Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 172 Hanlan Mountain Treasure House (1)

The spring breeze is warm and strong in spring.

Bai Wei also sent a bag of fruit tree seeds this year, half of which were peach tree seeds.

These seeds are not expensive and are used for building orchards, picking fruits, and refining ant honey.

Long Bai took Juniper and directed the worker ants to urgently open up four large nursery plots in the north of the mountain, and took advantage of the season to sow the seeds one after another.

Juniper cypress and giant cypress have completed one molt evolution and reached the 7th intermediate stage.

Juniper is responsible for hunting and gives priority to supply when resources are scarce. It has evolved to the intermediate 8th instar. Its body shape exceeds that of dragon cypress, and its body length reaches about 1.3 meters.

Emerald cypress and cedar were born late and are in the middle stage of their fifth instar stage of evolution.

The five command ants are evolving steadily.

The azure god-given seed bloomed as expected, with the first 6 broad leaves. The yield increased significantly, with 1,074 fruits.

There are many other things on the mountain in spring, but there is nothing that Long Bai needs to worry about personally.

Mo Lan has been talking about the treasure house in Hanlan Mountain, and Long Bai has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Collect 45 specialized worker ants, 45 large worker ants, 5 specialized blue ants, 15 large blue ants, 5 specialized soldier ants, and 20 large soldier ants, and set off south.

Black Lotus Lake.

There are three nurseries on the mountainside.

Two nurseries at the foot of the mountain.

Heiti led the ant colony, lying lazily on the high slope between the mountainside and the foot of the mountain, enjoying the warm sunshine.

Bailiu hung upside down on the trunk of a big elm tree. Feeling the fluctuation of the force of the throne, he loosened his claws, flipped in the air, flapped his wings gently, and rose into the sky with a flicker.

In the 7th instar intermediate warrior stage, it ate silver cypress seeds and divinely gifted southern date seeds. After evolving into the 8th instar, its body shape was optimized, its wings became slightly narrower and shorter, and it became more agile in flight.

Longbai Ant King!

I'm 8 years old!

Approaching the throne of control, Bai Liu rolled three times to the right and three times to the left. Just when he was about to collide with the throne, he flipped backwards to distance himself, and flew backwards in sync with the throne.


This dazzling flying show left Long Bai speechless.

Long Bai and Mo Lan have also been insisting on using silver cypress seeds and divine jujube seeds to optimize their wings and strengthen their flying ability. They also tried rolling in the air, but gave up after falling a few times.

Long Bai: Bai Liu, where is the life seed? How did you choose it?

Bailiu: Black Lotus!

Long Bai: Uh...

Long Bai: The strengthening effect of black lotus is extremely rare and precious, so it is a very good choice. However, there is no need to choose so many of the same life type. I got a batch of high-quality yellow peach seeds and will give you 5. Leave One is used as a seed of destiny, and the rest is used to sow seeds in Heiti.

Bai Liu: ...thank you.

Long Bai: Bai Liu, I brought you a jar of Force Ant Honey. I will send you another jar for the autumn trade. Counting the time, you can evolve into a 9-year-old intermediate warrior at the end of autumn or early winter. Then, Next fall, you will evolve into a high-level warrior with the help of the auxiliary abilities of the Dominion Throne.

Bai Liu: I know.

Long Bai lay on the edge of the tree stump ant nest, burying his head and looking towards the hillside below.

Bai Liu hurriedly said: Longbai Ant King, the nursery has been built, and all the seeds have been sown in time, and they are germinating one after another.

Bai Liu introduced again: The seeds of the South Ziziphus jujube were sown first, and the seedlings have grown to four or five centimeters tall. According to the method you taught, Heiti promptly sent small worker ants to kill all the weak seedlings, leaving room for the strong seedlings to grow. space.

Oh! Heiti did a great job.

Long Bai controlled the throne to slowly descend.

Sensing the arrival of the ant king, the ant colonies stood up, raised their heads, and waved their tentacles.

Your Majesty— Heiti greeted and found that there were a large number of worker ants following the throne, and felt bad.

Heiti, are you done?


It's just an ordinary plant. Just let Bailiu help with the rest of the irrigation work.

But Bailiu can't even do irrigation work well.

Stop talking nonsense! Come with me.

Long Bai controlled the throne to land and stop, and instead used his mental power to transmit the message, saying: Bai Liu, I will take Heiti away for a while. The ant colony stationed in Black Lotus Lake will stay.

Bai Liu: Oh——

Bai Liu: Longbai Ant King, will you take Heiti to work?

Long Bai explained briefly: Yes. I need its help for some special tasks. I will send it back after the transaction is completed in early summer.

Bai Liu: I know.

Long Bai: Bai Liu, please do me a little favor. Go hunt some fish in the lake and come back. I'll stock up on food for the ant colony left behind.

Okay. Bailiu flew towards Black Lotus Lake.

Long Bai turned around and said to the reluctant Heiti: My king will take you to Hanlan Mountain to make a fortune! Dig the treasure house, and if good things come out, I will reward you with rough stones or other valuable things.

Long Bai: Heiti, you are now semi-independent from Fanglan Mountain. Before you evolve to a higher level, all resources will be provided by me for free. During this period, you can get remuneration through labor, which can be recorded in the account first. In the future, Evolve to a higher level and withdraw it from me at any time.

Heiti: !!!

Heiti shook his tentacles excitedly, Listen to the Ant King's orders!

Long Bai spread his membrane wings and ordered: Take the ants back to the nest and arrange for them to rest in the nest and don't run around. I will also hunt some large beasts and store enough food for them. This time If you travel far, it may take two or three months for you to come back. I will come here at noon to check on you.

After saying that, he fluttered his wings and took off into the air, climbed over the mountain peak, and got into the forest behind.

Long Bai spent half a day preparing and rested all night.

The next day, I set off with my black hat and headed east in a straight line.

In Hanlan Mountain, a quagmire containing a treasure was discovered. It rained heavily in spring, and all kinds of weeds grew wildly. It turned into a green swamp wetland.

The treasure house sank to a depth of more than 10 meters in the mud, making it difficult to handle.

Long Bai came up with two plans.

The first set of plans involves diversion and irrigation from rivers. During heavy rains in summer, I will lead my blue soldiers and activate the water system ability to stir up mud, and then drain the mud out through drainage.

After repeated deductions, Long Bai rejected this method as it was too laborious.

The second plan involves digging ditches that flow into the swamp, rerouting them, and digging multiple drainage canals around the swamp. The high temperatures in mid-summer will dry out the swamps. At that time, just instruct the worker ants to dig out the dried soil layer by layer and move it away.

There is a problem with this plan. If there is a heavy rain when digging to a certain depth, water will accumulate in the pit and turn into a mud pond.

You can switch to option one and use the water system's ability to drain water.

Long Bai controlled the throne to stop at the river ditch at the foot of the mountain, put down the wooden plank, and waved his tentacles to issue instructions.

Heiti, take the worker ants to find a place on the hillside over there and build a temporary ant nest.

Okay. Your Majesty.

Heiti led the worker ants, walked down the throne in formation, and climbed up the mountain under the protection of the soldier ants.

Long Bai spread its wings, kicked its legs into the air, hovered at low altitude, flew around the swamp and wetland, and observed the terrain.

Landed again, walked twice, and weighed again.

I made a mental calculation and soon had a detailed excavation plan.

Enter the mountain forest, hunt large animals, move it back to refine it for the blue ants, store the abdomen, and hoard enough food for the ant colony for a month.

Heiti! Come here.

Long Bai called on Heiti, who was taking the lead and personally leading the worker ants to dig the ant nest, to come forward.

There are rewards for this job! Heiti was full of energy and ran forward quickly.

Your Majesty, give your instructions!

Come down the mountain, I will explain to you the specific excavation plan. Then I will go back to Pandan Mountain and transport another group of worker ants and blue ants.

Long Bai led Heiti down the mountain and gave instructions and arranged the work on the spot.

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