Ash Civilization

Chapter 268 The village chief’s house.

The thick mist was like layers of spider webs, densely covering the entire village.

The white mist covers the winter day, and the earthen walls, hedges, and huts... are looming in the mist, as if they are isolated islands under siege.

The black-clothed envoy and the observer were walking one step at a time on the solid mud. As soon as they reached the village chief's house, they immediately saw three ragged but agile villagers appearing in front of the village chief. Under the earthen wall of the family yard.

As soon as they stood firm, they immediately subconsciously formed a formation that could cover each other, and then started to move.

This iconic long-trained habit caused both the black-clothed messenger and the observers to immediately stop and look at the three villagers with fear.

The other party was three of the many official members who had just besieged them at the door of the blacksmith shop!

Although the official large force seems to be absent at the moment, these three ghosts also have one more combat capability than the two of them.

At present, no one has digital energy. Wherever there are more people, the side will be stronger!

What's more important is that these three official ghosts are also holding farm tools such as hoes and rakes.

At the same time, the three ghosts also noticed the black-clothed messenger and the observer. Their faces turned cold, but they did not go directly to take action. Instead, they quickly came to the courtyard door and pushed it open.


The courtyard door opens, revealing a spacious farmyard.

There is no fog blocking the view in the yard. Although it is large, it can be clearly seen.

It was empty inside, with not a single person in sight. The vegetable patch enclosed by a hedge was covered with straw, and a pastoral dog with black tops and white bottoms was tied to the door of the thatched house. It was lying on the ground, wagging its tail all the time. He seemed not to notice the approach of the stranger at all.

The persimmon tree beside the pond swayed in the cold wind. Occasionally, a small fragile branch broke off and fell into the water of the pond, causing ripples.

The branches that had lost all their leaves were gray, with not a single fruit on them, like a brush slightly dipped in ink, writing a cool note in the air with the sound of the wind.

Looking at this scene, the three ghosts were stunned. Where is Researcher Shao?

What about other colleagues?

Moreover, many things in the yard seem to have changed!

This is not the village chief’s house they just came out of!

We seem to have entered another space!

I don't know, but the two members of the illegal organization over there may know something. You can catch them and ask them.

Do it directly, don't give them a chance to escape!

As they spoke, the three ghosts all turned their heads and looked at the black messenger and the observer.

The messenger in black and the observer did not run away, but spread their legs and bowed slightly, assuming a fighting posture.

With two against three, they are now at a huge disadvantage!

But behind them are the four Nobuharu people who had their eyeballs gouged out. If they turn around and run away, they will probably run into them again!

More importantly, the space in this coffin shop is very strange.

The surrounding scenery looks exactly like the village outside, but in fact, no matter which direction you go, there is only one road.

Now, they seemed to be standing in the middle of alleys extending in all directions. They had many options to escape, but they couldn't escape at all!

The next moment, three ghosts took rakes, hoes, sickles and other agricultural tools and rushed directly towards the black messenger and observers.

The ghost on the far left was the fastest and appeared in front of the black messenger in the blink of an eye. The hoe in his hand was raised high and hit the black messenger's head hard.


The whistling sound of the hoe cutting through the air was heard. You can almost imagine that when this farm tool hits a human's head, it will be like hitting solid soil. Wherever the metal blade touches, it will fall apart!

The black-clothed messenger subconsciously wanted to dodge sideways, but without digital energy and without the use of his own well-tempered body, this newly entered body suffered from long-term malnutrition, heavy labor, hidden injuries, and incomparable speed. Slowly, seeing the hoe almost hitting his head, his body just started to move...


At the critical moment, the messenger in black raised his arms and crossed the wooden pole that blocked the hoe.

The sharp hoe tip was less than 1cm away from his head, and the cold light on it could almost touch his scalp from a distance, and a numbness of fear emitted from his entire forehead.

The black-clothed messenger's arms were also numb and painful from the shock, but he didn't care about it at all. The moment he held the hoe, he pushed his arms to the side and pushed the hoe away with all his strength. At the same time, he moved his center of gravity forward and slammed into the opponent. .

The opponent not only has a large number of people, but also has farm tools as weapons. They must not fight. They must get past these three ghosts and leave this place as soon as possible, just like the four Nobuharu and his party who had their eyes gouged out just now!

However, unlike Nobuharu and the four of them just now, this official ghost reacted extremely quickly even though he was not using his own body. He immediately whipped his leg and kicked the black-clothed messenger firmly in the abdomen.


A sharp pain came, and the black-clothed messenger suddenly felt a powerful force coming from him. He had no time to adjust his center of gravity and was kicked to the ground.

He took a deep breath, he was the Sixth Step!

If it were in normal time and space, he could deal with many members of this ordinary ghost team!

But now, no one has digital energy. The opponent just has an extra weapon, and he can't defeat any of them!

Ping ping ping pong... At this time, the observer was also knocked to the ground by the other two ghosts, curled up and fell to the open space next to the black messenger.

After easily dealing with the two of them, the ghost on the far left immediately asked in a cold voice: What is this place?

The messenger in black snorted coldly and replied in a cold tone: Coffin shop!

Coffin shop?

The three ghosts were suddenly startled. They climbed out of the earthen wall of the village chief's house. How could they be in the coffin shop right away?

Moreover, how could a coffin shop be like this?

Just as he was thinking about it, another figure walked out of the mist ahead.

The other party was dressed in khaki-brown, and his appearance and attire were almost exactly the same as those of ordinary villagers. However, every step he took was as precise as if measured with a ruler, and his behavior revealed an indescribable elegance, which was a bit different from his rough appearance. Out of place.

The three ghosts immediately looked at the villager. This walking movement and habit... he was a member of the Twelve Sages!

At the moment when these three ghosts were distracted, the messenger in black and the observer did not hesitate, suddenly stood up, jumped over the three ghosts, and rushed into the courtyard gate!

The ghosts frowned slightly and were about to catch up. The villagers in khaki-brown clothes also speeded up and rushed out of the fog. They seemed to want to pass by the three ghosts and enter the courtyard of the village chief's house.

Therefore, the three ghosts stopped and did not bother to chase the black-clothed messengers and observers. They directly picked up hoes, rakes, and sickles and greeted the villagers wearing khaki and brown.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The villager in khaki-brown clothes was immediately knocked to the ground. His trousers were wet and dripping with warm liquid. The skin and flesh at the wound were rolled up. It was an injury incised by a sickle. A bit of bone color was exposed inside, but his legs were almost gone. Interrupted.

The villager's face was expressionless, but the muscles on one side of his face were beating in small increments. His eyes were full of anger, and he seemed to be even more aggrieved than the black-clothed messenger just now.

However, before he could get angry, the ghost on the far left strode up and slapped him in the face!

Snapped! ! !

The crisp sound of hitting echoed in the mist.


What kind of place is this?! the ghost on the far left asked coldly, holding a hoe.

Looking at the weapons in the hands of the three ghosts, the villager in khaki and brown quickly suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: Coffin shop!

Coffin shop?

Or a coffin shop?

How is this going?

The three ghosts looked at each other, suddenly confused.

At this time, another figure appeared in the mist.

The figures that appeared this time were no longer one or two lonely people, but two men and two women, a total of four adult villagers.

Their hands were scattered all over the place, and they also held farm tools that could be used as weapons.

The three ghosts immediately turned to the four newly-appeared villagers. After taking a quick look, they all frowned.

The ghost on the far left asked in a deep voice: Who are you?

The leader of the four villagers spoke calmly: 'Four-dimensional Utopia'.

After the words fell, the four people all adjusted the angles and orientations of the farm tools in their hands and got ready for battle.

Upon seeing this, the villagers in khaki-brown clothes seized the opportunity, immediately accelerated suddenly, rushed past the location of the three ghosts desperately, and limped away towards the courtyard of the village chief's house.

The three ghosts paid no attention to the members of the Twelve Sages, but stared intently at the four members of the Fourth Dimensional Utopia.

Ta, tap, tap...

Unified footsteps fell on the dirt, as if there was only one person walking.

The members of Fourth Dimensional Utopia raised various farm tools and quickly approached the three ghosts.

The distance between the two sides is getting shorter and shorter, and soon they will be fighting hand to hand...

At this moment, another strange shadow quietly appeared in the mist not far away.

Before the other party was completely out of the mist, a fishy-sweet smell came out.

Ares was walking swaggeringly. His shorts, which had faded to moon-white, were now spattered with blood. The blood stains that had not yet completely dried dripped down the hem of his clothes and fell to the ground. There were also a lot of blurred stains on the skirts and cuffs of his clothes. The minced meat, which belonged to others or his own, exuded a strong smell of blood.

As Ares walked out of the mist, everyone standing outside the village chief's home immediately saw a spherical bulge emerging from his exposed skin and body hidden under his thin clothes.

There seemed to be something swimming quickly inside, trying to break out of his body.

Ares exudes an extremely dangerous aura, which makes the official Ghost and the people in Fourth Dimension Utopia feel a kind of instinctive fright. It seems to be an ancient memory hidden deep in the genes, reminding Ask them to stay away immediately.

Ares also saw the people outside the courtyard gate. He suddenly grinned and laughed hehehehe. His expression was very strange and looked very abnormal.

All the eyes of the three official ghosts and the people of Fourth Dimensional Utopia were looking at him momentarily at this moment.

Digital energy!

This is a compatible person who has recovered some of his digital energy!

Realizing this, everyone present frowned.

The ghost on the far left didn't hesitate at all and immediately whispered: Let's go!

As soon as the words fell, the three ghosts didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and retreated towards the courtyard of the village chief's house.

The people in Fourth Dimensional Utopia also did not dare to neglect, and immediately retreated towards the courtyard of the village chief's house.

The God of War walked leisurely, with a clear goal, and he was also the village chief's family.

He wants to kill everyone in the village chief's family!


In the courtyard of the village chief's house, the north wind howled, and a few fruits on the top of the persimmon tree swayed in the wind, drawing a flame-like arc from time to time.

Shao Yuzhi was surrounded by the remaining ghost members in the middle of the crowd, listening intently to the goings on around him.

There was silence in the thatched house. 107 and 086 were guarding the door of the kitchen and the door of the thatched house respectively. The two ghost members still maintained the observation action. Although they were both within sight, they seemed to be in separate separate areas. In the space, I couldn't hear their reminder at all.

After the three ghosts 152, 118 and 169 climbed over the wall and went out, they waited patiently for a while, but the courtyard door never opened. The ghost wearing straw sandals standing next to Shao Yuzhi immediately shouted to the door: No. 152! No. 118! No. 120!

After shouting several times in succession, there was deathly silence outside the door, with no response.

The ghost wearing straw sandals frowned, looked at Shao Yuzhi and said, Researcher Shao, something may have happened to the three people on No. 152!

Shao Yuzhi shook his head slightly and replied calmly: 152, 118 and 169, it may not mean that something happened. It is also possible that we can't see the people who are 'observing' us, and we can't hear their voices either.

Having said this, Shao Yuzhi paused for a moment, then continued, However, nothing happened here. The three people who went out definitely did not complete the 'observation'.

“Based on the current clues, we should only be able to change from ‘observers’ to ‘observed’, but we cannot change from ‘observed’ to ‘observers’.”

Now, don't go out or enter the village chief's house.

We have to wait until someone else opens the courtyard door from the outside and completes this complete 'observation line'!

As he said that, Shao Yuzhi suddenly frowned. When they were at the blacksmith shop just now, they had a team of people sent to track down the two members of the illegal organization.

But when they left the blacksmith shop, they somehow forgot about that group of people...

Not only did they not arrange for anyone to wait for them nearby, they didn't even leave a password.

There is obviously a problem over there at the blacksmith shop!

Just as I was thinking about it, a creak sound suddenly came from the thatched house of the village chief's house.

Everyone's eyes instantly looked into the door of the thatched house!

Ghost No. 086, who was standing by the gate, also heard the noise. His muscles tightened suddenly, and he turned his head and looked at the curtain leading to the back room without blinking.

It seems like something is coming out of it...

Since the last time I had diarrhea, my low-grade fever and fatigue have not gone away until today, and my condition is very bad.

That’s it for today.

Feel sorry.

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