Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 112 Specialized Blue Soldier

The high-quality plants carefully cultivated by the Zerg are far inferior to wild plants in terms of drought and barren tolerance.

When planting fruit trees on a large scale, we must first consider the drought problem in midsummer.

The Shanxi and Shandong reservoirs were the plan that Long Bai made after the drought in the first year he settled in Xianglan Mountain.

Long Bai also plans to dig out these two reservoirs first.


Since both Zhanlan and Molan requested that the 'Zhanlan Reservoir' be built first, the original plan would be slightly adjusted.

Jue Bai led a group of worker ants to dig the Shanxi Reservoir under the peak on the west side of Xianglan Mountain.

The ridge has sparse vegetation and is rocky.

Juniper leads the soldier ants to carry the excavated gravel down the mountain.

Long Bai led a group of worker ants to dig under the mountain. He first dug a ditch to change the channel of the river at the outlet of the valley, and then began to dig down the foundation pit of the dam foundation.

There is no rush in this work.

The worker ants felt the king's unhurriedness, and they followed suit one by one.

You dig first, and I'll take a breather. I'll dig it, you watch.

The whole team lay motionless.

Long Bai didn't bother to pay attention to them.

The spring is warm.

Time passes.

Suddenly one night, the flower buds of the azure god-given seed developed rapidly, bloomed, withered, and bore fruit.

The 75 ramets of Nanqian's God-given seed for the third time were fully grown, and surrounded the mother plant in a large area.


On a night when the silver moon is like a disk, the God-given seeds of Nanqian awaken Longcypress from its slumber: I am going to bloom!

Flower buds were born on 93 ramets of Nangogonia striata, which quickly developed into flower buds and appeared on the water surface.

In late spring and early summer, 93 purple-red flowers shaped like torches bloom together.

The embankment length of Zhanlan Reservoir is about 35 meters, and the design width of the foundation is 8 meters.

The ant colony led by Long Bai spent a month and a half digging out a layer of floating soil with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 meter on the surface, followed by a layer of dry and hard clay below.

Juniper and juniper lead the ant colony down the mountain to help.

In the same way as building the Beiqian and Nanqian reservoir dams, divide the blocks, dig a block, erect wooden piles, backfill with earth and rocks, and compact it.

Built piece by piece.

Day by day, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

The azure god-given seeds that have evolved to advanced levels have entered a period of vigorous growth and are growing taller and taller.

Zhan Lan can barely command the soldier ants and worker ants. He always lets the soldier ants guarding the surrounding area dig the soil around the pond. Long Bai simply arranged for 20 junior-level specialized worker ants to play with it.

Slowly, a large shallow water area was opened up, filled with rice, lotus flowers, gorgon seeds, and weeds that came from nowhere.

More and more small animals are attracted.

Zhan Lan: What is that?

Longbai: Crake.

Azure: You tell junipers and giant cypresses not to hunt rails.

Long Bai: Okay...

Zhan Lan: Long Bai, what is that?

Dragon cypress: black snake.

Azure: You tell juniper and giant cypress not to hunt black snakes.

Long Bai: OK.

Long Bai couldn't help but remind him: The black snake comes here to prey on frogs.

Zhanlan: Uh...

Azure: Cypress! Get rid of it quickly!

Without waiting for Long Bai's order, Zhan Lan released intense mental power fluctuations, and the soldier ants guarding the surroundings took action.

God-given seeds also have their own character traits.

Zhan Lan focuses on his own three-acre land and is obsessed with managing the various creatures in the territory.

But Nan Qian was completely different. As the knowledge he received increased and he understood the world, he became curious about everything outside and started to talk a lot. Every night, he had to twist the dragon cypress to explain until late at night.

Nanqian: Dragon cypress, is there another god-given seed to the east?

Long Bai: How do you know?

Nan Qian: I feel it, it is absorbing my force power.

Long Bai: It’s called Azure.

Nan Qian: Oh——

Nan Qian: You arrange for the worker ants to dig a ditch, and I will go over and kill it.

Cypress: It is a large tree with a height of more than 15 meters. You can't beat it.

Nanqian: Why? How high is 15 meters? Taller than me?

Long Bai: You are about 3 meters tall now.


Nanqian: Is it Mo Lan’s god-given seed? Mo Lan is your friend? In that case, I'll let it go.

Long Bai: On behalf of Mo Lan, I thank you for not killing me.

Long Bai can no longer stand this stupid god-given tree without any flaws.

But the Gorgon flower has not withered yet, and its condition is not 100% stable. You still have to stay by its side at night.

In the hot summer, cicadas and toads sing alternately.

The dry season when there is no cloud in the sky.

Adjust your work and rest routine, work at night and rest during the day.

Long Bai evolved into a high-level ant queen, and bred one of each type of ant to observe changes.

They emerged one after another.

After more than 80 days, the longest breeding cycle of specialized blue ants, specialized worker ants, specialized soldier ants, and specialized blue soldiers were born one after another.

All differentiated types of ants have different changes in body shape.

Micro worker ants grow from about 1 centimeter in the intermediate stage to about 1.5 centimeters, still tiny.

The small worker ants have grown from about 2 centimeters to about 3 centimeters.

Medium-sized worker ants grow from about 3 centimeters to 5 to 7 centimeters.

The large worker ants have changed significantly, from about 5 centimeters to 10 to just over 15 centimeters.

The special chemical worker ants have grown by about 1 meter from their original size of 20 to 23 centimeters, making them much larger than the ant king, Long Bai.

The growth changes of soldier ants, blue ants, and blue soldiers are similar to those of worker ants.

Evolving to advanced life levels, there will be qualitative improvements in strength, speed, carapace strength, etc. Once the number increases, the overall strength of the ant nation will have a qualitative improvement.

Long Bai has always had high expectations for the Blue Soldiers.

High-level blue soldiers also have three blue rings on their abdomens, synchronizing with the ant king, and initially mastering water abilities.

The strength of the blue soldier's water ability is closely related to its size.

Small and medium blue soldiers are unable to perform any abilities.

However, they have unique abilities for blue soldiers: they can run on water like flying and dive.

The large blue soldier has mastered the ability to control water. At the extreme level, he can control a water ball with a diameter of 5 cm, control it to fly, and transform into various forms.

Specialized blue soldiers are huge and must have stronger abilities.

As soon as the first specialized blue soldier emerged, Long Bai took it out and took it to the pool near the ant nest for an ability test.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and gave the order: watch. study

Long Bai used his ability first, and the water in the pool rose up, broke away, and condensed into a large water ball with a diameter of 50 centimeters, changing its shape.

Demonstrate it to the specialized blue soldier.

Long Bai gave the order: Try it

The specialized blue soldier did as he was told, and the water in the pool rolled, condensing into a water ball with a diameter of 30 centimeters on the surface, rising slowly and changing its shape.


Long Bai praised it and was very satisfied.

Specialized blue soldiers can take on the task of irrigating orchards!

Long Bai shook his tentacles and gave instructions: study

On the surface of Long Bai's body, a layer of blue original energy shield rises: Hydrological Shield

After the demonstration, give the order: try it

The special blue soldier stood there for a long time, then realized that the hydrological shield covered his whole body.

Long Bai stepped forward, raised his toes and poked lightly.

The fragile blue light curtain shattered.

There is almost no defense at all, a useless ability.

Long Bai shook his tentacles and called the worker ants to come forward with bamboo tubes in their mouths and filled half of the tubes of water.

Give instructions: learn

Then he demonstrated his ability, the force energy continued to be output, and the water in the bamboo tube boiled and rolled gurglingly.

When Long Bai thought about it, the boiling water in the bamboo tube flew into the pool, and then a ball of cold water flew up and fell into the bamboo tube.

Give orders: try

The specialized blue ants did as they were told, and the force energy continued to count. After a long time, the water in the bamboo tube began to boil.

After some testing, Long Bai had a definite assessment in his mind.

The specialized blue soldier inherits water elemental abilities that are approximately one-third of his own strength.

It completely inherits the three water system abilities of water control, hydrological shield, and hot water.

Currently, the only thing that can be thought of that can play a role is the ability to control water.

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