Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 197 Our goal is king level

In the past, Luo Li and Bai Wei took turns taking Cao Long and Lu Dou around the Continent of Ten Thousand Races every year.

Bai Wei left the Luoluo caravan.

Ludu is an independent trader.

Caolong and Yudou, who had lost their restraints, were so bold that they deviated from Baiwei and Luojun's traveling trade route at every turn, ran to some well-known large tribes, and tried every means to get in...

Walk side by side along the starship passage, walking slowly.

Cao Long told Long Bai about his various novel experiences.

Qing Ma and Hong Ma were completely sleepless and listened with great interest.

From the early morning when the sky was dark, until the dusk when night fell, we came to the crack exit at the end of Yunji Continent again.

Say goodbye reluctantly.

Caolong leaves.

Long Bai took Qing Ma and Red Maple back to the ant nest in Hongnan Mountain.

After resting for a night, he led the ant army and set off in a mighty manner the next day, returning to Xianglan Mountain.

This year, Mo Lan followed him to count the warehouses and count the wealth.

The two warehouses storing rough stones are about to be full, with a total of 18,600 rough stones.

Various force foods, worth more than 136,000 raw stones.

This year, our wealth has reached more than 155,000, compared with 114,000 last year, an increase of 41,000 rough stones. Longbai announced the statistical results.

Wow! So many! Mo Lan exclaimed, jumping for joy.

Reward! 2,000 rough stones will be given out this year! Juniper cheered, and Long Bai raised his paw and pressed him down.

Xiang Bai, please arrange a jar of Force Ant Honey worth 1,000 raw stones for everyone to prepare for advanced evolution.

This year's reward is still 1,000 rough stones. Silver Cypress was just born last winter, so there is no reward for the time being.

Long Bai used his claws to carve an ant pattern on the stone wall, and drew an octagon to represent the silver cypress.

And behind the patterns representing juniper, juniper, giant cypress, fragrant cypress, and emerald cypress, a grain of rice pattern was painted on each.

Seeing that everyone was not very happy, Long Bai added: Make another rule. Every spring after the traveling merchant trade, the wealth of the treasure house will be calculated based on 100,000 rough stones. If you reach 100,000 rough stones, you will be rewarded with 1,000 rough stones. If you get 200,000 rough stones, you will be rewarded with 2,000 rough stones. If you reach 300,000 rough stones, you will be rewarded with 3,000 rough stones, and so on.

Our next goal is 200,000!

Long Bai waved his tentacles to boost morale.




come on--

The five guys headed by Jue Bai were in a weak mood: Your Majesty, are you too stingy?

Long Bai was displeased, You guys, don't care too much about your own gains and losses. Don't forget that you live dependent on the kingdom. The rise and fall of the kingdom is your rise and fall. It is your duty to contribute to the development of the kingdom.

That's right.

The king is right.

I understand.

For the Kingdom.

A few guys responded by shaking their tentacles perfunctorily.

Long Bai, why are they unhappy? Mo Lan was confused.

The mantis warrior was unable to receive the information transmitted by the ants' tentacles, and Mo Lan didn't know what Long Bai said. But after spending so long together, we became extremely familiar with the behavior of the ants. It was obvious that everyone was not in a very high mood.

Long Bai said calmly: These guys think the reward is too small.

Mo Lan looked at the stone wall and asked, This year's reward is 1,000 rough stones? Long Bai, don't be too stingy.

Long Bai was displeased, Mo Lan, please clarify your position first. I am the king, you are the second king, the ruling class of the kingdom, and the wealth of the kingdom is the wealth of you and me. The five of them are command ants, and they are The second level...

Mo Lan moved her position and stood side by side with Long Bai, saying: My position is very clear, but I still think you are a stingy person.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai said helplessly: I'll figure it out. The current resource allocation rules are enough for the five of them to evolve quickly in the 1st to 3rd advanced stages. In the future, as they evolve more and the ant country develops smoothly, the rewards will naturally increase accordingly.

Mo Lan: ...Okay.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and said to the five command ants in front of him: Our next goal is to accumulate a wealth of 200,000 rough stones, the next goal is a wealth of 300,000 rough stones, and our ultimate goal is to accumulate a wealth of 3 million rough stones!

Juniper raised his front legs and asked cautiously: Your Majesty, what are you doing to accumulate wealth? You and the second king can't eat so much Force food.

Do you care whether we can finish eating?

Long Bai was secretly angry, resisting the urge to grab the thorn and beat him up, and praised: Ji Bai, you are so smart. This is a good question.

Long Bai explained: Last winter, Mo Lan and I discovered a large-scale force land, which was ruled by termite kings named 'White Barberry' and 'Red Barberry'. They were extremely vicious and enslaved other Zerg species. warrior……

Long Bai described the white barberry ant king, the divine seed of barberry, and the divine seed of Yizhao flower in detail, and finally expressed his thoughts:

Accumulate the wealth of 3 million rough stones, buy a Yizhao fruit, and in the future, defeat and kill the white barberry ant king, and take the seeds given by the white barberry god from it. This can be regarded as the God of Nature's help to us to save those poor, enslaved people. Reward for the Barley Worm Warrior.”

The white barberry fruits produced will definitely satisfy the members of our Pandan Mountain Kingdom. Everyone will have three divine fruits, extending their life span by 90 years.

In the natural star world, lifespan is the most precious wealth. With lifespan, everyone has plenty of time to evolve to a higher level.

Long Bai waved his tentacles vigorously and shouted: Our goal is the king level!

The king is mighty!

Juniper led the response.

King level!

Destroy the termite kingdom!

Stealing the seed given by the god Bai Bo!

Everyone echoed.

Long Bai clicked his tentacles with satisfaction. This pie was enough for the five of them to eat for most of their lives.

Long Bai raised his front foot to signal for silence and ordered:

Xiang Bai, you command the blue ants to refine the ant honey.

Jiunbai, Cuibai, you command the blue soldiers to boil water and make soup.

Juniper, giant cypress, you lead your troops to the jungle to hunt for some fresh food and bring it back for a banquet to celebrate.

Mo Lan, let's go down the mountain and see how the blue tree is doing.

The ruler's throne carried Molan, Qingma, and Red Maple down the mountain.

Azure Reservoir.

In the shallow water area due west, five blue saplings have emerged from the water. The first leaf has just unfolded, only four or five centimeters in diameter, and the leaf bud of the second leaf is still developing.

The micronized version of the azure god-given seed has almost the same appearance, but there are differences in the veins of the leaves. The veins of the leaves of the ordinary azure tree are very dark blue.


Is this a plant from an extraterrestrial civilization?

A fellow member of the azure god-given seed?

Then their fruits must be delicious, right?

For sure! And it's unique!

Mo Lan took the green maple and the red maple and jumped to the shore, staring at the blue saplings and chirping with emotion.


Zhan Lan probably observed animals more, and his consciousness became more and more like a 'lively animal' rather than a 'quiet plant'. He took the initiative to greet Long Bai and asked:

Long Bai, I remember you said that you found a total of 100 blue tree seeds?


Why only 5 seeds were sown?

Because I'm not sure whether the environment in Pandan Mountain is suitable for the growth of azure trees.

Didn't I grow well?

You are a god-given creature, a powerful force life. Your ability to adapt to the natural environment far exceeds that of ordinary people of your kind.


Zhan Lan also has a very strong understanding ability. He understood what Long Bai meant, thought for a few seconds, and said:

They are growing very well. Now is the right time for other seeds to be planted.

No rush... Long Bai said: The number of seeds is limited and there is no room for error. The winter in Pandan Mountain is quite cold. We will try to plant and observe for a year. If we can successfully survive this cold winter, the remaining seeds will be used next year. Sown.”

Okay - Zhanlan was a little disappointed.

Long Bai explained: Zhan Lan, I will send 20 more specialized blue soldiers, 20 advanced specialized worker ants, and 30 advanced advanced worker ants to give you command. You can take care of your own kind, is that okay?

Zhanlan said happily: Of course it's no problem!

There were two flatterers, Qing Ma and Hong Ma, one on the left and one on the right, talking to each other and slapping Mo Lan around.

Long Bai couldn't stand it anymore and said: Qing Ma, Hong Ma, I will send you back to Kiwi Mountain early tomorrow morning. You two can save some energy and use it to work after returning to the territory.

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