Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 146 2nd Instar Advanced Ant King

There are some cold mid-winter days in the ant nest.

Long Bai woke up from his deep sleep.

The body expands and takes shape, and the carapace hardens rapidly.

The body length can reach about 90 centimeters. The male ant is inherently deficient and is always shorter than Mo Lan.

But it is precisely because of this short length that Long Bai can pass through the starship gap in the second-instar advanced ant king stage.

The mental power unfolded and spread along the passage of the ant nest.

The strengthening effect of the god-given ghost fan appeared, and the soul-strengthening effect of Liu Daozi seemed to be exerted. The limit detection distance of mental power jumped to about 35 meters.

——Theoretically, at the advanced ant king stage, the limit distance of mental power can reach hundreds of meters, and there is plenty of room for improvement!

——From now on, Mo Lan and I will eat as much of the god-given ghost fans as we can buy.

Long Bai was very satisfied with the increase in mental power after this evolution.

It can be roughly estimated that it only takes three days to control the throne and fly to Ghost Fan Mountain. It only takes a day and a half to fly to Black Lotus Lake. It only takes a little more than half a day to fly to the nearest Molan Mountain.

Long Bai shook his tentacles, and two blue ants came forward and offered ant honey.

After eating some and taking a short rest to recover, communicate with the Throne of Control and activate the messenger function.

[Please select the messenger type]





The Ant Kingdom is still vigorously recruiting soldier ants.

Long Bai chooses [Guardian·Strength]

The option message came from the Throne of Ruler.

【Please select quantity】

【quantity: 1】

【Quantity 2】

【Quantity 7】

Unsurprisingly, when the 1st instar evolves into the 2nd instar high-level ant king, the upper limit of the number of ant eggs in each round does not change.

That is, it takes a 4th instar advanced ant king to upgrade to 8 ant eggs.

Long Cypress Conservative Choice [Quantity 4]

Long Bai woke up in the middle of the night and was immersed in eating ant honey to restore consumption.

Xiangbai walked in cautiously.

Your Majesty, you are awake.


Long Bai asked: Xiang Bai, how many days have I been asleep?

Xiangbai: Four days, more than half the night.

That would be considered very successful.

Long Bai moved his tentacles and felt very good about himself.

Xiangbai, what's wrong with you?

Your Majesty——

The cedar tentacles waved slightly, and there was a trace of sadness in the emotion.

A large worker ant walks into the nest where Long Bai lives.

On the back of the large worker ant stands a small worker ant.

In the mouth of the little worker ant, there is a intact body of a little worker ant.

Your Majesty——

Xiangbai said sadly: A worker ant has passed will naturally die of old age.

Long Bai: ...

Long Bai sighed secretly.

The worker ants cultivated by the Dominion Throne live slightly longer, but only by a few more years.

Long Bai could still recognize this dead little worker ant. It was the first batch of worker ants he cultivated when he first came to settle in Xianglan Mountain. It has been working in the incubator for ten years...

If one dies of natural old age, it means that the micro, small, medium and large worker ants and soldier ants cultivated by Longbai in the primary ant king stage, as well as the specialized worker ants and soldier ants, will gradually enter the aging stage. Then……

Ant Country is no longer young and has begun new and old iterations.

From now on, new ants will continue to be born in the ant nest, but old ants will also continue to age and die.

The lives of semi-Force beings at low, medium and high levels may only last from ten to forty or fifty years, just like blue flowers that bloom and wither in a hurry.


Long Bai tried his best to calm down and ordered: Bury it under the green torreya tree on the top of the mountain.

I understand. Your Majesty.

The cedar leads the worker ants out of the nest.

Long Bai spit out the silver cypress life seed conceived in the 1st instar advanced ant king stage, carefully collected it and waited for sowing in the next spring. He took a black lotus seed and put it into the life sac to breed it as the life seed in the 2nd instar stage.

After pondering for a long time, he got up and walked around the ant nest, inspecting it carefully.

Shannan Restaurant.

Long Bai, you're awake. Mo Lan greeted, knowing that Long Bai's evolution would be smooth and there would be no surprises.

Longbai Ant King.

Green maple and red maple greet.

The two of them also knew that flattery would have no effect on Long Bai, so they simply ignored it.

Long Bai controlled the throne to fly out of the cave, and the changes magnified. He turned around and asked, I'll go down the mountain to have a look. Do you want to come with me?


Get off the mountain!

Green Maple and Red Maple cheered, flapped their wings and took off, landing towards the throne.

Mo Lan walked out of the ant nest and jumped onto the throne, Why isn't Nanqian ripe yet? Long Baiqian is urging it.

Ask it.

Long Bai controlled the throne to take off and floated towards the Nanqian Reservoir. However, he saw the ant tunnel below. Cui Bai was leading a large group of soldier ants running towards the mountain. They all stopped and looked up at the sky, waving vigorously. antenna.

The throne of dominance plummeted.

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

Cui Bai excitedly shouted, The Southern Gorgon fruit is ripe! Raw stone!

Long Bai? Mo Lan asked.

Long Bai: Nan Gorgon has entered the fruit ripening period, and we need rough stones.

I'll get it! Mo Lan said nothing, kicked up into the air, landed at the entrance of the ant nest on the mountainside, and disappeared in a flash.

Cui Bai! Go and inform Juniper and Incense Cedar!

Long Bai controlled the ruling throne and rushed toward the Nanqian Reservoir.

A windless winter day.

Intense pheromones filled the air.

80 specialized blue soldiers and 40 large blue soldiers stood under the gorgon fruits, ready for battle.

There are mountains and forests scattered around the reservoir. Soldier ants patrolling in formation have received the message and are gathering here to surround the reservoir.


The fruit will be ripe soon! Raw stone!

Molan took it.

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry...

Amid Nan Qian's urging, Mo Lan came flying over carrying a bag of spider silk and landed on the throne at an angle.

Waited for a while.

Xiangbai arrived with worker ants.

The throne of domination rests on the shore.

Long Bai waved his tentacles and directed the specialized blue ants to come ashore.

Xiangbai directed the large worker ants to come forward to retrieve the rough stones.

Specialized blue ants carry large worker ants, walk on the water, come to stand under the broad leaves of each Gorgon fruit branch, scrape off the raw stone powder, and sprinkle it on the water surface.

As if he had been holding it in, Nan Qian suddenly exploded and quickly absorbed the force.

To the east of the mountain range, junipers digging into the Shandong reservoir led a large number of worker ants to arrive.

The junipers stationed at the mountain fortress on the west side of the mountain range noticed the movement and rushed back with soldier ants to join in the fun.

Nanqian Reservoir was surrounded three times.

Lasting from morning to mid-afternoon, the 500 rough stones were used up, and Nanqian's rate of absorbing the force began to slow down.

Calm returns at dusk.

Cuibai, you lead all the blue soldiers and 50 specialized soldier ants to guard the Nanqian Reservoir.

Juniper, lead a hundred soldier ants to patrol and be responsible for the safety of other species in the territory.

Long Bai simply gave the order.

Yes. Your Majesty.

I understand. Your Majesty.

Green cypress and juniper agreed sonorously.

Cedars and junipers lead worker ants back to their nests.

Nan Qian was still unfinished, complaining that the rough stone was not enough, so he wanted more.

Long Bai ignored them and took control of the throne, carrying Mo Lan, Qing Ma, and Hong Ma, and took a spin at the Azure Reservoir.

Zhan Lan is very good at management. There are lush aquatic plants around the reservoir. Not only are there frogs, but also attract a variety of water birds to come to look for food. In the reservoir, there are swarms of big and small fish.

Long Bai gradually understood Zhan Lan's intention.

Various animals and plants form an ecological circle where life flourishes, forming an environment suitable for the growth of the azure god-given seeds.

Azure will transform its living environment according to its own preferences and needs.

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