Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 209 Map

Huang Ya raised his paw, pointed at the dome of the cave, and said: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, look, above is the map of Yunji Continent drawn by the ancestors of the Shield Tribe.

Huang Ya flapped his wings and took off, lying on the top of the cave, pointing to a location, and said: Citizen Hill is here. Where is the Xianglan Mountain where you live?

Long Bai and Mo Lan's attention was immediately attracted.

The carvings on the map are outlined in five colors: black, white, red, green, and yellow, and are integrated into the interior of the stone wall. After more than four thousand years, they are still bright in color, undulating, and the various terrains of mountains, rivers, plains, and forests are clear and distinct.

If you look carefully and distinguish the southeast, northwest and northwest, the location of Citizen Mountain is exactly in a long and vast mountain range running north to south.

Looking south, I soon found a large mountain range that meandered southwestward and went straight into the divine barrier.

The overall terrain of the continent has not changed much.

Long Bai flapped his wings and took off, then lay down on the dome and tapped his tentacles, Fanglan Mountain is at this location!

Wow! Long Bai, this is a map. I can understand it. What is that you drew in the restaurant? It's all circles and lines. Only you can understand it.

Mo Lan was overjoyed and found the location of Xianglan Mountain. She looked up and down along the divine power barrier and said doubtfully:

Why is there no starship wreckage passage mark...

Yes! Long Bai thought about it and said: The starship wreckage must have fallen from the sky during the silence of the Force. Otherwise, do you and I still have a share in the Hanlan Mountain treasure house?

That's right~ Mo Lan flapped her wings and took off, landing on a plain, saying: Yellow skewer, spruce, look, this is the kingdom of purple linden insects!

Huang Zhan and Yunshan's attention immediately went over.

Huang Ke: That place was once the homeland of the Clay Bee Tribe.

Spruce: “It’s also a big, prosperous place.”

Huang Ya carefully inspected the various icons and said: The name should be 'Guangye Mountain'. The number of Zerg warriors living there is only a thousand, which is not comparable to the Citizen Mountain of our Shield Tribe.



Long Bai climbed over and looked at the densely packed icons, trying to decipher the meaning of each icon.

Huang Ke—— Mo Lan suddenly accelerated towards the southeastern part of the map and asked, Is this a large desert?

Huang Ya asked back: Semi-desert. Is there any problem?

Mo Lan: No -

Mo Lan: What does the wavy line next to it represent? Lake? Or ocean?

Huang Ke: Ocean.

Mo Lan: There are oceans to the east and south. It stands to reason that there will be abundant precipitation. Why is it a semi-desert?

Huang Ya: I don't understand either. This is a drawing based on the actual local conditions after our ancestors of the Shield Tribe visited the site.

Huang Ya: Mo Lan, have you and Long Bai been there? Could it be that the climate and environment here changed during the silence of the Force?

Mo Lan: No -

Long Bai circled to the ground, raised his head, and scanned with his eyes and mental power at the same time, finding each of the original force points that had been discovered one by one.

As expected, Black Lotus Lake was once a large and rich place, jointly run by a certain Anbujia tribe and the Dragonfly tribe. There are three plant imprints: lotus, willow, and maple poplar, which means that they focus on cultivating these three plants.

There is also Feiguang Mountain in the south, which is run by a small tribe of crickets. The main cultivated plants are mango and golden fruit.

There are also Zerg marks in other places of the Force, but they are small tribes with no characteristics, small places, and such marks are all over the map.

Simple observation and comparison confirmed that the existence of the Force Point is not directly related to the size of the tribe, wealth or poverty.

Long Bai also gave up the idea of ​​looking for the origin point through the detailed map of Yunji Continent drawn by the ancestors of the Shield Tribe.

Huang Ya suggested: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, since you can pass through the throne of control and cross the void of the Force, why don't you follow the map and go to the locations of the big tribes? There may be something good. Things stay.”

Mo Lan exclaimed: That's right! Maybe they also built similar ruins, and there are also artifacts from extraterrestrial civilizations left!

Long Bai thought twice and praised: It makes sense! Maybe some of the top plants they cultivated remain!

Huang Ke: ...

Huang Yao said half-jokingly: The map is free for you to see. If you find a treasure house, please remember to leave a benefit for me and Yun Shan.



Long Bai and Mo Lan readily agreed.

Mo Lan also circled and glided to the ground. He stood on the ground and looked up at the map, keeping in mind the settlements of rich and large tribes marked on the map.

The map is only part of the top part of the knowledge palace of the Shield Tribe.

The colorful patterns carved on the surrounding stone walls vividly record the information of each Zerg race on territory construction, natural transformation, plant cultivation, ore mining, and special abilities to create various items that facilitate production and life.

The most important thing is the plant cultivation technology, which covers every plant species in detail.

After a long time, Long Bai withdrew his mental power, Yellow skewer, spruce, you said, the creations of extraterrestrial civilizations that preserve the food of the Force...

Oh! Down below. Follow me.

Huang Ya led the way into the cave entrance located in the center of the 'Palace of Knowledge'.

Spiraling downward channel.

The same insect king-level warriors had used their earth-based abilities to harden it, and the smooth stone walls were engraved with patterns, depicting tragic scenes of insect warriors fighting each other.

We, the Shield Tribe, don't like war, but we control the massive wealth, which inevitably attracts insects to covet. We dare not neglect it and are always vigilant about war. These murals record the large-scale wars that once broke out in Yunji Continent, and also describe the conflicts of different tribes. Fighting style and methods...

Huang Ke gave a brief explanation.

Long Bai and Mo Lan walked and watched.

The sloping passage gradually became gentle, and the uniform left position was very regular. Every four or five meters, a bifurcated trapezoidal cave appeared. With a quick glance, each bifurcated passage led to a hemispherical cave with a diameter of about 10 meters. , it was empty inside.

Huang Ya took the initiative to introduce: Once upon a time, each of these small passages led to a treasure house where raw stones were stored. The entire hollowed out interior of the mountain was filled with raw stones. Our ancestors accumulated countless wealth... For a long time During the period of silence of the Force, these raw stones are gradually consumed.

Huang Ya: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, if you go hunting for treasures in the territories of other large tribes, you should have a chance to find the original stones.

Long Bai: I hope.

Mo Lan: Okay!

Long Bai asked tentatively: These murals are also engraved with various strange symbols. Do they represent different meanings?

Huang Ke: That's right.

Long Bai: There are thousands of symbols. How do you understand its meaning? Is it passed down from generation to generation?

Huang Yao: Of course. When I was a junior warrior, I spent about three years studying and remembering the meaning of each symbol.

In this way, the inheritance of the shield katydid tribe really has not been interrupted for one generation? This is impossible to do under normal circumstances. It should be related to the ‘second method’ that Huang Ya mentioned but did not inform.

The other party didn't want to say anything, and Long Bai and Mo Lan didn't want to ask more questions.

Huang Ya took the initiative to ask: Longbai Ant King, can you trade with the flame spider traders through the passage of the starship wreckage in exchange for the rough stones?

Long Bai: Yes, but the rough stones are heavy. The number of rough stones that the caravan can help transport every year is very limited.

Huang Ya: You and Mo Lan have a god-given seed? Then you must consider evolving to the lord level, or even the king level? At that time, you will need a lot of rough stones.

Long Bai: We are working hard to accumulate.

Huang Ke is particularly interested in rough stones.

Long Bai said: It depends on the situation at that time. If the rough stone reserves are insufficient, I will consider paying a certain price to hire a caravan to transport rough stones in large quantities.

Can it still be like this? Huang Ya couldn't hide the excitement in his emotions and thoughts, but he immediately suppressed it and asked:

What's the price?

Long Bai said lightly: Pay a certain percentage of hard work. For example, for every 10,000 rough stones transported, 1,000 rough stones will be paid to the caravan as a reward.

Huang Ke: ...

Huang Ya: This price is too heavy for insects to accept.

Long Bai: Yes, the price is high. But there is nothing we can do. Next to Yunji Continent is the Ten Thousand Nations Continent ruled by the ants and bees. It is full of dangers. Flame Spider Travelers below the Mountain Lord level will not easily set foot...

A long spiral passage.

Walk all the way and talk all the way.

When Long Bai estimated that he had descended to the middle level of the mountain range, Huang Ya stopped in front of a wide and straight bifurcated passage.

We've arrived.

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