Ash Civilization

Chapter 273 Copy. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Under the gray light, simple thatched houses were scattered here and there. More and more villagers came out of the houses, carrying or carrying various farm tools that could be used as weapons.

Tap, tap, tap... Footsteps swarmed in more and more densely, and pairs of cold eyes were all locked on Zhou Zhen. The strong hostility seemed to be turning into reality.

Zhou Zhen stood motionless, looked at the old blacksmith, and asked coldly: Are you the actual person in charge of this village?

The old blacksmith didn't answer, he just raised his arm, pointed at Zhou Zhen, and said briefly: Up!

The next moment, many villagers rushed up like a tide.

A rake, a hoe, a sickle, a pole... they were waved around in a mess, and they were smashed towards Zhou Zhen.

Dense numbers, formulas, symbols, and graphics immediately appeared in front of Zhou Zhen's eyes... They were like invisible bridges, bridging the minds of him and these villagers. Then, a large number of mathematical problems seemed to begin. The roaring floodwaters poured into the minds of all the villagers.

Digital domain, [overfrequency interference]!

All the villagers who were rushing forward collectively paused, as if they were stuck robots.

But the next moment, they immediately regained consciousness and continued to grab farm tools and attack Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly, then opened his arms, and a dozen black and red cubes suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The moment these cubes appeared, they turned into powerful shock waves, roaring towards the villagers in front of them.

Digital domain, [Fusion Cube]!

Boom boom boom boom…

Amidst the deafening noise, energy waves rushed across the sky, plowing holes with distorted light in the air. Wherever they went, all kinds of matter were instantly burned out.

The villagers were blown to pieces in the blink of an eye, with their mutilated limbs scattered all over the ground. A head rolled along the mud a few times and stopped at Zhou Zhen's feet. There was still an undisguised look in his eyes as his expression quickly dissipated. Blank hostility.

Several thatched houses near and far were also affected. The adobes rustled down and the thatched grass turned into nothingness.

However, there were a lot of villagers, and soon more villagers rushed up from a distance and rushed towards Zhou Zhen fearlessly. With the hoes and rakes in their hands, they smashed them down with the sound of the whistling wind. .

Gurgling blood suddenly appeared at Zhou Zhen's feet. The blood appeared suddenly and spread faster. In the blink of an eye, the nearby area was turned into a bloody swamp.

All the villagers who entered the bloody area were immediately forced to slow down greatly, like small bugs caught in a spider web. Although they struggled hard, every movement was still as slow as a slow-motion movie. Just wanting to take a step forward requires a lot more effort than usual, and the speed, agility, and physical fitness are all declining rapidly.

Digital domain, [Crimson Trap]!

Immediately afterwards, black and red cubes appeared in front of Zhou Zhen again.

Boom boom boom...

The loud noises sounded again intensively, and the whole ground was shaking slightly.

A few seconds later, all the villagers who rushed up were slaughtered without even touching Zhou Zhen.

Among the dark thatched houses, only Zhou Zhen and the old blacksmith were left standing. The dirt floor around them was filled with villagers in ragged clothes.

The north wind howled and swept past, and the torn clothes were flapping in the wind.

Zhou Zhen turned his head slightly, looked at the old blacksmith, took one step forward, and was in front of him in an instant.


Zhou Zhen stretched out his right hand and put it on the old blacksmith's shoulder.

Just as the old blacksmith was about to raise a nail rake in his hand, a huge fear suddenly came over him, like an invisible shadow that suddenly enveloped his whole person.

In the old blacksmith's field of vision at this moment, Zhou Zhen in front of him was not a human at all!

The other party's body seemed thin and thin, but in fact it was slowly squirming all the time. The old blacksmith could not describe the terror and weirdness in words. The other party seemed to be the epitome of fear, the manifestation of the deepest fear in his heart, and like A terrifying existence beyond human imagination.

After just a glance, the old blacksmith seemed to be a frozen creature. He stood there upright, unable to speak, move, or think. It seemed that even his thinking had stagnated.

His mind was frightened, his body was stiff, and his mind was blank. There was nothing but fear. Thoughts of resistance, escape, and avoidance were completely unable to arise.

Digital domain, [zero distance fear]!

At this time, Zhou Zhen asked again: Are you the actual person in charge of this village?

The old blacksmith looked at Zhou Zhen with horrified eyes, opened his mouth, and his voice was trembling so much that he said, No, it's not...


Zhou Zhen frowned, and then asked: What on earth is going on in this village?

The old blacksmith looked even more frightened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. His lips moved, and he replied with great difficulty: Plague...plague...

As soon as these two words were spoken, the old blacksmith's head exploded like a firework with its fuse burned out!

boom! ! !

The gray-haired head of the old blacksmith exploded into a shower of blood on the spot. Red and white colors flew down, and the fishy-sweet smell was strong.

These flesh and blood residues suddenly floated and swam violently as they dispersed, like tiny pixels, turbulent and reorganized in the void, turning into a familiar scene.

In the bustling blacksmith shop, Zhou Zhen held a hammer in his left hand and pressed a skull on his right hand. The hammer had been raised into the air and was about to fall.

Ding ding ding…

The sound of hammering came one after another all around, and a shirtless villager pounded the material on the anvil without reservation.

The old blacksmith stood not far away, urging Zhou Zhen to start quickly with a stern tone.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhou Zhen suddenly came back to his senses, it was Huan!

He went back to the time when he first entered Yue's Blacksmith Shop!

Is there a [Mobius strip] like his in this village?



This seems... to be his own ring

This village copied his ring!

However, his current digital energy has not disappeared. This copied ring failed to reset his physical state and digital energy!

At this moment, the old blacksmith's gloomy voice came: Catch him!

Just like before, the surrounding villagers who were working hard on blacksmithing heard this sentence. Without any hesitation, they immediately grabbed all the nearby tools that could be used as weapons and threw them at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen turned around calmly, and a translucent energy barrier appeared in front of him, blocking all attacks.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward. After taking this step, he instantly appeared in front of the old blacksmith. This was the digital domain, [Plane Jump].

Zhou Zhen stretched out his palm, held down the old blacksmith's arm, and asked again: Has there ever been a plague in this village?

What kind of plague is it?

Is Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family, infected with the plague?

He suspected that the so-called plague was a digital virus!

However, just as Zhou Zhen finished asking, the old blacksmith's whole body exploded like a ripe watermelon hit by a punch.

Blood rained all over the sky.

At the same time, the villagers nearby who were forging iron fell down one after another like wheat during harvest.

Everything seemed to be a repeat of the scene just now.

The entire scene seemed like a sand tower collapsing, turning into a sky full of numbers, symbols, graphics, formulas...

The boundless pixels floated and reorganized. In the darkness, the space was closed. When the scene in front of him was fixed, Zhou Zhen found that he was once again lying in a thin-skinned coffin. Looking at the light, the coffin was full of bones.

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly, punched the coffin lid away again, and climbed out of the coffin.

He saw that the thin straw mats above his head blocked most of the skylight, plunging the spacious yard into gloomy gloom.

Far and near, there are thin-skinned coffins.

The compacted mud has been left unmaintained for a long time, and weeds have grown, mixed with sand and gravel, and puddles have accumulated.

Cold, decayed, and dead.

Zhou Zhen looked around and immediately used the digital domain [Plane Jump] to instantly appear outside the coffin shop.

A faded little flag, with the writing on it completely unclear, was stuck alone in the dirt.

There is no trace of the original village at this moment. The low thatched houses, simple earthen walls, bare hedges, bloated haystacks...all disappeared.

What appeared in front of Zhou Zhen was a series of grave mounds.

They all seemed to be the result of hasty work. They were about the same height and short. On the top of each tomb was a cube of adobe.

Pale yellow weeds grew freely on the graves. Many of the weeds were almost as high as the graves. They completely submerged the small soil bag and turned it into a flat field.

Looking into the distance, the grass is so thin that you can barely see the edge of this grave.

It was as if the entire village was a mass of tombs.

Zhou Zhen was wondering when everything around him collapsed again into a vast array of numbers, formulas, graphics... and then reorganized into a bustling blacksmith shop.

Ding ding ding... ding... ding ding...

The airtight sound of blacksmithing reached my ears, and the light from the fire illuminated the faces of the surrounding villagers as crimson as a persimmon.

This is the ring!

Zhou Zhen once again returned to the time when he first entered the blacksmith shop!

He snorted coldly. This time, before the old blacksmith could speak, he directly raised his right hand. In his right hand, the skull he originally held gradually transformed into a cute lunch box with a Q version of strawberry pattern printed on it that was incompatible with this era.

Zhou Zhen opened the lunch box, which contained nine squirming balls of unknown numbers.

He turned his wrist slightly, tilted the lunch box, and poured the nine unknown balls directly out of the lunch box...


The village chief's house.


The oil lamp suddenly began to burn rapidly, and in just a short moment, several lanterns exploded.

It made the originally dark room a little brighter, and also reflected the bottomless depth in Ji Li's opened eyes.

Seeing that Ji Li had woken up, Biaojuan was suddenly startled and hurriedly wanted to retreat.

However, at this moment, Ji Li suddenly stretched out his thin arm and gently took Biao Juan's hand.

The child's palm was as cold as a piece of ice. Just as the coldness touched the skin of Jiaojuan, a huge wave of fear suddenly surged in, completely engulfing Jiaojuan's mind in an instant.

Biaojuan seemed to have suddenly turned to stone. It remained motionless and ready to push away, unable to think of any resistance.

Ji Li slowly got up from the bed. His movements were a little weak at first, but in a blink of an eye, they returned to normal.

It was as if his originally sick body had become extremely healthy in an instant!

After getting up, Ji Li let go of Biaojuan's hand and walked out of the house with a clear goal.

Jiaojuan stared blankly at him as he left the back room. The moment Ji Li put down the curtain, she suddenly felt a sense of weakness coming from all over her body. She shuddered involuntarily and felt It was surprisingly cold in this back room.

Moreover, her strength seemed to have been drained away by something. At this moment, it felt very laborious just to stand.

The overwhelming fatigue came over her, and her eyelids seemed to be extremely heavy. She wished she could fall asleep right away.

Just as she was thinking about it, Jiaojuan discovered that she was already lying in a thin-skinned coffin at some point. Beside her, there were three villagers crowded together. From the looks of it, they were none other than Miandiao and her companions. He was motionless at the moment and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Above her face, the heavy coffin was closing little by little.


The deep night sky seemed like a thick curtain, floating quietly above.

The night is miserable.


The wooden door of the thatched house of the village chief's house was wide open. Ji Li quietly crossed the threshold and walked step by step towards the center of the yard.

Ta, tap, tap...

The footsteps were originally very light, but because of the silence of the night, they were particularly clear at this moment.

Every step he takes is clear and you can clearly hear the trajectory of his movements.

Ji Li walked leisurely until he reached the middle of the yard, not far away from the big persimmon tree by the pond.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, and then, like a machine, he turned his head little by little and looked around. It seemed that he found nothing in the yard, so he stopped moving forward, changed direction, and started again. Return to the thatched hut.

Ta, tap, tap... Not long after, Ji Li returned to the main hall of the thatched house. He did not go to the back room, but walked towards the kitchen.

Click... click... click...

As soon as I arrived at the door of the kitchen, I heard the sound of sharp teeth cutting flesh from inside. Blood also flowed out from the crack in the door, dripping into the main hall.


Ji Li pushed open the kitchen door and immediately saw a burly and strange figure, with his back to him, squatting in front of a cabinet made of adobe, his shoulders shaking slightly, as if he was chewing something.

The moonlight penetrated through the gap in the narrow window and shone on the figure's body, illuminating the thick black hair. They were like flowing water in the dark night, letting the cold wind blow in.

Ji Li walked into the kitchen and walked towards Ares step by step.

Ares didn't seem to notice anything and continued to eat the dog meat in his hand.

Blood mixed with flesh foam flowed down the corner of his increasingly ferocious mouth, dripping into the pool of blood in front of him. His twisted figure further expanded, and more and more parts of his body grew long black hair. , standing upright like steel needles.

Ji Li quickly walked behind Ares and suddenly reached out and took out a half-old rope.

This was the same twine used to tie the watchdog in the yard.

Ji Li shook his hand and immediately put the rope around Ares's neck.

Click... click... click... Ares continued to eat the raw dog meat, not noticing the change at all.

After some time, Ares swallowed the last piece of dog meat. On the cabinet in front of him, there was only a messy blood stain mixed with black and white dog hair.

Ares slowly straightened up. His appearance had changed drastically at this moment. His whole body was covered with thick long hair. His back and the outside of his limbs were covered with pure black long hair. However, his belly was covered with thick long hair. Moonlight-white hair, sharp fangs exposed in the long pointed mouth.

Ji Li immediately pulled the rope, as if to pull Ares out of the kitchen.

There are many monsters coming to the village, let's drive them away...

It’s too late for the second update before 24:00, so I’ll watch it tomorrow.

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