Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 159 Can ants be lazy?

With the help of the Control Throne, Green Maple and Red Maple successfully completed their shedding and evolution.

They grew up eating a variety of high-quality Force foods since they were young. In addition, the beetles were already relatively large. After evolving into 7th-year-old junior warriors, the body length of the two guys reached about 13 centimeters.

At this size, it can almost survive independently.

In the wild Force vacuum, they can also leave the protection of the throne and help pick wild fruits.

Amid Sang Yi's reluctant farewell, the Governor's Throne set off with Green Maple and Red Maple and headed straight for South Suanzao Mountain.

Search for God-given seeds.

It is a seed given by the gods to loosen the soil and fertilize the South Jujube.

Common jujube fruits are harvested in large quantities and refined into ant honey.

It took 7 days before and after, and after finishing everything, we set off to the north, towards Black Lotus Lake.

Bai Liu immediately noticed that the throne of control was approaching, and flew towards it. He turned over and stopped suddenly as he approached, then flew backwards and flew slowly in step with the throne.

Longbai Ant King!

Green maple! Red maple!

Where's Mo Lan?

Bai Liu greeted and asked.

Qing Ma: Longbai Ant King discovered a place of force, where the wreckage of a starship from an alien civilization fell.

Hong Ma: Mo Lan is looking for treasure.

Qingmae: I've found something good.

Red Maple: This autumn, we will help the Longbai Ant King.

Qingmae: Let's go help Mo Lan!

These two little guys have been talking about treasure hunting with Mo Lan.

Long Bai: Fishing in winter, Mo Lan may have time to come here to play. It has found an interesting creation of an extraterrestrial civilization. You must like Bailiu.

Fun? What's fun?

Bai Liu is about the same age as Long Bai, so he can't be regarded as an ignorant little warrior, but it may be because of its low level of evolution and living alone in Black Lotus Lake, but it is very playful.

As soon as I heard something fun, I immediately became interested.

Long Bai patiently told Bai Liu in detail about the discovery of Hanlan Mountain and the starship wreckage.

The throne of dominance landed on the hillside where a methane tank was opened.

Long Bai put down the board, waved his tentacles, and gave instructions.

Heiti led 30 large worker ants, 6 fasting specialized blue ants, and 10 large soldier ants along the wooden board to the ground.

Blue ants enter the temporary nest nearby to rest.

Long Bai carried a medium-sized spider silk bag and jumped to the ground.

Bai Liu, I have a small matter to discuss with you.

What's up?

I plan to plant jujube fruit trees on a large scale. I plan to open two nurseries here to cultivate fruit seedlings.

Okay! Okay! I can take care of you!

Long Bai: Uh-

You can't even take care of your own life seeds~

Long Bai shook his tentacles slightly.

Heiti trotted forward.

Long Bai introduced: This is Heiti, a very smart and specialized worker ant. It can barely command other worker ants to do their work.

Can specialized worker ants also command ant colonies? Bai Liu tilted his head and looked at it, feeling strange.

Long Bai paused, and then said: I will leave Heiti here first, and lead the worker ants to clean up the weeds on the hillside over there and open a nursery. I will stay and spend two days to help clean up a few large trees that are in the way. ”

Long Bai handed the spider silk bag to Bai Liu and said, These are full of southern jujubes. Bai Liu, please help collect them first.


Bailiu is now a 7th-year-old intermediate flying-winged warrior, with a wingspan of more than two meters. After eating the God-given Ziziphus jujube, her wing membranes have been optimized, and her flying ability has been greatly enhanced.

Taking the bag of spider silk, he flapped his wings lightly, lifted into the air lightly, and flew quickly to his cave, and soon flew back with a bag of spider silk.

Long Bai, the output of my territory's life seeds this year!

Oh. Let me see...

Long Bai took it and checked it.

White willow seeds, water calamus seeds and black lotus seeds with velvet are mixed into a large bag.

There was also a problem with Bai Liu's choice of life seed at the beginning. The white willow life seed and the water calamus life seed both strengthened the water element ability. The Flying Wing Warrior is a water-based talent, but it is not advisable to eat too much before the Mountain Lord level.

Long Bai bought it and he and Mo Lan helped it digest it.

Black lotus seeds are a good thing, but the yield is not large. Longbai bought them for Molan and Shanshi to eat.

The other species of white willows either don't produce much, and they don't have enough to eat; or they followed Long Bai's suggestion and chose large trees, but they haven't grown to a large scale yet.

There is almost no profit from Bailiu's territory.

This year's output has increased slightly? 500 rough stones will be charged. Long Bai briefly read it and quoted the price.

He moved the things onto the throne, and at the same time took out 2 cans of Force Ant Honey worth 1,000 raw stones/can. He handed the spider silk bags to Bai Liu and warned:

After eating these two cans in four months, you can be promoted to the 8th age next spring.


Bai Liu took it shyly.

Being stared at by the two little warriors Qing Ma and Hong Ma made me feel uncomfortable.

Long Bai waved his tentacles and said, Bai Liu, pack your things first. Take Qing Ma and Hong Ma to play by the lake. I'll arrange work for Hei Ti.

Long Bai stayed in Black Lotus Lake for two days, commanding Heiti and the worker ants to slightly expand the temporary ant nest and knock down several large trees that were in the way.

The remaining work is left to Heiti.

The ruling throne carries Qing Ma and Hong Ma and continues to set off.

Let's go back to Xianglan Mountain first, put down the full blue ants, put on the empty blue ants, pack our bags, and set off north.

Stop and go along the way to collect wild fruits.

Come to Bailian Lake and wander around in search of God-given seeds.

Nothing gained.

Continue north.

In late autumn and early winter, I concentrated on my journey and headed north to Yinbai Mountain for the last transaction of the year.

Black Lotus Lake.

Mountain top.

Bai Liu held the metal jar, put her slender forelimbs into the jar, dipped a little bit of Force Ant Honey, licked it clean, then reached into the jar, dipped a little bit more, and licked it clean...

It’s so comfortable to be basking in the sun today!

Bai Liu felt sweet in her heart and was indescribably happy.

Looking at the hillside below,

It's a bit strange and confusing.

Didn't Long Bai arrange for them to work?

Why are you lying at the entrance of the ant nest basking in the sun?

Do they also think the sunshine is good today?

Bai Liu looked at the worker ants and soldier ants on the hillside below, watching them lie down from sunrise to sunset.

At dusk, the special chemical worker ant named Heiti finally started to move. He stood up and waved his tentacles, and the ant colony followed suit.

They go into the mountain forest and rummage everywhere in the grass, shrubs, and trees. The soldier ants are responsible for hunting, hunting various small insects and small animals, and the worker ants are responsible for transporting and bringing them back to the ant nest.

Then, until dark, no one left the nest.

Bai Liu suddenly woke up and understood a little bit more, but it was even more strange: ants can still be lazy?

The next morning,

Bai Liu came to the mountain early in the morning and stood on a high place to observe.

at sunrise,

The specialized worker ant named Heiti led the worker ants and soldier ants out of the nest, commanded the ant colony, and symbolically pulled weeds for a while.

When the sun turns golden and hangs in mid-air, they gather together and return to the entrance of the ant nest, gathering in small groups and lying down to bask in the sun.

Just like yesterday, I didn’t enter the forest until dusk to hunt and return to my nest to rest...

Bai Liu understood clearly and was very sure that these guys were clearly lazy!

That guy named Heiti took the lead in being lazy!

Returning to yesterday’s question: Can ants be lazy?

Obviously it will!

——Does Long Bai know?

——Should I go down and supervise them?

The next day, early morning.

Heiti led the worker ants out of the nest and walked slowly to the nursery divided by Long Cypress. He called on the other worker ants to work while he found a stone, lay down on it, and supervised the work from a high position.

Black shadows fell from the sky, circled around Heiti's head, and landed next to him.

Bailiu couldn't communicate with the worker ant, so she just stared at it: work!

Heiti was instinctively startled and confused. He also stared at Bai Liu for a while. Knowing that this was the king's friend, Heiti didn't panic at all. He waved his tentacles and continued to lie down peacefully.

When the morning sun was getting comfortable, Heiti stood up and called the worker ants and the soldiers who were scattered around to take care of safety to gather in front of the ant nest and enjoy sunbathing collectively under the glare of Bailiu.


Bai Liu flapped her wings vigorously and pointed at the weeds on the hillside.

Heiti looked at Bai Liu and turned a blind eye.

Work! Work!

Bai Liu urged hard.

Heiti turned around and turned his back to Bai Liu.

Bai Liu: ...

Bai Liu was angry, but had nothing to do.

It's better to wait for Long Bai to come over, tell Long Bai, and let Long Bai teach them a lesson.

Thanks to book friends 20200804201531647, black eyes, hyxbc2008, and endless creative rewards. Thank you bosses.

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