Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 169 No credit

The seeds of the God-given Seed of Cuihua Hanlan are born after pollination is completed.

In the flowers of all plants, after pollination, nutrients begin to lean toward the seeds, and the flowers will wilt.

Dragon cypress, ink orchid, and emerald cypress stood together under the big camphor tree. Two days later, a breeze blew by at night, and the petals withered.

The shape of the fruit is a little deformed. This is because the seeds given by God are robbing the mother plant of nutrients, and other ordinary seeds have died.

A bluegrass has only one fruit and only one seed, but it is still difficult.

Long Bai took two pieces of rough stone, rubbed the powder into it, sprinkled it under the seedlings, and poured it with water to wash the powder into the soil layer.

The effect is immediate, and the fruit expands rapidly. After three days, the growth slows down and enters a stable growth and development period.

Cui Bai and Mo Lan stayed behind to guard.

Lone Pine returns to the ant nest and begins preparations for this year's spring trade.

In Pandan Mountain, Xiangbai has organized the blue ants to refine all the god-given crimson photons, part of the god-given south jujubes, and various force foods, classify them into categories, and store them in the blue ants' abdomens.

Long Bai personally directed the preparation of a batch of 'Queen Bee Honey'.

Last year, there were 50 metal cans left over from the transaction with Bai Wei.

But in the internal transactions of Longbai in Yunji Continent, because the seeds given by the God of Ghost Fan matured last year in Guifan Mountain, Longbai took them all at once, leaving 9 jars in Guifan; Baifanshan left 4 jars; Four jars were left in Yinbai Mountain.

There are also three jars encapsulated with Force Ant Honey, which are undergoing storage period testing.

Currently there are 30 empty cans.

Just like last year, there are 10 cans of jujube queen honey priced at 1,000 rough stones/can, and 5 cans priced at 2,000 rough stones.

There are 10 cans of Crimson Queen Honey priced at 1,000 rough stones/can, and 5 cans priced at 2,000 rough stones.

30 cans will be shipped there first, and the rest will be returned to Pandan Mountain after the empty cans are obtained, the flavors will be mixed as needed, canned and shipped.

Take the time to pack up and set off.

The throne of domination is hidden deep within the starship.

First, he carried the spider silk bag containing the God-given azure seeds and fruity orchid seeds and set off. He took a look at the hill and then ran quickly into the woods behind.

After a short wait, the Master of Qiye Mountain hurried over.



“The stuff is really good!”

The Master of Qiye Mountain greeted him warmly, and from a distance he could sense clearly the god-given food in the spider silk bag: the super-grade Zhan Lanzi!

This is the first batch of azure god-given seeds produced by Long Bai after he was promoted to senior ant king, and is of mountain-lord-level quality.

Master Qiye Mountain.

Long Bai greeted and briefly introduced: Last year, a total of 570 azure fruits were harvested. I will sell 60 azure fruits to you. The number of fruit pandan seeds remains unchanged, still 100.

The quality of the God-given Fruit Pandan Seeds has not changed, and the price has been set at 12 pieces/piece.

Zhanlanzi needs pricing.

Master Qiye Mountain, take a look at the goods. Long Bai opened the spider silk bag and handed it over.

Qiye used the spider silk rope to take the bag, twisting a grain to look at it.

Long Bai, you have mentioned to me more than once that the azure god-given seeds grow very fast.

Yes. It was growing very fast at first, but last year it suddenly slowed down. In a whole year, it only grew more than half a meter, not less than one meter.


Qi Ye Ning choked for a while and said: For Qiao Mu, this speed is not slow at all, right? How old are you? Think about it, what scale will it be in one hundred or two hundred years? In the future, you will be promoted to the king level. , four hundred years, five hundred years from now?

Makes sense. The future is promising.

Long Bai tapped his tentacles.

I admire the master of Qiye Mountain very much for his speaking skills.

While speaking seriously, the invisible flattery not only makes the other party listen and appreciates it, but also does not lose face at all.

This is the master.

I had the opportunity to bring Qing Ma and Hong Ma over to learn from their teachers.

Qiye asked: No flowers?

Long Bai: Not yet, it will open soon.

Qiqiye: How much will be produced in the next batch?

Long Bai: According to my estimate, it is more than 1,000 pieces! However, the increase in production will slow down in the future.

Qiye said happily: To be able to achieve this output in just a dozen years is considered a high output.

Qiye suggested again: King Longbai Ant, can you increase my share appropriately? The price is negotiable.

Every year in the transaction, Nanye proposes to increase the allocation share.

Long Bai said briefly: Master Qiye Mountain, think of a way to help me get a batch of God-given Skygreen Persimmon Seeds, and I will give you a share of 200.

Qiye immediately lost his temper and solemnly promised: I will try my best!

Long Bai asked: What about the Black Emperor peach core given by God? Don't you have a stable share?

The master of Qiye Mountain said: Not yet, I will leave you a share next time. Let's price Zhan Lanzi first...

Qiye manipulated the spider silk, shook the twisted Zhan Lanzi vigorously, and asked tentatively: Do you want to bid?

Long Bai: 15 rough stones/piece.

Qiye praised: Longbai Ant King, you have mastered the pricing rules of force food.

The price has been determined.

Qiye quoted: 100 pandan seeds, 1,200 rough stones; 60 azure seeds, 900 rough stones, a total of 2,100 rough stones.

Qiye asked: You should repay the interest of the 4,000 rough stones you borrowed this year?

Long Bai: Repay the interest first, 400 rough stones as interest for 4000 rough stones. For the other 6000 rough stones, the interest for one year is 300 rough stones, so a total of 700 rough stones will be repaid.

Qiye was confused when Long Bai followed up and said: I owe you a total of 10,000 rough stones. The master of Baiwei Mountain will arrive in two days and he will repay it on his behalf.


Qiye was disappointed, hesitated for a long time, and said: No problem. The balance is 1,400 rough stones.

Long Bai: 1400 rough stones in stock.

as you wish.

As soon as Qiye had an idea, he untied a few of the spider silk ropes that bound the goods on his back and picked up the goods for Long Bai. At the same time, he asked casually:

King Longbai Ant, you and Bai Wei are cooperating to produce and sell a kind of 'original honey'?

Long Bai knew that this news could not be hidden from Qiye, so he asked: Master Qiye Mountain, are you interested in cooperating?

Qiye: I'm just curious.

Long Bai explained vaguely: This is a unique ability of the water talent I obtained. It can refine and purify various force foods.

Qiye asked: The force will not escape?

Long Bai said truthfully: Yes. But the speed is relatively slow.

slower? The Force will escape, and this transaction will be risky. The higher the rate of escape, the higher the risk.

Qiye was no longer interested in getting to know her any more. She felt sorry for Luo Li silently for a second, then she felt happy and said jokingly: No wonder Luo Li is clamoring to separate from Bai Wei...

Nanaba wanted to say, 'It turns out you are the one who caused the trouble.'

But the other party has three god-given seeds, so it’s hard to tell them face to face.

The caravan of the Zeqi Spider King slowly entered the trading square.

Bai Wei jumped in line and followed closely behind the Zeqi Spider King. Watching it stand firm, he immediately took up a good position. Watching the Zeqi Spider King spit out the Zeqi Life Seed, he immediately buried his head and spit out his own Baiwei Life Seed, which took root and sprouted on the ground. …

King Zeqi Spider, I'll go over and discuss something with the Master of Qiye Mountain.

Bai Wei dropped a word and ran toward the Caowu Spider King's trading circle with a clanging bell.

Qiye remained motionless, watching indifferently.

Bai Wei came closer, lowered her mental power, and asked: Master Qiye Mountain, how did you collect Zhan Lanzi?

15 rough stones. Qiye couldn't bear to trick a fellow clan member who might lose blood at any time.

Okay. Farewell!

Bai Wei ran away with a ding ding ding dong dong.

Slowly walk up the hill, climb over the top, and run quickly towards the woods.

Long Bai was already waiting in the forest, with a large spider silk bag in front of him.



“It’s all wild jujube and crimson queen honey!”

Is the ordinary force honey ready?

Where's Zhan Lanzi? Do you have a sample? Let me take a look!

Bai Wei asked questions as she ran, ran closer, grabbed the spider silk bag and opened it, then picked up the metal can and opened it to check.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai asked: How many cans were pre-sold last year?

Bai Wei: 64 cans.

Not bad - Long Bai expected that the pre-sale of 51 cans the year before last had basically exhausted Bai Wei's insect vein resources.

This time we were able to pre-sell 64 cans, which is considered a good performance.

After Bai Wei quickly completed the inspection, she tightened the jar lid and finally took out a honey-pickled metal jar for early morning use. This metal jar contained 9 honey-pickled azure fruits.

Bai Wei controlled the spider silk rope to open the lid, twisted out a fruit to check, and asked tentatively: Longbai Ant King, Zhan Lanzi, how many rough stones did you sell to the Lord of Qiye Mountain?

Long Bai said truthfully: Zhanlanzi 15 rough stones/piece.

Long Bai said: I will give you the Azure Fruit at 18 rough stones per stone.

Bai Wei didn't dare to be completely sure about Long Bai and Qiye, and wasn't sure whether the two guys were working together to deceive her.

Suspiciously, he pretended to be professional as he twisted the blue fruit and looked at it over and over again. He thought hard and thought hard. After a long time, he agreed: It's a very fair price, then 18 rough stones per piece.

Bai Wei took off a medium-sized spider silk bag from her carapace and opened it. Inside were 12 small spider silk bags of different colors. Inside the bags were 10-centimeter-long spider silk ropes of corresponding colors.

Bai Wei: In terms of ordinary force honey, it is still mainly for strengthening the comprehensive physique, and there are also those that require carapace and sensory enhancement. It is more complicated, I say, you remember.

Bai Wei counted the spider silk ropes and reported:

Comprehensive physical enhancement, a total of 42 cans, including 8 cans of fresh fruit and light flavor, 21 cans of fresh fruit and strong flavor, 4 cans of dried fruit and mellow flavor, and 9 cans of mixed and mellow flavor.

14 cans of strengthened carapace, 1 can of fresh fruit and light flavor, 8 cans of fresh fruit and strong flavor...

Those who trade with Bai Wei are all heavy-tasting people! Fresh fruit and strong aroma account for the majority.

Long Bai had a premonition, so he worked hard to pick all kinds of fresh fruits last autumn and prepared enough ant honey of various flavors.

Bai Wei's pre-sales this time are not too many, which can meet the supply.

Bai Wei reported the order requirements and asked: Long Bai, do you remember?

Long Bai: Remember...

Long Bai looked at Bai Wei's back armor.

This year, its carapace is packed with goods.

Bai Wei said while controlling the spider silk rope to pick up the goods:

I collected all the fruit seeds you wanted for you as much as possible. I have some connections in the Jade Peach Kingdom and helped you get almost all kinds of peach tree seeds.

I also brought the rough stones you need, a sufficient amount of 10,000!

There are 150 metal cans. I'm thinking you can keep some more, right?

There are three bottles of royal jelly, which is enough for us to use for two years.

I purchased the force food from the caravan according to the order requirements. It is mainly the comprehensive physical strengthening type. There are 54 types in total, with different quantities. You can make it as you like. Each can only contains 30 types. The two major ones are carapace and senses. There are also 30 types of enhancement types. Similarly, the quantity is more or less. You have to weigh the ratio...

The total value of the ordinary force food I brought this year is still 91,000 raw stones.

Bai Wei finished the introduction and asked: Long Bai, this year you will make 100 cans of ordinary original honey, is that okay? In addition to the pre-sale, I will carry 36 more cans, some of various enhanced types and fragrance types, I will try I will sell it through promotion. If there is anything that cannot be sold, I will eat it myself. Now that I have earned rough diamonds, I will reward myself.

How much did you just earn? Long Bai: No problem... It should be...

Long Bai opened the spider silk bag containing the metal cans, looked at them one by one, did some calculations, and took out a can with a pattern of azure god-given seeds, shook it, and reminded:

Master Bai Wei, you may owe me the rough stone this year.

Bai Wei: I owe you first?

Long Bai: No credit!

Bai Wei: Then I'll give you the Spider King Silk Roll?

Long Bai: I owe the Master of Qiye Mountain 10,000 rough stones, and the interest has to be calculated every year. It is really a loss. I have made an agreement with the Master of Qiye Mountain, and you will repay it on my behalf.

Bai Wei: ...

Bai Wei: I don't like to associate with that guy Qiye... But in that case, I will reluctantly help you once.

Long Bai turned around and picked up a large spider silk bag containing Force food, and said: There are a lot of things this time, I'll move them first!

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