Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 201 Number One Thug

At the current speed of the Dominion Throne, we set off from Xianglan Mountain in the morning and arrived at Black Lotus Lake in the evening.

Departing from Heilian Lake in the morning, we arrived at Nanzizao Mountain in the middle of the morning.

Heilian Lake and Nanjuozao Mountain are very close to each other.

The throne of dominance descended vertically.

Long Bai put down the board and waved his tentacles. 30 specialized worker ants, 50 large worker ants, 30 medium worker ants, 20 specialized blue ants and 20 large blue ants lined up on the ground.

Heiti, on this hilltop, at this location, you first direct the worker ants to build an ant nest and settle the blue ants.


I'll go back to Black Lotus Lake and transport all the ant colonies stationed there.


Heiti walked onto the ground along the wooden board, waved his tentacles, formed a formation for the worker ants, and directed the surrounding area to be cleaned and the cave dug.

Long Bai watched for a while and confirmed that there was no problem. He took control of the throne and set off, rushing to Black Lotus Lake to transport a group of soldier ants and worker ants to South Jujube Mountain.

I was busy until midnight.

After resting for half the night, we made two more trips the next day to transport all the remaining worker ants, blue ants, and blue soldiers from the Black Lotus Lake ant nest to Nanjuozao Mountain.

Bai Liu ate the force ant honey and showed signs of evolution.

Long Bai stayed in Black Lotus Lake, and placed the Ant Nest Restaurant on the throne, while Bai Liu rested on the throne.

After waiting for two days, the plants were top-dressed in advance.

Bai Liu fell into a deep sleep.

Another four days of waiting.

Bai Liu woke up and successfully completed the shedding and evolution.

A 1st-year-old advanced warrior.

The 8th senior warrior in the Yunji Continent trading circle, in the next few years, his life plant will usher in a period of rapid growth, and the territory's output will increase year by year.

After meeting Long Cypress and Mo Lan, Bai Liu chose many top-notch plants as life seeds, and there was no big problem in being self-sufficient.

Longbai Ant King! Look!

Bailiu stepped out, her wings folded upwards and close together, like the warriors of her close relatives, the Clan tribe, who folded their wings.

The dragonfly's wings have a limited range of movement up and down, they can only expand all the time and cannot converge.

It is very annoying and affects movement in the jungle. This is one of the main reasons why dragonflies are not good at managing their territories.

Long Bai fed Bai Liu a lot of silver cypress seeds to optimize his body structure.

Bai Liu also always thought that the wings were in the way, so he concentrated his optimization efforts on the two wings...

very good!

Long Bai praised, but he didn't mean it.

The folded wings of the white willow are raised high, and the dragonfly is born with six slender legs. Overall, it still moves clumsily on the ground.

Moreover, if we can no longer use silver cypress seeds to optimize, and if we change the body structure, the dragonfly's ability to fly in the air may be destroyed.

Just make do with it.

Long Bai made a silent assessment in his mind, went into the restaurant, took out the gourd filled with ant honey, and filled a plate with it.

Bai Liu, you just made a breakthrough, you need to recover your physical strength first.


Bai Liu buried her head in licking.

Long Bai thoughtfully held the gourd and helped pour the ant honey. He patiently waited until it had eaten half of the gourd and recovered from the weakness of evolution.

Bai Liu, Mo Lan and I have discussed it and we both feel that you are still a little too old now. We have decided to provide appropriate resources at the advanced stage to help you evolve to the Mountain Lord level faster and steadily.

When they were junior warriors, Long Bai and Mo Lan said that they would help them quickly evolve into third-year-old intermediate warriors and not worry about it.

In fact, the force ant honey has been provided to help him quickly evolve to a high-level warrior.

He said that he would be self-reliant after evolving into a high-level warrior, but now he has changed his mind...


Bai Liu was moved, shy and embarrassed, feeling guilty and overwhelmed.

Long Bai paused and said solemnly: Bai Liu, Mo Lan and I help you evolve not without purpose. In the future, when you reach the Mountain Lord level, you will also need to do us a small favor.

Bai Liu: No problem!

Bai Liu agreed without hesitation, thought for a moment, and said puzzledly: King Longbai Ant, you and Mo Lan are rich and powerful, how can I help you?

Long Bai: Mo Lan and I are going to do a dangerous thing and attack a lord-level termite kingdom. However, there is no danger to you. Just help with aerial reconnaissance.

Bai Liu: War?!

Bai Liu: Lord level termite kingdom?

Long Bai: Yes. Mo Lan and I discovered a place of force that is twenty or thirty times the size of Black Lotus Lake. There are termite kings and queens named 'White Barberry' and 'Red Barberry'. Occupying…”

Long Bai explained the situation to Bai Liu and denounced the evil behavior of the white barberry ant king.

To attack the White Barberry Ant Kingdom, Long Bai and Mo Lan also need the help of a group of skilled Zerg warriors.

Dragonflies have the fastest flight speed, the strongest visual ability, and the most powerful lightning strike ability.

Bailiu is the first choice.

The Hard Armor tribe has the hardest shell and unbreakable defense. Ghost Fan and Mountain Persimmon are the second and third insect choices.

Nine-star cockroach's fire element talent is also very lethal, and Sang is the fourth insect choice.

The purple longhorned beetle awakens the fire or thunder talent, and after the red maple evolves to the mountain master level, its combat effectiveness is not weak.

Others, such as white rice, black rice, green maple, and raspberry, have relatively average combat effectiveness, but you can also consider bringing them over to help in the battle.

In the lord-level termite kingdom, the most difficult thing to deal with is not the mountain lord-level and lord-level command ants, but the thousands of ant colonies.

We also need the help of some Zerg warriors who are particularly good at fighting and have awakened range-type killing capabilities.

The exploration of Yunji Continent cannot be slacked off.

The construction of Pandan Mountain is coming to an end. Juniper and incense cypress direct worker ants to cultivate the last two hills in the hills and mountains on the south side of the mountain.

Long Bai made a trip first and transported a large number of worker ants cultivated during the intermediate ant king period from the ant nest and sent them to Nanzizao Mountain.


The ruling throne slowly descended and stopped.

Heiti was directing the soldier ants to collect gravel and pile it at the entrance of the newly dug ant nest. Go back and dig out the loose soil at the entrance of the hole and lay it with gravel so that it won't get muddy when it rains.

Your Majesty——

Heitihui reported: I have directed the worker ants to dig the main passage of the nest and the nest chamber where the blue ants live. The worker ants in the branch nests can dig it by themselves and do not need to be commanded.

Well done.

With a simple compliment, Long Bai put down the board, waved his tentacles, and directed the worker ants to line up and enter the nest.

Your Majesty, these worker ants... are not very good at their work...

I will live in Nanzizao Mountain for two to three months, and the ant eggs produced by the ruling throne will be sent to the ant nest for incubation and cultivation. These worker ants are responsible for the logistics.


Heiti moved his tentacles to show that he understood.

Long Bai arranged: You and I will be busy here first. A month later, I will go back to Xianglan Mountain and bring Juniper over. At the same time, I will transport 150 high-level chemical worker ants and 200 large and medium-sized worker ants here. Juniper To take over your job, you go back to Black Lotus Lake to rest for a month. Then you come over and take over my job, and I'll be busy with other things.

Heiti: I understand——

Heiti: Your Majesty, we can start work. Where to start?

Long Bai looked around, raised his front foot and pointed to the hillside in the distance, and said: First dig a methane digester over there and build a pond.

Heiti: Okay!

The land reclamation project of Nan Suanzao Mountain has officially begun.

Another test also started at the same time.

21 specialized worker ant larvae were cultivated in the ant nest, divided into 3 groups of 7:

The first group uses simple pheromones that stimulate differentiation into specialized worker ants to guide their development.

The second group mainly contains pheromones that stimulate the differentiation of specialized worker ants, mixed with a small amount of pheromones from 'intelligent worker ants' and 'giant soldier ants'.

Make 20 black lotus seeds into ant honey. When the 14 larvae in the first and second groups have grown to about 5 centimeters, feed them continuously in small amounts.

The third group was raised according to the conventional method of ordinary specialized worker ant larvae, without feeding black lotus seeds.

Continuously observe and compare development status.

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