Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 214 Gathering momentum

The Southern Ziziphus Mountain is a closed environment with limited hunting space.

Longbai specially cultivated 50 specialized blue ants and placed them in the ant nest of Nan Suizao Mountain, increasing the food storage limit of the ant colony to half a year.

This year's fishing in Black Lotus Lake, Cuibai and Yinbai participated together, commanding 200 specialized blue soldiers and 100 large blue soldiers to increase the scale of the hunt. The duration is still one month, stocking up on food for Pandan Mountain and Nan Zizao Mountain.

Junipers, giant cypresses, fragrant cypresses, and emerald cypresses remain in Xianglan Mountain.

Juniper, silver cypress, and black cypress continue to cultivate orchards in Nanzizao Mountain.

Long Bai and Mo Lan went to Xinghu Lake again.

The twigs and leaves of the god-given dragon cypress had all turned into powder, so they couldn't let it go to waste. They packed 8 bags in one go and headed straight for Feiguang Mountain.

The temperature in winter is just right, with moderate humidity and dryness, neither cold nor hot.

Sang was lying on the top of the mountain basking in the sun when Mo Lan flew over first.


good news!

There are also God-given seeds for green maple and red maple! They were just discovered in autumn.

A male green and red kiwi seed given by the gods.


Sang stood up straight and froze on the spot. Before he could finish digesting the previous words, Mo Lan followed up and said:

Male plants only produce flowers but no fruit.

However, if male flowers are used to pollinate ordinary female blue and red kiwi seeds, the quality of the original fruit will be greatly improved and can be sold for two or three times the price. One male plant can seed dozens of female plants. pollination.


Sang was stunned, unable to understand for a moment, desperately searching the inherited memory for relevant knowledge.

Mo Lan added: There is also great news! Long Bai and I have found a new force point called 'Citizen Hill', which was the richest place in Yunji Continent in the last force era...

Based on the map, we successfully locked the location of Ninghu Lake and found the remains of the dead Longcypress God-given seed from the treasure house.

This time, Long Bai has shipped a lot and is going to use it for the Crimson Light God-given seed. Let's test the effect first. If possible, we will use it in large quantities to help it accelerate its evolution to the lord level!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention it. The new knowledge that Long Bai and I learned in the Knowledge Palace of the Shield Tribe is that the slough of God-given seeds can be used as growth nutrients for other force plants.


I received too much shocking information at once, my brain was a little stuck, and I stood still, desperately searching for inherited memories.

After a long time, I found that there was no relevant knowledge in the inherited memory.

Sang: ...Great!

Sang didn't know what to say, so he raised his front foot and pointed at the crimson god-given seed in the distance, It will take a few days to bloom.

Okay - Mo Lan suddenly thought about it again and added:

Long Bai and I also learned a particularly important piece of knowledge. In fact, the wild god-given seeds gave birth to independent consciousness when they evolved to the Mountain Lord level, but they did not have derived spiritual power and could not communicate with us. After evolving to the King level, they derived spiritual powers. With the power, you can communicate with any Zerg warrior.

Sang was shocked again, The seed given by the Scarlet Light God is conscious?

Mo Lan: Yes! It must know that we are taking care of it.

Sang: Oh!

Sang was amazed.

Mo Lan continued: Before the wild god-given seeds are about to break through in evolution, there will be very obvious signs, which are mainly manifested in two points: the first point is that they stop blooming and bearing fruits; the second point is that the branches and leaves accelerate their growth and absorb the sun and moon. energy and accumulate power.”

Sang: ...I understand!

Sang: Mo Lan, what does it mean to accumulate power?

Mo Lan: Similar to our Zerg warriors eating, recuperating, and accumulating energy and force before they evolve. The evolution of God-given seeds also requires such an accumulation process. The ancestors of the Shield Tribe called this phenomenon 'gathering momentum.'

Sang: I understand! Thank you for letting me know——

Mo Lan was happy and proud. Following the topic, she explained: All plants have 'power', and ordinary plants also have tree power. If the power is strong, the flowers will be luxuriant, the leaves will be luxuriant, and the fruits will be abundant. If the power is weak, the flowers will be few and the fruits will be thin. .”

Sang, you opened an orchard on the mountain and planted many mango trees. Have you noticed that one year, your mango trees have few flowers, few fruits, and the fruits are still very small. The second or third year, Suddenly many flowers bloomed again, and the branches were covered with fruits.”

Sang thought for two seconds and replied firmly: Yes! That's right!

Mo Lan: The years when there are few flowers and few fruits are the period when the fruit trees are weak and gaining momentum; when there are many flowers and fruits, the fruit trees burst out the accumulated potential energy. The weakness and prosperity of ordinary plants are cyclical alternations, usually It’s a two-year, three-year, five-year cycle.”

We pay a lot of attention when we operate orchards. When the fruit trees are in full bloom, we need to thin out the flowers and fruits appropriately, provide more water and fertilizer, and reduce the burden on the plants. In this way, when they enter the 'weak period', they will not be so weak.

Sang: ...I understand!

Sang: Mo Lan, you are as knowledgeable as Long Bai!

Sang: I also want to learn——

Mo Lan was immediately confused: This requires Huang Ya's consent first... What do you want to learn? I can teach you.

Sang: “Mango tree cultivation techniques!”

Mo Lan: This is simple, I know it all...

The throne of control appeared in the field of vision, and it staggered straight towards the crimson god-given seed.

Sang and Molan ran over.

The ruling throne hovers at the top of the tree, and the dragon cypress looks up and down.

In the past few years, 1,000 and 3,000 rough stones have been invested respectively in the flower blooming and fruit ripening periods of the seeds given by the Scarlet God. Sang usually takes care of them, but every time Long Bai and Mo Lan come over, they have to go into the jungle to hunt a group of animals and bury them under the trees for fertilization.

Under careful care, the crimson god-given seeds grow steadily at a height of half a meter every year, and the number of flowers each year increases accordingly.

Long Bai compared the knowledge related to the wild God-given Seed recorded in Citi Mountain, and after some inspection, he confirmed that the Crimson Light God-given Seed was infinitely approaching the lord level.

The crimson god-given seed evolves to the lord level. The quality of the god-given fruit is improved, and the annual income can be increased by 30% to 40% immediately. Then there will be a rapid growth period that lasts for decades. The fruit output will increase year by year, and the income will increase year by year. , which can eventually more than double.


After the throne of rulership landed, Long Bai took the spider silk bag, jumped down, opened it with a squeaking sound, and asked: Have Mo Lan made it clear to you about the general situation?


Sang stepped forward and looked over: Is this the relic of a god-given seed?

It looks like plant ashes that have not been burned thoroughly. With a quick glance at it, one can tell that it contains raw energy substances.

Long Bai: I brought 8 bags here, dug 8 big pits, and buried them. We will observe the effect next spring. If possible, Mo Lan and I will spend more time and transport dozens of bags!


Sang looked up and looked around, weighing where to dig a hole.

Long Bai greeted: Sang, don't be in a hurry. There is something else.

Long Bai: I plan to increase my investment to help the Crimson Light Divine Seed reach the lord level.

Sang: Okay——

Long Bai: The investment in rough stones during the winter flowering period has increased from 1,000 to 2,000. The investment in rough stones during the fruit ripening period in early summer has increased from 3,000 to 4,000. The investment in rough stones will increase by 2,000 each year. We will share it equally, each paying 1,000. pieces.

Sang: No problem!

Sang: Long Bai, is that enough?

Long Bai: Currently, there is no rough stone production in Yunji Continent, and we can only rely on the help of flame spider merchants to transport it. I also want to invest more, but we don't have any more rough stones.

Sang: I understand——

Long Bai: Starting from this year, I will control the number of fruits. After each flower blooms and collects nectar, I will instruct the worker ants to cut off part of it, leaving only 2,000 flowers and 2,000 fruits. Ensure that the entire flower and fruit cycle does not cause excessive damage to the plant. burden.

Sang: I understand, let's accumulate power for the seeds given by the Scarlet Light God.

I learned quite quickly~ Long Bai: ...that's right!

Communicating with Sang is always easy and smooth.

Long Bai waved his tentacles and greeted:

Let's dig a hole!

Mo Lan, you come too. You go dig over there.

Everyone, please be careful, don't move too much, or you may injure the roots.

Okay! Sang and Mo Lan agreed, and everyone started working.

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