Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 122 The innovation of foodies is a big step in the evolution of civilization

As the kingdom's ant population increases, food must be a big problem.

Due to over-hunting in recent years, the number of large animals near Pandan Mountain has dropped significantly.

Hunting must be banned for a while.

Long Bai had already set his sights on Black Lotus Lake.

This lake is naturally formed and has an irregular shape.

Overall, the length is over 3 kilometers, the width is nearly 2 kilometers, and the area is about 5 to 6 square kilometers.

A river flows in at the northwest end and flows out from the southwest end.

There are all kinds of fish active in the lake, large and small, inexhaustible.

The throne of dominance hovers low in the sky.

Long Bai lay on the edge of the throne watching the battle.

The worker ants who had followed all came together to watch the fun. They lay down on the edge of the throne, and all they could see were dark ant heads.

In full view of everyone,

Cuibai deliberately showed off his abilities, walked on the water, and locked a large herring in the water that was nearly three meters long. He commanded 40 specialized blue soldiers to move quietly, outflanking them in an arc, gathering together to surround them, and dived to lock on the target. Qi used his water control ability to trap the herring in a ball of water and worked together to pull it out of the water.

Cui Bai waved his tentacles, and followed the 20 large blue soldiers beside him, running forward through the water, surrounding the big herring and biting it.

After a violent struggle,

The big herring was riddled with bites and was dying. It was finally dragged ashore by two specialized blue soldiers.

Come on, Cui Bai! Xiang Bai waved his tentacles and shouted in cheers. At the same time, he directed 5 large worker ants and 10 small worker ants to come forward, dismember the prey, feed it to the blue ants, refine it, and store it.

——Blue soldiers can fish, but unfortunately they haven’t inherited my strength talent, so they don’t have enough strength to fight in close combat.

Long Bai silently assessed.

Cuibai realized the problem, stopped trying to be brave, and adjusted his tactics. The 40 specialized blue soldiers were divided into groups of 5 to 5, divided into eight groups. They searched for fish schools, outflanked, dived, and cooperated to exert their water control abilities. They selected those with a body length of about 20 centimeters. , catching small and medium fish.

Eight shad were caught in the water balloon and pulled out of the water.

20 large blue soldiers rushed forward.

After a fierce struggle, one of them escaped and only seven were caught.

Sending it ashore, it is divided by worker ants and refined by blue ants.

When I looked back, I saw that the underwater fish had been frightened and dispersed.

Cuibai led the blue soldiers to walk on the water and search again.

——The efficiency is a bit low.

——If the number of specialized blue soldiers and large blue soldiers is increased to 80, the efficiency can be quadrupled.

——There are also corresponding blue ants and worker ants that need to be transported, so I need to make several trips back and forth.

--wasting time! It is far better to go hunting over the divine barrier.

——In your free time in winter, you can consider fishing in Black Lotus Lake to replenish the ant kingdom with food for the coming spring.

——Hunting is prohibited in winter and spring...

After Long Bai made a brief observation, he started to think twice.

Cuibai found a group of white-striped fish at the edge of the lake, adjusted his formation again, and specialized soldier ants to hunt in pairs.

This kind of white-striped fish is only a few centimeters to more than ten centimeters long. It has little ability to resist. It is easy to catch 20 of them, and they will be carried by the large blue soldiers and brought to the shore.

The blue ants and worker ants on the shore have already understood what everyone is doing, and are clear and familiar with their own work, without the need for command.

Long Bai controls the throne of domination and approaches the shore.

Bai Liu flapped her wings gently and followed.

Bai Liu, bring the cedar up, and let's go for a walk around the area.

Xiang Bai, come up here and I'll teach you how to direct the worker ants to dig the biogas pit.

Bai Liu grabbed the cedar and placed it gently on the throne.

The Throne of Ruler flew away and landed at a location on a nearby hill.

After Long Bai briefly explained to Xiang Bai, he let him try to direct the worker ants to dig.

Put the work of cypress and cedar in place.

Longbai set off and traveled at night, returning to Xianglan Mountain and transporting 50 specialized blue ants and 30 large and medium-sized worker ants.

This time there was no overload, the Throne of Ruler flew faster, departing in the morning and arriving the next evening.


From a distance, you can see green cypresses, cedars, white willows, and a large number of blue soldiers, blue ants, and worker ants gathered together.

——What are you doing?

--What happened?

Long Bai was surprised, and the ruling throne accelerated.

Bailiu took off into the air, greeted him, flipped over in the air, flew backwards, and flew in sync with the ruling throne.


Mo Lan still hasn't come?

No...what are Green Cypress and Incense Cypress doing?

They're boiling water.


“Then we put the caught fish in and boil them.”

And what? Easier to refine?

It tastes better.


As the ruling throne approached, cypresses and cedar trees hurriedly waved their tentacles in greeting.

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty, you are here.

Your Majesty, eat fish!

Cook the fish.


Have a try.

Long Bai glanced over and saw that the abdomens of the 10 specialized blue ants and 10 large blue ants he brought last time were already filled with food.

Cui Bai was probably bored, commanding the specialized blue soldiers to play.

A bamboo tube made of moso bamboo with holes tied with spider silk ropes. It was originally used by Bailiu to fetch swamp water.

At this time, they were used to fetch water, boil water, and cook fish.

Other materials were also added to the bamboo tube.

Xiang Bai, has the biogas digester been dug? Long Bai asked.


Xiangbai explained: Cuibai discovered a kind of weed. After boiling it in water, the fish tastes better. It didn't recognize it, so it asked me to come over and recognize it, and I didn't recognize it either...

Cui Bai hurriedly explained: Your Majesty, my work is done.

All right.

Long Bai twisted a blade of grass on the ground, came closer, touched it with his tentacles, sniffed it, and said, Is this picked by the water?

Cuibai: Yes.

Long Bai: This is called Water Shield...can it be eaten?

Inside the bamboo tube were not only the young leaves of water shield, but also a lot of ingredients, as well as lotus seeds and several kinds of boiled fruits.

Cuibai: It's edible, but not delicious.

Xiangbai: Cook it with fish, the fish meat will taste better.

Cui Bai: The fish must be cleaned up.

Cedar: You can also add something else, such as lotus seeds. There are also dried fruits of this grass, which have a very unique aroma and taste...

If the larvae eat too much honey, have they become foodies?

Long Bai picked up one and smelled it, looked at it carefully, and said: It looks like a fragrant fruit. It may also be some kind of cardamom. They are relatives, and most of them have a special taste.

Ants are particularly sensitive to smells, and after evolving into force life, as the evolutionary level increases, the range of recipes expands, and the range of acceptance of different aromas is wider.

Lone Cypress feels this smell is good.

Xiangbai: Your Majesty, you should try it too!

Cuibai immediately commanded three specialized blue ants to activate their abilities together to heat the water in the bamboo tube until it boils.

Xiangbai then directed the worker ants to throw a white fish with its belly cleaned and its head cut off into the bamboo tube.

Cooked for a while.

A lucky worker ant is chosen, urged by the flapping tentacles of the cedar, to step forward and fish the fish out of the boiling water.

Your Majesty, eat it while it's hot!

... Long Bai's tentacles touched lightly.

really! The unpleasant fishy smell was reduced a bit, and the rest was suppressed by the aroma of pimento.

He buried his head and tasted it.

Compared to eating it raw, the taste is completely different.

It's really good, tastes better.

You two guys know how to fight!


Long Bai praised it heavily, turned around and said, Bai Liu, go catch another snake, or catch a hare or something, and try cooking it.

Okay! Bailiu flapped his wings, lifted off vertically, flew rapidly at low altitude along the shore of the lake, suddenly sank, grabbed a black-tipped snake, and turned around to return.

Long Bai personally directed the worker ants to peel off the snake's skin, disembowel it, wash it with water, cut it into sections, and throw them into bamboo tubes.

Personally activate the 'boiling' ability to heat water.

The king is showing off his power~ Seeing this, the surrounding worker ants retreated and pushed each other: Go and get it.

They couldn't help but be curious to watch the fun, but they were afraid of being selected and went up to the boiling water to get food.

Cooked for a while.

Long Bai did not bother the worker ants and fished out the snake meat himself with his claws.

After tasting it, the taste has completely changed, becoming more palatable and delicious.

When eaten in the stomach, it is obviously easier to digest and absorb.

This is awesome!

I'm going to catch some food and bring it back.

Long Bai personally went into the jungle and brought back some hares, moles, pheasants, rails, etc.

Try them one by one.

Without exception, once boiled water is boiled, the taste and texture will change qualitatively.

Long Bai had seen mountain master-level Zerg warriors who had awakened fire abilities before, grilling food over fire, and it was said to taste very good.

I never thought that it could be boiled!

Moreover, adding various plant branches, leaves and fruits that ants like to the water will make it taste even better.

This is a major discovery that changes the way the kingdom eats!

Our civilization has progressed!

Green cypress! Incense cypress!

You two, work hard for me!

Long Bai scolded him seriously, then changed his attitude and said, I'll get a metal vessel later. From now on, when we eat meat, we'll cook it!

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