Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 109 Evolution, Advanced Ant King

Force food worth 6950 raw stones.

A small part is produced from the territory of mountain lord-level warriors.

Most of them are produced by high-level warrior territories.

Fill two medium-sized spider silk bags.

Long Bai and Mo Lan each carried a bag on the road, but instead of transporting it back to Xianglan Mountain, they took the ruling throne and hid it together in a small room deep in the starship wreckage. After completing the transaction with Bai Wei, we can transport it back in one trip.

I came here early because I was afraid that the Master of Qiye Mountain would become suspicious.

Long Bai has a super memory and still remembers the layout rules of the internal rooms and passages of the starship that he had explored before. He took Mo Lan to wander around the starship for two days.

The third day.

Early in the morning, Long Bai first went to the hillside to check the situation and saw the arrival of the caravan led by Zeqi Spider King. Then he ran back to the depths of the starship to inform Mo Lan, and they came to the grove together.

Bai Wei is already waiting.

Long Bai! Mo Lan!

Why did you come so late this year? You scared me.

Long Bai explained: I was worried about being noticed by other caravans, so I asked Mo Lan to hide far away.

Master Baiwei Mountain.

Mo Lan greeted, opened the spider silk bag, revealed the two metal cans inside, and said: The honey-pickled azure fruits have not been touched since they were harvested and sealed last year. I don't know if it will work. Please open it and have a look!


Bai Wei couldn't wait.

A spider silk was drawn around the mouth of the jar, the sealing rosin was cut away, opened, and the mind scanned.

It's not broken!

“Perfectly preserved!”

Bai Wei rolled another one out with spider silk and tasted it.

Wow! Sure enough, it has a very strange taste, a unique aroma, and it's delicious!

Those big, rich bugs sure like to eat.

It's a pity that it's not the original fresh fruit...

Bai Wei couldn't help but couldn't help but taste another one.

Mo Lan said happily: Master Bai Wei, since there is no problem, we can make them in batches in the future.

Bai Wei: Of course!

Long Bai suggested: The size of the metal can is a bit inappropriate. I suggest making it larger and slightly shorter, with 5 pieces in each layer and still three layers to save space as much as possible. Each can contains 15 blue fruits. High density Encapsulated for easy transportation.”

Bai Wei: I have considered this issue!

The spider silk rope swayed, and an oversized spider silk bag was lifted directly and placed in front of Long Bai.

Open it, and you'll find a pocket full of empty cans.

In terms of design, the jar is one size larger and shorter, which is exactly what Long Bai proposed.

It seems that Bai Wei is not that stupid and can realize the problem in time and make improvements in time.

The spider silk rope swayed, and he took out an empty jar, twisted some honey-pickled azure fruits, and tried to arrange them. There were 5 berries in a layer. They were a little too big and the height was right.

Bai Wei: I designed it by comparing the size of the snake-blood apricot fruit. The blue fruit is a little smaller than the snake-blood apricot fruit... It doesn't matter. I will make the metal can smaller next time!


Long Bai's mental power swept through the spider silk bag, and there were exactly 30 such empty cans.

Basically enough.

Long Bai then said: Master Bai Wei, I will give you three more suggestions.

Bai Wei was stunned and asked, What's your suggestion?

Long Bai raised one of his tentacles and demonstrated how to hold the metal can with his claws, saying: The first suggestion is that if you hold it like this, it will easily slip and fall. It is recommended to design two semi-circular buckles on the can to catch the can.

Bai Wei: It makes sense! OK! Change it next time.

Long Bai raised his second tentacle, opened the lid of the jar, and said: Second suggestion... I see that the Master of Qiye Mountain has a cylindrical object from an extraterrestrial civilization. Its lid has a very wonderful design, with a threaded structure. If you twist the cap in the opposite direction, it will be tightly closed; if you twist it in the opposite direction, the cap will be loosened...

Bai Wei: ???

Bai Wei: I understand...

Long Bai: Third...

Mo Lan came closer and raised the third tentacle.

Long Bai continued: The third suggestion is that this metal can is dark and not very good-looking. Next time you make it, you can print a pattern on the body of the can. It can be the pattern of the blue god-given seed, plus a giant head. Ant pattern. It not only looks beautiful, but also serves as a logo.”


After all, Bai Wei was born as a traveling merchant, so she had a little understanding.

Long Bai explained: A unique god-given seed, with a logo, makes it more noble and easier for insects to remember. As time goes by, many insects know and remember it, and it gains fame and reputation. Things You can sell it appropriately at a higher price, and I can earn more.

I understand! Bai Wei was overjoyed and praised: Smart Longbai Ant King!

Long Bai calmly waved his tentacles and said proactively: Master Bai Wei, after the transaction is completed, I will sleep and evolve when I get back, and I will be promoted to a high-level ant king. The azure god-given seed blooms in early summer, and there is still time to bloom once this year. I predict the flower and fruit cycle. It will be harvested in three years, that is, in the autumn of the year after, and then sold to caravans in the spring of the year after.

Long Bai: The year after next, it should be Luo Li's turn to come to Wan Guo Continent for business, right?

This is a bit complicated.

Bai Wei thought about it for a while and replied: Yes...

Long Bai: Is Luojin willing to transport so many heavy metal cans?

Bai Wei: If it is a fresh fruit produced by an ordinary plant, it will definitely not want it. If it is a blue fruit...

Bai Wei suddenly enlightened and said: How about I make an exchange with Luo Li. I will come again next year, Luo Li will come over the year after that, and it will be my turn the year after that. Won't the problem be solved?

Okay! Mo Lan cheered.

Long Bai clicked his tentacles in approval.

This Bai Wei is not that stupid. She understands it by herself without having to mention it.

Bai Wei's mental power swept over and said: Long Bai, what is in your spider silk bag are Gorgon seeds? Why are there only 20 of them? Show me quickly!

Sold 225 blueberries, 20 Gorgon seeds, and two jars of honey-pickled blueberries, earning a total of 3,015 rough stones.

Get 1015 rough stones in stock.

Take another 2,000 raw stones of force food and put it in an empty can.

An oversized bag of spider silk, Mo Lan was carrying it.

A large spider silk bag was carried by Long Bai.

After struggling to get to the depths of the starship, he loaded all the cargo onto the throne of control and returned home fully loaded.

Pandan Mountain.

Deep in the ant nest.

Long Bai mixed the 300 Liudaozi purchased during the trip with the force food worth 300 raw stones to strengthen the comprehensive physique, and handed it over to the specialized blue ants for refining and consumption.

I cleared my mind and lay peacefully in the nest, unable to rest.

Ju Bai led the soldier ants to guard outside the ant nest.

Two days later, there were signs of evolution.

Three days later, after eating the carefully selected Force food, I felt sleepy and fell asleep late at night.

The force of nature began to gather around Long Bai.

The ruling throne immediately sensed it and accelerated the release of the force.

Soon, the thick original force gathered around Long Bai, bursting out a hazy white halo, turning into a cocoon of original energy.

One day, two days, three days...

In the ant nest, the ants seem to be sensing something. From time to time, curious worker ants wander by, stand at the entrance of the king's nest and look around, and are driven away by giant cypresses waving their tentacles.

Worker ants and worker ants, soldier ants and soldier ants, worker ants and soldier ants, they also have simple communication with each other through pheromones and tentacle contact.

News spreads within the ant nest:

【The king is evolving】

[The kingdom will usher in a qualitative leap]

More and more worker ants gathered outside the nest, crawling densely on the ground, on the stone walls of the passage, and on the top of the passage.

There were also worker ants that picked up the larvae and held them high.

Worker ants do not have the discipline of soldier ants.

Pheromones full of excitement, joy and anticipation filled the limited space.

No matter how hard the giant cypress and juniper are driven away, they refuse to leave.

Hundreds of worker ants are out of control.

The soldier ants then lost control, and they began to join in the fun, swarming in groups, holding their heads high, and getting together to make a noise.

The giant cypress and juniper cypress have no choice but to block the entrance of the hole to prevent the ants from rushing into the king's nest and interfering with the evolution of juniper cypress.

On the fifth day, strong force fluctuations suddenly erupted on the ruling throne, rapidly absorbing the force.

The ant colony became restless.

Violent fluctuations come and go quickly.

The force light cocoon began to dim, and the enveloping force began to become thinner. Suddenly, the force dissipated, and Long Bai, who was lying on the throne quietly, raised his head.


In the cave, the ants waved their tentacles and caroused: The king is awake! Success!

PS1: Thank you Bai Fei for the reward. Thank you bro for your support.

PS2: Both have reached 1,000 orders. Two more chapters will be added at noon tomorrow. The update time will be changed to around 12 noon.

PS3: Set a small target again, 1200 each, yes, there will be more updates.

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