Ash Civilization

Chapter 298 Horrifying Zombies. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. He experienced exactly the same situation in the last Huangjia Club case.

But when he first entered Binhai City, everything was normal, and he did not encounter anything related to [Murphy's Law].

However, the moment the digital rain returned to his body, [Murphy's Law] suddenly broke out!

Not surprisingly, this [Murphy's Law] should have started from entering Binhai City.

However, there was Digital Rain at that time, just like the high wall in Tongfu City and the Klein Bottle of Ash Order before, the Digital Rain helped him become immune to [Murphy's Law], so He never noticed any problem.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen picked up his phone again.

He was extremely careful in his movements this time. His muscles were tense all over his body. He was always paying attention to the surrounding disturbances from the corner of his eyes. The hand holding the phone also tried to be steady. Every muscle was ready to go, ready to deal with any situation. Be prepared for the unexpected.

After spending a little effort, he managed to see the countdown on the screen, with more than three hours remaining.

Seeing the specific countdown, Zhou Zhen suddenly hesitated.

Nine-tailed Fox told him that he cannot take two pills of TFZ2342 in a row. He must wait for the effect of one pill to pass before taking the second pill.

But now, it is obviously still early before the theoretical 10-hour drug efficacy period.

But Digital Rain has integrated with him again, which means that the effect of the medicine has ended!

Without taking medicine, he has to deal with [Murphy's Law] and find someone at the same time.

When taking medicine, there is a risk of unknown side effects caused by taking two pills in a row.

After thinking carefully for a few seconds, Zhou Zhen quickly made a decision. Time was of the essence and the medicine could not be stopped!

So, just like before, he carefully took out TFZ2342. While carefully observing the movement around him, he planned to take out a pill from it and take it.

However, just as the medicine was taken out of his pocket, a complete floor slab suddenly flew out from the roof of a building in the distance, slashing across the sky with great force, like a falling meteorite, hitting Zhou Zhen with incomparable precision.

A translucent energy barrier immediately appeared in front of Zhou Zhen.


The floor slab hit the [Geometric Barrier] firmly, and a faint ripple appeared on the translucent barrier.

In an instant, the floor was shattered into pieces and turned into debris, falling to the ground. The [Geometric Barrier] was still suspended in front of Zhou Zhen, motionless.

Zhou Zhen immediately put the pill into his mouth.

boom! ! !

The next moment, an infected person with an abstract shape landed heavily in front of Zhou Zhen. The opponent could not see the shadow of a human being at all. The skin all over his body had turned into a metallic black. The limbs on his body did not look like limbs, and his head did not look like one. The head, from top to bottom, is horizontal and vertical.

It's like countless strips of steel bars, chaotically combined. Most of these steel bars are made of metal, while a few are like a mixture of plastic and crystal, creating an extremely weird scene.

The weight and strength of the visitor were astonishing. The moment he landed, the stone brick pavement under his feet was trampled into sand and rocks. His feet sank deeply into the ground, splashing sand and dust all over the sky, violently hitting the holly bushes on both sides.

It is full of energy and very high intensity.

They are infected in the [Growth Stage]!

Zhou Zhen instantly used [Plane Jump], disappeared from the spot, and appeared in the distance.

However, just as he stood still, his right foot stepped directly on a steel animal trap, and his left foot suffered an inexplicable muscle cramp, causing his ankle to twist and there was no time to make any retreat or jump again.


The trap mechanism was triggered, and the saw-toothed trap closed instantly.

With the strength of this animal trap, if it were an ordinary person, this blow would be enough to break the entire leg bone on the spot.

But Zhou Zhen is a compatibility of the Fourth Ladder. Both his muscles and bones have been repeatedly strengthened by digital energy. At this moment, his body just stumbled and he regained his footing.

However, before he could solve the problem on his leg, the abstract [Growth Stage] infected person had already chased behind him, and his body was wrapped horizontally and vertically, as if a steel bar was protruding from a ball of wool. The thread was raised high, like a poisonous snake striking out, aiming at Zhou Zhen's head and stabbing it hard.

Zhou Zhen frowned. Although he had taken TFZ2342, this drug took an hour to take effect.

In this hour, he still needs to face [Murphy's Law]!

boom! ! !

The infected person's power-infused blow pierced the solid earth, instantly creating a deep hole in the earth. With the hole as the center, spiderweb-like cracks appeared, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The violent impact caused the surrounding plants to sway wildly, causing flowers and leaves to fly.

In the mess all over the ground, Zhou Zhen's figure disappeared without a trace.


Binhai City, Jiuhong District, Pedestrian Street.

Very different from other urban areas with dense skyscrapers, this place looks more like a commercial street from a hundred years ago, with a large amount of greenery covering the buildings that are no more than a dozen stories high.

The buildings, all with black tiles and white walls, are full of neatness and elegance unique to planning.

Unlike other places in Binhai City, the houses here are in good condition, the streets are clean, and the fountain in the street garden is even spraying water normally. The strands of water droplets stain the plants in the surrounding flower beds, making it look particularly peaceful.

Except for being extremely quiet and deserted, it looks like an ordinary pedestrian street.

There seems to be an invisible barrier that separates it from the current scene of chaos and tragedy in Binhai City.

A embarrassed figure suddenly appeared in the open space next to the fountain.

Zhou Zhen's body was now covered with streaks of gray and black dust. His right leg was still tightly clamped by the animal trap, and his trouser leg had been damaged by the sharp saws. There was a rusty weapon stuck in his left arm. The steel bar completely penetrated the flesh and blood, and blood dripped down the steel bar, quickly staining the floor tiles; the whole head seemed to be pressed into a stirring concrete bucket, covered with a large circle of mostly solidified Concrete.

The torso is still wrapped with a mess of power grids. I don’t know what happened to these power grids. There are still residual electricity running around on them, making crackling sounds, accompanied by bursts of burning smell.


Zhou Zhen raised his right hand and punched the concrete on his head. Then he took out a scalpel and cut through the power grid with blue sparks. Then he pulled out the steel bar on his left arm. Finally, when he was free, he bent down and tore off the steel bar. The bear trap that has been holding me back for a long time.

After simply solving his troubles and feeling relaxed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was chased for dozens of streets by several [Growth Stage] infected people!

The most important thing is that all kinds of strange accidents will always make him overwhelmed, and the further you go, the more serious it becomes!

Even if he is the Fourth Step, and not an ordinary Fourth Step, he is still in a hurry and surrounded by dangers.

Fortunately, in Binhai City now, [Murphy's Law] is not the only problem.

The current infection in this city came from his classroom.

[Murphy's Law] was only caused by the mathematics textbooks Huang Xurong took out of that classroom;

And like Huang Xurong, Luo Yuchen is also the carrier of that classroom!

The Jiwei Cinema where the opponent is located can help him block [Murphy's Law]!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took out his phone and looked at the time.

There are still almost 45 minutes until TFZ2342 takes effect.

He was going to spend these 45 minutes at the Jiwei Cinema.

So, Zhou Zhen looked around at the quiet and empty surroundings, and immediately walked towards the door of the cinema.

The splendid facade remains the same as before, with a roll-up banner standing at the door. The zombies with black bodies and white eyes look particularly scary under the dark-toned filter.

Zhou Zhen paid a little attention to the situation at the door. Although the roll-up was still in place, there were obvious signs of burning on it, especially the zombies inside, each of which had the damage of a sharp blade piercing their skull.

The plan of the copper plate in the chapter was burned completely black and could not be seen on it.

The landscape painting inlaid in the four-wing revolving door was also completely blown away. It lacked the nobility of before and instead gave off an aura of dilapidation.

These traces should have been left behind when the ghost team blocked the Jiwei Cinema.

However, after the disaster broke out in Binhai City, the ghost team must be fighting fires everywhere now, and it is impossible to stay here and deal with the changes in the cinema.

Thinking quickly in his mind, Zhou Zhen had already arrived in front of the four-wing revolving door.

Just like last time, he opened the door directly and walked in with quick strides.


The sound mixed with the strong smell of alcohol, makeup, powder and perfume roared and surged towards him.

Zhou Zhen didn't even have time to see clearly what was going on inside. The hottest songs were already blasting in his ears.

Colorful spotlights swam through the dense crowd, revealing the carnival dance floor, the wildly writhing DJ, and the customers in the dark booths who kept raising their hands and waving their arms to sway to the music.

This scene was almost exactly the same as what he saw when he came in last time.

Zhou Zhen squeezed through the crowd and immediately heard Luo Yuchen's greeting: Zhou Zhen! This way!

He nodded and immediately walked towards Luo Yuchen, who was sitting in a sunken booth.

Sitting down in the booth, Zhou Zhen looked at Luo Yuchen in front of him.

The other person is still the same as before, wearing a gray sleeveless T-shirt, distressed ripped jeans, eyebrow nails, orange-red bangs, and a dog tag hanging around his neck. While saying hello, he doesn't forget to follow the music. He nodded his head in rhythm and seemed to be having a great time.

The surrounding crowd was dense, and there were constant screams and the sound of shoes stepping on the ground, mixed with deafening music, full of the unique decadence and noise of nightclubs.

Luo Yuchen spread his hands and feet and lay down on the soft sofa in the booth. On the small round table in front of him was a colorful cocktail. He didn't pay much attention to Zhou Zhen's arrival. He was still looking at several young girls in hot clothes nearby. He lingered around, winking from time to time, trying to catch a ride, and asked in a casual tone: When were you discharged from the hospital? What have you been doing recently?

Listening to this familiar question, Zhou Zhen answered exactly the same as last time: I just went home yesterday and didn't do anything.

And you?

When Luo Yuchen heard this, he immediately became energetic. He immediately withdrew his eyes from the young girls, looked straight at Zhou Zhen, and said very excitedly: I was watching a movie called Horror Zombies recently. .”

This movie is definitely a masterpiece, it's simply wonderful...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was not surprised.

Last time, Luo Yuchen was very excited and chattering to him about the plot of this movie.

The other party's next line should be: A man named George was bitten to death by a zombie just as he walked into a convenience store to buy something...

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Luo Yuchen continue to say: There is a guy named He Xinjie inside, so damn unlucky! I just walked into the convenience store to buy something, and before I could get a pack of cigarettes in my hand, I was knocked down by a zombie that suddenly jumped out. , biting his throat in one bite!

That zombie has really good teeth. He Xinjie was about to take out a gun with one hand, but before he could grab the handle of the gun, his neck was broken into two parts, and his trachea was exposed. The blood splattered... the scene was amazing!

There was also a woman named Shi Xiaoli who was investigating a case at the art school. As she was investigating, all the students and teachers around her suddenly turned into zombies and cut her into pieces!

What's even worse is that the special operations team member named Chen Mao had his gun drawn out, but his girlfriend was trapped in a blind corner by zombies. In order to save his girlfriend, he was beaten to pieces by zombies... That process was absolutely exciting. !”

You must watch this show!

As long as you look at it for the first second, you must not refuse!

When the zombies first broke out inside, the long shot was so damn good. The entire Binhai City was wailing and being attacked from all directions. There was no safe spot.

Lu Jun went to work early in the morning and was preparing to investigate a case, but as soon as he walked into the office, zombies rushed in...


Zhou Zhen stood up suddenly and covered Luo Yuchen's mouth to prevent him from saying the rest of his words!

He had a very strong premonition.

Once Luo Yuchen says all these words, the next movie will really be acted exactly as the other party said!

However, Luo Yuchen only paused for a moment and then continued: Xie Qiongning was in the Hongshan Group headquarters building, looking at the new seasonal styles sent by several blue blood brands. He just picked up a specially designed diamond necklace and was killed by zombies... …”

Luo Yuchen's mouth was obviously covered by Zhou Zhen, but it did not affect him at all from continuing to make sounds and describe the plot of the movie!

Seeing this situation, Zhou Zhen hurriedly interrupted: Stop!

Stop talking!

Luo Yuchen paused again, and then continued: Tao Nange is still in a daze in the underground morgue of the original Jinsheng Machinery Factory in Dengming District. A large group of zombies just happened to...

Sister Nan? !

Zhou Zhen's eyes widened immediately, but he didn't have time to think too much. He slapped Luo Yuchen on the face twice. At the same time, he interrupted again: Luo Yuchen! Wake up!

The movie hasn't started yet!

You don't even know the plot!

This time, Luo Yuchen finally stopped and did not continue to describe.

He didn't seem to notice that he was slapped twice, and just nodded thoughtfully: That's right.

The movie hasn't started yet, so I probably don't know the plot...

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He sat on the sofa in the booth and suddenly felt that the problem of Jiwei Cinema might be more serious than [Murphy's Law] over Huang Xurong!

Now, it's just a problem with Jiwei Cinema that hasn't started to explode yet!

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