Ash Civilization

Chapter 324 Siege No. 009. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Movie finale...

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. Number 009 in the cinema was the last scene in the movie.

As long as Luo Yuchen doesn't tell any other new plots now, this plot will be the final finale!

Just as I was thinking about this, the familiar voice of the math teacher immediately came from the side: Student Luo Yuchen, you are not allowed to sleep during class time!

After hearing this, Zhou Zhen looked up and suddenly found that the dark red velvet sofa he had just sat on had turned into a simple hardwood back chair. In front of him was his desk, which was piled with thick Books, and some scattered stationery.

The math teacher, wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit trousers, was standing next to his desk. One of his hands was still holding the math teacher's arm tightly.

This scene was exactly the same as the scene before he left the classroom just now!

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and quickly looked around. With him as the center, the surrounding auditoriums were empty stepped sofas and chairs one second, and turned into neatly arranged desks and chairs in rows the next. .

At the same time, the light in this space gradually became brighter.

Thick, soft handmade carpets with gorgeous patterns disappeared, and the texture of terrazzo emerged; the stepped floor quietly adjusted to flat ground, and the height difference disappeared; wallpapers, decorations, and pendants disappeared, and clean and tidy walls painted in white appeared... Jiwei Cinema The most luxurious and expensive movie theater is transforming from a dim and gorgeous movie viewing venue into a classroom with bright and clean windows.

On the desk next to Zhou Zhen, lay a boy with a streak of orange hair. He was wearing a gray sleeveless T-shirt and distressed washed jeans. At this moment, he raised his head with a blank expression and a dog The card followed his movements and slipped out of the collar. The eyebrow nails reflected the light and gave off a cold light. It was Luo Yuchen.

Luo Yuchen looked around with a very startled expression, as if he really fell asleep during class and was suddenly woken up by the teacher.

In front of all the desks, where the blackboard should have been, there was now a large screen hanging. The scene inside changed, and a familiar plot was being played out.

No. 009, a bald man wearing a white Chinese tunic suit with a gold ribbon, and a dark, thin middle-aged man in dark blue clothing and holding a gray pistol. The positions, manners, and appearance of these three people are still the same as before, without any change.

But the scene the three of them were in began to transform from an exclusive sofa lounge into a bright and tidy classroom.

The dark red velvet sofa disappeared like the ebbing tide, and was replaced by desks and chairs for students; the stepped floor leveled spontaneously, turning into a terrazzo floor; the luxurious decorations on the surrounding walls faded, and what appeared again was Clean, whitewashed walls; the carefully carved heavy wooden doors disappeared, and two ordinary classroom doors stood quietly...

However, in the classroom on the screen, the blackboard is a normal blackboard and there is no screen.

This scene is just like what happened to Zhou Zhen just now!

Zhou Zhen did not let go of the math teacher's hand. He immediately turned his head and saw that Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu, who had just followed, were observing their surroundings very carefully.

Zhou Zhen immediately thought of a rule in the classroom: when the bell rings, you must return to your seat immediately...

When the math teacher woke up Luo Yuchen just now, he said it was class time!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately shouted to Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu: Quickly find a seat and sit down!

Hearing this, Tao Nange reacted immediately, pulled Tan Wenyu and quickly sat down at the nearest empty seat.

As soon as the two of them sat down, the entire exclusive sofa room, except for the big screen in front of them, had been transformed into a classroom!

Outside the freshly emerged window, a bright sky was revealed, with blue sky and white clouds, high and distant, and a few clusters of treetops poked out from the window edge, making a rustling sound as they swayed.

The soft wind brought in the scent of grass and trees, fluttering the curtains and lifting the corners of hair and clothes, full of the unique dryness of midsummer.

A figure quickly appeared on the seat that was empty just now.

Zhang Yonghao, Chu Jingyan, Cheng Zhaoyan, Wei Jiachuan, Ren Rui, Ji Xuexun, Liang Xiaodie...

The entire environment here is exactly the same as Zhou Zhen's familiar classroom.

The only difference is that the seats between the students have been slightly adjusted.

To his left, Zhang Yonghao still sat; on the other side, there was originally a male classmate with dyed red hair, skull earrings, and jersey No. 23, but now he was Luo Yuchen.

The red-haired classmate sat on the right side of Luo Yuchen, becoming the same table with Luo Yuchen.

Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu sat at the back table of Zhou Zhen. One of the original back seats was moved to the group next door, and the other was moved to the seat further back.

The positions of other students around the two people also changed.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that the first drop of digital rain wanted to absorb No. 009 and the entire Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema!

No, not absorption!

It's recycling!

The digital forest of Jiwei Cinema was originally part of the forest equation that escaped from the school in the suburbs of Binhai City!

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Luo Yuchen rubbing his eyes, quickly sitting upright, and replied with some horror: I, I understand, teacher!

With that said, Luo Yuchen saw that the math teacher had withdrawn his gaze and seemed to no longer pay attention to him. He immediately turned to look at Zhou Zhen and said in a very low voice: I just had a dream, and I dreamed that we had escaped from the digital forest of this school. '...

I also dreamed that I was very happy after going out. I went to the pedestrian street in Jiuhong District to watch movies in a cinema called 'Jiwei'...

As Luo Yuchen finished speaking, the screen where the movie was playing began to quickly change to the blackboard.

All the pictures on the screen were stretched, twisted, and rotated rapidly, turning into a blur of color blocks. Various colors, shapes, and lines were intertwined, making them look strange and bizarre, like abstract paintings.

These color blocks are still oscillating fiercely, quickly transforming into countless large and small numbers, symbols, graphics, formulas, theorems...

However, at the last moment when the recovery of this digital forest was about to be completed, No. 009 on the screen suddenly squirmed all over, and the features of the ghost armor that completely covered his face disappeared in an instant. Jing, in an instant, turned into a figure made of countless small numbers!

No. 009 on the screen completely ignored the two enemies close at hand, and turned his head instantly. The head, which was full of fine numbers, looked towards Zhou Zhen outside the screen with a clear purpose.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, the screen that was transforming into a blackboard suddenly stopped!

At this time, the math teacher also turned his head and looked at No. 009 on the screen.

Just when these two drops of digital rain were in a brief stalemate, Tao Nange, who was sitting behind Zhou Zhen, suddenly raised his hand, knocked on Zhou Zhen's back, lowered his voice, and said quickly: The three people in the movie, One is No. 009; the other two, the one wearing a white tunic suit, is Duan Lihe, the deputy leader of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group; the one holding a gray pistol is the deputy leader of the Deep Sea Patrol, Guo Chengbo!

Deputy Captain Duan and Vice Captain Guo should be dealing with No. 009!

We can work together with them to solve No. 009!

Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps?

Deep Sea Patrol?

The official rescue of Binhai City has sent these two important departments?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen frowned. The problem now is not how to join forces with the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group and the Deep Sea Patrol Team, but his first digital rain. It seems that he wants No. 009, Duan Lihe, Guo Chengbo... Absorb all of this!


At this moment, the math teacher suddenly said: Wei Jiachuan, please solve this problem on the blackboard!

Wei Jiachuan, who was sitting by the window in the back row of the classroom, immediately stood up. His tall and strong body instantly blocked most of the natural light coming from the window, standing up suddenly like a shadow.

Step, step, step...

Wei Jiachuan walked towards the half-changed blackboard without any hesitation.


JW Cinema.

In the deepest part, you can enjoy the sofa lounge.

No. 009 sat in the middle of the auditorium, turned his head and looked at Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo.

Sensing that Guo Chengbo suddenly appeared next to him, Duan Lihe narrowed his eyes and immediately said rudely: You're too late!

Guo Chengbo raised the gray pistol and explained calmly: I'm not late, it's just that we were locked in different movies just now.

I have just tried to destroy the projection equipment and the screen, but without success.

We suddenly appear in the same movie now. It may be the work of No. 009, or it may be for some other reason!


Duan Lihe understood immediately and said quickly: No matter what the reason is, we are now two against one, let's take down No. 009 first!

As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to take action when the surrounding environment suddenly changed dramatically.

The dark red velvet sofas turned into neat desks one by one; the big screen turned into a blackboard; the stepped floor turned into flat terrazzo...

The entire viewing hall quickly turned into a bright classroom.

No. 009 seemed to be aware of the crisis. In an instant, his whole body turned into dense numbers. His head, which still maintained the shape of a helmet, suddenly turned and looked in one direction.

In an instant, this exclusive sofa hall stopped changing.

Now, most of the space has turned into a classroom. There is even natural light coming from nowhere, which dispels the darkness of the viewing hall and shines softly on the desks, chairs, and terrazzo floor. , on the big white wall.

Only a small area around the three of them still maintains the environment of a movie theater with thick carpets, gorgeous decorations, dim lighting...

Seeing that No. 009 was suddenly distracted, Duan Lihe did not hesitate at all. Eight metal rings of different colors and sizes erupted with a powerful force, spinning at high speed and smashing towards No. 009.

Eight different colors and gravitational forces echo each other, like the bombardment of a complete galaxy.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Amidst the deafening sound, a digital wall made of large and small numbers gathered and inlaid with each other instantly appeared in front of No. 009, firmly blocking the eight metal rings.

The digital wall appears pure black, silent and solid.

The eight metal rings maintain the orbits of the eight planets, pulling each other together as if they were one body, and their power is extremely terrifying.

The impact of each ring is no less than that of a meteorite hitting the earth.

However, at this moment, it hit this non-fancy digital wall, but it had no impact at all, just like rain falling into lead juice, without causing any ripples.

All the impact energy was absorbed by the digital wall!

Seeing No. 009 actively defending, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo's hearts moved, and they immediately understood that this No. 009 was the real body!

The other party is now also trapped in this movie world!

Otherwise, the other party just needs to do nothing as before, just sit quietly outside the movie world and watch them consume energy. There is no need to waste any hands and feet at all!

As a result, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo looked at each other and immediately stopped retaining energy. Duan Lihe immediately withdrew the eight metal rings with a thought. These metal rings once again revolved and suspended around him at their own speeds, but this time, each A bright light began to appear on every ring.

The brilliance is magnificent and gorgeous, like a planetary belt lingering around celestial bodies, or like a magnificent nebula deep in the universe. It is so gorgeous and wonderful that it is difficult to describe it in words.

For a moment, a riot of colorful lights appeared together, reflecting Duan Lihe's ferocious and cold face into a fantasy full of science fiction.

At the same time as this brilliance bloomed, the eight rings also began to expand rapidly, as if the planet's core was abnormally heating up, and the volume was growing at an unimaginable speed.

Guo Chengbo flipped his wrist and put away the gray pistol. He stared at No. 009 with his eyes through the transparent helmet. His body remained motionless, but the two masses of seawater-like liquid suspended on his shoulders suddenly began to move rapidly. It churned and erupted into a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

As the two masses of liquid surged, the energy in his body began to rise.

The two masses of liquid surged into a pair of huge fins. The light blue fish fins flew sideways like knives. The tips were filled with vigorous water vapor that dispersed in the air. The water became dense like clouds and mist, completely covering Guo Chengbo. Slowly oscillate.

Every shock made the energy coming from Guo Chengbo's body even better, like an unknown underwater monster, slowly but surely gaining momentum.

Perhaps feeling a real threat, No. 009, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke and emitted a strange sound wave with ups and downs.

This sound wave was weird and erratic, exceeding the range of what human vocal cords can produce, and it didn't sound like notes that existed on earth at all.

Both Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo have never heard this kind of sound wave, but for some reason, they both understood the meaning of this sound wave in an instant: I have fallen into the trap, lend me all your energy!

Otherwise, he will eat me and you all!

Lend digital energy to No. 009?

The earth's technology is indeed inferior to the other's civilization, but they humans are not stupid!

This request is simply an insult to their intelligence!

Thinking of this, Duan Lihe and Guo Chengbo snorted coldly and immediately increased the energy of their attacks!

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