Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 227 The Tribulation of Chimai Mountain

Yunshan returned the metal box that was mortgaged in the last transaction to Molan.

Long Bai took advantage of the situation and asked: Huang Ke, do you have a similar creation in Citizen Mountain that is specially used to preserve plant seeds?

Huang Ke: Yes.

Huang Ya: It's more than similar, it can be considered exactly the same. It fell from the same starship. However, the metal box we used is much larger and has a stronger ability to preserve seeds.

Huang Ya: A long time ago, during the period of silence of the Force, a certain ancestor of our Shield Tribe witnessed the starship you mentioned falling from the sky across the Cloud Trail Continent and the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. Moreover, something happened to be scattered. Here we are in Citi Hill.

An absolute treasure! It fell from the sky and was not broken at all. It was opened with the force. It contained plant seeds. Our ancestors tried to sow seeds, but unfortunately, none of them could survive.

There are two metal boxes similar to yours, but much larger. Our ancestors used them to preserve the seeds given by the gods for the future recovery of the force and the rejuvenation of the tribe.

Huang Ya shook his tentacles and said, Yunshan lied. Its Qingsha God-given seed was left behind by the ancestors of the Shield Tribe.

Yunshan: ...

Could it be an oversized metal box used to store azure tree seeds?

Couldn't it be scattered from the treasure house that fell into Hanlan Mountain?

What a coincidence, right?

——The gods of nature are watching over you in Citizen Hill.

Long Bai and Mo Lan were speechless and sighed secretly.

Long Bai pulled out a bag of spider silk, scanned it quickly with mental power, and selected Force food from the storage cabinet.

Mo Lan said: Huang Ya, you haven't introduced the sacred tree of Linnan yet.

Huang Ke: Easy to say.

Huang Can sorted out his words and said: At its peak, Citizen Mountain's territory stretched for more than a hundred kilometers along the mountains, and opened up 51 seas of trees. It focused on cultivating pine, fir, cypress, plum, peach, apple, etc. sixteen There are more than 500 species in various categories. In the southern area of ​​​​Linhai, in the remote mountain forests that are not managed by insects, a god-given seed that mutated from the Kunlan tree was accidentally born. It is a wild species in the true sense. , was born in the wild, took root in the wild, survived in the wild, grew, and evolved to a high level. When the fruit ripened, it absorbed a large amount of natural force. The strange force fluctuations attracted the attention of the katydid warriors who happened to be passing by, and then they were discovered and protected. stand up……

It grows in the south of Linhai, so it is named 'Linnan'.

The Kunlan tree is an ordinary wood element ability enhancement effect, and the mutated Lin Nan's God-given seed enhancement effect is given by the wood element talent. The flower and fruit cycle is 11 years, and 5 Kunlan trees are produced.

Elemental talents are given! Long Bai's movements were stagnant.

Is this the largest clan in Yunji Continent? Mo Lan was speechless.

Huang Ya paused and continued to explain: This kind of divine gift that gives elemental talents is quite unique. There is a problem with the probability of success after eating it.

The flower and fruit cycle and quantity of the Linnan Sacred Tree remain constant. As it evolves and grows, the probability of success increases. The success probability of Kunlanzi produced at the advanced stage, which gives wood-type talents, is less than 10%; at the Mountain Lord stage, The success probability of the produced Kunlanzi increases to about 25%; for the lord level, it reaches about 35%; for the king level, it is about 45%; and for the king level, the success probability is as high as about 65%.

Mo Lan: So strong!

Long Bai: Awesome~

Mo Lan: Find a way to get the original stone!

Long Bai: Now that we have the original stone, we can give priority to awakening the Linnan Sacred Tree.

Huang Ya shook his tentacles slightly but did not retort directly.

Long Bai sped up the inventory and counted the force food worth 11,000 rough stones.

After everything was packed up, Huang Ya led the way out of the treasure house.

Stand at the three forks in the passage.

Huang Ya raised his front legs, pointed downwards, and said: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, it's not that I don't want to take you down to check, but the souls of the three sacred trees of Huaqi, Quandong, and Linnan still retain a trace in their sleep. The rays of consciousness are on alert. Strange Zerg warriors outside the Shield Tribe will break in and wake them up from their slumber, which will cause big trouble.

Yunshan: “I’ve never gone down to see it either.”

Mo Lan: Oh——

Long Bai: Okay——

Let’s return to the palace of knowledge.

Long Bai asked: Huang Ya, you said before that there is a wonderful story in Yunji Continent that you want to tell Mo Lan and me?

Huang Ke: Perhaps, the word 'wonderful' is not used appropriately, and 'tragic' is more appropriate.

Huang Ya climbed up the dome map, pointed to the east and central border of Yunji Continent, and said: During the Force period on Yunji Continent, a starship also crashed and stood at about this location. And the entrance to the passage is very open, Yunji Continent. All the Zerg warriors in the Trace Continent can enter the Dragon Bamboo Continent next door. Especially the Flame Spider Travelers, they travel between the two continents, trade between them, and earn huge amounts of wealth.

Mo Lan asked: What types of warriors are there in Longzhu Continent? Isn't it the ant tribe?

Huang Yao said: Most of the relevant information has been lost. According to legend, the termite clan is the strongest and rules the Longzhu Continent. At the same time, the ant clan, bee clan and other insect clans also exist. It is relatively chaotic and wars occur frequently, but most of them are small-scale... …”

Huang Ya paused and said: The story I want to tell is that one day, a termite kingdom called the 'Zhuantian Ant Kingdom' discovered raw stone veins in the mountains where they live. The desert area in the middle of the continent stretches There are more than two hundred kilometers of barren mountains, and there are tens of billions of rough rocks underneath.

The Sky Ant Kingdom united with other kingdoms and firmly occupied it. The Ant Tribe, Bee Tribe and other Zerg Tribes united to attack.

The news spread to the large and small Zerg tribes on the Yunji Continent through the Flame Spider Travelers. With the temptation of astonishing wealth, many large tribes were involved. Some helped the termite tribe, and some helped the ant tribe and bee tribe. The war was rapid. Upgrading, the competition for resources soon evolved into an unending tribal blood feud. The battlefield spread from Longzhu Continent to Yunji Continent. In just two years, hundreds of thousands of Zerg warriors died in the chaos in Yunji Continent. Small tribes perish.”

That mountain range is called 'Red Mountain', and that war is called the Red Mountain Disaster.

The out-of-control war alarmed the God of Nature, who imposed divine punishment and took away the abilities of all Mountain Lord-level, Lord-level and King-level warriors of that generation. The starships connecting Yunji Continent and Longzhu Continent also disappeared.

Long Bai: !!!


Long Bai: The starship was dropped by the God of Nature, and it was specifically dropped in the divine power barrier area.

Huang Ke: Everyone thinks so.

Huang Ya: What I mean is, Longbai Ant King and Mo Lan, if you have time, you can go to the east and search along the demarcation barrier to see if there is a new starship passage to Longzhu Continent.

Huang Yao: If there is one, go look for it in the mountain range where massive amounts of raw stone ores were discovered. There might be some left.

Mo Lan's eyes were bright and she turned to look at Long Bai.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: ...the idea is quite beautiful.

Long Bai: In the future, if you have time, you can consider going to have a look. Let's search in Yunji Continent first. I'm more curious, where are the raw stone veins in Yunji Continent mainly concentrated?

Huang Ya: It's in the mountains at the foot. It's scattered here and there. It's been explored and mined out a long time ago.

Huang Ya crawled quickly, lying down in the southeastern area of ​​the map, and said: There are three major raw stone mining areas in Yunji Continent. The second largest mining area is located in the southeastern part of the continent, in the barren mountains along the coast. It is also scattered. You can try your luck, maybe you will miss something.

Long Bai:'s a bit far!

Huang Ya crawled to the extreme north of the map and said: The third largest mining area is located in the northern mountainous area, where the orc warriors are entrenched.

Long Bai: Not only is it far, it's also very cold...

Long Bai sighed: My throne's load-carrying capacity is very poor. Currently, it is difficult to transport 5,000 rough stones. The load-carrying capacity has slightly increased with the evolution of my age. I wonder if there will be a qualitative improvement after being promoted to the king level.

Huang Ke: ...

Huang Yao became frustrated and sighed: According to my observation, the flying speed doesn't seem to be very fast.

Long Bai: It's closely related to mental power. The stronger the mental power, the faster the flight speed. But this thing is not made for flying on the road. No matter how fast it is, it won't be much faster.

Huang Yao: I originally planned to awaken the Dongquan Sacred Tree to use the soul-fixing fruit to help you attack the termite kingdom. In this can't be done.

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