Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 124 A disgusting ant

King Zeqi Spider, I'm going to discuss it with Qiye.

Bai Wei hurriedly rooted the seed of life, left a word, turned around and ran away without waiting for the Zeqi Spider King to agree.

Zeqi Spider King: ...

Bai Wei came to the business district where Caowu Caravan had its roots, went straight to Qiye, got closer, lowered her mental thoughts, and asked:

Master Qiye Mountain, have you got the fruit orchid seeds?


How's the quality?


What about the price? King Zeqi Spider ordered us to unify the purchase price.

The unit price is 11 rough stones/piece.



Bai Wei turned around and left, patiently walked slowly to the foot of the hill, quickly climbed up the hill, and ran towards the woods.

Long Bai and Mo Lan each carried a spider silk bag and waited.

Molan! Wow! You left so many fruity orchid seeds for me! That's great!

Eh? Xiao Longbai, why are you bringing a metal can?

Master Baiwei Mountain! Mo Lan greeted happily, opened the spider silk bag with a squeak, and said proudly: 600 pills!

Long Bai waved his tentacles and said, Let's take a look at the orchid seeds first.

Bai Wei manipulated the spider silk, twisted up a grain, inspected it in a formal manner, and then lowered the price and said: 10 rough stones/piece, I'll take it.

Mo Lan: Okay.

Long Bai: Okay.

Bai Wei: ???

Why don't you two make a counteroffer?

Bai Wei was ecstatic: she made a lot of money!

Suddenly I realized something was wrong.

Is that bastard Qiye trying to trick me? !

Bai Wei: Mo Lan, at what price did Master Qiye Mountain buy it? Could you please tell me?

Mo Lan: 10 rough stones/grain.


The heart of an insect is sinister!

Bai Wei was secretly annoyed.

Long Bai leisurely said: 600 god-given fruit pandan seeds, 6000 rough stones.

Bai Wei: Yes.

Long Bai: It's time to pay back the 4,000 rough stones I owe Luo Qiu, 4,800 rough stones with interest. There are also 500 rough stones from Tianqing Persimmon Seed. This time, the total is 5,300 rough stones.

Bai Wei silently calculated for a while and said: That's right.

Bai Wei: You guys have 700 rough stones left. Do you need to buy anything?

No hurry. Long Bai opened the spider silk bag he was carrying, revealing the metal can inside. He pressed it with his feet, held the buckle in his jaws and pulled hard to open the lid.

A faint, sweet fruit aroma spreads.

The force then spreads out.

This is--

Bai Wei stared at it for a while, manipulated a rope of spider silk, dipped some in it, and tasted it.

“It tastes good.”

Many kinds of Force foods that strengthen your body.

“The aromas of many fruits blend together.”

It also has a little bit of honey mixed in.

Bai Wei manipulated the spider silk rope, ate it several times, and praised: It's delicious! It's delicious!

Bai Wei asked again: What is this?

Long Bai: Ant honey.

Long Bai explained: Didn't I gain the mutant water ability? Evolve the advanced ant queen and awaken the new ability. You can refine, concentrate, and mix various foods, including force foods, to make this sweet ant honey.

Really? So powerful!

The spider silk rope binding the goods on Bai Wei's back was untied and pricked. The spider silk bag containing the Force food was opened. A spider silk bag was spread out on the ground, and various Force food were taken out and placed on it.

Long Bai, show me how to refine, concentrate and mix it?

Long Bai: ...

Mo Lan: It's not convenient to show...

Long Bai: What's so interesting about this? It's just like bees making honey.

Really? Let me take a look. Bai Wei was extremely curious.

Long Bai and Mo Lan had considered how to explain the source of ant honey before arriving, but they never expected that a stupid guy like Bai Wei would ask for it to be produced on site.

Mo Lan: Master Baiwei Mountain, please estimate the price first.

Bai Wei: How much raw stone did you use to make the raw food?

Long Bai: Based on the price sold to the caravan, 700 rough stones.

Bai Wei suddenly woke up and understood what Long Bai meant, and asked, Can you make ant honey in batches?

Long Bai: Yes.

Bai Wei: We can cooperate and make large quantities of metal cans and ant honey, and then...

Long Bai: Purchase those bitter, unpalatable, or even poisonous force foods from the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations and the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations at low prices, and give them to me to refine, remove the bitterness and impurities, concentrate and mix them, and make this kind of ant honey.

I use the original food that costs 700 raw stones to make a jar and sell it to you at 800 raw stones per jar.

If you transport it to Wanzu Continent, you can sell it for 1,000 rough stones per jar. You can earn 200 rough stones per jar.

That's right! Bai Wei saw the business opportunity and her compound eyes gleamed.

Long Bai picked up a prepared wooden sign sample and explained:

“I used the thick and powerful pattern of the mantis’s hind legs as a symbol to represent the strengthening of the comprehensive physique.”

Long Bai turned to the other side of the wooden sign and said: I used the raspberry pattern to represent the taste and fragrance of ant honey, which is the light fragrance type.

Long Bai: Considering that different insects have different tastes, I have designed four types of ant honey: light fragrance, strong fragrance, dried fruit mellow fragrance, and mixed mellow fragrance. Today I only brought one jar of the light fragrance type as a sample.

Bai Wei: !!!

Bai Wei understood what Long Bai meant and was so excited that she couldn't speak.

Long Bai continued: The jars containing the Force Ant Honey can be made into the same model. When I finished the production, I tied a wooden nameplate on the lid of each jar with a spider silk rope to indicate the type of fortification and flavor. type.

Bai Wei: I understand!

Long Bai pointed to the rice grain-shaped groove on the wooden sign and said: One rice grain mark means that the goods are worth 1,000 rough stones. The Force Ant Honey we make is currently only available for 1,000 rough stones/can and 2,000 rough stones/can, two. model.

In this way, when you sell goods, you no longer have to worry about complicated price calculations and waste time. Just count the grains of rice. It's simple and straightforward.

Bai Wei: !!!

Extremely clever idea!

Genius idea!

Bai Wei praised wildly.

Long Bai: First take a sample and try the effect. If there are insects willing to buy it, we will gradually increase the quantity and then mass-produce it.

Bai Wei: There must be insects willing to buy it! Just make it in large quantities!

Long Bai shook his tentacles gently and said, Not necessarily.

Bai Wei: Why?

Long Bai: It is difficult for ordinary insects to accept innovative new things, especially if they have disadvantages.

Bai Wei: Disadvantages?

Mo Lan rushed to explain: The force in the force ant honey will slowly drain away.


This is a fatal flaw.

When Bai Wei heard this, her excitement and ecstasy disappeared. She looked at the metal can again, thought about it, and closed the lid.

Meditation induction.

Long Bai: Mo Lan and I have tested it. Covering the lid can lock the force more effectively. Within a year, there will not be much loss. But if it cannot be sold for a long time, serious quality problems will occur. question.

Bai Wei: Force food in the form of seeds is stored in spider silk bags for as little as two to three years and as long as four to five years. It will not deteriorate.

Bai Wei: The biggest risk in traveling trade is that no one is willing to buy the force food you buy. This is how I suffered many losses when I was young.

Long Bai: Yes. So we must first confirm that the things can be sold, and then consider gradually increasing production.

Bai Wei: I understand.

Bai Wei opened the lid, manipulated the spider silk rope again, took a few big bites, regained her confidence, and said:

It's more delicious than Force Honey. Absolutely, definitely, there will definitely be insects willing to buy it.

Long Bai: That needs to be confirmed first. You have the support of Lord Luojun, so you are not afraid of losing money. Mo Lan and I can't afford to lose money.

Bai Wei: ...I can't afford the loss.

Bai Wei was unhappy and asked: How is this ant honey made?

Bai Wei and Mo Lan have the same personality, and they must get to the bottom of every curious thing.

But Long Bai, the ant king, has not mastered the ability of 'refining'.

Almost like honey.

Honey? How specific?

It means eating something, digesting it, spitting it out, eating it again, spitting it out again, repeating it a hundred times...


Could it still be Mo Lan?

Damn it! You are such a disgusting ant!

Bai Wei wanted to vomit.

However, due to the powerful digestive ability of the Mountain Lord-level flame spider, the ant honey is absorbed almost instantly when it enters the abdomen, and it cannot vomit it out even if it wants to.

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