Ash Civilization

Chapter 334 Escaped. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen's hair and clothes were fluttering violently, and the overwhelming energy shock wave, centered on him, roared towards the high-altitude Cocoon Mountain.

The blazing fire, like the rising sun in the dark night, engulfed the upside-down mountain peak made of thousands of metal cocoons.

The sound of shattering metal echoed in the flames, and all kinds of debris poured onto the ground like a sudden rainstorm.

[Fusion Cube] is mighty and quickly swallows up the metal cocoon of Cocoon Mountain.


As the cocoon mountain collapsed and disappeared, losing the energy supply in the metal cocoon, the [Leader] suddenly fell from high altitude.

Zhou Zhen stood in mid-air, with black and red cubes still emerging in front of him. However, the metal threads wrapped around his body did not decrease at all.

With a slight thought in his mind, he aimed at the falling [Leader] and used the [Fusion Cube] again.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Deafening movement resounded through the night sky, and the shock wave containing terrifying power hit the huge metal face firmly.

The hum of the metal being slapped with great force was like a wave, spreading in the air for a long time.

Amid this series of roars, there was a faint cracking sound that sounded from time to time, and then spread slowly.

The bright light weakened slightly, and it was immediately possible to see that spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the [Leader]. These cracks were still expanding little by little, eroding towards more smooth surfaces.


In the end, cracks spread all over the metal face. The [Leader] seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and fell heavily to the ground. It was torn apart on the spot. The huge metal block further collapsed and shattered. In the blink of an eye, it turned into debris all over the ground, in the night. There are bits and pieces of cold light reflected in it.


Zhou Zhen's intuition was a little wrong, it seemed like he was winning too easily!

The next moment, his vision blurred for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the empty Danfeng Square again. After thousands of years of Danfeng, the fog was filled and everything was exactly the same as before.

He's back to the starting point of the "ring" again!

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled, could the [Leader] restart his "ring"?


Feeling his heartbeat that was still accelerating, he immediately realized the problem.

It is very possible that he has not replayed the "digital domain" of [Dream Kingdom] at all!

Everything he experienced just now was illusion!

Only the two reminders on the visual sensor are true: "Please do not look at the [Leader]!"

"Otherwise, you will become its follower!"

Yes, due to lack of information, he looked at the [Leader] just now when he came up!

Not surprisingly, he should have been controlled by the opponent's first move, so that all subsequent counterattacks were just an illusory world created for him by the [Leader]!

This is why, even though he didn't look at the [Leader] the next few times, the picture in his field of vision was still only the [Leader]!

This is why his heart keeps beating violently even though he is clearly out of danger!

Because, the real him is still standing where he is, even still looking at the [Leader]!

Thinking of this, a sharp knife immediately appeared in Zhou Zhen's hand.

"Digital Domain", [Double-Sided Pocket Knife].

Without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand and slashed towards his eyes with the blade.

However, just when the knife was about to stab his eyes, a strong force suddenly came from his arm, as if there was an invisible force that tightly wrapped around his forearm, preventing his knife from going any further.

The knife with the cold light could only stop very close in front of his eyes and could not move forward at all.

Zhou Zhen took a closer look and saw dense metal threads hanging from the sky, drilling into his skin one by one and wrapping around his body.

At the same time, the surrounding environment changed, and Danfeng Square disappeared without a trace. He stood up out of thin air. In the field of vision diagonally ahead, it was the elegant and strange metal face, [Leader]!

Zhou Zhen frowned and was about to use another "digital domain" when he suddenly felt a severe throbbing pain in his head.

Immediately afterwards, dense numbers began to appear all over his body...

The metal threads originally wrapped around his body were immediately disconnected the moment they touched the numbers.


Danfeng District, high altitude.

Duan Lihe stood out of thin air, the ribbon on his chest was blown by the strong wind, swaying rapidly like wheat waves.

Eight metal rings of different colors and sizes, maintaining the appearance of a galaxy, blasted towards the metal cocoon mountain below the [Leader].

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, the sound of metal cracking was as dense as a shower, and Cocoon Mountain shrank in size visibly to the naked eye.

Large and small debris fell toward the place below accompanied by the firelight, like a meteorite rain.

However, there were a large number of cocoons and the Cocoon Mountain was majestic. The number of cocoons destroyed by this attack was less than one-tenth of the total number.

Duan Lihe was about to continue taking action when a ball of dark energy suddenly appeared in the void in front of the [Leader].

This energy aura was terrifying. As soon as it took shape, the surrounding space began to distort, and the flow of time nearby was also affected, like a black hole.

Duan Lihe looked at the ball of energy and suddenly felt frightened.

He has a feeling that once the energy condensed by the [Complete Body] infected person breaks out, it can penetrate the entire earth!

The [Leader] cannot be allowed to complete the charge!

With a thought in Duan Lihe's mind, he immediately gathered all eight metal rings together, and just as he was about to continue taking action, dense numbers suddenly appeared on Zhou Zhen's body below him.

These numbers were like a tide of ants, flooding in the blink of an eye and beginning to rise along the wire, spreading towards the main body of the [Leader].

Bang bang bang...

There was a dense crisp sound, and without any hesitation, the [Leader] immediately disconnected all the metal wires connected to Zhou Zhen's body.

However, even though its movements were already very fast, there were still several figures that eroded equally quickly, spreading to the back of [Leader].

As if affected by the numbers, the energy in front of the [Leader] suddenly became violently distorted.

boom! ! !

The next moment, eight metal rings of different colors roared across the sky and hit the energy that had not yet been brewed.

The energy that had not yet been truly condensed went out of control in an instant, flew upwards crookedly for a certain distance, and then exploded directly at high altitude.

Duan Lihe felt a sharp pain in his eardrums, and the huge sound was like a tangible wave, overwhelming the air, rushing out of the atmosphere in one breath, unabated, plowing an obvious trajectory in space, and then submerged into the depths of outer space.

The light gradually dissipated, and eight metal rings of different colors returned to Duan Lihe's head.

As they rotate slowly, they still look like a miniature solar system. However, a corner of each metal ring has been melted away, and the luster has clearly dimmed.

Duan Lihe looked ahead with a solemn expression. Cocoon Mountain shrank by a large circle again. The difference from before was that in addition to part of the broken metal residue falling to the earth, another part escaped into low-Earth orbit in the opposite direction, floating like a meteorite. On Tracks.

Above the Cocoon Mountain, the [Leader] remained silent.

A tiny crack quietly appeared on its flat and smooth front face like a knife.

This was not the damage caused by Duan Lihe's attack, but the damage caused by its own energy runaway!


There was a subtle cry, like some kind of signal, and the color of [Leader] suddenly changed.

The metallic color, similar to bronze, is fading rapidly, and the new color is a cold silvery white.

At the same time, the metal threads hanging on its back all floated, and together with the metal cocoons hanging above, they also floated upward.

It looks like the flying hair of the [Leader].

Duan Lihe immediately lowered his gaze and no longer looked at the [Leader]'s face. At the same time, he quickly calculated the movement trajectories of all the cocoons and operated the space station's satellite rail gun from a distance to achieve precise aiming.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a crisp shutter sound.


The next moment, the surrounding environment changed, and the high altitude turned into the ground. The commercial skyscrapers below disappeared and were replaced by buildings with "Inpatient Department", "Outpatient Department" and "Lab Building" hanging on them. On the top of each building, There are red crosses symbolizing "saving lives and helping the wounded".

Duan Lihe stood alone on the flat ground between these buildings. He immediately turned around and found that Zhou Zhen, who had been in his field of vision just now, had disappeared.

Next to the flower bed not far away, stood a slender and beautiful figure. The figure was wearing a half-worn gray sweater and black denim shorts. Her long and fluffy hair was casually held up with shark clips. Although she was naked, she was so beautiful that it made people's eyes shine. , she paid no attention to Duan Lihe, lowered her head and fiddled with the mobile phone in her hand.

Duan Lihe immediately recognized Tan Wenyu's identity, but he quickly frowned. There was something wrong with the energy on her body!

Much like an infected person!

But it seems not?

Just as he was thinking about it, an adult's arm stretched out strangely from the screen of Tan Wenyu's mobile phone.

This arm held Tan Wenyu's shoulder, and used its strength to pull his entire body out of the small screen. Finally, a thin young man crawled out of the phone screen!

It's Zhou Zhen!

As soon as his body stood still, a translucent dodecahedron barrier immediately appeared around Zhou Zhen.

"Digital Domain", [Geometric Barrier]!

Zhou Zhen glanced at Tan Wenyu and breathed a sigh of relief, it was Chu Jingyan!

He can wake up now because Chu Jingyan locked him into the photo from the outside, and through the [two-dimensional world], isolated the illusory cage of the [leader]!

Without any time to think about it, Zhou Zhen looked up and saw Duan Lihe with a solemn expression.

He was slightly surprised, but quickly reacted and said immediately: "Captain Duan, the weakness of this [leader] may be those cocoons..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen suddenly saw Duan Lihe making a simple gesture. Countless blazing beams of light trailed long trails and criss-crossed, as if it was a large-scale meteor shower that could not be seen in a century, rising from the boundless sky. Stars fell straight down from the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The unique sound of thermal weapons came, and the beams cut the metal cocoons floating in the sky at various angles. The sound of broken metal was like a shower.

The debris fell one after another and hit the ground, causing a cloud of flying sand and rocks.

This is China’s satellite orbital gun!

[Leader] All the metal cocoons were destroyed by the powerful firepower.

Without those metal cocoons, [Leader] could no longer float and immediately fell from the sky.

boom! ! !

The ground trembled visibly, and the [Leader] fell heavily to the ground.

The few numbers that had just spread to the back of it seemed to have received some kind of bonus and expanded suddenly.

Behind the silver-white metal face, the rapidly growing numbers seemed like flowing black water, rapidly eroding the silver-white area.

It was only then that Duan Lihe said in a calm voice: "I know."

"This [Leader] has three forms."

"As long as the third form doesn't come out, I can deal with it."

"[Complete body] infected people have strong energy, but no intelligence, only instinct. They are much easier to deal with than the predecessor No. 009!"

As he spoke, the eight metal rings above his head rose into the air again, spinning towards the [Leader].

Boom boom boom! ! !

The [Simulated Celestial Object] erupted with powerful gravity, further increasing the damage to the tiny crack, and at the same time bombarded it with terrifying energy.

The metal ring rotated and hit the [Leader], and the originally subtle crack on its front immediately expanded slightly.

However, other than that, no further harm was done.

But on the back of the [Leader], the black water-like numbers have gathered into a spiderweb-like water flow, covering the small "back of the head" of the metal human face, and continue to spread crazily.

Duan Lihe frowned, this [leader] is so tough!

However, something is strange.

It seems that this [Leader] hasn’t fought back since just now...

Thinking quickly, Duan Lihe immediately said: "The [Leader] without the [Followers], although he has become weaker, is still the [Complete Body] infected person."

"Let's take action together!"

As soon as the words fell, the eight metal rings suddenly burst out with bright and magnificent brilliance!

Zhou Zhen did not hesitate. An overwhelming black and red cube immediately appeared in front of him. At the same time, he quickly said to Tan Wenyu beside him: "Attack the oval-shaped infected person!"

Tan Wenyu nodded slightly, raised her phone, and pointed it at the [Leader].

Boom boom boom...

The three of them worked together, and powerful energy fluctuations instantly flattened all the surrounding terrain. Buildings collapsed, lawns were wiped out, and the ground was leveled... The terrifying shock waves rushed across everything, sweeping away everything and plowing out criss-crossing white marks from the rapidly spreading smoke.

After a while, the three of them slowly stopped. The entire "Digital Forest" of [Dream Kingdom] had been razed to the ground. Looking around, no normal building could be seen. The concrete blocks in the ruins had been repeatedly destroyed. Shake and turn into powder.

Dust is flying in the air, mixed with the smell of burning metal, interpreting the scene like a doomsday wasteland.

The huge metal human face disappeared without a trace. Duan Lihe and Zhou Zhen's visual sensors simultaneously reported that there was no energy from the [Complete Body] infected person at the scene.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen and Duan Lihe frowned.

After a moment, Zhou Zhen said with some confusion: "It... seems to have escaped?"

Duan Lihe looked at the place where the [Leader] was just now. There was only a thick layer of dust there. He nodded solemnly and said quickly: "Get out of here!"

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