Ash Civilization

Chapter 336 Galactic Civilization. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Under the dark night, large tracts of water were glowing with cold scales, and icebergs caught a glimpse, but were soon left far behind.

Zhou Zhen's consciousness gradually woke up, and he saw the endless sea. The color of the deep sea was particularly dark in the night. The almost pure blackness, like an abyss, seemed to attract living beings to actively plunge into it.

There are pale and cold outlines undulating far and near. They are icebergs and ice cubes dotted in this ocean. As the sea water flows, they sink and float, and the cold air whistles through the ears.

Looking at this extremely unfamiliar environment, he was suddenly startled, what kind of place is this?

Moreover, when I fell asleep this time, why didn't I enter that classroom?

Before he could think about it, he realized that he was flying over the sea at an extremely fast speed.

The dark water seemed quite calm at the moment, with the cascading waves folding into monotonous ripples at a uniform speed.

He couldn't control his body at all. The scales on the sea danced like a moving mirror, vaguely reflecting his reflection. It was a huge metal face, as flat as a knife on the front, and gleaming on the back. The ellipsoid also extends with strands of metal threads, like hair.

It’s the [Leader]!

His consciousness has descended into the body of the [Leader]. This is the perspective of the [Leader]!

Zhou Zhen was immediately surprised. He had had this experience of sharing the perspective of an infected person many times.

But before, they were infected with relatively low energy levels. This was his first time to experience the perspective of a [Complete Body] infected!

More importantly, he did not use [Digital Tranquilizer] this time!

Thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses, and his attention immediately focused on the metal wires dragging behind him.

Each of those metal threads originally had a metal cocoon hanging on it, and they piled up into a huge cocoon mountain in mid-air. The parts that were previously cleared by Duan Lihe have not been restored yet. A considerable part of the metal wires are just hanging down and floating in the air.

After careful sensing, the [Leader]'s energy was much weaker than before.

But compared to Zhou Zhen at this moment, it was still extremely terrifying.

The ink-colored sea water that indicates the deep sea, the huge icebergs, the small land-like ice cubes... and the cold gas blowing towards your face, this is obviously not Binhai City!

Just as I was thinking about it, the icebergs and ice cubes were thinning out rapidly, and a continuous piece of land appeared vaguely in front of me. In the distance, there were undulating mountains. On the top of the mountain, a section of snow cover still reflected the bright light at night.

The [Leader] flew by like lightning, and almost as soon as Zhou Zhen saw the land, it had already appeared on that piece of land!


A sharp siren sounded instantly. The town below had already rested, with only a few lights keeping vigil. The moment the siren sounded, countless lights were turned on, and in the blink of an eye, everything was brightly lit, and everything became chaotic.

At the same time, dense red dots shone from the ground to high in the sky, and automatic cannons spontaneously activated, spitting out fiery snakes.

Bang bang bang...

There was an endless stream of artillery fire, and various shells pierced the sky, focusing on the metal face in mid-air.

The sound of clanging metal clashing sounded in the air, like a fast-paced music. The [Leader] was unscathed. As soon as all the artillery fire touched its body, the energy was immediately absorbed.

Below, calls sounded one after another, flags of various colors were waving rapidly under the searchlights, the door of the large arms warehouse opened quickly, and more weapons were being loaded out of the warehouse under a series of commands.

In just a few seconds, all the automatic weapons had emptied their bullets, and the [Leader]'s energy was recovering at a rapid rate.

Where it passed, white people, black people, mixed-race people, brown people, and a few yellow people... all floated spontaneously as if they had lost weight.

Flags, weapons, lighting, military caps... fell from their hands and bodies.

For a moment, dense crowds of people floated in the night sky, like dandelions flying all over the sky.

While they were floating in the air, the metal threads that had lost their metal cocoons also quietly fell down, quickly wrapping around each body, and in the blink of an eye, they were rolled into metal cocoons.

Throughout the whole process, the [Leader]'s speed did not slow down at all, and he continued to move forward at the original speed.

Soon, a compatible person wearing an exoskeleton device similar to a mecha appeared and stood in front of the [Leader].

There are about five or six people in this batch of compatibility. Judging from the outlines of the semi-enclosed helmets, there are white people and black people. The equipment they wear looks sophisticated, but the aesthetics and some functional designs look better than those of the Ghost Team and Starry Sky Law Enforcement. The regiment is lagging far behind.

As soon as they appeared, before they had time to use the "digital domain", metal threads appeared on their bodies. In the meeting room, these compatible people soon became like the people floating in the sky before, hanging below the [Leader] metal cocoon.

From the beginning to the end, [The Leader] never took the initiative.

Just like those black people, white people, and compatible people, take the initiative to vote and become its [followers].

In the blink of an eye, a large number of fresh metal cocoons had accumulated on the metal wires below it, and a considerable part of the scale of Cocoon Mountain had been restored.

The [Leader] had no intention of stopping and continued to move forward.

The huge metal human face passes over lakes, swamps, snow-capped mountains, fjords... Looking down from a high altitude on such a magnificent and majestic landscape is like a dream.

In a few seconds, maybe not even a few seconds, the [Leader] arrived in the middle of a mountain range.

The vegetation here is surprisingly dense, with various trees standing tall and straight, with intertwined branches and leaves that are fluffy and continuous. Under the night, it seems like a vast ocean on land.

Viewed from a high altitude, this place is already deep in the mountains and old forests, sparsely populated.

But there is an obvious road in the almost airtight forest around. There is even a military camp stationed at the foot of the mountain. A considerable part of the surrounding area is heavily guarded with barbed wire fences, warning signs and sentries.

Searchlights patrolled back and forth high in the sky, and the level of alert was obviously very high.

[Leader] directly passed through the heavy guards of this military camp and entered the mountain col at the rear.

Zhou Zhen immediately saw that in the mountain col below, very close to the ground, there was a huge whirlpool!

The vortex is almost tens of meters in diameter. Its color is chaotic and its edges appear to be escaping. It is as if the original color, shape, and light in the area were all broken and mixed in the wall-breaking machine. What it will look like afterwards.

This scene is slightly similar to the time and space tunnel in Qingquan Valley in Tongfu City, China, but in essence, it is completely different!

Various weapons set up around them seemed to sense the appearance of the [Leader] and started spontaneously. Various high-tech guns released violent barrages under the night sky.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen had no intention of paying attention to the artillery fire. He immediately thought of a piece of information he had learned in the "Ash Order": the small wormhole on the Skadesolu Peninsula!

This is no longer China. Judging from the topography and landforms we saw along the way just after waking up, this is the Skadessolu Peninsula!

The next moment, Zhou Zhen saw that the [Leader] rushed through the blockade of bullets and bullets, quickly dropped in height, and arrived in front of the wormhole in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the metal face that had been moving forward with all its strength finally stopped, and a dense number of figures suddenly appeared on its body.

These numbers were clinging to it as tightly as a tide of ants. At this moment, it seemed to be feeling something, and it finally took the initiative to break away from the [Leader]'s body, forming a human-shaped digital outline in mid-air.

Seeing the outline of this number, Zhou Zhen immediately felt very familiar, and then quickly recognized that it was No. 009!

To be precise, it is a life form of advanced civilization!

The opponent has been absorbed by the first drop of his "Digital Rain", how could it come out of the [Leader]'s body?


At that time, in order to prevent the first drop of "digital rain" from absorbing Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo together, he let go midway, interrupting the final finish of the first drop of "digital rain"!

For life forms of advanced civilization, that is a very clear flaw!

Later, he encountered the [Leader], and No. 009 took advantage of his weakest moment to parasitize the [Leader].

This is why the [Leader], who originally had no wisdom, suddenly ran away!

Just as he was thinking about it, all the numbers were separated from the [Leader]'s body, and the outline of the numbers in mid-air was completely formed. He still maintained the appearance of the ghost armor that blended the mecha and ancient Chinese armor styles, but the energy But he is very weak and seems to have not even reached the "sixth step".

At this moment, this digital outline walked towards the wormhole ahead without any hesitation.

The moment all the numbers left the [Leader], Zhou Zhen suddenly realized that he seemed to have been freed from some restraints and was suddenly able to move!

He tried to lift a slender metal wire. The metal wire immediately followed his will and bent into an obvious hook shape in mid-air.

Can I control the [Leader]'s body now? !

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and saw that half of the body of the digital outline had entered the wormhole. Without hesitation, he immediately controlled the dense metal threads and wrapped them around the digital outline!

As if aware of the problem, the digital silhouette immediately turned its head, and the face full of numbers "looked" at Zhou Zhen.

The numbers on the digital outline are also rapidly spreading upward along those dense metal wire lines.

Zhou Zhen looked at this scene, but he had no intention of letting go of the metal wire. Anyway, this was not his own body. He directly resisted the erosion of the numbers and began to use a little force to pull the opponent out of the wormhole.

The energy of the digital outline at this moment was weaker than expected. In just an instant, it was pulled out of the wormhole by Zhou Zhen.

The tiny numbers spread to the face of the [Leader] like a swarm of ants.

At this moment, a mechanical voice with no tone suddenly sounded in Zhou Zhen's mind: "What is your code name?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was confused for a while, and then he immediately realized that this was a life form of advanced civilization asking him questions!

Zhou Zhen was about to answer, but found that the [Leader] had no mouth and could not make a sound.

However, those countless metal threads seem to be able to help him convey messages.

After a little try, Zhou Zhen successfully conveyed what he wanted to say to the digital outline: "My name is Zhou Zhen, what is your name?"

"What is your purpose in coming to Earth?"

The next moment, the mechanical voice without any fluctuation in tone entered Zhou Zhen's mind again: "We use numbers as code names, no names."

"My codename, represented by the base and numbers of this planet, is 052631578947368421."

"I came to this planet without any ill intentions, just to extract some experimental samples."

no offence? !

Zhou Zhen subconsciously wanted to frown, but failed. He quickly understood what the other party really meant...

Humans do experiments on white mice, and they don’t have any ill intentions toward the mice!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately asked his next question: "Did you put the 'digital virus' on the earth?"

A mechanical voice soon sounded: "Yes!"

"However, we did not create this virus."

"We are also studying ways to deal with 'digital viruses'."

Are you also studying "digital viruses"?

Zhou Zhen was a little strange. After thinking about it seriously, he quickly asked: "Which planet are you from?"

The mechanical voice replied: "To answer using the knowledge and system of this planet, I come from the Milky Way, the Southern Cross, the K star cluster."

"Our home planet is numbered 142875."

It’s also the Milky Way!

Zhou Zhen immediately understood the situation. "Doctor Ashes" had told him before that it was not just the earth that was infected with the "digital virus", but the entire galaxy!

If the life form of this advanced civilization is not lying, then the planet where the opponent is located should be a planet with a high level of civilization in the galaxy!

Then, after this civilization was hit by the "digital virus", it began to conduct various experiments on the "digital virus" like illegal organizations such as the "Ash Order" and "Twilight Trial".

However, because the civilization level is higher, all other civilizations in the entire galaxy are the experimental subjects of the other civilization!

Earth is just one of many civilizations that have been experimented with!

Thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen quickly sent another message to the other party: "Since we are all victims of the 'digital virus', we should cooperate well."

"Well, how about the two of us exchanging our respective research results on 'digital viruses'?"

The smooth mechanical voice said without any hesitation: "I'm very happy."

"But can you let me go?"

Let the other party go?

Zhou Zhen didn't waste any time and immediately conveyed the message: "No problem!"

"Earth's civilization loves peace very much, and I will never do anything irrational."

While conveying the information in this way, Zhou Zhen manipulated the metal thread, moved the digital outline to one side, and then used the huge body of [Leader] to block the wormhole firmly.

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