Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 186 Barberry

The most powerful race in the natural god system is undoubtedly the termites. They feed on plant branches, leaves and trunks, and the size of their kingdom is almost not limited by food.

Termites only need a small territory to thrive.

In the inherited memory, more than 3,000 termite races have been recorded. According to their eating methods, they can be roughly divided into three categories:

The first category is eating fermented rotten wood.

The second type uses plant branches, leaves and trunks to cultivate mycelium and eat the mycelium.

In the third category, adult worker ants and soldier ants eat dead wood, while nymphs eat mycelium.

Termites are also divided into soldier ants and worker ants. They are the most adept at agricultural cultivation and are not weak at all in marching and fighting.

The larvae that hatch out of termite eggs are called larvae, which are divided into instars and molt to grow.

If the ants are small in size, they can be responsible for the logistics of the ant nest or some precision farming work.

When the kingdom needs it, the older nymphs can be divided into fighting soldier ants or laboring worker ants as needed.

The natural ability of the termite race is ‘lifespan’, and they are born with the divine force fruit.

The average life span of high-level Zerg and Orc warriors is about 100 years old. The king and queen of advanced termites can live up to 200 years old.

The average mountain master-level Zerg and Orc warriors have a lifespan of about 200 years. The king and queen of mountain master termites can live up to 300 to 400 years.

While living a long life, you can also awaken the natural abilities of earth or wood elements.

A nearly omnipotent race.

God of nature is fair and has left a fatal flaw for the termite race.

The establishment of a termite kingdom requires the birth of a male king and a female queen at the same time. They also need to look at each other and move together in a loving relationship, and their intake of raw food must be basically consistent.

The eggs produced by the ant tribe and the bee tribe at the life level of the Force are replicas of themselves, while the eggs produced by the termites are the crystallization of the life of the ant king and queen.

There is actually a termite kingdom that is suspected to be a lord level in the land of force here!

In the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, ants and termites are natural enemies and feuds. I wonder if they can turn their hostility into friendship in the Yunji Continent.

Long Bai, what do you think the relationship between that beetle warrior and the termite kingdom is? Cooperation?

should be.

There should be other warriors.

there must be.

Go talk to that beetle warrior tonight?

Inquire about the termite kingdom.

Maybe a friendly ant king. If we can establish trade relations with this place, we will make a fortune.

No! Termites are mostly greedy, violent, and evil.

Long Bai and Mo Lan evacuated along the way they came and returned to the throne to rest for a day.

Set off late at night.

Climbing over mountains and ridges, we arrived at the peak where the beetle warrior lived during the day.

Mo Lan, you ambush at the entrance of the cave. I'll try to communicate. If the other party reacts excessively, you can control it in time.


Mo Lan activated his innate ability, the color of his carapace changed, blending into the surrounding environment, condensing his aura, and disappearing.

Long Bai mentally scanned it repeatedly to make sure it was well hidden, and then moved down the mountain.

Soon we came to the mountainside slope and found an oblate cave entrance about half a meter wide.

Looking closely, Long Bai recognized it. It was a first-instar advanced barley bug warrior.


Long Bai’s spiritual power calls.

In the cave, the beetle warrior who was resting on his stomach woke up. In the darkness, his two compound eyes suddenly lit up, and he was inexplicably shocked.

Who are you--

My name is Long Bai Ant King, I come from somewhere else.

other places?

It's just other places like this place where the Force is abundant.

You are the ant king...

The reaction of the beetle warrior was somewhat unexpected, surprise, ecstasy, and enthusiasm, and he quickly ran out of the cave.

The other party reacted fiercely, but... Mo Lan, who was hiding at the entrance of the cave, didn't know how to deal with it. Long Bai, do you want to control it?


The beetle warrior turned around suddenly and saw Mo Lan, whose figure gradually appeared.

Hello, my name is Mo Lan. Mo Lan greeted the other party openly.

It's my partner. Orchid Mantis Warrior. Long Bai briefly explained and introduced.

Long Bai asked again: What's your name?

The beetle warrior calmed down, turned around slowly, took a few steps back vigilantly, and stood in a triangle with Long Bai and Mo Lan.

My name is Wuye.

Wuye raised his paw and pointed at the Wuye Dijin Life Seeds that covered the entire hillside in the distance.

There are many questions on both sides.

Wu Ye was the first to ask: Longbai Ant King, Mo Lan, where are you from? How did you get here? What are you doing here?

Long Bai: We came from Fanglan Mountain, which is far away from here. We discovered this place accidentally. As for how we got doesn't seem to be important.

Long Bai raised his front legs, pointed to a fifteen or sixteen meter high walnut tree in front of the left side of the cave, and asked:

Wuye, your tree life type is so high, you should be quite young, right? Why are you only a 1st-year-old senior warrior? Are there no other warriors of the same race here?

I am twenty-eight years old this year, and I have many warriors of the same race, but...

Wuye suddenly looked worried, thinking, and cleverly asked: Did you discover this place accidentally?

Long Bai: Yes.

Mo Lan asked in confusion: Twenty-eight years old? Since you have many people of the same race, why are you only one year old?

Wuye: Because we all made a deal with the White Barberry Ant King.

Mo Lan asked one after another: Barberry? Is this the name of the seed given by God? Which plant? Some kind of barberry tree?

Wuye: Yes. There is a barberry tree that is not recorded in the inheritance memory. The Barberry Ant King has a barberry tree gifted by the god. The flowering and fruiting cycle lasts for sixteen years, and only nine snow-white fruits are produced each time. The strengthening effect is to increase life span by 50 years...

Mo Lan: Divine product!

Long Bai: Lifespan type!

Long Bai and Mo Lan looked at each other, shocked.

There are no plants in the inherited memory that increase lifespan, and some are the result of mutations cultivated by the Zerg.

Barberry? It must be some variant of the barberry tree.

Red foxes desperately need to extend their lifespan! Mo Lan asked eagerly: The cycle of flowers and fruits lasts for sixteen years? When will they mature next? Can Long Bai and I also trade with the White Barberry Ant King?

Don't! Don't!

Wuye hurriedly stopped him and said, You must not be discovered by the White Barberry Ant King. You are only at an advanced level, right? Once discovered by its ant colony, you will be dead.

Why? Mo Lan: I have a friend who really needs to extend his life! Long Bai and I own five divine trees...

Mo Lan! Long Bai interrupted with a stern voice, It's not that simple. Let Wu Ye finish first.

Wu Ye looked at Mo Lan, then at Long Bai, turned around and told Long Bai:

You can only eat a maximum of 3 fruits produced by the god-given seeds of the white barberry. The first one will increase your life span by 50 years, the second one will increase your life span by 30 years, and the third one will increase your life span by 10 years. Eating more will be useless.

The White Barberry Ant King has eaten enough for a long time. It doesn't need it, so it forcefully traded it to us.

The White Barberry Ant King provides resources for us to evolve advanced warriors, and provides 3 White Barberry Fruits, so that we can have a lifespan close to that of a Mountain Lord-level warrior. The condition of the transaction is that after we evolve high-level warriors, all plants in the territory will survive All the output must be handed over to the White Barberry Ant King.

Long Bai: ...


Long Bai: All the output of the Life Seed has been taken away by the White Barberry Ant King, so your evolution has stagnated at the 1st instar.

Wuye: Yes.

Mo Lan: This is not a transaction, this is robbery!

Wuye: That's right.

This was more than just robbery, they were kept in captivity.

Mo Lan was filled with indignation, but after a second thought, she became discouraged and sighed: The White Barberry Ant King is a lord.

Wu Ye: Lord level ant king and ant queen.

Long Bai: The White Barberry Ant King has taken away your force food and evolved to the lord level.

Wuye: Yes.

Long Bai: How many warriors are there? What races are they?

Wuye: We are all barley worm warriors, 47 in total. The White Barberry Ant King deliberately cultivated us. Because we are weak and easy to control.

Long Bai asked: Are they all high-level?

Wuye: The force food produced in the territory of high-level warriors cannot satisfy the growth and evolution of lords, so it also allows some warriors to continue to evolve and grow.

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