Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 194 Spider’s Wisdom: Stone Wheel Cart

no problem.

Long Bai inspected the lord-level force food one by one and confirmed that he recognized them all, and was able to judge the value and determine the price.

no problem.

Green maple and red maple quickly completed the inventory of rough stones.

Bai Wei also completed the packaging work of 35 cans of crimson light and jujube royal honey, manipulated the spider silk rope, and took off 6 large spider silk bags in succession, saying:

Here are raw stones worth 50,000, force food produced in the territory of the mountain master-level warrior. You should also check it.

Then he took off 11 large spider silk bags, These are force food produced in the territory of high-level warriors, with a total value of 70,000 rough stones. Take a look at them all.

The total value of the force food sent by Bai Wei this year is 170,000 yuan. It is large in quantity, high in quality, and in a wide variety of categories.

Long Bai led the green maple and red maple, looked at them one by one, and explained them.

It took half a day to sort everything out.

Bai Wei took out another spider silk bag, opened it, handed it to Long Bai, and said:

Longbai, I have adjusted the shape of the jar of 1,000 raw stones/jar of force honey. This kind of force honey is intended for junior and intermediate warriors, right? According to my observation, because the warriors are small, , in the past, they had to lean on the jar and have to work hard to eat it, which was very inconvenient. So, I changed it to this short and fat shape, and narrowed the mouth of the jar to reduce the amount of royal jelly. use, saving packaging costs.”


It's pretty good, very reasonably optimized.

Long Bai picked up one, looked through it, looked at it carefully, and confirmed that the new type of device conformed to the normal aesthetics of insects. He clicked his tentacles to express his approval.

Bai Wei continued: I brought 200 empty cans this year. I will still ship more on the basis of the order. If the price is 1,000 rough stones/can, I will still take 100 cans. If the price is 2,000 rough stones/can, I plan to take it. 40 cans. The fire and water elemental force food I sent is too much, so if you make a few more cans, you won’t have to worry about selling them.”

Long Bai: Understood!

Bai Wei said nothing more.

Long Bai had no choice but to take the initiative and ask: Where is the ice and fire kettle I want?

Bai Wei: ...No.

Bai Wei: These kinds of creations of extraterrestrial civilizations are eventually bought by those wealthy insects. Unless something unexpected happens, they will not be put up for sale. I have entrusted several caravans to help investigate. Once there are insects for sale, Help you get it as soon as possible.

All right--

Long Bai knew it, tilted his head slightly and looked at Hongtao, asking: Where is the transportation? Come on, let me see the wisdom of spiders.

Bai Wei pulled out two slender metal cylinders padded at the bottom of the cargo and handed them to Hong Tao. She manipulated the spider silk rope and quickly packed up the cargo on the ground.

Caolong couldn't help but ask: Can two metal rods solve the transportation problem?

Bai Wei reprimanded in the tone of an elder: Stop talking nonsense, read more, learn more, and use your brain more.

Caolong: ...

Dragon cypress, green maple, and red maple were equally confused and couldn't understand it at all.

Bai Wei: Let's go to the entrance of the hillside cave!

Bai Wei and Hong Tao jumped and ran towards the hill.

Long Bai and his group quickly followed.

Hong Tao carried the metal rod and entered the starship.

Bai Wei pulled out four pieces of thick spider silk that were woven into a circle about 1 meter in diameter.

Activate the soil ability to control a ball of soil to form a ball, flatten it, stretch it into a hollow disk, and hold up a spider silk circle.

4 spider silk circles, combined with earth-type abilities, are made into 4 hollow discs.

Finally, he took out a small spider silk bag and opened it. There were all kinds of metal components inside. He took out 4 metal circles and embedded them in the disk.

They must have been practiced many times.

Hong Tao moved the disks into the channel one by one, took the metal parts from the spider silk bag, and fixed the disks on both ends of the metal rod.

Bai Wei continued to use her earth ability to form a stone slab with a stand that was 2 meters long and over 1 meter wide.

The stone slab also has two holes and is tied with a spider silk rope.

Hong Tao held the spider silk rope, dragged the stone slab into the passage, stuck it on the metal rod and disk, and completed the assembly.

This is called a 'Slate Wheel Cart'. It rolls forward on flat ground with almost no effort required. It is as wide as the flame spider's carapace and can transport a large amount of goods at a time.

Bai Wei said, taking off all 10 bags of rough stones from the back armor.

Hearts were carried bag by bag and placed on the wheeled stone slab.

Bai Wei remotely controlled the spider silk rope to bind and secure the goods.

Hongtao stood in front of the wheeled cart, holding the spider silk rope in his jaws, dragging it forward. With a low grunting sound, the wheel rolled, and the wheeled cart carrying 10,000 rough stones was easily pulled forward, speeding up. Get running.

Hong Tao can pull 10,000 rough stones and run along the passage alone. It really doesn't seem like it takes any effort!

That’s okay too! Dragon cypress, grass dragon, green maple, and red maple were stunned.

The structure is not complicated and can be understood at a glance.

However, I have never seen such an ingenious structure that I couldn't even think of before.

——This wheel is easier to use than the throne of control!

——When I open up wasteland and expand the land, can I use wheeled vehicles to transport earth and rocks?

Countless thoughts flashed through Long Bai's mind, and he felt that a door to a new world had opened before his eyes.

After thinking about it again, I immediately realized the problem.

This thing can only run on hard flat ground, it cannot go on rugged mountains, and it cannot go on soft soil. Both ascents and descents are particularly strenuous and easy to lose control of.

Long Bai lost interest in the 'Slate Wheel Cart'.

Bai Wei was still very proud, patting the grass dragon's back armor, speaking earnestly and earnestly:

Little Grass Dragon! You are still too young. If you want to quickly become a qualified Flame Spider Traveler, being able to speak well is not enough. You also need to develop the good habit of observing more and thinking more. Do you understand?

Caolong: ...understand.

Hong Tao pulled the wheel cart for a long distance and then pushed it back. Master Bai Wei, do you want to transport the rough stones first? The order is wrong! You should transport the original food there first. King Longbai Ant stays there to make it. For the Force Honey, I will make another trip to transport the raw stones, and then transport the prepared Force Honey back. This arrangement is more reasonable.

Bai Wei: Uh-

Bai Wei: Yes! I know. I'll test it with the original stone. After the test, move it out. Transport the force food first.

In the wide, straight and flat main channel, Green Maple and Red Maple ran to lead the way, while Hong Tao followed closely behind pulling a wheeled cart.

Long Bai and Cao Long followed behind, chatting as they walked.

Long Bai, where did those two gods-given fruits come from? Did Bai Wei send them here?

How can it have that ability? They are two wild God-given seeds that I found in Yunji Continent. One is called 'Scarlet Light', which is a mutation of the golden light fruit tree; the other is Ziziphus jujube, which strengthens the membrane wings. Bai Wei gave up other transactions and only cooperated with me in the raw honey trade, and helped me transport 10,000 raw stones every year. As a condition, she gave her a share of these two god-given seeds.

Oh, I see.

Caolong lamented: I made a bet with Yu Dou. I bet that within 5 years, Bai Wei will lose all the 100,000 rough stones borrowed from the Zeqi Spider King. Alas, I will definitely lose.

Long Bai: ...

Cao Long: Long Bai, you are so brave. Bai Wei is so unreliable. If it leaks the news about the wild god-given seeds in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, you will be dead.

Long Bai: Isn't this okay?

Caolong: It's better to be careful!

The ant kingdom in Xianglan Mountain is growing day by day. Long Bai is not so afraid. He changes the topic and asks: Cao Long, what are your plans?

Caolong: What are you planning?

Long Bai: Lu Dou has started to do business independently.

Caolong: I'm still young, it's still early, so I'll just mix it up first. How much is the profit from 'Force Honey'? I really want to give it a try!

Long Bai: I mixed a can of low-priced and affordable original food worth 700 rough stones and sold it to Bai Wei for 800. Bai Wei sold it for 1,000 rough stones. The cost of the metal can should be 20 rough stones to be reasonable, and the cost of royal jelly About 30 rough stones. The price of the original honey is 1,000 rough stones per jar. If you sell one jar, the profit will be about 150 rough stones.

Long Bai: There are also food for high-level warriors and mountain master-level warriors, priced at 2,000 rough stones/can. The cost of metal cans and royal jelly will not increase, and the profit from a single can is as high as 350 rough stones. In the future, we can also make products priced at 3,000 rough stones/can. Yes, the profit is higher.”

Caolong: It sounds very tempting...but it's not that easy to sell a can. At present, the quality of the trade route between Ludou and I is low.

Long Bai: I got a new hybrid-mutated green flower cold orchid god-given seed, wood type, which is gestating. It will produce orchid seeds in a few years. Half of the share will be given to the Master of Qiye Mountain, and the other half will be given to you. …”

Caolong was shocked and jumped up, Another god-given seed?

Long Bai said calmly: Yes——

Caolong quickly calmed down and said with a smile: It's nice to be friends with an ant king who is favored by the God of Nature.

Yes - Long Bai felt the same way. It's nice to be friends with a praying mantis blessed by nature.

Caolong: I'll also ask the Zeqi Spider King to see if I can get some royal jelly.

Long Bai hesitated for a moment and decided not to tell Cao Long about the 'Ant Royal Jelly' for the time being. He changed the subject and started chatting.

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