Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 207 Yellow skewer and spruce

The center of Yunji Continent?

A rough estimate is that it is probably in the center of the continent. But how do you know?

Citi Hill?

Does this place of Force already have a name?

Long Bai looked at Mo Lan.

Mo Lan: Huang Ke? What a strange name. Is it some kind of cultivated variant of the plant?

Yellow skewer: White skewer tree variety.

Mo Lan: Is Douglas Hill named after Douglas fir?

Huang Ke: Of course.

Mo Lan thought for a long time and found the plant of white skewer from the inherited memory, It's a very nice big tree!

Huang Ke: Yes.

Huang Ya asked in turn: Your name is Mo Lan? Orchid grass that grows in the southern valley?

Mo Lan: Yes.

Huang Ya: You didn't choose a lot of orchids as life seeds, did you?

Mo Lan: I have a God-given fruit seed of fragrant orchid, and a God-given seed of green flower cold orchid that was hybridized.

Huang Ke: ...

Huang Ya was dubious, turned to look at Long Bai, and said: Long Bai is a very good big tree, but it also grows in the south.

Huang Yao: You come from the far south. You are southern bugs.


Long Bai raised his hind legs, kicked Mo Lan gently, and signaled it again to stop talking.

This is a mature and steady Zerg warrior who can use his brain to think.

The territory of the Shield Tribe? Are there many Shield Warriors here?

Not many, one.

Oh~ It's not that we can't call it the territory of the Shield Tribe. But you are obviously not the only one who planted the fateful plant.


Huang Ya turned around and looked at the forest behind him.

A white-shelled Zerg warrior stood up from a bush, kicked his legs into the air, glided down to the ridge, and stood beside Huang Ya.

There are black spots on both sides of the chest and abdomen, which are clearly black and white.

Shielded grasshopper warrior.

Long Bai was suspicious but didn't ask.

Huang Yao said: This is the long-shielded grasshopper warrior born in my territory, named 'Yunshan'.

Huang Ya then introduced: This is Long Bai Ant King, and this is Mo Lan. They rely on the creation of extraterrestrial civilizations to cross the vacuum of the force and come all the way from the south...

Huang Ya didn't believe Long Bai and Mo Lan's statement about the 'messengers of the God of Nature', so he didn't mention it at all.

After a greeting, we got to know each other.

Huang Yao briefly introduced the situation to Yunshan.

Hearing that he was a 'traveling merchant' who was here to trade, Yun Shan's attitude was completely different from Huang Shan's. He was so excited that his tentacles were dancing wildly and his words were incoherent.

Taking root on the isolated island of the Force, limited by the types of Force food, high-level warriors are the end point of growth and evolution.

The arrival of Long Bai and Mo Lan brings the hope of upward growth and evolution.

Yunshan ran forward, picked up the bag of spider silk, and ran up the mountain. After a while, he quickly ran back with the bulging bag of spider silk.

Open it, and you’ll find a sack full of pine nuts.

Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, how do you buy it? Yunshan asked expectantly.

Let me take a look. Give me an estimate.

Long Bai controlled the throne to slowly sink to the ground and stop smoothly.

Mo Lan came forward holding the metal can, unscrewed the lid, opened it, tightened it again, demonstrated, placed it on the ground, and introduced:

This jar of Force Ant Honey is worth 2,000 raw stones. It is refined and brewed from 5 kinds of persimmon fruits. It is mainly used to strengthen the carapace. You can take a look first.

Great! At the advanced stage of evolution, we are short of force food to strengthen the carapace. Yunshan was surprised and handed the spider silk bag to Mo Lan.

Mo Lan carried the bag and returned to the throne of control.

Long Bai's mental power scan check.

The yellow skewer is also a kind of cedar tree.

The largest number of fir trees and pine trees in this land of force are of various types, all of which are large trees.

Half of the main plantings of cedarwood and spruce are large pine and fir trees.

They mixed together pine nuts from various species of cedar and pine trees.

Long Bai took a closer look and saw that there were as many as 21 species, which made him feel dizzy.

Is this a cedar produced by a redwood tree? There are 8 pieces in one rough stone.

These should be the pine nuts produced by the golden pine, right? There are 5 pine nuts in one rough stone.

The fir trees produced by spruce trees have 5 grains per rough stone.

Longbai selection, quotation.

At the same time, Huang Ya and Yun Shan were looking at the force ant honey in the metal can while listening to the quotation, calculating and weighing it.

Huang Ya soon discovered that this transaction was unfair.

Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, are you guided by the God of Nature to help the Zerg warriors who are trapped in various points of force?


You don't pursue profits?

The journey is difficult, so we charge a little labor fee appropriately.

Ha~ha~ Huang Ya won’t say any more.

Yunshan also discovered that the other party had made a profit from the price difference, so he used his brain to compare silently and had a rough number in his mind.

The price given by the other party is within the acceptable range.

In the inherited memory, the Flame Spider tribe is the orthodox traveling merchants. They do not manage territories, but rely entirely on trading to earn resources and grow and evolve.

Although Long Bai and Mo Lan are not flame spider traveling merchants, since they are traveling merchants, they must make profits.

Yunshan stretched out his front feet, dipped some Force Ant Honey in it, tasted it, and praised: It tastes good! It's delicious.

...Of course. Mo Lan also gradually realized that the two guys in front of her were completely different from the previous ghost fans, white rice, mountain persimmon, and white willow.

Something feels wrong. Not only are they smart, they are completely different in spirit and spirit.

Long Bai asked: My offer is fair, right?

Huang Ke: It's acceptable.

Long Bai asked: Is there any other force food that needs to be sold?

Huang Yao: Yes. How much do you charge?

Long Bai: “We’ll take as much as we can.”

Huang Ke: ...There are many!

Okay! Bring them all! Mo Lan took three large spider silk bags, rolled them into a tube, and threw them down.

Yunshan stepped forward to pick it up and quickly ran back to the cave.

Long Bai directed a group of medium-sized worker ants to climb to the top of the tree stump ant nest and sort fir nuts and pine nuts into piles.

The yellow skewer is the 4th age advanced fighter, and the spruce is the 3rd age advanced fighter. They have a total of 41 life types, without duplicates.

Huang Ke entered the aging stage and could no longer continue to grow and evolve. Like many veteran warriors of the tribe, it gave up eating food with the Force.

Spruce has reached the third stage at a young age, but it probably doesn't dare to continue to evolve.

This year’s harvest is almost untouched, and there are still uneaten portions from previous years.

Big bags are being moved here, and they are all mixed together.

Long Bai set the price and directed the workers to sort. He was busy from mid-morning until late at night before finally finishing the work.

A total of 31,478 rough stones.

That's 31,500 for you.

Long Bai made statistics and reported the total purchase price. He felt uncomfortable and happy at the same time, and said truthfully:

Mo Lan and I traveled north this time mainly to find the land of the Force, and we carried very few goods. We didn't expect that your inventory would be so large.

Mo Lan hesitated, picked up a metal box, continued to inject the force to open it, put in a seed, and then continued to inject the force to demonstrate closing, This is a creation of an extraterrestrial civilization, specially used to store seeds. I can pledge it to you. Bar?

Another creation from an extraterrestrial civilization? !

Yellow skewer and spruce look at each other.

Spruce flicked its tentacles to express approval.

Huang Ya asked: How many rough stones are counted?

Mo Lan: We can pay for the force ant honey worth 11,500 rough stones. The price of the metal box is 20,000 rough stones.

Long Bai: Next time we trade, we will bring more Force Ant Honey to redeem the metal box.

Look at the things. Mo Lan threw the metal box down.

Yunshan stepped forward to pick it up, injected the force to open and close it, ran back quickly, and handed it to Huang Xuan.

Huang Ya also tried it again and readily agreed: Okay-

Long Bai and Mo Lan were traveling and brought some force ant honey to eat on the road. Together with the honey purchased from the Shanshi Territory, they put together their share and divided it into four cans.

Under normal circumstances, the original ant honey can only be stored for about one year. Using ant royal jelly to seal it, the storage time can be extended to more than three years.

As a senior warrior, eating Force food worth 10,000 raw stones a year is not a big problem, right? This jar of Force Ant Honey is worth 3,000 raw stones. I will help you seal it and eat it last.

As Long Bai spoke, he opened the delicate and small stone bottle, dipped his tentacles in some royal ant jelly, spread it evenly on the mouth of the bottle, repeatedly twisted the lid to make it evener, and finally screwed the lid on.

Yunshan raised his paw to signal and asked: Longbai Ant King, may I ask, what is royal ant jelly?

Dragon cypress: The seed given by God blossoms, and the nectar and pollen are collected and refined to brew. It is sweet and delicious, and has a strong ability to restrain the force.

Oh—— Yunshan seemed to understand but not understand.

Huang Zhan's antennae trembled imperceptibly, and his heart trembled: Do these two guys really have seeds given by God?

——Mostly yes. But to say there are as many as 7 trees is an exaggeration.

——Two guys who like to make things up and brag, but they also seem to have some real abilities.

Huang Ya secretly pondered and evaluated.

The first transaction took some effort, but it was completed successfully.

You sell too much Force food. We need to stay here for a day or two to refine it...

Long Bai shook his tentacles and directed the accompanying blue ants to work.

Yunshan held the metal can and ate it with relish.

Huang Yao asked as if chatting: Mo Lan, do you and Long Bai Ant King live in the same place?

Mo Lan: Yes. Xianglan Mountain.

Huang Ya: Is it far from here?

Mo Lan: It's far away. The place we live in is located in the southwest of Yunji Continent. It is not icy in winter and very hot in summer. Your Citizen Mountain is almost in the center of the continent. It takes five or six days to fly in a straight line from the Throne of Control. Bar.

Huang Yao: Then don't you spend a lot of time and energy on traveling trade every year?

Mo Lan: Yes.

Huang Yao: Are there many similar places of the Force?

Mo Lan: It's not that many. There are only about fifty or sixty in the whole continent.

Huang Ya: What about the scale and area? Are they all about the same size?

Mo Lan: There are two situations. The general Force Land is about the same size as Citizen Hill.

Huang Yao: General? That means there is something extraordinary?

Mo Lan: ...Yes.

Long Bai raised his head, raised his front feet, pointed to the northeast, and said: Less than two days' drive from your Citizen Mountain, there is a super-large force land with a diameter of about 30 kilometers over there. It was originally called the Purple Lime Worm Country. ', there is a lord-level wild purple linden god-given seed, which was originally owned by many warriors of multiple Zerg tribes. Later, a pair of termite kings and queens named 'White Barberry' and 'Red Barberry' The other warriors killed and seized the seeds given by the purple linden god...

A shielded katydid, a shielded grasshopper, and two Zerg warriors who grew up eating grass. Before evolving the mountain master-level awakening elemental ability, Mo Lan could defeat them both by himself.

Long Bai had no scruples and told the truth about the situation in the Purple Linden Insect Country, and finally sighed:

Mo Lan and I sympathize with the enslaved barley bug warriors and want to help them, but unfortunately, there is nothing we can do.

Lord level...Lord level termite king... Huang Zhan chewed repeatedly and said: Without traveling trade, lord level is the limit of evolution. When they die of old age, you and Mo Lan can go over and take the purple linden god-gifted tree. Seed to occupy.

Long Bai: That's not necessarily the case. When the force food usage of a group of barley bug warriors reaches the upper limit, they can be killed and a new batch can be cultivated.

Huang Ya gently shook his tentacles and said: Insect life is short-lived, so there is no time to cultivate the second batch.

Long Bai: The talent of termites is their longevity. Lord-level ant kings and queens will definitely have no problem living for six hundred years.

The yellow skewer is still shaking its tentacles.

Long Bai: The King of White Barberry Ants also has a divine seed called 'White Barberry', which produces fruits that can extend their lifespan by up to 90 years. Their lifespan is long enough, and they have plenty of time.

Huang Jie stood up suddenly, A god-given seed that extends lifespan?

Long Bai was very satisfied with the other party's reaction and said leisurely: That's right! Extend your life span.

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