Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 204 Can male plants bear fruit?

In the same fruit, the seeds of the God-given seed compete for nutrients, and other seeds die prematurely, lacking corresponding pheromone stimulation, and the flesh of the fruit does not develop, so the kiwi fruit that breeds the God-given seed is somewhat deformed.

On the same tree, there are other flowers that successfully pollinate and bear fruit, competing for the nutrients of the mother plant. Therefore, the malformed fruit containing the god-given seed is in poor growth condition and its maturity time is greatly delayed.

After discovering the green maple and red maple, they immediately picked off other fruits, cut off unnecessary vines and vines, cleaned up weeds, and irrigated and topdressed.

After more than ten days, the condition of the fruit has improved.

But it was discovered too late, not quite enough.

Mo Lan stayed behind, taking Green Maple and Red Maple with her, and stayed under the green and red kiwi tree.

Long Bai drove the throne, traveled day and night, returned to Xianglan Mountain, took 100 rough stones, and hurried over.

Not stingy either, I used 30 pieces in one go.

The next day, using the original stone once and three times in a row, the condition of the kiwi fruit, which was pregnant with the God-given seed, improved and the fruit developed.

After waiting for another eight days, the green fruits turned slightly yellow and softened naturally.

The mother plant stops transporting nutrients, and the fruit branches show signs of dryness.

Fully ripe and ready to pick.

Long Bai used his mental power to scan and check repeatedly and came to a conclusion.

I come!

Mo Lan wanted to move his claws, but Long Bai pushed him down.

Qingma looked at it, cheered and stepped forward to pick it. She carefully cut the peel and flesh with her toes, held her breath, and picked out a brown-black seed with green veins about the size of a mung bean.

Hong Ma took out the metal box from the spider silk bag and injected the force to open it.

Qingmao put the seeds into the box.

The red maple continues to inject raw power, and the silver-white metal gathers together like flowing water, fixing the seeds, releasing the original energy of the green wood, wrapping and protecting the seeds, and the box cover is gathered and closed layer by layer.


Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Long Bai waved his tentacles to signal.

Hong Ma handed the metal box to Long Bai.

Green maple, red maple, who discovered this god-given seed?

Mo Lan asked.



Green Maple and Red Maple raised their claws at the same time and shook their tentacles desperately: Me! I! I……

I saw it first.

You almost took it off, but I discovered that it was absorbing the Force.

I noticed that too.

you have not!

Green maple and red maple started to argue.


Mo Lan stopped and looked at Long Bai.

Long Bai also had a headache.

The two of them discovered the thing when they came here together to collect kiwi fruits.

I can't tell who should be counted.

Even if the income is split equally, with only one seed, it still has to be decided who will breed it into a life seed.

Neither of them would give in.

How about I do it? All the God-given fruits produced belong to you. I won't take any of them. Long Bai asked tentatively.


Green Maple and Red Maple said in unison: Do you want to deceive us of the God-given seed?

Qingmae stretched out her claws to grab the metal box.

Red Maple also hurried to grab it.


Green maple! Red maple!

Mo Lan scolded and said angrily: Long Bai, stop joking and be serious!

Long Bai opened the green maple and red maple with one claw at a time, took out another metal box from the spider silk bag, and opened it. It contained the Liudaomu seeds that Nanye gave away during the spring trade.

Long Bai continued to inject raw power, closed the metal box, took one claw on the left and one on the right, and looked through it.

Green maple, red maple, these two metal boxes are exactly the same, right?


Qing Ma and Hong Ma replied.

Long Bai put the things into the spider silk bag, carried it and jumped into the air, high in the sky, shaking vigorously, disrupting the two metal boxes.

Land again and open.

Now I can't tell which metal box contains the god-given seeds and which metal box contains the six-path wood seeds, right?


Qing Ma and Hong Ma replied.

Long Bai: Choose.

Long Bai: Whoever chooses will give birth to the child. The proceeds will be divided equally.


Qing Ma and Hong Ma replied.

I'll take this. Qingmai picked up a metal box first.

I choose this one. Hongmae picked up the other one.

Infused with the Force to open.

Wow ~ wow ~ oh ~ Hong Maple cheered: Mine!

It was just a test, don't count, let's do it again...

Qing Ma wanted to cheat, but Long Bai pinned her down with a claw.

That's not right——

Mo Lan stared at the god-given seeds in the metal box held by Hong Maple, Have you forgotten? The kiwi tree is divided into male and female plants...

In unison,

All eyes are focused on the God-given green and red kiwi seeds in the metal box.

For all kiwis, there are obvious differences between the seeds of male and female trees.

How does this seed look like a male tree seed...

If you take a closer look, it’s obvious that it is!

The noisy and joyful atmosphere disappeared instantly, and there was a long silence.

Qing Ma: Can the god-given seed of a male plant bear fruit?

Red maple; My inheritance memory is not clear...

Mo Lan: It shouldn't be possible, right? Just like the male ant king cannot lay ant eggs.

All eyes turned to Long Bai again.

Long Bai: ...can't.

Long Bai: Under normal circumstances, force plants bloom and bear fruit without pollination. This includes female kiwi trees. However, male kiwi trees have different flower structures and cannot develop into fruits at all, so...

Green maple, red maple, and molan were dumbfounded, sad and despairing.

Especially Green Maple and Red Maple, after a month of hard work, a month of anticipation, and a month of excitement, the result...

Mo Lan said unwillingly: The male plant cannot bear fruit, does that mean that this god-given seed has no use?

How is it possible... Long Bai said, deliberately pausing.

In despair, Qing Ma and Hong Ma immediately raised their heads.

Longbai Ant King, do you have any idea?

Or is there another way to say it?

Long Bai: Yes——

Long Bai: Like the male ant king, the male god-given seed is also rare. Just like the male ant king, the male god-given seed has unique abilities.

What ability?

Qing Ma, Hong Ma and Mo Lan all asked questions.

Mo Lan said angrily: Can you speak faster? Is that intentional?

Long Bai: Okay-

Long Bai: Male god-given seeds are really rare.

Long Bai: I heard it by chance. I just thought it was an interesting story. I'm not sure whether it's true or not. I'll tell you the ugly story first. If something goes wrong, green maple, red maple, don't blame me.

Just get to the point! Green maple and red maple were so anxious that their tentacles were shaking wildly.

After Long Bailu laid a lot of groundwork, he said slowly: God has given male plants to bloom, which can pollinate similar force plants. After these force plants obtain pollen, the quality of their fruits will qualitatively improve.

Seeing that they are still confused.

Long Bai explained in detail: Green maple and red maple, you can choose as many green and red kiwi fruits as life seeds in the next process of evolution and growth. It just so happens that the mountains you live in are big enough and long enough, and you will Ordinary green and red kiwis are planted on both sides of the mountain. This male god-given kiwi is planted on the top of the mountain. After it becomes conscious, let its main vines crawl along the ridge. In this way, ordinary green kiwis on both sides can be planted. Red kiwi seeds are pollinated.”

It's best to get a few colonies of sour bees or bees to assist in pollination.

After these ordinary green and red kiwi fruit species obtain matching god-given pollen, the quality and value of their fruits increase dramatically.

Management and management is quite troublesome. It will definitely be extremely difficult to grow ordinary plants to support ultra-high-quality fruits. Therefore, throughout the fruit period, raw stones need to be used regularly to replenish their original power.

Long Bai: That's all I know. I've heard it from hearsay, and I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I don't know more details.

Long Bai: If there are no errors or other limitations in the knowledge I heard, then, in total, the benefits brought by a male god-given seed are much higher than those of regular god-given seeds.

Green maple, red maple, and mochi orchid are all dull, confused, and motionless.

Long Bai: To put it more bluntly, green maple and red maple, if you breed and sow 20 green and red kiwi fruit trees, your annual income is about 5,000 rough stones. But if there is a male god-given green and red kiwi fruit for pollination, your income may double to 10,000. Rough stones, or even three times, reaching 15,000 rough stones. The income may not necessarily be higher.


Qingmae: Wow!

Red maple: Oh!

——Long Bai Ant King is too strong!

——We are rich!

Green maple and red maple call like crazy.

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