Ash Civilization

Chapter 254 Mutation. (First update! Please subscribe!)


Lu Xingkuan reacted immediately and hurriedly reached out to touch his eyes.

He grabbed hard around the eye sockets a few times, but couldn't find anything covering his eyes, so he touched inside his own eye sockets again, but they were empty.

His eyeballs are long gone!

Lu Xingkuan suddenly realized that the village chief's child, Ji Li, had stolen his eyeballs!

Master Lu, tell me everything about the situation you encountered there!

At this time, Zhou Zhen cheered up and said quickly, We lack information now.

If anything happens again, you may die here!

Hearing this, Lu Xingkuan gradually calmed down.

He has lived in a high-risk city all year round. Over the past few decades, he has encountered countless strange things, and his psychological quality is far stronger than that of ordinary compatible people.

In a flash of thought, Lu Xingkuan quickly replied: After the game of 'touching the blind man' was over, I immediately returned to the thatched hut where I first came here.

Moreover, it was already dawn, but the sky outside the thatched house turned into midnight again.

At first I thought it was a dream during the day, but then I thought about it, it probably wasn't.

I got up from the bed and found that the door of the thatched hut was open, and then I saw Ji Li from the village chief's house standing next to my bedside.

I escaped immediately.

After escaping outside the house, the original mist became thicker and thicker, and the vision became worse and worse.

I quickly became disoriented and couldn't see anything.

And then, you suddenly came over just now and patted me on the shoulder.

Zhou Zhen's eyelids were extremely heavy, and he wished he could just sleep here, but when he heard the messages the door is not closed and Ji Li from the village chief's house appeared at the bedside, he forced himself to stay awake again.

The situations Lu Xingkuan described were exactly the same as the dream he had at that time!

This must have a lot to do with the touch the blind man game!

If it was him who was caught at that time, the person who has lost his number now may not have a smooth road...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen felt that his mental state was getting worse and worse. He went out several times in a row and lacked food supplies, making him extremely sleepy.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath, tried to stay conscious, and asked again: Did you knock on other people's doors just now?

Lu Xingkuan shook his head and replied with certainty: No!


Zhou Zhen couldn't help but frown, and just as he was about to continue asking questions, Lu Xingkuan asked first, What did you find over there?

Zhou Zhen thought for a moment and immediately said: The 'touch the blind man' game I saw was when you were caught by the village chief's Ji Li.

Then the game ends immediately.

I wanted to see you, but I was stopped by several adults, so I had to go home with Shu Dou and Zhong Song.

On the way back, I realized something was wrong and wanted to escape, but I was grabbed by Shu Dou and Zhong Song and dragged into the mist.

After I woke up, I also appeared in the thatched house when I first came here.

The time outside the house also changed from daytime to midnight.

Then, in order to explore the village, I went out a few times and met you, Mr. Lu.

After hearing this, Lu Xingkuan was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly said: This place is not quite right.

Your situation is different from mine, but it's pretty much the same.

Day and night, one of them should be a dream!

Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly. He vaguely felt that he had grasped something key, but now he was too cold, tired, and hungry, and his mind was stagnant. Every turn seemed extremely difficult. He could not concentrate on thinking and thinking, and it was difficult to understand things clearly. logic.

So, Zhou Zhen quickly said: That's it for now, I'll go back first.

With that said, Zhou Zhen first took a few steps forward, crossed the road, then turned around and walked towards the place where he came from.

Zhou Zhen walked very fast, and this time, Lu Xingkuan did not appear directly in front of him again.

Soon, Zhou Zhen returned to the thatched house under the moonlight.

He walked in and just closed the wooden door. He didn't even have time to return to the floor in the corner. His eyelids seemed to be extremely heavy and he couldn't help but close them...


In the neatly planned village, in the southwest corner, in the spacious yard, tall persimmon trees sway slowly in the north wind.

The bright red fruits look like a Chinese painting under the gray winter sky.

Snap, snap, snap... By the pond under the tree, accompanied by Shu Tao's beating, Huanyi's movements echoed through the courtyard.

A few poultry murmured around her, and from time to time they dug at the wet mud beside the pond, found an earthworm, and immediately started a new round of fighting.

Main house.

The ajar door opened, and Chu Hu walked out with a frown on his face. His face was very serious, and he seemed to be worried. After going out, he looked up at the sky, and walked out of the yard directly. He didn't know where he went.

As soon as Chu Hu left, an extremely inconspicuous gray figure walked out from the corner behind the house. He was tall in this village and looked young. He was wearing shabby clothes and had obvious arm lines. It is the villager Suibai.

However, his consciousness at this moment has been replaced by the Snake Vulture of the Fourth-dimensional Utopia.

Just now, he and his companion Wen Xuque made an excuse to visit the village chief's sick young son, but they were rejected by the village chief's wife Shutao.

So now, he sneaked into this courtyard alone to inquire about the situation.

Originally, he wanted to climb in through the back window, which would be more concealed, but this thatched house was too low and the windows were too small, which did not provide enough space for him to pass.

The Snake Vulture stopped silently and flashed to the front door of the thatched house like a puff of smoke.

Chu Hu did not close the door when he left. The main room was clearly empty and empty. Although there was some movement in the kitchen, the people inside obviously did not pay attention to the situation outside.

Snake Vulture quickly ducked in.

There are three thatched houses in this village arranged in a row, all with similar layouts. Behind the main entrance is the main room, to the right of the main room is the kitchen, and there is a bedroom on the left and behind the main house. The whole house is in the shape of a convex.

Snake Vulture first checked the room on the left side of the main room. It was deserted, with no lights, and it felt very cold. There was also a layer of dust on the ground. It seemed that no one had lived in it for a while, although there were some rags piled in the corner. There was no one on the bed, but there was no one in the room. He immediately moved and came to the curtain at the back of the main room.

After listening attentively for a moment at the door, he noticed the light of the oil lamp coming from behind the curtain, and cautiously walked in.

As soon as he entered, his eyes quickly scanned the entire back room, and he quickly determined that except for the child lying on the bed, there was nothing special in the entire room.

This is a very ordinary bedroom in a backward village.

When he came to the village chief's house before, he had already heard that the village chief's youngest son was sick, or in the words of the villagers, suspected of being possessed by an evil spirit.

The child lying in front of him should be the protagonist who is currently being talked about in the village.

Of course, if it was really just an ordinary sick child, Snake Vulture would have no interest at all, but this is a time and space tunnel!

The sick child was probably infected with a digital virus!

Or, the other person's consciousness has been replaced by a compatible person who also came from the time and space tunnel, and the village chief's family mistakenly thought he was sick!

No matter what the situation is, he must investigate it carefully...

Thinking of this, Snake Vulture cautiously walked towards the bedside, intending to take a closer look at the child.

A child who looked to be only six or seven years old was lying on his back in the quilt. His skin was dark and a little dirty, which is unique to village children. He was very thin and looked weak. His eyes were covered for some reason. The black cloth firmly blocked the opponent's sight.

Snake Vulture quickly came to the bedside, lowered his head and looked at it for a moment, and made sure that the child in front of him was sleeping soundly, so he stretched out his palm and touched the child's forehead.

Getting it is like a piece of ice.

The child's body temperature was very low, obviously abnormal, and he seemed to be really sick.

Snake Vulture was immediately disappointed, and saw that the child's eyes were covered with black cloth, so he opened the black cloth and wanted to check the child's pupils.

But at this moment, a biting cold wind suddenly blew behind him.

Snake Vulture immediately shuddered and turned around subconsciously. He immediately saw that the door he had just closed and the curtains he had lowered were all blown open by the cold wind. Standing in the back room, you could directly see part of the door. outside.

The sky, which had just been bright, turned dark and deep in just this short moment.

Day turned into night!

The house, which was originally made of bricks but neatly tidied up to protect it from wind and rain, was filled with various gaps at some time. Cold wind and moonlight could easily enter the house, illuminating the dilapidated and incomplete scene.

The oil lamps and cabinets disappeared. In this hugely changed adobe house, there was only a straw floor in the corner.

Snake Vulture suddenly frowned, knowing that something was wrong, and he was about to leave immediately, but as soon as his body moved, he suddenly found that he didn't know when, he was already lying on the bed.

The position of the curtain turned into an open wooden door, and the moonlight outside the door was like water, vast and vast.

A thin child's figure was standing at the head of the bed, looking at him with empty eyes.


Behind the village chief's house.

In the narrow alley, the village woman Dingfu, also known as Wen Xuque, was looking around calmly. The wooden hairpin she had originally inserted in her bun had disappeared. There were several wooden hairpins on the nearby muddy ground. The footprints moving back and forth were deliberately made to look for wooden hairpins and were used to respond to inquiries from passing villagers.

However, probably because most of the villagers were working in the fields during the day, this place was not an important traffic artery in the village. She had been staying here for a while and no one passed by, which saved her a lot of effort. .

Time passed little by little, and the Wenxuque originally thought that the Snake Vulture would come out soon, but after waiting and waiting, the Snake Vulture seemed to be missing, and there was no movement.

She leaned against the low wall and listened carefully. The yard was quiet. Except for the occasional sound of beating clothes in the distance and the crows of chickens, ducks and geese, everything was normal.

Wenxuque looked around again. In several nearby yards, the weather was also calm. The commotion of poultry could be heard from time to time. In addition, the howling of the north wind occasionally broke some branches and leaves and spread them all over the sky.

Checked repeatedly, nothing happened.

Wenxuque suddenly frowned, thought for a moment, then suddenly opened his mouth and imitated three chicken crows to remind Snake Vulture that it was time to come out!

However, after she finished learning how to crow, she waited for a while, but the Snake Vulture was still nowhere to be seen.

Wen Xuque immediately realized something was wrong, and without any hesitation, she quickly turned around and left.

Ta-ta-ta... She walked very quickly, passing through alleys, and soon returned to the original owner's home.

When opening the door, Wen Xuque quickly observed the marks left when he left, and made sure that no one had entered during the time he and Snake Eagle left. Then he opened the door and quickly walked into the house. .


As soon as she entered the door, she closed the door and leaned behind the door, taking a deep breath to adjust her condition. Her solemn face was full of lingering fears.

Snake Vulture should have been killed!

There is a big problem at the village chief’s house!

Next, you can no longer enter the village chief's house rashly, you have to find other members first...

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Wen Xuque came back to his senses, immediately adjusted his mood, turned around, and tried to peek out from the crack in the door. However, although the wooden door in front of him was made of pieces of firewood, which was very unsightly, it was very strong. There wasn't a crack, she couldn't see anything.

Wen Xuque calmed down and pretended to be nonchalant and shouted: Who is it?


At the same time, she reached down and pulled down the latch, opening the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a biting cold wind impatiently swept in, causing Wenxuque to shiver involuntarily.

There was no one or anything outside the door.

Wen Xuque was startled for a moment, and was immediately awakened by the knocking on the door one after another.

Dong dong dong...

Dong Dong...

Dong dong dong dong dong…

The door was obviously open, but the knocking on the door continued, and became more and more intense, with no intention of stopping.


The village chief's house, the kitchen.

The sound of washing and cooking pots stopped at some point.

Bo Gui sat cross-legged on a cabinet made of adobe, holding a half-cooked old hen in her hand and gnawing at it.

The grease mixed with chicken soup dripped into spots on her clothes, but she didn't care at all.

The unique smell of meat and fish echoed in the dim stove. The busy adults next to her all stared at her unblinkingly, their eyes dark.

Bo Gui didn't pay attention to other people's eyes at all, and ate the chicken as if nothing had happened. The bones made a click sound while chewing, and the food was very delicious.

At this time, a figure appeared at the door of the kitchen. The other person had a stern expression and gray hair. It was the village chief Chu Hu.

Seeing Chu Hu appear, the others immediately greeted very respectfully: Village Chief!

Chu Hu nodded slightly and looked at Bo Gui with cold eyes.

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