Ash Civilization

Chapter 301 Starry Sky Law Enforcement Group. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

The exciting drum beats stopped abruptly at the moment when the female DJ turned into a corpse, but the deafening music continued to come out of the speakers, shaking the whole place.

Zhou Zhen stood behind the dark green wooden framed glass door, calmly looking at the tide of zombies in front of him.

A translucent energy barrier emerged, protecting him firmly inside.


Luo Yuchen was the first to rush over, and the distance between the two parties quickly closed. You could clearly see that his pale eyes contained a strong sense of death, and his corpse-turned green and black body suddenly hit the [Geometric Barrier].

However, the expected situation where the zombies were easily blocked by the [Geometric Barrier] did not happen.

Luo Yuchen passed directly through the [Geometric Barrier], as if he encountered no obstacles at all, and pounced directly on Zhou Zhen.

Seeing that [Geometric Barrier] had no effect, Zhou Zhen was slightly startled and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Fusion Cube].

The black and red cube appeared in an instant, and then turned into a surging shock wave, roaring towards the zombies in front of it.

However, this menacing energy beam, like a phantom, directly penetrated all the zombies in the straight line and sank into the far wall, but it did not cause any harm to these zombies, nor did it cause any damage or change to the surrounding environment.

It's as if the two are not in the same time and space at all.

Zhou Zhen frowned and then used [Plane Jump].

The next moment, [Plane Jump] ended, but he still stayed in place.

In less than two seconds, he used three number fields consecutively, but the three number fields had no effect.

From a third-party perspective, it was as if he was stunned and stood there without making any movement for two seconds.

At this moment, Luo Yuchen pounced on Zhou Zhen, opened his mouth and bit Zhou Zhen's neck.

Under the influence of inertia, Zhou Zhen's body immediately fell backwards. He hurriedly raised his hand and pressed his elbow against Luo Yuchen's jaw, preventing him from opening his mouth.


The two of them suddenly hit the door of the cinema. The dark green wooden framed glass door was knocked off its axis and fell to the ground.

Luo Yuchen pressed Zhou Zhen, and the two of them rolled and fell against the door. The glass shattered and splashed like raindrops.

The sudden movement immediately attracted the attention of the figures in twos and threes on the street. Their heads all turned around and looked at Zhou Zhen.

The wind brought the smell of blood from afar, mixed with the fragrance of dewy flowers in the morning.

Inside the cinema, the sound of kicking footsteps of many zombies could be heard.

Before they could surround him, Zhou Zhen immediately turned over, pushed Luo Yuchen to his side, and then kicked him away.

Without Luo Yuchen's shackles, he jumped up quickly, quickly patted the glass shards on his body, and at the same time quickly looked around.

Glancing around, Zhou Zhen immediately discovered that he had just been forced out of the door of Jiwei Cinema by Luo Yuchen, but the world outside the door was not the pedestrian street outside Jiwei Cinema, but a very strange environment!

Even the sign of the Jiwei Cinema where they were just now was changed to Blue Jasmine Bar with a neon squiggle, and a small blackboard stood next to it, with the names of several special drinks written in colored chalk.

At this moment, the door of the Blue Jasmine Bar was knocked down, and zombies with black bodies and pale eyes, wearing various hot clothes, swarmed out from inside.

On the street outside the door, seven or eight cars collided in a series, blocking most of the road. One of the orange school buses had a windowpane covered with splatters of blood.

More blood was slowly flowing down the car door, piling up into a pool of blood on the asphalt road.

Office workers, students, bodybuilders, store operators, housewives who get up early...the swarming zombies, all their bodies are lifeless green and black, and their occupation and age can only be judged by their clothes.

They were originally scattered all over the street, walking around aimlessly. Attracted by the movement on Zhou Zhen's side, they all turned around and surrounded him.

Zhou Zhen frowned as he watched this scene. He immediately used the Digital Domain and [Energy Observation] to look around.

The next moment, his vision immediately changed. The appearance of all the zombies changed instantly. The black bodies and pale eyes all faded away, and they all turned into a combination of rectangles, cylinders, triangles, irregular bodies... become a monster.

It's like a bunch of Lego toys put together at random.

Apart from that, he didn't see any energy flow!

[Geometric Barrier], [Fusion Cube], and [Plane Jump] all have no effect.

[Energy Observation] can be used, but the effect has changed.

My strength and speed have also dropped significantly.

After quickly analyzing the current situation in his mind, Zhou Zhen quickly understood the reason.

This is a movie!

A zombie-themed movie!

His power cannot violate the settings in zombie movies!

Therefore, not only are [Geometric Barrier], [Fusion Cube], and [Planar Jump] ineffective, but none of them can be used as long as they are in the digital domain that is beyond the scope of normal humans.


Just as Zhou Zhen was quickly thinking about countermeasures, heavy footsteps were approaching, and a large number of zombies were waving their arms and roaring towards him.

The pungent rancid smell quickly became stronger, replacing the originally fresh air.

Screams and calls for help came one after another from far and near, but soon, the voices of these living people were intercepted by short screams, and then quickly turned into a hoarse ho ho sound.

More blood flowed down, soaking the ground of the town.

This originally neat and orderly town has undergone earth-shaking changes and is entering unprecedented chaos.

Zhou Zhen quickly came back to his senses, and dense numbers, formulas, symbols, theorems suddenly appeared in front of his eyes... Countless messy and redundant information was forcefully poured into the surrounding space by him.



Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah...

In an instant, a harsh electric sound sounded, and with Zhou Zhen as the center, the space was filled with rapidly flashing black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

After these black and white horizontal and vertical lines appeared, their number increased rapidly, and the scope they affected became larger and larger.

All the zombies that rushed in were assimilated into identical black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

Digital Domain, [Overclocking Interference]!


Binhai City, Changfang District, northwest corner.

Among the undulating hills, an unfinished building stands alone in the col.

It has about fifty or sixty floors, with broken scaffolding hanging outside. There are some old cranes, machines, etc. piled up in the open space on one side.

There is a circle of baffles surrounding the building. The color of the baffles has long been old, and there are holes corroded in many places. It is no longer able to prevent outsiders from entering.

This is the Huangjia Club!

At this moment, a huge spaceship was speeding from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it was hovering in the air not far from the Huangjia Club.

Multiple hatches in the belly of the spacecraft opened, and in each hatch fell a square, iron-gray metal box.

After these boxes free-falled for almost ten meters, they immediately began to deform in the air. They quickly flipped out various mechanical arms, wings, and radar domes... In the blink of an eye, like a group of skydiving people, they formed a huge giant in mid-air. The circle encompasses the entire area of ​​Huangjia Club.

When the combination of these boxes was completed, a milky white light immediately lit up and flew past each box as quickly as an electric shock.

The next moment, a huge water curtain rose into the sky, sealing off the digital forest of the Huangjia Club and the surrounding area.

Inside the spacecraft, the command room.

A burly figure wearing a white Chinese tunic suit and a golden ribbon stood alone in front of the railing, looking down with a solemn expression. There was a soft halo of light, inside which was showing a three-dimensional map of Binhai City.

He was about forty years old, with a thin face and a stern expression. His head was shaved cleanly, without leaving a trace of hair.

Three huge scars completely penetrated his face and head. The scars were ferocious and twisted, like insects lying on normal skin, adding a touch of ferocity to his originally majestic face.

Step, step, step...

A deputy walked in quickly, stood at attention and saluted quickly: Deputy leader, the information is here.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he opened the folder in his hand and quickly reported the report, This is the 'Huangjia Club', the Binhai City [Murphy's Law] incident, the origin of the earliest 'digital' case.

The person who performed this mission is a newcomer named 'Zhou Zhen', who belongs to the fifth group of Binhai City's special operations brigade.

“According to the record, his energy at that time was ‘Ladder One’.”

However, after Zhou Zhen successfully escaped from this 'digital forest', Binhai City's ghost team immediately rushed here and sealed off the entire 'Huangjia Club'.

The large-scale [Murphy's Law] incidents that occurred in Binhai City later were not leaked from this 'digital forest'.

Preliminary inference is that the real source of the [Murphy's Law] incident in Binhai City is not this 'Huangjia Club', but other higher-level 'Digital Forests' that even hide 'Digital Rain'!

In addition, the internal investigation of the Ghost Team showed that Zhou Zhen had done some follow-up on this case.

After being exiled to Tongfu City, he reported the case to the Ghost Team, which read: In the [Murphy's Law] case, the mathematics textbooks sold by Huang Xurong were not real mathematics textbooks, but the mathematics textbooks in the 'Digital Forest' 'number'.

But the operator of the ghost team at that time was a novice. He entered the information into the system twice in a row, but failed by coincidence. The novice operator confusedly believed that it had been entered into the database and did not report it separately. As a result, the ghost team did not obtain the information in time. …”

After listening to the report from his subordinates, the deputy captain frowned slightly and immediately asked: This Zhou Zhen should be very capable.

However, he clearly has such important information, why was he exiled to Tongfu City?

Without waiting for the deputy to answer, he waved his palm and said decisively, We currently lack intelligence!

I don't care who Zhou Zhen has offended in Binhai City or what he has committed. Now, bring them back to me immediately!

Hearing this, the deputy's face froze slightly, but he quickly adjusted and replied quickly: According to the records, this Zhou Zhen has not offended anyone or committed any crime. In fact, he is the orphan of a martyr, and he is in the official organization of Binhai City. , is taken very seriously, and even when he entered the special operations brigade, he was specially recruited by the brigade captain Lu Jun himself, and no one targeted him at all.

The problem is that he is an experimental subject of the 'Ash Order'!

Zhou Zhen's main personality is our official compatibility. He has a stable personality, a strong sense of responsibility, correct outlook on life, and dares to fight...but his other sub-personalities are all infected.

Moreover, the energy levels of some sub-personalities are very high!

The top management of Binhai City was worried that Zhou Zhen would suddenly lose control and lead to irremediable consequences, so they transferred people to Tongfu City.

The deputy commander listened, immediately shook his head, and said calmly: I don't want you to explain the reasons to me, I want you to execute my order.

Say it again, get me people here right away!

The deputy was stunned for a moment, came to his senses, and immediately lowered his head and responded: Yes!

With that said, he quickly turned around and left the cab, preparing to contact his superiors and transfer Zhou Zhen back.

But not long after, the deputy hurried back to the cab and said in a slightly urgent tone: Deputy commander, something seems to have happened over there with Zhou Zhen!

We can't contact him right now!

Hearing this, the deputy commander turned around, looked at his deputy with sharp eyes like a hawk, and said in a low voice: The information is inaccurate now, and I will not let my soldiers die in vain!

Now, the spacecraft remains on alert, hovering in mid-air, and is not allowed to land.

All members of the Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps are on standby.

I want to go there myself!


On the streets of the exotic town, the signboard and facade of the Blue Jasmine Bar have turned into black and white horizontal and vertical lines.

Zhou Zhen stood on the spot, watching the black and white horizontal and vertical lines spread rapidly, quickly eroding the originally bright and vivid scene, and felt slightly certain in his heart, [Overfrequency Interference] is just the right thing to use here!

This digital domain can destroy video imaging, affect communication information, disrupt electronic data transmission...

Now this movie world is just a video!

His other digital domains all need to comply with the movie settings.

But [overfrequency interference] destroys the movie imaging. He can rely on this digital domain to predict the entire plot of the movie!

Just as he was thinking about it, black and white horizontal and vertical lines roared and filled his entire field of vision.

Everything around him suddenly collapsed as quickly as a sand tower.

In the darkness, gravel poured out like rain, and it seemed like an overwhelming number, formulas, graphics... flowing around.

Soon, the scene stagnated little by little in the turmoil and turned into a familiar pedestrian street.

Looking at the jagged flower beds in front of him, the jumping fountain, the damaged roll-up banners, and the brass nameplate... Zhou Zhen was slightly startled, had he returned to reality?

But it feels like it’s a bit too simple!

Thinking of this, he quickly glanced around. Everything was normal, but he didn't see the ghost wearing the special armor.

Zhou Zhen didn't think too much. After identifying the direction, he immediately walked towards Dengming District.

He was going to the underground morgue at the former Jinsheng Machinery Factory on Changlin North Road in Dengming District!

According to the information Luo Yuchen just provided, Tao Nange is now in this underground morgue.

He planned to find Tao Nange first, because Tao Nange's location was the most specific and best to find.

Then go find Lu Jun, He Xinjie, Shi Xiaoli, Chen Mao...

Finally, go to Xie Qiongning.

When he first entered Binhai City, the reason why he chose to go to Xie Qiongning first was to get clues.

Now that we have clues, of course there is no rush to find the other party.

After all, Xie Qiongning is also an experimental subject now. Compared to everyone else, she is the least likely to get into trouble.

While walking quickly, Zhou Zhen took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was 15:02, which was about half an hour before TFZ2342 took effect.

Soon, he walked out of the pedestrian street and appeared on the side of the spacious road.

Looking at the empty streets and the tall buildings around him, Zhou Zhen suddenly became cautious, walking on thin ice, taking every step he took with extra caution.

But for some unknown reason, [Murphy's Law] seemed to suddenly disappear. He walked through several streets in a row, and everything was calm and there was no accident at all.

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly. For him now, not having [Murphy's Law] is not necessarily a good thing!

Because this means that there is a bigger problem with him, covering the current [Murphy's Law] in Binhai City!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took out his phone again to see how long the countdown was left, but found that the time on his phone was still 15:02.

Zhou Zhen immediately stopped and stopped moving forward. He had walked so far just now, and the time had not changed at all? !

Realizing the problem, he instantly became alert, slowly turned his neck, and looked around cautiously.

At this moment, he was on a quiet street. There were a few cars parked along the way. Not far away was an antique bus stop. Tall plane trees stood on both sides of the road. In this season, the leaves were as green as a giant tree. Umbrellas cover the streets, creating a sense of tranquility.

A cleaning robot cruises along the roadside, sweeping the floor clean.

The colorful signboards glowed under the shadow of the sycamore branches and leaves. The shops along the street were open at the moment, revealing the neatly stacked shelves of various goods.

There are two small restaurants, and the tempting aroma of food is wafting out.

Zhou Zhen's eyes swept over it bit by bit, and suddenly he discovered that there was a convenience store with white and green decoration diagonally opposite.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass, he saw a familiar figure inside. The person was wearing a navy blue uniform, and the small half of his face exposed from the side was full of seriousness.

It's He Xinjie and Uncle He.

Convenience store...Uncle He...

This is the plot of the movie Luo Yuchen mentioned just now!

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