Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 156 Heiti (please subscribe for more updates)

Starship wreckage is easily identifiable because of its unique silvery white color and faint raw energy fluctuations.

The raw energy metal made by the extraterrestrial civilization is very light. When dropped from a high place, it slowly falls to the ground like a feather.

But the fall took too long, and it may have sunk deep into the soil due to geological changes.

Long cypress followed the mountain stream and found the spring on the mountainside.

not found.

Crawling in the mountains and forests, my mental energy spread out to scan the soil layer, searching inch by inch until the sunset.

Still no gain.

Return to the base of the mountain.

Heiti has led the team back.

On the throne, this guy was taking soldier ants, worker ants, and blue ants to share the prey. There are quite a lot of them, including crabs, frogs, fish, and snakes that have been broken down into segments.

This guy took the ant colony to look for food!

Long Bai was secretly annoyed, waved his tentacles, and sent out a questioning message:

Heiti, have you found anything?


I asked you to take them with you to find this kind of starship wreckage! Who asked you to find food?

……I don't.

Heiti's tentacles pointed at the soldier ants.

The tentacles pointed at all 10 large soldier ants: They caught them! Nothing to do with me.

When the worker ants saw this, they formed a team and stood on Heiti's side, pointing their tentacles at the soldier ants.

The soldier ants were surrounded on the spot, not to be outdone, and pointed their tentacles at Heiti: Your Majesty, it is it! It lets us find food.

The blue ants retreated one after another: It's none of my business, I'm only responsible for eating.

Long Bai: ...

The high-level worker ants and soldier ants are obviously more spiritual and have learned to shirk responsibility from each other.

Especially the guy who just named Heiti this afternoon is a little too spiritual.


Eat quickly.

After eating, go back to the nest and rest.

Long Bai waved his tentacles impatiently.

——The king eats first!

Heiti brought the fattest piece of snake meat to Long Bai.

Long Bai: ...

This worker ant is a little too smart.

Long Bai's heart suddenly moved.

Heiti's body length is only about 90 centimeters, one size smaller than other advanced specialized chemical worker ants.

The development of ant larvae is affected by factors such as pheromone stimulation, food intake, climate temperature, etc. The same ant type will have different body shapes. Generally, the body length of advanced specialized worker ants ranges from 1 meter to 1.3 meters.

Heiti's size is indeed too small, but this guy seems to be particularly strong. Its head is slightly larger in proportion and its jaws are more developed than ordinary worker ants.

——It was cultivated at the same time as cypress and cedar?

——At that time, the incubation chamber of the specialized worker ants was sandwiched between the incubation chambers of cedar and green cypress.

——Could it be said that it is contaminated with pheromones that stimulate the development of giant ants and intelligent ants?

Long Bai pondered, and his mental power spread out, sweeping over Heiti's body.

It really is!

The force fluctuations on it are slightly stronger than those of other worker ants.

There are some signs of mutation.

But after all, it has not been cultivated with concentration and has not used force food. It is essentially different from giant ants and intelligent ants.

After all, it’s just a specialized worker ant.

Long Bai didn't think any more.

Haven't eaten for several days.

They took out Bai Wei's specially made extra large metal can with a diameter of 50 centimeters and fetched water from the river ditch.

He also went into the jungle to hunt hares and pheasants, and arranged for the worker ants to divide them up.

Cook with water.

Eat well and rest overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Long Bai set out early, parked his throne in an area where five black grapes grew together, and issued an order:

——Heiti! You lead the worker ants to pick black grapes.

——Soldier ants guard the throne and are responsible for the safety of the ant nest.

——The blue ants stay in the ant nest and are responsible for the refining work.

Long Bai searched around the area and confirmed that there were no large beasts threatening the safety of the ant nest. He returned to the foot of the mountain alone and followed the river ditch to search downstream.

It winds forward and merges into the small river ditch in the nearby hilly land, gradually turning into a river with a width of two to three meters.

Long Bai walked along the river and soon reached the border. Going forward, the force gradually became thinner until the force became vacuum.

Nothing was found.

Long Bai turned around and flew back to the foot of the towering mountain in the center of the Land of Force. Starting from the place where the starship fragments were found yesterday, he set off again and started searching in the nearby woodland.

Looking for a needle in a haystack in the vast forest.

The search gradually became aimless.

In the sunshine near noon.

Suddenly, the celestial eye above Long Bai's head keenly captured some light refraction on the distant hills.

——There is something!

Long Bai rose into the sky and flew straight over.

Under an old cypress tree with sparse and semi-dead branches and leaves, a small corner is exposed in the soil layer of the slope.

Starship wreckage!

Long Bai glanced underground with his mental strength, but was quickly blocked by the soil again.

It seems to be a fairly complete piece, inserted diagonally into the rocks and soil.

Long Bai dug in the soil and quickly recognized it. It was the door panel of the starship room!

In the Wanzu Continent, Youchong installed the door panels removed from the starship wreckage in his living cave.

The door panel can be worth a lot of rough stone!

You can consider taking it back and installing it in the entrance of your own or Molan's nest.

Long Bai dug hard.

Quickly disappointed.

There is a tear in the other corner of the door panel.

Installing a 'door' from an extraterrestrial civilization at the entrance of the living cave is mainly for the sake of good looks, high-end appearance and taste. If it is damaged or damaged, it will not look good when installed, and the item will be worthless.

I continued digging, and it took me a long time to get the thing out of the soil.

An originally square metal plate with an overall length of about 3 meters and a width of about 1.2 meters was bent at one corner and torn at the other.

The thickness is about 5 centimeters. From the crack, only the surface layer of a few millimeters is solid, and the middle layer is full of pores. This is one of the reasons for its light texture.

The dragon cypress can be lifted with a single claw, and can be easily lifted with its jaw teeth. But it’s too big to carry for flying, and it’s also inconvenient to carry in dense mountains and forests.

Long Bai flapped his wings and took off, returning to the place where the ruling throne was parked.

under the vine,

Heiti, along with the worker ants and soldier ants, were lying down comfortably enjoying the cool air, while a few blue ants were slowly refining the fresh grapes they had picked.

Seeing the return of the ant king, they all stood up. Sensing the ant king's anger, they all pointed their tentacles at Heiti: It commanded it!

Your Majesty!


Black Ti's tentacles point to the sky.

It’s too sunny to work during the day, too dark to work at night, too hot to work in summer, and too cold to work in winter.

Worker ants who slack off will always find a reason.

There is not just one worker ant that is lazy and slow at work, many are lazy, and many are lazy in groups.

However, only one worker ant has been found that can trick the diligent worker ants into laziness and lead the soldier ants and blue ants astray.

——Otherwise, let’s find an opportunity to throw this guy away.

Long Bai was thinking silently in his mind.

Wave your tentacles and give the command: return home

The Throne of Ruler took off and landed on the hillside where the door panel was discovered.

Long Bai directed four worker ants to come forward, lift the door panel by lifting the four corners, and then directed a worker ant to pass under the door panel with one end of the spider silk rope in its mouth.

There is a rope horizontally and a rope vertically tied crosswise.

Long Bai carried it, took off, and placed the wooden pile on the top of the ant nest smoothly.

Then go to the river ditch at the foot of the mountain, control the water polo, and wash and clean it up.

After all, the door panels were transported back to Xianglan Mountain.

Long Bai personally supervised the work and spent a day picking wild fruits such as black grapes on a large scale and refining them into ant honey.

Set out on the road.

This place is not far from Kiwi Mountain.

First inform Mo Lan of the good news.

Looking for treasures requires Mo Lanlai, who is naturally super sensitive to fluctuations in the force.

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