Ash Civilization

Chapter 283 Connected.

Seeing that the blood words did not spread into the air, Liao Yonghong breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: Two experimental subjects of illegal organizations!

The space-time tunnel cannot transmit our equipment.

The combat power of those experimental subjects here is incomprehensible.

Shao Yuzhi nodded and said in a deep voice: These two experimental subjects made too much noise.

Under normal circumstances, it will affect the 'future' trajectory on this timeline.

However, in this space-time tunnel, time is not a line, but a surface.

No matter how big the noise is, it will just add another line in this tunnel.

That's the only good news right now.

We don't need to worry about anything we do here that will impact 'future' development.

Just as they were talking, the two people immediately saw that in the four-color area below that had not been eroded by the blood words, there were two squirming unknowns, swimming like living creatures.

The rules of their movement are unpredictable, and they seem to have no specific purpose, just wandering around at will without restraint.

The blood character was extremely corrosive and quickly roared up, covering the four-color area and the two unknown masses.

The area of ​​red, black, gray and white was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye, reappearing as a normal village scene. Only bloody words were laid out wantonly, and crazy handwriting was engraved all over the ground.

But the two unknown numbers were not swallowed up by the blood words. Both sides seemed to appear on two layers at the same time without interfering with each other.

The bloody handwriting continues to spread towards the four-color area further away, with the four colors red, black, gray and white retreating step by step in front of it; the unknown number does not seem to care about this battle and continues to wander around the village as if nothing has happened. visit.

Looking at this scene, Liao Yonghong frowned and said quickly: Those unknown numbers do not conflict with the word of blood.

Their origins are very likely to be the same as the blood letters. They were released by the experimental subjects of the 'Ash Order'!

The word blood is absorbing the digital forest of the four-color problem, and the unknown is infecting the world here!

That experimental subject may have almost lost control!

Shao Yuzhi nodded slightly, with an equally unpleasant expression on his face, and replied: Almost all the information has been collected.

The place where the unknown passes can connect the worlds on both sides.

Let's go back to the world over there first.

Then, find a way to go back to 2127!

Liao Yonghong nodded, and immediately took Shao Yuzhi and rushed towards one of the unknown groups.

As soon as the two people approached the unknown number, they immediately discovered that the place where the unknown number had just passed was filled with dense numbers, symbols, formulas, and theorems... It was like a special river, meandering.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi rushed directly into this river without hesitation, and the familiar feeling of weightlessness came again.

There were colorful lights swaying, pulling, and deforming beside them, and it was a strange scene. Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed to be just a moment. They finally stepped on the ground. At the same time, the numbers, formulas, symbols, and theorems around them... were swaying. Reorganized and turned into a village that was razed to the ground.

The air is still filled with the smell of dust that has not subsided. The thatched houses, hedges, earth walls, haystacks...all disappeared, replaced by fresh ruins and several huge potholes.

There is a figure floating in the air. The figure is wearing khaki khaki and looks like a villager in the village. But at this moment, his flesh and blood body is fused with some firearms that do not belong to this era at all. Judging from the exposed metal parts , the alloy texture used is very high-end.

Looking at this half-flesh, half-machine body, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi recognized at a glance that it was a member of the Twelve Sages!

Moreover, with this energy intensity, the opponent is still one of the twelve sages!

Just when the two noticed Sami Draxler, Sami Draxler also turned his head and looked at the two.

After just glancing at Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi, Sami Draxler immediately bowed slightly in mid-air and saluted gracefully: 'Gathering of Twelve Sages', the ninth sage, Sami Draxler .”

Both of them should be official members of China.

Please wait a moment.

I'll say hello to you two later.

There is still something that has not been dealt with yet...

Before he finished speaking, Sami Draxler's body suddenly began to disappear bit by bit, just like a pencil drawing wiped away by an eraser. His entire body was wiped away from this world.

Sammy Draxler himself didn't seem to notice the problem at all, and his expression and behavior still maintained the usual elegance and reserve of the ancient families in the Whale Township region.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi frowned immediately, staring closely at Sami Draxler.

Sensing the abnormality of the two Chinese officials, Sami Draxler finally realized the problem. He was about to take action when he suddenly discovered that his limbs, torso, neck... all disappeared, leaving only one A solitary head.

The fractured surface under his head was very flat, as if something sharp had sliced ​​through it, but no blood or tissue fluid flowed out.

The next moment, Sami Draxler's head could not maintain its suspended state and fell directly from mid-air.


His head fell heavily to the dusty ground and rolled twice before stopping. His cheeks and hair were all covered in thick dust.

However, even though he only had this head left, Sami Draxler was still not dead. His skin and facial features remained in a normal state, as if he had only this head in the first place. It's like maintaining life in this state.

At this time, a figure purely composed of numbers appeared next to Sami Draxler's head.

In one palm of the digital figure, there is a cute lunch box that has been completely opened. The Q version of the strawberry pattern is incompatible with this backward and closed small village.

At this moment, the lunch box was filled with braised pork in rich red sauce. The fat and thin pork belly trembled in the wind, as if the heat was just right.

Looking at the remaining head of Sami Draxler, Zhou Zhen spoke calmly and said: Your 'digital ladder' is indeed higher than mine now.

However, your exploration of this time and space is not enough!

Your current body is actually not yours.

Besides, you were touched by the 'blind man' in the village!

Hearing this, Sammy Draxler reluctantly rolled his eyes, and suddenly remembered the four eyeless villagers he met on the road when he was in the coffin shop and going to the village chief's house...

At that time, he protected his head and forced his way through the four people.

His limbs and body, including his neck, were all touched by the four villagers.

And now, his limbs, body, neck...all have been absorbed by the Digital Domain of this Ash Order experimental subject, leaving only his head!

Thinking of this, Sami Draxler suddenly showed an expression of admiration and asked: What's going on?

Did you arrange those four 'blind men'?

No, that's not right!

Without waiting for Zhou Zhen to answer, he quickly rejected his guess, and then said, Those are the rules of the village. Even if you are an experimental subject, you can't arrange it!

Zhou Zhen listened and shook his head slightly. The four blind men at that time were actually here to arrest him!

But he ran fast enough.

All the way from the village chief's house, he escaped back to the thatched hut where he lived.

Then two members of the Twilight Trial, the Ninth Sage Sami Draxler, a member of the Fourth Dimension Utopia, and the experimental subject Ares of the Twilight Trial, came to the door of his house one after another. They all walked towards the village chief's house...

Yes, not only Sami Draxler, but all those who go to the village chief's house will definitely encounter those four blind men!

In the world on that side, there is another rule: no matter which way you go, you can only move forward, not backward!

When Sami Draxler saw the four blind men, the two sides would definitely encounter each other and would not be able to avoid them by other means.

If it were a Twilight Trial or a Fourth-Dimensional Utopia, we could rely on the large number of people to protect each other from being encountered by the four Lu Xingkuan.

But Sami Draxler, there is only one person!

As long as the blind man touches it, the number no longer belongs to him.

But it’s Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief’s family!

As long as Zhou Zhen's digital energy is stronger than Ji Li's, the digital domain of the strawberry lunch box can successfully lock in Sami Draxler's digits.

Of course, the opponent still has one head left, and it should be this head that has not been touched by Lu Xingkuan and the four...

While his mind was spinning, Zhou Zhen had no intention of explaining. Densely packed black and red cubes immediately appeared in the air in front of him.

As soon as these cubes appeared, they immediately turned into shock waves of energy, like machine gun bullets fired intensively, blasting towards Sammy Draxler.

There was no look of fear on Sami Draxler's face. He immediately opened his mouth, and a dazzling light quickly appeared in his mouth, and a laser cannon with strong energy spurted out.

boom! ! !

The shock wave formed by the black and red cube collided hard with the blazing white laser cannon.

The battle between the two energies splashed out with huge aftermath. With them as the center, the village that was already in ruins was further damaged. As the earth trembled slightly, sand and rocks flew, and countless adobes, blades of grass, hedges... were knocked away into the distance.

The pale yellow sky spread like mist, covering the area where the two of them were.

Amidst the deafening loud noise, the dazzling bright light roared, and for a moment, it directly suppressed the winter sun. It seemed that a real sun had risen here again!

After a long period of time, the dust and mist finally faded a lot, and the strong light dissipated little by little. Spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground, and traces of burning spread evenly around the location where the two people were just now. The earth was burned with dark scars.

Sammy Draxler's head fell not far away. His breath was extremely weak at the moment, and gurgling blood was flowing from the fracture under his head.

Zhou Zhen fell down a few hundred meters away, and the path he was blown away was covered with dense numbers.

These figures squirmed like living creatures, and soon they all converged on Zhou Zhen again.

Zhou Zhen stood up little by little, still holding the strawberry lunch box in his hand. There were no wounds visible on his body made purely of numbers.

He took a deep breath, took a step forward, and instantly came to Sami Draxler's head again.

Sami Draxler's head had just been dealt the final blow. At this moment, his whole body was extremely weak and he had no power to resist.

Zhou Zhen looked at him without hesitation at all, and black and red cubes appeared in front of him again.

The cube turned into a storm-like shock wave, like a majestic torrent, hitting the only remaining head.

Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the continuous loud noises, the shock wave forced the head and the ground below it into a deep well.

The lingering sound dispersed, and the mud and sand at the bottom of the well flew up.

After a while, you can see through the dust that has not completely subsided, and you can see a broken head at the bottom of the well.

The flesh and blood half has been blasted into dregs, and the red and white mud is spread evenly on the mud like paint; the mechanical half is in pieces, and the originally silver-white metal is also being violently smeared. Under the bombardment, it turned into a coke-like color, and the broken parts were scattered everywhere, embedded in the moist soil.

Seeing that Sami Draxler was finally successfully dealt with, Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and looked in the direction behind him.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi looked at him warily.

The two sides looked at each other, and Zhou Zhen looked at the two villagers in front of him. Their temperaments were as unique as Sammy Draxler's, and they were definitely not aborigines here.

But unlike Sami Draxler's classical elegance, the two villagers in front of him looked very capable, and their silence was dignified.

This kind of charm is no stranger to Zhou Zhen.

Most likely they are official members.

The two villagers watched from the sidelines from beginning to end without any intention of taking action.

It was certain that the two villagers did not recognize him, and Zhou Zhen also had no intention of saying hello to each other. Just as he was about to put away his strawberry lunch box, a slender and graceful figure immediately ran over.

The nine-tailed fox still looked like a fox with fox ears, a fox tail, and a human body. She came to Zhou Zhen with bounding steps, without even looking at other people or things. She stared closely at the food in the lunch box in his hand. Braised pork.

Zhou Zhen frowned. In the middle of the fight, the nine-tailed fox suddenly stopped, and he probably forgot who the enemy was!

Thinking of this, he flipped his palm and the strawberry lunch box instantly turned into a pale skull.

Zhou Zhen put away his skull, then directly took the nine-tailed fox's hand and said calmly: Let's go!

With that said, he took the nine-tailed fox and walked directly towards the village chief's house.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi watched this scene quietly from a distance. It was not until Zhou Zhen and the Nine-tailed Fox left completely that Liao Yonghong said seriously: The 'Ash Order' actually sent two experimental subjects in.

One of the experimental subjects has 'digital rain' on him!

I'm just not sure whether the 'digital rain' on this experimental subject was there when he came in, or was it just acquired in this time and space?

Shao Yuzhi shook his head slowly and said with certainty: It was there when I came in!

“For this time and space, every one of us who successfully travels through time and space represents a drop of ‘digital rain’!”

That advanced civilization...

It will truly come to Earth soon!

Just one update.

What follows is one more update.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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