Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 212 The treasure house of Xinghu, the remnant of the fruit-bearing dragon cypress seed given

Rest overnight by the lake and start early the next morning, starting from the largest mountain peak.

Long Bai will park his throne on the top of the mountain, and he and Mo Lan will go to the south and north to look for it down the mountain.

Zerg warriors are accustomed to digging caves under steep cliffs.

Go specifically to those steep places and scan and search them mentally.

No, no, no...

Long Bai completed the search as quickly as possible, flew back to the throne, and urgently replenished his force power.

Nothing was found... Mo Lan returned and rested for a while before she regained her composure and asked, Long Bai, do you want to search the east and west sides?

Let's look for it.

Long Bai unscrewed a jar of Force Ant Honey, dipped it in, ate some, and handed it to Mo Lan.

Most Zerg warriors are accustomed to digging caves on the south or north side of the mountain, but this does not rule out some unique Zerg who prefer to build caves on the east or west.

Long Bai and Mo Lan regained their original strength, rested well, and set off again.

Still nothing was found.

Half a day passed.

After taking a short rest, the Control Throne took off and landed on the small mountain next to it.

Keep looking.

Until noon, there was still no harvest.

Continue in the afternoon and into the late night.

We continued the next day and still found nothing.

On the third day, still nothing...

Four days in a row of nothing.

11 of the 17 peaks have been found.

Late at night, eat by the lake to replenish your energy.

Long Bai began to analyze the situation:

Time has passed so long and the geology has changed. The residential caves once dug by the Zerg warriors have long since collapsed.

If there is a treasure house like Citizen's Hill in Nang Lake, the entrance passage must have collapsed. It may also be a landslide, and the flow of earth and rocks buried the entrance to the cave.

Yes - Mo Lan agreed.

The vast mountain forest is also a vacuum environment of the Force. It is difficult to find the entrance of the cave by mentally scanning the steep cliffs.

It would be even more difficult to look for the entrance of the cave buried by rocks, soil, trees and grass. Even if you spend a whole winter, you may not be able to find it.

Long Bai, have you come up with any good ideas?

There is no good way, but there is a stupid way to think of one.

How stupid?

Choose a suitable location and dig a passage directly into the mountain. Refer to Citizen Mountain. If there are Zerg warriors who open up and build a treasure house inside the mountain, they will probably use the soil ability to harden and reinforce it. They will encounter it after digging a certain distance.

This method is really not very smart...

Mo Lan said and sighed: But I can't think of a smarter way.

Long Bai: I'll dig and you'll transport the soil.

Mo Lan: Hunt a wild boar and make a pigskin bag.

Long Bai: The leaders of the Zerg warriors who live in groups usually live on the highest mountain to show their leadership status. Still start from the largest mountain. Find a suitable cliff to excavate from the lower part of the mountainside. .”

Mo Lan: Okay!

The next morning we went up the mountain.

Long Bai chose a location, cleared the surrounding vegetation, parked the throne of control aside, and started digging with his claws.

The tunnel does not need to be dug too big, the diameter is about 40 centimeters, as long as it can be drilled through.

Dig for a while, exit, return to the throne to rest, and recover and replenish.

On and off, for another two days, when we were fifty or sixty meters deep into the mountain, the brown-red shale suddenly turned into dark brown and was extremely hard.

Long Bai?

Mo Lan, who was following behind, noticed it immediately.

Dig it! Long Bai moved his six legs together and walked back.

Mo Lan raised her claws and pushed Long Bai back, urging: Why go back? Dig in quickly!

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai: Insect King level earth ability, permanently hardened, 10,000 times harder than my claws.


Mo Lan: Come out. I'll do it!

Exit the cave.

Long Bai returned to the throne to rest.

Mo Lan got in alone and quickly retreated, The Insect King's ability is really powerful, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times harder than my claws. I can't dig it either.

Mo Lan: What should we do? Find the entrance? There must be an entrance. If there is, we will definitely find it.

Mo Lan: But how can we find such a huge mountain?

Mo Lan was very enthusiastic and started thinking hard.

Seeing that it couldn't think of a reason for a long time, Long Bai said leisurely: The inherited memory guided the Zerg warriors to build caves under the cliffs to avoid wind, rain and natural enemies, so as to dry and store seeds. This will never change. No matter how the mountains slide, the cliffs will not change. It will most likely turn into a gentle slope. So, we are still looking under the cliff.

Excavate in small spots and dig down along the cliff. It only takes four or five meters to dig down to a depth of four to five meters at each point.

Mo Lan clicked his tentacles and sighed: This method is a bit stupid~

Don't worry, look for it slowly.

Long Bai controlled the throne to slowly rise into the air, flew around the mountain peak, looked around, and finally stopped at the top of the mountain.

Observe, calculate silently.

He led Mo Lan to the foot of a cliff on the southeast side, looked left and right, selected a location, and called for excavation.

Dig straight down.

Mo Lan stood outside, tying a bag made of animal skins with a spider silk rope and lifting dirt and gravel outside.

Soon, the first point was dug to a depth of four to five meters.


Change positions and continue...


This method is still very time-consuming and laborious...

Molan, are you coming?

Me? Ants are better at digging holes.

I'll let you choose a spot. Where do you want to dig?


Mo Lan took a few steps, thought for a moment, then moved her tentacles, Here!



Mo Lan chooses again.

Dig again.

still none……

Below the 40 to 50 meter cliff, there are a long stretch of 8 vertical holes.

Just when Long Bai seriously doubted that Mo Lan's mysterious perception was not working...

The ninth vertical hole was excavated to a depth of two to three meters. When it hit the gravel head on, Long Bai habitually swept his mental energy towards the cliff...

The antennae twitched.

Here! Found it!

found it?

Mo Lan couldn't believe it subconsciously, and then shouted enthusiastically: Hurry up and dig!

Long Bai dug with his claws.

As speculated, the entrance to the cave was blocked over time by the weathering and falling off of rocks from the cliffs and the flow of soil caused by heavy rains.

Towards the cliff, there is a layer of more than two meters that only spiritual power can penetrate, and it can be dug through easily.

Ahead is a semicircular passage with a width of about 1.5 meters, and a stone wall that has been solidified by the earth system.

Turn left, turn right.

About ten meters further ahead is a spacious hemispherical cave with a square platform carved from blue jade in the center.

This is the living room. When distinguished guests visit, they sit around the table and food is placed on the table.

The cave is filled with branches.

Cypress branches and leaves.

When the blocked channels were dug out and fresh air flowed in, these branches quickly rotted, turned black, and shattered.

This is--

It's kind of like-

The remains of the God-given seed!

The cypress tree's divine seed!

Fruit Cypress?

The map of Citizen Hill records that there are three wild God-given trees in Ninghu Lake, one of which is the giant cypress.

Is that it?


Long Bai and Mo Lan stared at each other for a while, feeling sad.

After the sadness, I couldn't suppress the secret joy.

Long Bai led the way and quickly passed through the passage and walked into a cave on the side.

The carapace remains of the Zerg warriors were shattered all over the ground.

Neatly stacked cypress branches.

A quick mental scan revealed that yes, it was the side branch of a huge cypress tree with a god-given seed.

Going forward from the passage, there is another cave within four or five meters, filled with branches.

Walking forward along the passage, spiraling downward, there is a room at regular intervals. Looking at it in turn, it is filled with branches, roots and tree trunks cut into pieces.

Various degrees of decay and carbonization, the original force is completely lost, but the original energy properties that were once the top god-given seeds still remain.

The knowledge I just learned from the Citizen Hill Knowledge Hall: The remains of God-given seeds are the best fertilizer, which is of great help to the growth and development of cypress seeds, especially dragon cypress seeds.

Long Bai, are we getting rich?

……seems like it.

These caves were originally used to store rough stones?

It's obvious.


Mo Lan quickly rushed down.

Long Bai didn't panic and followed slowly.

Mo Lan has eaten a lot of black lotus seeds but has not made any progress at all.

With a little thought, you can think of it. If there is a rough stone, how could this fruitful dragon cypress tree die?

As expected, Mo Lanfei ran back soon, Nang Lake is much poorer than Citi Mountain. The caves below are all empty. There are no original stones. There are no creations from extraterrestrial civilizations.

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