Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 133: Cap-spotted Purple Beetle

The morning when the red sun rises in the east.

Long Bai controlled the throne and, under the guidance of Mo Lan, slowly floated to the half-dead neem tree on the hillside.

The mental power scanned along the wormhole in the trunk.

Not here?

Long Bai looked at Mo Lan.

Want to get up early?

Insects can escape but life seeds cannot escape...

There are no plants growing around.

Mo Lan felt something bad, so she jumped to the ground and went to search.

Most of the little warriors born this year missed the planting time, and the seeds of life should be hidden in the trunks.


Mo Lan and Long Bai used their mental strength at the same time and searched several times but found nothing.

Running away overnight?

It seems so.

Mo Lan, you came here last night and were discovered by it?

No way!

That means it's a little too vigilant.

That's right.

Looking at each other speechless.


A little warrior about four to five centimeters in size is even harder to find than a seed given by God.

The seeds hang on the branches and cannot move or hide.

The little warrior can hide himself.

In this vast jungle, it would be troublesome to find it.

The key point is that if you leave the tree nest where you live, if you are targeted by a predator, your life may be lost.

try to find?

Look around. It shouldn't be far away.

I should have come here and caught it last night.

Who would have thought...

I'll look over there. Mo Lan flew out directly.

Long Bai controlled the throne to land on the ground, flew up, and flew in the opposite direction.

Just after flying about a hundred meters, Long Bai found a large maple tree that was in extremely poor growth condition and was half dead.

Normally, large trees growing in the wild would not be like this. They must have been damaged by insects, and they were very serious.

Long Bai ran to the ground and stopped under a bush two meters away, scanning and exploring with his mental strength.

Sure enough, seven holes were drilled out of the tree trunk from bottom to top, which penetrated the inside.

The mental power penetrated along the hole and glanced up and down.

Long Bai was stunned.

Near the root of the tree, in the narrow nest room, two beetles huddled together, happily holding freshly picked twigs and munching.

A brown-blue carapace, the little hairy-horned beetle warrior last night.

The other one is black with red elytra with black spots, and its body is also four to five centimeters long.

It turned out to be two little beetle warriors!

oh! Is this guy here for a visit? Or did you run away?

Long Bai kicked his legs, flapped his wings and took off, climbing high into the sky.

In the distance, Mo Lan noticed it immediately and flew up, approaching quickly.

found it?

found it.

Quick! Catch him!


What's wrong?

It actually has a partner, a little warrior named Purple Beetle.


Mo Lan followed Long Bai and landed on a bush twenty meters away from the big maple tree, scanning with her mental power.


After scanning again, I found two more maple seeds wrapped in layers of catkins and grass leaves.

It seems that this little hairy-horned beetle warrior was frightened last night and ran to his relatives for refuge overnight.

Their lifeblood!

The particles are very small. The specific tree species is Acer multicarpa? Acer dense fruit?

Multi-fruited maple.

It looks like it to me.

It takes at least four to five years for a tree like this to grow, right?


These two little guys are really ambitious. They dared to choose a big tree as their first tree. They were afraid that before the tree could grow up, it would die of old age due to lack of Force food and slow evolution.

Long Bai, what should we do now?

Catch him back.

But... they seem to be living happily here.

They can't survive without the protection of their elders.

What happens next?

Bring them back to Fanglan Mountain first, spend some resources, and help them evolve to the fourth age. As for where to go, we will consider it later.

Okay. How to catch it?

Mo Lan, you stay on guard while I bring the throne of control over. I'll send the worker ants in first to get their life seeds.


Long Bai controlled the throne to stop, commanded two small worker ants to climb up the tree, drill into the tree hole, and move out the two carefully collected maple life seeds.

The tree hole below,

After eating the twigs, the little purple beetle warrior got up, walked to the entrance of the tree hole, carefully poked his head, looked left, right, and forward, and then he saw the ruling throne, and Long Bai and Mo standing under the throne. orchid.


The little warrior of the hooded purple longhorned beetle retracted into the tree hole, warned, and took the lead to climb upward along the inner passage of the tree trunk.

What's wrong?

The brutal ant king and mantis warrior you were talking about!


The little warrior of the hairy-horned beetle was frightened and quickly followed.

I ran into the tree hole above and saw two little beetle warriors stunned.

——Where is the life seed?

——They must have stolen it!



--what to do?

——Are you still running?

——I can’t run away.

——What should we do?

——Ask them what they want to do.

——You want to ask?

--Go ahead.

——You brought them here.

——The incident happened in your territory.

The two little beetle warriors, who were tired of sticking together just now and happily eating fresh twigs, suddenly quarreled and got into a fight.

Long Bai and Mo Lan were mentally paying attention to their every move, stunned and speechless.

Mo Lan stepped forward and struck the tree trunk with her forefoot, making a thumping sound.

I said you two...

Stop fighting!

Long Bai and I have no ill intentions.

Would you like to eat Force food?

Follow us.

We have endless Force food, which can help you evolve quickly and protect you through your young and weak period.

The two fighting beetle warriors stopped and slowly separated.

——Don’t you say they are cruel?

——Very cruel!

——You are wrong.

——I read that right.

- It says there is Force food.

——I lied to you.

- It says protect us.

——Only fools are fooled.

——My life was stolen by them.

——You go and talk.

--go together.

Two beetle warriors emerged from the tree hole.

The little warrior of the spotted purple beetle waved his tentacles vigorously and released a mental message: Give me my life seed!

Mo Lan: It's too dangerous for you two to stay here. Any larger predator could kill you.

Mo Lan introduced herself: My name is Mo Lan, a warrior of the Mantis tribe, and I am the king of Xianglan Mountain. Its name is Long Bai, the giant-headed ant king, the king of the creator of civilization. Long Bai Ant King holds the throne of control , can travel through the vacuum of the Force and travel to and from various Force points, we are traveling merchants.

After an introduction, Mo Lan asked: You, the first generation, chose the Arbor Life Seed. Have you ever thought about how many years it will take for Force food to be produced after sowing the seeds? How can you grow and evolve without the protection of your elders?

Mo Lan persuaded you again: Come to Xianglan Mountain with me. Long Bai and I can protect you for a while, provide you with force food, and help you evolve and grow. Within this year, you should try your best to give birth to as many life seeds as possible. Next year Sow seeds in selected locations in the spring so that you can get early yields.”

The two little beetle warriors looked at me, then I looked at you, and then they shrank back into the tree hole.

——It seems to have no malicious intent.

——I saw it with my own eyes, they are extremely ferocious.

——You are wrong.

——Are you going to follow it?

——My life was stolen by them.

——Then go with them?

——What else can be done?

Two beetle warriors climbed out of the tree hole one behind the other.

Sir to the throne, let's set off. Mo Lan greeted.

Long Bai has been silently paying attention to their conversation, he is a very smart little guy.

Long Bai spoke at the right time and said: Don't worry, you two, Mo Lan and I are both high-level ant kings and high-level mantis warriors who have several god-given seeds. We have endless food with the force, and there is no reason to hurt you. .”

The little warrior in his second year doesn't quite understand what a travel merchant is, but the memory of the god-given seed has already awakened.

Hearing this, they looked at each other.

More than one god-given seed?

Do you believe it?

I do not believe.

I don't believe it either.

What if it's true?

That's incredible!

PS: Thank you for your subscription support. Please give me a monthly ticket.

Thanks to Beyoung-21 and Bai Fei for the reward.

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