Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 219 News about Yi Zhaoguo

I don't seem to be very popular.

Caolong walked slowly, carrying large and small bags of goods.

Long Bai: Welcome to Yunji Continent my friend...

Caolong: ...

Caolong: Why don't the two little guys Qingma and Hongma come to greet me?

Long Bai: They ran with me for a few days and then went back to the mountain to rest.

Long Bai smiled and asked: Cao Long, are these the start-up funds for independent travel business that Luo Li gave you?


Caolong stood still, untied the spider silk rope binding the goods, and unloaded the goods bag by bag. At the same time, he explained:

At the Watase Flame Spider tribe gathering in early winter last year, Yuzu and I secretly observed Bai Wei and Hong Tao. By calculating the height of their jumps while walking, we found out that they had made money again, and they had made a lot of money.

After the jokes, let’s get down to business.

Caolong said seriously: So, Lu Dou and I discussed it and thought that the force honey business could be done and planned to try it. We also asked the owner of Huangtaoshan to make 30 metal cans and got a bottle of royal jelly. This year, I will first get 30 cans of royal honey priced at 1,000 raw stones/can. The strengthening effect is only for the overall physical condition for the time being. As for the taste and fragrance, which one is the best to buy from Baiwei? I will transport it back to Wanzu Continent. , give it to Lu Dou, who will carry it with you to sell it when traveling there for business.

Cao Long asked: Long Bai, you made a deal with Bai Wei, do you have a balance of force food?

Long Bai: Yes.

Long Bai: But not much. Bai Wei started to settle with me using Spider King's Silk Scroll.

Caolong: I thought you needed rough stones here, so I shipped some more.

Caolong opened the four large spider silk bags one after another, revealing the four shiny bags of raw stones, A round number of 4,000. A 4-year-old advanced flame spider traveler can only transport so much in one trip.

Caolong then opened multiple medium and small sized spider silk bags and packed them into various categories with various Force foods.

Based on the purchase price, I'll give it to you at par. The total value is 12,000 rough stones. Let's take a look at it.

Long Bai looked at it briefly, clicked his tentacles and said, No problem.

Caolong: Is the force food enough?

Long Bai: 30 cans are definitely enough.

Caolong: Okay! I'll give you 8 spider silk scrolls too.

Cao Long turned his attention to the small spider silk bag that Long Bai was carrying.

Long Bai handed it over and said: Luo Chen's god-given fruit pandan seeds are 500, please help bring them over.

That's what Luo Chen means. 5,000 rough stones. 5 spider silk scrolls?

Caolong took the bag, opened it, glanced at it, put it away carefully, and counted out 13 spider silk rolls with a denomination of 1,000 rough stones and gave them to Long Bai.

The accounts are settled first.

On the Wanzu Continent, only Lu Dou is running. Next year I will come with Luo Li. Long Bai, do the math, which one do you need more, raw stone or force food? I will transport whatever you need.

Long Bai raised the spider king's silk scroll and said: ...We all need it.

Long Bai struggled for a moment and said helplessly: The main thing is to transport the force food. Transport as much rough stone as you can.

Both Baiwei and Caolong have limited carrying capacity.

As the transaction amount increases, more scrolls of Spider King's Silk will inevitably be received in the future.

Long Bai lives deep in Yunji Continent, and there are only two ways to use the Spider King Silk Scroll.

The first one is to find Qiye or Luojun to buy high-priced force food.

Second, after accumulating a certain amount, negotiate with a caravan, pay a high fee, and ask them to make a special trip to transport rough stones in large quantities. The spider king's silk rolls can be exchanged for raw stones with practical uses.

It can also have a third purpose, which is to purchase ‘Yizhaoguo’ in the future and use it for payment.

Long Bai called Qing Ma and Hong Ma over to help, and ran back and forth several times to move everything to the Hongnan Mountain Ant Nest.

200 blue ants brewed 30 jars of original honey in half a day.

Cao Long, I've been waiting for a long time.

No. You're incredibly fast for a spider.


Long Bai passed through the gap and passed jars of ant honey over.

Caolong took a bottle of royal jelly, used the spider silk rope to dip it in, opened the metal cans one by one, applied them evenly, and twisted them repeatedly to complete the packaging.

Is there a stable supply of royal jelly?

It's not stable for the time being. Bai Wei is also looking for purchases everywhere. We are in a competitive relationship. He is the elder, and I have to let him go.

Grass Dragon is always so interesting when he talks.

Long Bai laughed and continued:

It's okay. I'll help you find a way.

What can you do?

You'll know then.

When is that time?

When you're short of royal jelly.

It's lacking now.

Did not see it.

Okay. Let's get down to business.

Caolong stopped his movements, sorted out his words, and said seriously: Last year in late autumn, just in time for the Yi Zhao fruit to ripen, and during the early winter tribal gathering, there were many spiders talking about it. Luzu and I paid attention to inquire about the information.

Last year's auction was sold for 3.5 million rough stones. There were three old insect kings competing for the same purpose. They all returned their god-given seeds to the seed form and passed them on to the younger generations.

Long Bai: ...a bit expensive.

A little expensive? Just a little?

Caolong continued to encapsulate the force honey and said with emotion: Longbai, you are developing too fast! Three million raw stones are no longer in your sight.

Long Bai: I mean, compared to the benefits it brings, 3.5 million rough stones are worth it.

Caolong analyzed seriously: You must be the master of the Evolution Mountain and you are in a hurry to use it, right? If you can't get so many rough stones, you can only borrow them from the Zeqi Spider King and Caowu Spider King, right?

Large amount of loan, friendship price, three-cent interest? You have to pay 100,000 rough stones in just one year's interest. How many years can you repay the principal with interest?

Regarding this, Long Bai already knew it and said calmly: It's not a big problem.

Long Bai changed the topic and asked: Cao Long, you have traveled across the continent. You have traveled to many places and know a lot. I have a question for you to ask.

Caolong: Ask.

Long Bai: In a big place like Shouguan Mountain, there must be more than one wild god-given seed, right?

Caolong: There are not many, 5 trees. But each one is a top-notch tree.

Long Bai: Uh...

Caolong explained in detail: Ordinary God-given seeds are all nurtured by tribal warriors. Large tribes like them only select the best God-given seeds, sow them into wild God-given seeds, and invest massive resources in cultivation and development. Grow stronger and become the mainstay of the tribe’s everlasting prosperity.”

Is there such a thing?

If you think about it, it's not difficult to understand why.

Long Bai asked again: Then have you heard that there is any way for wild god-given seeds cultivated to reach the mountain master level to survive the long period of silence of the Force?

Caolong: ???

Caolong: Let me tell you, King Longbai Ant, is your question too strange?

Long Bai waited for a while, but heard nothing more. Guessing that Cao Long had never heard similar information, he cleverly changed the topic and said:

Don't your Watase Flame Spider tribe send a little warrior here every year to check the status of the Force in Yunji Continent? In the Continent of Ten Thousand Races and the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, many insects are worried about the period of silence of the Force, right? I'm also thinking about it. Don’t cultivate a wild god-given seed to leave something for the younger generation.”

younger generation?

Green maple and red maple?

Or do you plan to cultivate a new ant king in the future? Long Bai, as far as I know, you are not an ant with clan feelings.

Caolong was not so easy to fool, and then asked: Did something terrible happen to you? Did you discover the tribal relics of the previous Force era in Yunji Continent? That's not right. Close to the divine barrier. , the ants have already dug and searched countless times in the areas you can go to, so it’s impossible to leave anything for you.”

Long Bai: Cao Long, you're thinking too much. I just had a sudden idea, just ask.

Long Bai didn't want to reveal the information about the throne to Cao Long yet, so he speeded up and handed all the metal cans over, urging:

It's getting late, Caolong, please go back to the caravan early to save Bai Wei from worrying.

Bai Wei? Is it worried?

Cao Long reacted violently, but quickly calmed down and said displeasedly: Long Bai, you are changing the subject! You have something to hide from me.


Long Bai replied neither lightly nor seriously.

never mind.

Caolong was disappointed and said: You don't treat me as a friend!

Caolong: Actually, I know something about your problem...

Long Bai: Speak first.

Caolong: Last year, Luo Ji mentioned to the Zeqi Spider King that you needed the 'Yizhao Fruit' and needed to move the god-given seed. The Zeqi Spider King immediately concluded that you were lying! You are not an honest ant king. .”

Long Bai: ...

Caolong: Isn't it unexpected? Bai Wei has already told the Zeqi Spider King about the seed given by the Scarlet Light God. When the Zeqi Spider King heard that you wanted the 'Yizhao Fruit', he immediately knew what you wanted to do.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: I knew that Bai Wei couldn't keep a secret.

Long Bai: What else?

Caolong: Zeqi Spider King still agreed to the matter of Yi Zhaoguo. And by the way, he taught Luo Li and me some unknown secrets about the god-given seeds.

Long Bai's tentacles are raised vertically, waiting for the next step.

Caolong: When necessary, there are two ways to move the king-level god-given seeds. The first one is mainly the god-given seeds of the big tree type. They condense their souls and all their power into the center of the tree, forming a It's like the heart of a tree. It can be dug out, moved to another place, buried in the soil, and allowed to take root again. Given a certain amount of time and a certain amount of rough stone, it can be restored.

The second type is an ability that only a few God-given seeds have. They are mainly herbaceous plants. They condense their souls and all their power into one seed in the form of flowers and fruits. It is similar to the life seeds of the Flame Spider tribe. It’s the same way. It’s also similar to the effect of the ‘Yizhao Fruit’.”

The two methods are just different in form, there is no essential difference.

Caolong: What you want to ask is whether wild God-given seeds can survive the period of Force silence in the form of 'tree heart' or 'seed'? It is impossible in the Force vacuum environment, because no matter Whether in seed form or tree heart form, they are all alive, and living Force life must consume the Force to stay alive.

Cao Long: Long Bai, did you pick up the tree heart or seeds of a wild god-given species from a certain tribe in the last Force era?

Caolong: It's still wrong. You haven't seen the tree heart or seeds, otherwise you wouldn't ask this question...

Caolong combed through the clues and felt that he was only a small step away from the truth. He racked his brains to think and figure it out.

Long Bai said calmly: Caolong, your biggest flaw is that you think about everything very complicatedly. This will affect your development. This is a problem and must be corrected.

Learn more from Master Bai Wei, don't use your brain if you can, and be happy without worries.

Long Bai: Let me ask you another little question. Can the relics of seeds given by gods be bought and sold?


Caolong was startled and thought of many things in an instant, Did you find the remains of a wild god-given seed? The remains of a tribe in the Yunji Continent during the Force Period?

Long Bai said vaguely: Absolutely.

Caolong: Where's the heart of the tree? Is there one?

Long Bai: It's all the remains of branches that were broken into pieces... I can't see the heart of the tree. I'll look back.

Caolong: Look carefully! If it is a force environment, there is a certain hope of survival.

Caolong: The seed residue given by the gods is good as fertilizer. It is good for the growth of plants. You can keep it for your own use.

Cao Long said with rare seriousness, I happen to know one thing. This thing cannot be bought and sold for two reasons. First, if the remains of the God-given Seed can be priced, circulated and traded, then how can all the Zerg warriors who possess the God-given Seed of Life be able to Aren’t you all afraid? Beware of being killed and plundered by other Zerg warriors.”

Long Bai commented: This is similar to 'Yizhaohua'.

Caolong: ...that's right.

Caolong: It's almost the same.

Caolong thought for a while and said in a solemn tone: Secondly, the seeds given by the gods are intelligent beings with awakened consciousness and are protected by the gods of nature. If their corpses are bought and sold for profit, we may be punished by the gods of nature. Anyway, we are crossing The Lai Flame Spider tribe does not dare to engage in this business.

All right--

Long Bai was disappointed, It's okay. Don't ask any more questions. Just leave quickly. See you next year.

PS: The plot requires that the setting has changed from that of Cockroach. Readers who have read it don’t need to worry.

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