Ash Civilization

Chapter 285 Wrong time and space.

The north wind blew through the ruins, kicking up puffs of mist-like dust.

Zhou Zhen stood not far from the big persimmon tree, waiting quietly. The nine-tailed fox followed closely beside him, with a respectful expression.

Miandiao, the observers, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi, all waited in silence for something.

Time passed slowly, and there was no sound of anyone in the ruins. Everyone was silent.

After an unknown amount of time, a slightly different scene came from the ruins in the distance.

Seven unknown groups squirmed closer. They were like some kind of living creatures, nimbly and quickly coming from all directions, over the remaining foundations, earth walls, hedges, haystacks... towards Zhou Zhen's direction.

All the places they passed turned into vast numbers, formulas, theorems... like a new river.

Zhou Zhen immediately took out the pale skull, which instantly turned into a strawberry lunch box.

He opened the lid of the lunch box, which already contained a box of braised pork with thick oil and red sauce. It was lean and lean and had an attractive color. Next to the braised pork, there was a squirming mass of unknowns. When the lid of the lunch box was completely opened, the seven unknowns that had just appeared returned to the lunch box in an instant.

Zhou Zhen closed the lid again and pondered slightly.

The nine unknown groups that were released before are now the last one left...

At this time, the surrounding environment suddenly began to change.

Where the unknown numbers passed by, the numbers, formulas, theorems, and graphics surged like a river... suddenly turbulent and reorganized, turning into a series of simple thatched houses, surrounded by hedges or earthen walls, forming a village full of traffic.

The ruins under their feet were miraculously cleared away, and the outline of the three-room thatched house a little further away reappeared.

The color of the big persimmon tree deepens, as if there is another persimmon tree exactly like it, overlapping it.

In the open space under the tree, two vague figures appeared. They were a thin child, holding a rope in his hand, and the end of the rope was tied to a pastoral dog.

One person and one dog stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

This scene seems to be two very similar worlds, overlapping each other.

The Crown Eagle who was closest to the persimmon tree, after seeing the man and the dog, immediately backed away quickly without any hesitation.

Soon, the overlap of the two worlds was completed, the ruins disappeared without a trace, and the intact village appeared in front of everyone again.

The thatched house, hedges, ponds, haystacks, and earthen walls of the village chief's house are all presented completely, as if they had never been damaged.

Everyone stood in the empty yard, beside the pond covered with thin ice. The big persimmon tree stood peacefully. The crown of the tree was covered with orange-red fruits, as if candles were lit all over the tree, brightening the cold winter day. It shines a little warm.

Ji Li's figure has completely stabilized. The child is thin and short, with empty eye sockets and no eyeballs on his immature face. The pastoral dog behind him also showed its complete appearance. It was a native dog with black top and white bottom. Judging from the coat color, although it was thin, it was raised with good care.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ji Li at this moment.

After a brief moment of silence, Miandiao spoke first: Ji Li, I am your brother.

Everyone in the village is not well. From now on, only we brothers will depend on each other.

Tell me, the exit of this village...

Before he finished speaking, the dog Ji Li was holding immediately stood up and barked fiercely at the Crown Eagle.

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof! !

Ji Li turned his eyeless head and looked at the Crown Eagle.

He didn't say a word, he just immediately took steps and walked towards the Crown Eagle.

As Ji Li walked forward, he stretched out his hands and groped randomly in mid-air, as if he couldn't see.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen immediately thought of the game of touching the blind man.

At the same time, Miandiao frowned slightly, and suddenly found that his legs seemed to be imprisoned by a powerful force, and he could only stand motionless, unable to move or dodge at all!

Ta, tap, tap...

The faint sound of children's footsteps echoed in the spacious yard.

Seeing Ji Li getting closer and closer, Miandiao immediately stretched out two fingers and flicked them in the air in front of him, as if a thread invisible to others was waving.

The next moment, Ji Li's arm, which was groping in mid-air, had already reached in front of Mian Diao, but suddenly gave up on Mian Diao who was close at hand, turned to his side to explore, and then walked past Mian Diao , walking straight towards the observer.

The observer frowned. Just as he was about to dodge, he suddenly realized that his eyes could not see anything!

He was very confused and subconsciously wanted to rub his eyes.

But as soon as his fingers touched his eye sockets, he suddenly realized that his eyes had disappeared!

The eye sockets are empty!

He became a blind man!

The observer couldn't help but be surprised. A memory from not long ago appeared in his mind...

At that time, when he and the messenger in black were avoiding the pursuit of official personnel, they encountered four blind men on the road. When they broke through, he was touched by one of them!


The observer immediately let out a roar full of pain and unwillingness. At the same time, his body stepped uncontrollably towards Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi.

The way he walked was very similar to the way Ji Li was walking at the moment. He raised his hands in the air, groping around and moving forward cautiously, as if he was playing a game of touch the blind man.

At the same time, the pastoral dog held by Ji Li started barking at Zhou Zhen and the nine-tailed fox again.

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof! !

The fierce barking of dogs echoed in the silent village for a long time.

Ji Li immediately turned around and walked towards Zhou Zhen and the nine-tailed fox.

Zhou Zhen looked at this scene calmly, the expression on his face did not change at all.

According to the clues he got from the blacksmith shop, only two people in this village survived the plague.

One is an old blacksmith; the other is Ji Li in front of him.

However, the reason why the old blacksmith was able to survive was because of the time and space tunnel!

The other party has obtained part of the memory of the compatible person!

And Ji Li is alive only because of the digital virus!

Therefore, this time and space is the time and space infected by the digital virus, not the normal time and space!

Without the memory of the compatible people and the digital virus, everyone in the village, including the old blacksmith and Ji Li, would have died in the plague.

Now, they want to return to 2127 and return to the correct time and space... The first thing they have to do is to restore the original ending of this village.

Get rid of all the infected people in this village!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately said to the nine-tailed fox beside him: Go and kill this Ji Li.

I'll deal with the dog.

Be careful not to be touched by Ji Li.

Nine-tailed fox immediately nodded: Yes!

Before she finished speaking, a pair of fluffy fox ears immediately appeared on the nine-tailed fox's head, and nine fluffy long tails spread out behind her like a sparrow screen. Different from before, this time, she had another symptom of animal transformation. Her originally large and bright eyes suddenly lengthened, and the corners of her eyes turned upward, turning into a pair of charming fox eyes.

A strong and charming style that is rare in young women quietly emerged.

The nine-tailed fox glanced at Ji Li, waved his hand lightly, and hundreds of deep purple flames instantly appeared in the air in front of him.

These more than a hundred flames are pure deep purple in color and look very dreamy. If you focus your attention, you can seem to see all kinds of beautiful and dreamy things. In the dream-like ultimate beauty, Filled with a strong sense of destruction.

The flames only hovered in the air for a second, and then immediately roared down, hitting Ji Li like a meteor.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The deafening sound echoed repeatedly throughout the village.

In the blink of an eye, the huge village, together with the surrounding area, was reduced to a pile of ruins. Deep purple fire shot up into the sky, burning fiercely. The remaining skeletons of the houses collapsed in the flames, and the earth continued to tremble. , spider web-like cracks, large and small, spread in all directions.

The smoke and dust flew up, and after a long time it began to subside. The village, which had just been restored to its integrity, was once again reduced to ruins. There were tongues of fire everywhere. The pond under the persimmon tree was evaporated into a large pit, and the water in it was directly connected to the algae. After vaporization, the sludge at the bottom of the pool takes on the texture of coke burned at high temperature.

There were crackling sounds from time to time in the flames, and puffs of sparks burst out.

Where Ji Li was before, there was only a puddle of ashes. The dog he was holding was blown away far away, and its mutilated body fell to the ground, motionless.

This attack from the Nine-tailed Fox was even more terrifying than the energy burst out by the Ninth Sage just now!

However, just when Zhou Zhen thought the battle was over, the observer who had lost his eyes suddenly let out a shrill scream, and dense numbers, formulas, symbols, and graphics appeared all over his body... Surrounded by them, the original The tall adult body was forced to shrink. When all the numbers, formulas, symbols, graphics... dispersed, what appeared in place was a thin child figure, none other than Ji Li!

At the same time, another orange-red fruit quietly grew on the big persimmon tree, bending the originally empty twig, which seemed to be a strange smile.

Ji Li slowly raised his head and looked at the nine-tailed fox.

The next moment, a crimson color immediately appeared under his feet. He stood in an irregular red color block. Surrounded by the red color block, black, gray and white, the four colors of red, black, gray and white reappeared. They were like water flow. They swarmed out in staggered directions, covering the entire village in the blink of an eye.

The dividing lines between color blocks are criss-crossed, cutting the originally complete scene at will, as if the ruins have been turned into a lifelike jigsaw puzzle.

Various colors quickly appeared at the feet of Zhou Zhen, Nine-tailed Fox, Liao Yonghong, Shao Yuzhi and Mian Diao.

Zhou Zhen's feet are gray, Nine-tailed Fox is white, Liao Yonghong is red, Shao Yuzhi is black, Mian Diao is gray... all these colors just appeared and immediately spread along their legs and toward their bodies. .

This is the Digital Forest of Ares!

Zhou Zhen looked at this scene calmly. This was a clue he had collected before. Ji Li could learn the digital domain of everyone in the village, including the digital forest!

At this moment, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi suddenly jumped up high, and then at the moment when their bodies reached the highest point and were about to come down, their whole bodies seemed to be free from the influence of gravity, suspended in the air, and the four-color world, directly separated.

Miandiao stretched out his hands and fiddled with the air in front of him, his fingers flying as if he was playing a short piece of music. The next moment, an unpainted color block reappeared under his feet. The original gray color blocks are squeezed out.

This unpainted color block has always maintained its original appearance, as if it had been forgotten by the four-color world, existing in the state of its original color in this four-color world.

Zhou Zhen once again took out the strawberry lunch box. As soon as the lunch box appeared, dense blood letters appeared all over his body.

I like you! I like you...

Crazy handwriting, accompanied by dripping blood, spread along his body and towards his feet. All colors quickly faded when they touched the blood words.

Soon, with Zhou Zhen as the center, all the four colors of red, black and gray in the area within ten meters were swallowed up by the blood characters.

Seeing that the blood words could not continue to spread to further areas, Zhou Zhen suddenly understood that too many compatible people had died in this village, and Ji Li's current energy intensity was far from what it was at the beginning!

Just as he was thinking about it, Liao Yonghong suddenly stretched out four fingers, held them together like a knife, and slashed Ji Li through the air!


A huge light blade appeared out of thin air, just like the legendary flying sword, and cut down directly.

Ji Li didn't even have time to react. The light blade had already passed through his body in a flash.

boom! ! !

Ji Li's whole body was cut into two. The moment he was cut open, the entire four-color world was also cut in half by an invisible force.

But then, the completely destroyed village quickly recovered.

The thatched houses, hedges, and earthen walls that had just been razed to the ground... were once again intact.

The four-color world also recovered, and the huge slash mark disappeared. Ji Li, who was chopped into two pieces, turned into a pool of crimson, blending into the red color block under his feet.

Then, he quietly emerged from another red patch.

At this moment, Miandiao stretched out his hands in the air and seemed to stir something.

The red color block where Ji Li was standing now suddenly had a dividing line between the color blocks.

The next moment, half of the red patch was still crimson, but the other half instantly turned into a black patch!

This change just happened, and the color arrangement of the entire four-color world changed in an instant.

Ji Li was originally standing in the middle of the red color block. At this moment, he immediately stood with one foot in the red color block and the other foot in the black color block.

In the flash of lightning, the color in the black block immediately spread upwards along his feet, instantly dyeing half of Ji Li's body pure black!

The half of Ji Li's body that was still in the red color block was safe and maintained its normal appearance.

But the black half of his body shriveled up quickly, showing the results of famine.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhou Zhen's thoughts moved slightly, and densely packed black and red cubes suddenly appeared in front of him.

Terrifying energy waves shot out like a violent storm!

Liao Yonghong raised his hand again and slashed out another light blade!

Just when the two men's attacks swept across the sky and were about to land on Ji Li, more than a hundred dark purple fox fires immediately appeared around Ji Li's body.

The flames are burning and jumping, seemingly filled with all kinds of fascinating and beautiful scenes. The beauty has reached an extreme that cannot be improved, and it seems that the next moment will be overwhelming silence.

This is the digital domain that Nine-tailed Fox used just now!

The next moment, more than a hundred balls of fox fire blasted towards everyone.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

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