Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 127 Moving the Ant Nest

The transaction with the caravan is completed.

Mo Lan began to eat a lot of force food in preparation for the second stage of evolution.

Long Bai leads the ant colony and continues to build the reservoir.

Taking into account the heavy rains in summer and a large number of flash floods gathering in Zhanlan Reservoir, a 1-meter-high and 2-meter-wide drainage outlet will be left on the east side of the dam, and a 1.5-meter-high and 3-meter-wide flood outlet will be left on the west side of the dam.

For a 30-meter-long embankment, only 25 meters actually need to be built.

Evolve the advanced ant king, and the newly cultivated advanced worker ants and soldier ants will have a qualitative improvement in strength, speed, endurance, carapace strength, vision, smell, hearing, etc.

Correspondingly, the work efficiency of advanced worker ants and soldier ants has been greatly improved.

The construction of the Zhanlan Reservoir dam took two days to build one layer, one day to build one layer, half a day to build one layer, and the layers were raised.

There are 20 floors in total, and the remaining work took only 6 days to complete.

Take a day off,

Long Bai took control of the throne and headed to Black Lotus Lake.

It rains continuously.

By the lake, under a big willow tree.

The cedar shelters large and small blue ants and worker ants from the rain.

Bai Liu is also there.

A dense crowd gathered around the steaming bamboo tube.

There is a crucian carp stuffed in the bamboo tube, and three specialized blue soldiers are continuously using their boiling water ability to heat it.

On the lake, the green cypress was directing the blue soldiers to surround the fishing group in the rain.

The ruling throne slowly approached.

Longbai. Bailiu fluttered his wings and rose up to greet him, asking:

Where's Mo Lan?

Mo Lan is resting and eating to prepare for the second stage of evolution.

Long Bai asked: Has the biogas digester been dug?

Bai Liu: ...No.

Bai Liu quickly explained: It rained today, so everyone came to the lake to watch Cuibai fishing... and cooked a few small fish to eat.

You two really know how to enjoy it~

Long Bai: ...

The throne of rulership falls to the ground.

Your Majesty. Xiangbai waved his tentacles in greeting.

Long Bai also found that there were only 18 specialized blue ants gathered under the tree. They shook their tentacles and asked:

Xiangbai, where are the other specialized blue ants? Are they full?

Yes. I dug a temporary small ant nest on the hillside over there and arranged for them to rest in the ant nest.

Oh! Long Bai clicked his tentacles. Very smart, they don't need to be taught many things, they can think about them by themselves.

I'll inform Cuibai. Bai Liu dropped a word, rolled on his back, turned around, accelerated, and flew towards the lake, circling in a circle above Cuibai's head.

Cui Bai, who was concentrating on commanding the blue soldiers, turned his head and saw the throne of control parked on the shore. After thinking about it, he shook his tentacles and the ants gathered together and ran towards the shore.

Your Majesty.

Cui Bai, how are you? Has your efficiency improved?

I need more blue soldiers.

“Where is the number of fish in the lake?”

Too many to catch.

Before the late autumn, I will increase the number of specialized blue soldiers and large blue soldiers to 80. We will come back in the late autumn.

Your Majesty...

Cui Bai waved his tentacles and pointed at the specialized blue ants sheltering from the rain under the tree, There are still 18 empty stomachs.

Long Bai: You continue to fish. Don't worry, the biogas tank on the mountain has not been dug yet. I will stay and help.

With Long Bai controlling the throne to help move the gravel, the digging efficiency of the biogas tank doubled, and it could be completed in four or five days.

The cedar is left behind, and the worker ants are instructed to cut the grass, collect the leaves, and put them into the pond for fermentation.

Long Bai made a trip and first transported 50 specialized blue ants back to the ant nest.

Make another trip and transport Cui Bai and Blue Soldier back to the ant nest.

Finally, the third trip was made to transport the cedar and large and small worker ants back to the ant nest.

Molan is still eating force food and preparing for evolution.

Long Bai simply enlarged the throne of dominance and placed it in Mo Lan's bedroom, using the throne's ability to assist in absorbing the force to speed up its progress.

Long Bai himself took the emerald cypress and the fragrant cypress around the mountains and fields, and continued to teach them more animals and plants, basic arithmetic, and told them about his experiences in the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations and the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, as well as the things currently discovered in Yunji Continent. Each point of force.

Jubai leads the soldier ants and is responsible for guarding the territory.

Juniper leads worker ants to dig Shanxi reservoir.

Juniper leads the soldier ants, stationed at the foot of the mountain next to the Shanxi reservoir.

Time passes.

Suddenly one day, waves of force fluctuations came from Shannan.

Mo Lan evolved!

Long Bai noticed it, turned around and ordered:

Xiang Bai, you go back to the ant nest and become more familiar with the internal environment of the ant nest.

Cui Cypress, you go to find Juniper and try to direct the soldier ants to march and hunt.

Okay. Xiangbai agreed.

Got it! Your Majesty. Cui Bai cheered.

Long Bai flapped his wings and soared into the sky, speeding over the mountains, and landed at the restaurant at the entrance of the ant nest in the south of the mountain. He looked around and saw that on the throne of control, the original force gathered to form a cocoon of original energy that enveloped Mo Lan.

It has been 2 years since Mo Lan evolved into a high-level mantis warrior. The training time has been long enough, so this evolution should go smoothly.

Long Bai waved his tentacles in greeting.

The 12 specialized soldier ants guarding the entrance to the ant nest came running quickly.

Give an order: guard the entrance of the cave and don’t allow any ants to enter.

Long Bai stayed at Shannan Restaurant.

Four days later, in the middle of the morning,

The ruling throne quickly absorbed the force, and the cocoon of original energy covering Mo Lan erupted with intense white light, which lasted for a while before calming down.

As noon approached, the thick original energy gathered on Mo Lan began to weaken, and gradually, the cocoon of light dissipated.

Mo Lan raised her head, her body shook, the old covered wings and veined wings fell off, and a crack opened in the old shell at the top of her head, quickly spreading to the carapace...

After shedding the old shell, new wings slowly grow and unfold, and the body expands rapidly until it reaches one meter in length. At the same time, the hardening of the carapace is also completed.

Long Bai?


How many days have I been asleep?

Four days.

That's pretty fast!

Mo Lan spat out the conceived Liudaomu seeds, It's almost the planting season! Sow them quickly!

Okay. Long Bai waved his tentacles, and a medium-sized worker ant came forward with a bamboo tube in its mouth.

Inside the bamboo tube is a carefully selected silver cypress seed, which is the life seed of Molan's 2nd-year-old senior warrior.

At the same time, collect the seeds of Liudaomu and carefully put them into the bamboo tube.

Long Bai waved his tentacles again, calling the two specialized blue ants who had been waiting with wooden plates in their mouths to enter the bedroom.

Mo Lan, you eat and rest first.

Long Bai confessed, took a group of soldier ants and several worker ants out of the nest, and sowed Mo Lan's Liu Dao Mu seeds into the soil about 30 meters away from his own.

Collect red thorn vines and build protection around them.

He also found Cui Bai and arranged for it to lead the soldier ants to guard it, working in three shifts and guarding it around the clock.

When you're done,

Mo Lan also had enough to eat and drink, regained her strength, and came over immediately.

Long Bai, is there nothing you need to do in the territory?

It seems there is none.

Then can we set off early? Let's go to the south first to see the divine seeds of Sang and Feiguang?

It will take a few days. Let's wait for your Six Paths of Destiny seeds to sprout and grow. We must seize the time to improve the strength of the ant nation. We cannot stop cultivating soldier ants. I need to make some preparations.

What preparation?

Do you still remember the paulownia tree from last time? Take the ruling throne and go there!

The mountain range is to the east, far away from the Force vacuum of Fanglan Mountain, a hill.

A huge fallen paulownia tree.

A tree stump nearly 2 meters in diameter dug out of the ground.

This was discovered by Long Bai and Mo Lan when they were looking for large rocks during the construction of the reservoir dam the year before last.

It is a very rare wood with light texture, suitable for making a 'mobile ant nest' placed on the throne of rulership.

Long Bai and Mo Lan took some effort to bring it down and dig out the stump.

It has been completely dry after two years of drying.

Long Bai's jaw teeth bit and cut off all the remaining roots of the tree stump, and he and Mo Lan worked together to move it onto the throne.

It's too big, and the ruling throne has changed the most, still occupying most of the area.

The tree stump is nearly 2 meters tall, the same height as the top of the throne.

It's still a bit heavy, and the Ruler Throne's carrying capacity is limited, so it can't be moved.

Renovate on site.

Long Bai directed 50 large, medium and small worker ants to bite and drill holes into the tree stump to open up the nest chamber.

After working day and night for five consecutive days, the weight of the stump was reduced by half.

Transport it back to Xianglan Mountain and continue the transformation.

It took another 5 days.

The wooden pile was made into a giant wooden nest with a diameter of 2 meters and a height of 2 meters, divided into 9 layers.

In the future, you can take it with you when traveling for trade or exploration, and you can cultivate specialized soldier ants or blue ants along the way.

Preparations are complete.

The six-path tree took root and sprouted, quickly growing to a height of about 10 centimeters.

The sun is shining fiercely in the sky, and it's the turn of late spring and early summer.

Pack your bags and go!

PS: Almost 1,200 orders have been made. Today’s two chapters are daily, so I will add two more chapters in the evening.

Thanks to Yun Xuan for wishing Master Gu better and better rewards.

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