? Do we still have to worry about selling our force honey?

Mo Lan: Besides, I'm not happy at all now. I'm not happy.

Mo Lan muttered in disappointment, flapped her wings, and suddenly realized, Long Bai! I understand.

Long Bai: What do you understand?

Mo Lan: Because the ability given by Ye Xiang's divine seed was too useless, it was abandoned.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Then it's really miserable. When the Force was at its peak, the Shield Tribe ignored it. When the Force was silent, they didn't even bother to take it to escape.

Mo Lan said depressedly: It's quite miserable for you and me. We put in so much effort, but in the end, our happiness is all in vain.

I was speechless for a while.

Mo Lan was confused and said: Ye Xiang Mountain is a big place named after the seed given by the Ye Xiang god. There are a lot of insect kings, right? There are so many insect kings, but no one is willing to take them? It still doesn't make sense when you think about it.

Long Bai solemnly touched his tentacles in approval and said, Ask me later...

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